The Book of Luke, page 6

“I’m going to need you to disappear.”
Luke was shocked for a moment. “She fell for that?”
Matt ran up the stairs. “I’m going to take a shower. Be gone by the time I come back down.”
Damn, Luke thought as he watched his smiling brother running up the stairs. He actually had a woman coming over. The last thing Luke wanted to do was block any action coming his brother’s way. He went downstairs and took pictures of the area. He needed Adam to examine them for his escape plan for Matt’s place, he then left the house.
It was still pretty early by the time he returned to his condo. He pulled out the lasagna Diamond had prepared and placed it in the oven, then called his mother.
“Hello Luke, are you coming over for dinner?”
“Why does everyone want to feed me?” Luke laughed. “No, Diamond gave me a pan of lasagna. I’m about to eat some now.”
“You should invite Matt over and share it with him.”
“Matt is going to be busy tonight. He met someone today.”
“A woman?” His mother asked excitedly.
“Yes, he said he thinks she is the one.”
Sally gasped. “Really? Is he cooking?”
“He said something about throwing some steaks on the grill. But he may need some help.”
“I’m going to call him right now to see if he needs my help.”
“If he says no, give him his space. I think he needs something special in his life right now.”
“Did you two talk?”
“We did and it’s time for Matt to have some excitement in his life. After listening to him talk to her, I think it’s about to happen.”
Luke disconnected the call from his mother, then sat down at his island. He looked around at the quiet house and wondered if that excitement would ever happen to him.
Chapter 8
The lesson of the week for Luke was simple. Be careful what you wish for. Luke was thrilled to see Matt and Leah getting close. When Matt asked him to help him with a surprise for Leah, Luke thought it would be a perfect opportunity to show his love for his brother and a chance to get to know Terry.
He dialed the number she had given him. “Terry, hi. It’s Luke Lassiter.”
“Hello Luke, how are you?”
“Wonderful now that I hear your voice.” Luke smiled.
“That charm is going to get you into trouble.”
“Yes, it will, but not today. Today I actually need your help with something.”
“And what would that be?”
“You know Leah pretty well, right?”
“She’s been my best friend all through school, why?”
“Matt has a surprise he wants me to help with for Leah. I thought it was something you and I could work on together. Here’s the thing. He wants it ready before the game today.”
Luke and his brothers had agreed to play a charity game against Matt’s team to raise money for students to participate in a local science fair. Terry had been instrumental in setting up the publicity for the game. She left no stone unturned by using social media to spread the word.
“The game is right after school and it’s sold out. We even have a request for local media coverage. I’m not sure how I can help.” Terry replied.
“Are you free to meet me for lunch? I promise to have you back at the school within an hour.”
“That’s going to be a tight fit, Luke.”
“I’m a beast at tight fits. Trust me.” He smiled. “I’ll pick you up at noon.”
“All right. See you then.”
Luke disconnected the call smiling. He placed a call to the number Matt had given him. “Hello, I’m looking for a,” he glanced at the paper he had gotten from his brother, “a F550 party bus that can seat up to 26 passengers. Do you have one on the lot?” He smiled as he listened. “You have several. That is great. Do you have someone who can show them to me around noon today?”
As promised, Luke picked up Terry to take a look at the bus.
“She is going to freak,” Terry said as she walked through the bus. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted something like this for her.” She took a seat and began to tear up. “This is going to change her life.”
“I don’t know Leah, but she’s brought happiness into Matt’s life. For that I owe her.” Luke said as he glanced around.
Terry wiped a tear from her cheek. “You love your brother, don’t you?”
“More than life. My family is the world to me,” Luke lowered his eyes to her. “I’m the man I am because of them.”
“And what kind of man is that?” Terry raised an eyebrow.
Luke tilted his head. “I’m a good person, I think.”
“A good person who gets around,” Terry smirked.
Luke smiled. “I’m a single man who enjoys life.”
“And women.”
“Yes,” Luke laughed. “I do enjoy women. But I’d like to believe when I meet that special one, I will fall just as hard as Matt.”
“You think he has really fallen for Leah?”
Luke laughed. “That is an understatement. I’m sure he is ready to fill that five-bedroom house with Leah and as many children as possible.”
Terry laughed. “Is that something you’re looking to do?”
“When the right woman comes along,” Luke nodded. “Definitely.”
The two held each other’s eyes for a long moment until the salesman cleared his throat. “Will this work for you Mr. Lassiter?”
Luke raised an eyebrow to Terry. “Will this work?”
Terry stood and nodded. “This will work.”
Luke turned to the salesman. “We’ll take two. One to be delivered today and the other later.”
“Very well. I will get that paperwork started,” the excited salesman quickly exited the bus.
Terry smiled at Luke. “You don’t waste any time do you?”
“Not when it’s something that meets my requirements.”
“Do you move that fast with women?”
“That depends,” Luke helped her step down from the bus.
“If the woman is someone to pass my time, or someone I want permanently in my life. With that person I would have to take my time to build a good foundation that will stand the test of time.”
“Whew…that was smooth Mr. Lassiter. Very smooth. That may earn you a dinner date.”
“Tonight, after the game,” Luke suggested.
“How can I refuse? It’s a date.”
“I’ll take it easy on your boys to reserve my energy for tonight,” Luke winked as they followed the salesman inside the showroom.
After turning all the paperwork over to Timothy to handle, Luke returned to the school with Terry. Luke liked the banter they shared on the ride back. He met up with his brothers to prepare for what he thought would be an easy game.
By the end of the game, while the boys ran into the locker room, the Lassiter men eased their way to the sidelines. Luke did what he could to refrain from laughing at his brothers.
“Babe, I can’t do this anymore.” Joshua put his arm around his wife Roc’s shoulders.
“Those bad boys beat up on you?” she asked sympathetically.
“Yes, babe, they did. Are you going to kiss my boo boo?”
Roc puckered her lips. “Yes, I am going to cure all your boo boos,” she said as they walked off the field.
“Samuel Lassiter, if you hurt my baby making machine, I am going to be very angry.” Cynthia smiled at her husband.
“No worries, my princess.” Samuel smiled as he took her hand. “All the crown jewels are in the safe.”
“I thought you didn’t want any more babies,” Phire questioned.
Cynthia looked back over her shoulders. “I still need the equipment to work.”
Timothy and Adam glanced at each other as they watched their older brothers leave the field.
“Must be the age thing,” Timothy laughed as he put his arms around Denise.
“I could go for another game,” Adam joined in as he took Amber’s hand in his.
Leah and Terry joined Matt and Luke on the sideline.
“Interesting family you have,” Leah said to Matt.
“One day you are going to love them as much as I do.” Matt wiped the sweat from his face, then leaned over to kiss her.
“Do you have a few minutes to help a brother in need?” Luke asked Terry.
“That depends on what it is that you need,” Terry replied.
“At the moment, a listening ear.”
“I can do that,” Terry replied.
The two walked off talking as Matt and Leah watched.
“Do you think she suspects anything?” Luke asked as he and Terry hurried towards the bus.
“Nothing,” Terry laughed. “She’s clueless. I can’t wait until she sees this. She is going to freak.”
“Good. That’s the reaction Matt wants.” Luke pulled out the keys then pushed a button on the fob to open the doors. The family had gathered outside waiting to see the surprise themselves.
“Oh my goodness, this is luxurious,” Sally said as she stepped inside.
“This is about the size of our first apartment,” Opal glanced around.
“So this is how the other half travels,” Timothy laughed.
“We are going to add a few bells and whistles,” Adam said as they all took seats.
“You did good, Luke,” Joshua nodded as he looked around.
“This is a real party bus,” Phire smiled, then jokingly punched Luke in the arm. “This is going to get Matt a lot of loving. That’s for sure.”
“Phire,” Sally warned.
“I’m just saying, Luke, you did good.”
“Right, “Luke nodded. “Shh, here they come. Everybody, grab a seat.”
Everyone sat quietly as Matt stuck his head inside.
Luke watched on. Leah was genuinely surprised. He could not count the number of times he had watched his teammates surprise their girlfriends that had a ‘this is it’ look in their eyes as a gift was presented. Luke did not see that with Leah. He watched real tears appear in her eyes as she walked down the center aisle taking it all in. Luke smiled. Matt had picked a good one just as he thought and he could not be happier for his brother. She looked at Terry, who shook her head then pointed to Matt.
“Time to put that business plan into action.” Terry smiled. Then turned back to Luke. “You really did good,” she kissed his cheek.
“Who in the hell is she and why are her lips on you?”
Luke looked out the door of the bus to see Clovia standing at the entrance with a camera crew.
“Clovia? What are you doing here?”
“We came to cover the game,” she replied. “I wasn’t aware your charity extended in other ways.”
“Charity?” Terry raised an eyebrow. “Do I look like a charity case to you?”
Clovia looked her up and down. “That would be a yes.”
“Whoa.” Opal stood, as did Phire, Ruby and Leah.
“Excuse you,” Leah looked over Luke’s shoulder.
Luke stepped down off the bus. “Clovia, what the hell?”
“You know her?” Terry glared at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Excuse me for a moment,” Luke replied then turned back to Clovia. “I know her, but have no idea why she thinks it is okay to question me.”
“I came to support your cause. I wanted to surprise you with some good coverage.” Clovia hissed.
“Surprise,” said his sister Phire who was standing in the door of the bus with her other sisters looking on.
“How many women do you have on that bus, Luke?”
Luke glared at her. “This is not the time or place Clovia. This is a family gathering.”
“Is she family?”
“She was invited, you were not. Why would you think this was okay?”
“Good question, Luke,” Terry put her arms across her chest and glared at him. “Why would she?”
“Terry, I have no idea,” Luke shook his head at her then glared at Clovia.
“Remember those messy situations I mentioned. This is it.” Terry said as she turned to walk away.
Not sure what in the hell was happening Luke turned to follow Terry. “Terry wait,” Luke called out as he started to walk after her.
“Luke,” Clovia grabbed his arm. “Wait a minute.”
“Oh no, no, no, no,” Phire exclaimed as she, Opal, Ruby, and Diamond rushed off of the bus, followed by Leah, Roc and Cynthia.
“No one puts their hands on our brothers.” Opal added.
Luke turned back to step between his sisters and Clovia. “Wait, Phire, Opal, no.”
“OH…MY….GOD, you are one of those Lassiters?”
Everyone stopped to see Trish walking towards Luke.
“Trish?” Diamond raised an eyebrow then looked at Luke.
Terry and Leah stopped and turned back to see who the new woman was talking to.
Luke’s head snapped around from Terry to Trish.
“Trish? What are you doing here?”
“Oh, you know her too?” Terry smirked as she shook her head. “Messy, Lassiter, messy.”
“No, not messy,” Luke walked towards Terry.
“Luke, don’t leave me here with these crazy women,” Clovia cried out as she clung to his arm.
Phire grabbed Clovia’s arm. “Hands off my brother.”
Clovia swung around almost hitting Phire. Opal reached out to grab the woman, but Luke wrapped his body around Clovia to keep his sisters from reaching her.
He looked over to the bus to see his brothers leaning against it watching the action. “Can I get a hand over here?”
“Use some of your smooth words on them, Luke,” Matt chuckled.
“You’re the man with the moves on the field,” Timothy laughed. “Dip and dodge.”
“You can handle these 3 women, right?” Joshua added.
“You want me to zap them once?” Adam asked.
“No,” Amber quickly yelled out from the bus.
“Are all of you Lassiters?” Trish asked as the commotion was getting more attention.
“What’s it to you?” Opal walked towards her. “Do you need a reminder on who not to touch?”
“No,” Trish threw her hands up as she backed away. “I don’t need anything. I had no idea he was your brother.” She then looked at Terry. “If you know what’s good for you, I suggest you turn and walk away, girl.” She looked at Opal, “Fine or not, they are not worth that ass kicking.” Then she looked at Luke. “As for you, forget my number.” She swiftly turned and switched away.
Leah glanced at Terry, “You’re my girl. What do you want to do?”
“I’m good. Go to your man,” Terry hugged Leah. “We’ll talk later.”
Terry glanced at Luke, shook her head then walked away.
“Terry,” Luke called out. “This isn’t…”
She cut him off. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t do messy.” She said then walked away.
Luke glared down at Clovia. “What in the hell are you doing here?”
“Everybody off the bus,” Joe ordered.
“Luke, take your young lady on the bus to talk in private,” Sally stated.
“I don’t need to talk in private,” Clovia hissed. “I thought we had an understanding, Luke.”
“Ooooh, no you didn’t speak to Sally like that,” Phire huffed.
“Excuse you,” Sally stepped between Luke and Clovia. “This man you are upset with is my son.”
“Then you should have raised him to be a better man.”
“Now wait a minute…” Ruby stepped forward. Joe held his hand in front of her as Sally stepped closer to Clovia.
“Every one of my sons are gentlemen who know how to recognize women who are not worthy. For your sake I’m going to allow Luke to handle you, for I am certain you do not want a piece of me. We are Lassiters and we do not act up in public.”
“Well, we kind of do sometimes,” Phire stated.
Sally turned back to glare at her.
“I’m just saying,” Phire eased back.
Sally turned back to Clovia. “If you wish to speak with my son, he will be on the bus.”
“Luke, get on the bus,” Joe ordered.
Luke shook his head. “No, Pop. I don’t need to speak with Clovia in private. Anyone who speaks to my mother with disrespect does not deserve a private audience with me. Everyone should hear what I have to say.” He stepped closer to Clovia. “Listen carefully, Clovia. I am not interested in you. The assistance I gave to you I would have done for anyone. You are nothing special in my world. There may be a man out there for you. It is not me. As of now, your request for interviews will be denied. If you continue to pursue me, I will contact the network and advise them of why they will no longer be granted access to me.”
“Why, Luke? What is so wrong with me?”
“You are a privileged little princess who thinks you should have who and what you want without any regards to their feelings. That is not the type of woman I want in my life.”
“That is not what you said the other night when you called. Or was that just to keep me from suing your security team.”
“No, that was to salvage your pride. You were in the wrong then just as you are now. I’m done.” Luke turned to see his family had surrounded them to keep outsiders from seeing what was happening. Once he had his say, they made a path for him to walk through then closed the circle.
“We will be happy to show you to your car,” Opal stated.
“No, I’ll show her,” Trish ran through the circle and pulled Clovia out. “I don’t know you, but you don’t want none of that.” She was pulling Clovia with her as she walked. “Where is your car? I’m going to have to save you from yourself.”
Diamond smiled. “See, Opal she is getting better.”