Horror Girls

Horror Girls

Jackson Dean Chase

Jackson Dean Chase

BEWARE! #1 bestselling author Jackson Dean Chase is taking you on a terror-tour of the forgotten, lonely places of this world: Cemeteries, Swamps, Forests, and Haunted Houses... perhaps even your house!Meet the monster who dwell within: Demons, Ghosts, Mutants, Psychos, and Vampires. All the hungry beasts who lurk just out of sight, waiting to devour and destroy. Meet them if you dare and they will strip the sanity from your soul!Perhaps you will fight them. Or maybe you'll love them until you are no better than a beast yourself. Either way, there is no escape.
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Writing Apocalypse and Survival

Writing Apocalypse and Survival

Jackson Dean Chase

Jackson Dean Chase

Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Story Secrets, from Novels to Screenplays Learn how to write post-apocalyptic science fiction and survival horror from USA TODAY bestselling author, Jackson Dean Chase. This dynamite book covers any type of apocalypse or disaster you want (on any scale), and any kind of enemy, from aliens to zombies. It includes 4 complete plot templates, tons of story ideas, and a step-by-step walkthrough to show you how the world ends. The 3 Stages of the Apocalypse broken down by what happens in each, what goods and services are available, what jobs are in demand, and escalating danger levels The 7 Steps to Survive every character must know, including surviving solo and in groups, the difference between a prepper and survivalist, etc. The 6 Types of Human Villains: Cults, Mad Max-style road warriors, Walking Dead-style tyrants, rogue military/law enforcement, maniacs, and traitors Hero and Villain Psychology and Character Arcs for the genre Androids, Cyborgs, and Robots perfect for your Robocop, Dystopian, Cyberpunk, and Terminator ideas Mutants and Killer Animals Every Possible Type of Zombie, from fast to slow, from demon-possessed to intelligent to controlled by aliens, even living "virus maniacs" like 28 Days Later and The Crazies Infected Characters, Zombified Characters, and Virus Transmission and Progression A Custom Zombie Builder to create unique enemies for your novel, short story, or script Dozens of CLEVER PLOT IDEAS, plus the one easy way to breathe new life into old ideas Survival Horror Tips and Tricks, including how to write victims and throwaway characters in a way to make your audience care Hundreds of Book, Movie and TV show recommendations to help you imagine the perfect apocalypse INCLUDES 4 COMPLETE PLOT TEMPLATES to inspire your creativity: 2 for disasters/apocalypses, 2 for the post-apocalypse world. Combine them to create new and interesting variations! Everyone loves to write about the end of the world because it's a fear we all have. Post-Apocalyptic fiction is a hot genre, and this fun guide helps you hook readers and sell more books! NOTE: The Ultimate Author's Guide to Writing Apocalypse and Survival was previously released as *How to Write Realistic Zombies and Post-Apocalyptic Fiction*. This "ultimate" edition has been extensively revised and expanded with exciting new content. **About the Author Jackson Dean Chase is a USA TODAY bestselling author and award-winning poet. His fiction has been praised as "irresistible" in Buzzfeed and "diligently crafted" in The Huffington Post. Jackson's books on writing fiction have helped thousands of authors.
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