Silver Gods From the Sky
James P. Hogan
James P. Hogan
Science Fiction. 20109 words long. First published in Star Child, 1998
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The Gentle Giants of Ganymede g-2
James P. Hogan
James P. Hogan
Long before the world of the Ganymeans blew apart, millennia ago, the strange race of giants had vanished. All that remained of them was a wrecked ship, abandoned on a frozen moon of Jupiter. Now Earth's scientists were there, determined to ferret out the secret of the lost race. Then suddenly the Ganymeans returned, bringing with them answers that would alter all Mankind's knowledge of human origins . . .
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Worlds in Chaos
James P. Hogan
James P. Hogan
TWO EPIC NOVELS BY A NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR TOGETHER IN ONE VOLUME: Cradle of Saturn and The Legend That Was Earth. Earth is in danger from cosmic catastrophe and alien overlords. Two classic novels from a best-selling master of SF.Cradle of SaturnDiscoveries made by colonists on the moons of Saturn show that the Solar System has undergone repeated cataclysms and the last was only a few thousand years. This flies in the face of accepted scientific dogma, and is dismissed by Earth’s authorities—until the planet Jupiter suddenly emits a white-hot Earth-sized protoplanet that hurtles sunward on a collision course with Earth. The Legend That Was EarthThe alien Hyadeans have showered high-tech gifts on the population of Earth and are offering to make a paradise of the planet. But when wealthy socialite Roland Cade discovers the dark underbelly of the alien presence, and learns that his ex-wife is one of the so-called terrorists who are fighting against the alien takeover, he’s forced to choose sides. Soon, he’s caught up in a terrifying conflict that threatens the very existence of the Earth. About Cradle of Saturn:"Hogan’s clearly explained scientific hypotheses presents intriguing questions, and his characters are real and likable . . . the suspenseful plot will keep readers strapped in for this ride." —Publishers Weekly ". . . there’s no denying [Hogan’s] ability to tell a story. . . . The reader who felt that films such as Deep Impact, Armageddon and When Worlds Collide were for wimps might want to jump on this one." —Starlog About *The Legend That Was Earth:"Hard SF readers [will] appreciate Hogan’s energetic narrative, engaging characters and stirkingly real presentation of a plausible immediate future." —Publishers Weekly ". . . on the cutting edge of technology . . . Hogan’s talent carries the reader from peak to peak in the story." —Booklist ". . . fascinating notions and nonstop plot twists in a taut, gripping narrative." —Kirkus Reviews***
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Silver Shoes for a Princess
James P. Hogan
James P. Hogan
Science Fiction. 13972 words long. First published in Destinies Vol.1 #5, October 1979
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The Proteus Operation
James P. Hogan
James P. Hogan
SUMMARY:Utopia is achieved in the 21st century--until a group calling themselves "Overlord" build a time gate and go back in time to help Adolf Hitler win WW II. Now, only North America and Australia remain free. With smuggled technical information, an American time gate is built--code name "Proteus". As the final battle looms, a team leaps back to 1939. Their mission--stop Overlord before its agents can aid Hitler.
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Entoverse g-4
James P. Hogan
James P. Hogan
Human society on Jevlen was falling apart -- and it looked as if JEVEX, the immense super-computer that managed all Jevlenese affairs, was at the heart of the matter. Except that the problems didn't stop when JEVEX was shut down. People were changing -- or being changed. It was almost as if the Jevlenese were being possessed…Meanwhile, in a very different universe, where magic worked and nothing physical was predictable, holy men caught glimpses of another place, a place where the shape of objects remained unchanged by motion, and cause led directly and logically to effect. And the best part was that when the heart was pure, the mind was focused, and circumstances were right, some lucky souls could actually make the transition to that other universe. If only they all could…
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Mission to Minerva g-5
James P. Hogan
James P. Hogan
In Hogan's intriguing fifth SF novel in the series that began with Inherit the Stars (1978), Earth has reestablished contact with the Ganymeans, an alien race that manipulated proto-humans into homo sapiens on Minerva, a planet that once occupied the region of the present asteroid belt. After the Ganymeans migrated to the Giants' Star 20 light-years from Earth, a war on Minerva caused by intelligences from an alternate reality-one of an infinite number suggested by the Multiverse hypothesis-led to the planet's destruction. Now, several decades into the 21st century, people on Earth have developed a means of exploring these realities, including one in which Minerva still exists, and mount a rescue mission to prevent the war on Minerva. While the need to establish the backstory slows the book's first half, Hogan does an excellent job of extrapolating the science from current theories of quantum physics. The second half moves briskly and logically to a satisfying climax, though the villain is straight out of James Bond. Readers who like their science hard will find this one a diamond.
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