The Book of Luke, page 19

“I’ve showed her in many ways,” Luke exhaled. “I’m not sure if she is ready to hear that I love her.”
The men all paused…again.
“Whoa,” Matt smiled, then walked over to stand next to Luke. “So, the playboy is clearing out your call list?”
“Threw it out in January,” Luke smirked.
“Wow, another Lassiter bites the dust,” Devin smiled.
“Luke,” Slay called out.
Seeing the pissed off look on her face, Luke walked over to talk to her. “What’s up?”
“There’s a woman at the gate claiming to be Sasha’s mother. I don’t think we should let her in.”
“Why? What is she doing?”
“Acting like a bitch,” Slay replied. “It’s taking all my willpower not to let Tank take her ass out.”
“Let me take a look.”
Slay held up her tablet that showed the activity at the front gate.
Luke raised an eyebrow. “That’s Sasha’s mother?”
“Whoa, they could be sisters,” Matt said from over Luke’s shoulder.
“How old is she?” Grant asked.
“Forty-Nine,” Adam replied. “Doesn’t look a day over 30.”
They all turned to look over at him. He had not moved from his seat, but no one asked how he knew what she looked like.
“Monique anticipated that sooner or later, Sasha’s mother was going to make an appearance.” Joshua explained. “She asked us to be on the lookout for her.”
“Well, she’s here now,” Luke exhaled. “Bring her to the front.” He removed his chef’s hat he had been sporting all day. “I better prepare Sasha.”
Luke walked into the kitchen.
“Luke taste this,” Ruby pushed a spoon of potato salad into his mouth.
Luke threw his hand up to keep the food from falling from his mouth. “Mmm, that’s good,” he tried to rush by her.
“It’s not as good as this,” Diamond shoved a deviled egg into his mouth.
“That’s good too,” he said as he took Sasha’s hand to pull her from the stool. “Let me talk to you for a minute.”
Taking her hand, he guided her away from the kitchen into the foyer.
“Your family is a trip,” Sasha laughed. “I think your mother is going to get pregnant again now that all of her children are out of the house. But you know what, I could learn a thing or two from her about sex. I mean she is a riot.”
Her back was to the door when it opened. As soon as she heard the voice the smile on her face dropped. She turned towards the open door.
“Well what have you lucked up on baby girl,” Stephanie glanced around the foyer of the house. Sasha was stunned. “How in the hell did you find me?”
“GPS girl,” Stephanie replied. “This looks like a freakin’ mansion. Now, I know drug money is good, but it ain’t this good.”
Luke frowned, but stayed calm. “Umm, this is our home.”
Sasha’s head snapped up to look at him. Did he just say our home?
“Hey, I know you. You are that football player they call…” she thought then snapped her fingers, “Earthquake,” Stephanie smirked. “Yeah, I’ve seen you in pictures with those internet hoes.” She glanced at Sasha. “This is the man who has you talking to me like you have lost your mind, huh?”
“Mother,” Sasha cleared her throat and took in a deep breath. “This is Luke Lassiter. Luke, my mother Stephanie Coles.”
Luke instantly disliked the woman. He extended his hand. “Hello Ms. Coles.”
“Hmm, you are a piece of meat, damn. A little too dark for my taste, but I see why Sasha might give it up for you.”
Sasha cleared her throat. “This is Luke’s family,” she turned Stephanie around to see the other people standing in the kitchen.
All of the women from the kitchen and men from the patio stepped into the room. Sasha felt her heart sink.
“Oh, looks like you all have a party going on,” she glanced at Sasha, “and I wasn’t invited.”
“We haven’t talked to you to invite you to anything.” Sasha replied softly. “We can discuss that more later.”
“Oh, you don’t want me to embarrass you in front of his people. I get where you are coming from.”
“Do you?” Phire asked. “You’re not embarrassing Sasha. You’re embarrassing yourself.”
“Excuse you, Ms. Thang.”
“Phire, respect your elders,” Sally cautioned.
“When she earns it,” Phire replied.
“Phire.” Joe spoke from the doorway.
“Whoa, man are you a big one,” Stephanie looked at all the men standing behind him. “You have them up in here all ages of fitness,” Stephanie smiled at Joe.
All of the daughters and daughters-in-law went to stand next to their men.
Sally eased off of her stool. “Ms. Coles. I’m Sally Lassiter, mother to Luke and wife, to Joe.” There was a bit of a tone in her voice as she pointed to Joe. She extended her hand to Stephanie, then held on to it as she guided Stephanie away from Sasha. “Welcome to our July 4th cookout. Let me introduce you to everyone.”
Sasha was frozen in place. She closed her eyes and dropped her head in shame. Just a few minutes ago she was enjoying good food and crazy conversation with the family and now this.
“Hold your head up. She is no reflection on you,” Luke whispered in her ear.
“Oh my god, Luke. I am so sorry. I should have called her back or something this morning.” Sasha exhaled.
“You don’t have anything to apologize for,” Cynthia said as she side eyed the woman. “I have a mother just like her.”
“You want us to take her out?” Opal asked.
“Hmm,” Denise looked at Timothy. “Tyrone Pendleton would know how to handle a woman like that. Maybe Luke should give him a call.”
Timothy glanced at his wife. “I may mention that to him at some point.”
“Joshua could too,” Roc added.
“Yeah, but the woman would never be seen again,” Theo whispered.
“At the look of things, that may not be a bad thing.” Matt huffed.
“Listen,” Leah came to stand next to Sasha. “I have a father just like her. Maybe we should introduce them. Looks like they may deserve each other.” She shoved a spoon of the shrimp salad into Sasha’s mouth.
“Mmm,” Sasha looked up at her. “That’s good.”
“Good enough to make you forget she is here.” Leah winked at Luke.
Luke smiled as he squeezed Sasha’s shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.”
Sasha wanted to smile at everyone coming to her defense. As a loner, she never really had anyone to cover her back. It was nice. “We should call Al and warn him before he gets here,” Sasha said.
“Too late for that,” Joshua said as he nodded towards the door.
The door opened. The Day family walked in.
“Hey, we have a couple of trays of rolls in the car,” Ryan said as she entered with the baby.
“Lena and John brought the drinks to add to what you have,” Al said as he walked in behind her. When no one replied he looked up. “What’s wrong?”
Luke took the package from his hand. “Ryan, Roc is upstairs with the baby. Jade will you show Ryan the way?”
“No, I want to stay,” Jade shook her head.
“What’s going on?” Al asked again.
“We have an unexpected guest,” Luke replied as he passed the bags to Ruby.
“Al, I’m sorry.” Sasha exhaled, thinking the day could not be getting worse.
Kaylan, and her parents walked in the door, with Lena and John behind them.
“Well, I’ll be damn. If it isn’t the drug dealer and no good ass mother.” Stephanie hissed. “I never thought I would see the day that you two would be anywhere together.”
Lena looked around. “Well…if it ain’t whoreletta in the flesh. What drove you out of the garbage can?”
“Oh shit,” Sasha exclaimed as another couple walked in the door that she did not recognize. Hell not only was she getting embarrassed in front of Luke’s family, but strangers as well.
She made her way to where her mother was standing with Sally.
“Stephanie, this is not the place or time,” Al stated as he glanced at Sasha. “Did you invite her?”
Sasha shook her head. “It’s the first time I’ve seen her in a while, though.” She hoped the fake smile would ease the tension in the room a little.
Lena gave the bags she was holding to John.
“I see you still raking in the men,” Stephanie smirked. “This one is a little old for you isn’t he?”
“Be careful, whoreletta, that is my husband you are talking about.”
“Somebody married you? Hell there is redeeming hope for us all.”
“Ladies, we are in someone’s home,” Ryan exhaled. “Let’s try to be cordial.”
“Who in the hell are you?” Stephanie asked.
“Morgan,” Al cautioned.
Ryan placed the baby in Kaylan’s arms as she walked over to Stephanie.
“Hey, you’re wearing your boots again,” Phire smiled.
“Yes, and they are ready to kick ass if need be.” Ryan stared at Stephanie. “You must be Sasha’s mother.”
“I am.”
“I’m Al’s wife. My name is Ryan.”
“Morgan,” Al corrected.
“Ryan Morgan. I am sure Sasha is happy to see you after such a long break.”
“What’s it to you?”
Ryan looked back at Al, then at Lena.
“Nope, I get first dibs on the ass,” Lena smirked.
“Lena, I have a heart condition,” John joked. “Can we get these things in the kitchen?” He held up some bags.
Al walked over to Stephanie. “We are not going to disrespect this man’s home. Let’s take this to another room.”
“I ain’t going nowhere with you.”
“Tucker,” Al nodded.
Sasha watched as the tall man who walked in with a woman, stepped forward. She had to smile despite the situation. Monique had spoken of Tucker many times, but this was her first time ever seeing the man.
“Oh your whipping boy is still around.” She stepped in Tucker’s face. “They didn’t put you in jail for killing that man with a frying pan yet?”
Genesis stepped between them. “I don’t know who in the hell you are, but you better step your stank ass out of my man’s face.”
“Whoa. Hold up,” Sasha stepped in. “Let’s everybody take a breath.”
The room quieted down. “Everyone, this is my mother, Stephanie. She doesn’t mean anybody any harm. She’s a little upset with me.”
“I don’t need you explaining my behavior to these people.” Stephanie squinted her eyes as she looked around. “I know dirt on every one of them.” She glared at Al. “I even know where the bodies are buried.”
Tank walked up beside Stephanie, pulled out a device then pressed it against her back.
Stephanie’s body fell to the floor.
“Oops, did I do that?” Tank said as she put her weapon away.
“Tank, what did you do?” Sasha knelt down next to her mother. “Luke help me get her up.”
Luke would rather let her stay on the floor. However, Sasha was upset and he did not like that. He picked up the woman and walked towards the yard.
“Where are you taking her?”
“To the trash, I hope,” Lena chuckled.
“To the guest house,” Luke frowned at her.
“Can we put her in one of the bedrooms upstairs?” Sasha asked.
“No,” Luke replied then continued on his way out the back. “Everyone, start enjoying yourselves. That’s an order.”
Joe looked around. “You all heard the man. Foods out back and Adam, drinks need to be flowing.”
Sally took Sasha’s hand as they followed Luke to the guest house. “She’s going to be just fine.”
“I’m not worried about my mother. She always finds a way to grab attention. As long as she is not dead, then I’m all right.”
Luke placed Stephanie on the bed in the guest house. Sally and Sasha followed him in to make sure Stephanie was all right. Luke stepped outside the house and spoke to Slay and Tank.
“She is not to disrupt this party. I don’t give a damn what you have to do tonight, but keep her away from Sasha.”
“Understood,” Slay nodded. “I will leave Tank in charge.”
Luke walked back to the house in search of Al. He spotted him talking to his brothers.
“Al,” Luke shook his hand. “My apologies to you and your family.”
“I need to apologize to you for bringing this drama into your home. Damn, Sasha was just getting used to us and this had to happen. I will take her out of your home.”
“This is not on you, Al,” Joshua stated.
“Say the word, we can make her disappear,” Adam stated.
“Slow up,” Luke exhaled. “Like it or not this is Sasha’s mother. Good or bad, she loves her. We have to respect that.”
“Respect is earned,” Phire said from behind them. “At the very least it goes both ways. Did she respect Sasha or your home with her actions? She did not.”
“We are here to celebrate Independence Day,” Joe called out. “Since when do Lassiters allow anyone to interrupt our celebrations? The ladies and I have been cooking for hours. Get over here, grab some plates and eat some food. Al will handle Ms. Coles.”
The group separated.
“Dad is right,” Matt hit Luke on the shoulder. “It’s Independence Day, let’s celebrate.”
“This is the country’s Independence Day. Sasha’s day was in June. She just doesn’t know that she is free yet. But she will before the night is out.” Luke stated then walked back to the guest house.
Chapter 28
“Why are you leaving?” Luke asked.
It was clear he was angry and Sasha was so sorry for that, but there was no way she was going to allow her mother to disrupt his life.
“Did you see what happened yesterday? It was one of the best days of my life and in the snap of a finger she ruined it for you, for me, for our families.”
“Yes, I witnessed it all and none of that reflects on you.”
“Of course it did Luke, and just for the sake of argument, let’s say you are right. Your mother and father can look past all she did and said, but what about your brothers and sisters. I can’t look them in the eyes after that performance Stephanie gave. And the things she said about Al and his friend Tucker.” Sasha sighed, “Luke I cannot stand by and watch her do this to them. I’m going to take her to my place. I will be back here before you go to camp at the end of the month. Maybe she will get tired and find another man to hang out with.”
“You are still going to Richmond with me. For your own sanity, you are going to need to get away from her.”
“My sanity is already gone,” Sasha chuckled. “Didn’t you see how crazy she made me?”
Luke chuckled with her. “All I can say is you have a big heart to put up with her.”
“This is a routine we go through when she is not getting enough attention elsewhere.” Sasha picked up her bag. “This time she is going to have to face Al.”
“Lord help her,” Luke exhaled. “Al will hurt her behind his daughters. Hell, be thankful Monique is away on assignment. I can only imagine what she would have done.”
“Killed her,” Sasha smiled. “Thanks for letting me use one of your vehicles. I don’t want to extend my finances too far. With my mother around I am going to have to watch my accounts very closely.”
“Don’t worry about that. Whatever you need, I got you.” Luke hugged her.
“Thank you, but you know I like having my own.”
“I do, that is why I had Slay set you up on payroll.”
“You did what?”
“When you first started working, I established a salary with Monique, since you would not accept anything from me. You have money whenever you need it.”
“Oh Luke, I don’t want your money.”
“I know. You wanted my body.” He exhaled.
They both laughed. “I still do.”
“Good.” Luke kissed her. “Take the time you need to work things out with your mother. When you are ready you can always come back here.”
She hugged him. “I will. For now I have to go. Tank said mother was waking up. I want to be there to give her a piece of my mind.”
“Give her hell.”
Luke watched as she walked away. Why did he feel like she was walking out of his life? He shook his head. There was no way he would allow that to happen. He placed a call to Joshua.
“Hey, I know you are busy, but I need your help.”
“Name it.” Joshua replied.
“I want eyes and ears on Stephanie. She only gave a sample of her colors yesterday. She is going to try to come between me and Sasha. I will not let that happen. With the season coming up, I can’t be here 24/7.”
“It was done last night.” Joshua replied. “Adam and I went to Sasha’s place to set everything up.”
Luke’s phone buzzed. He looked down at it.
“That’s the link for your mobile feed. You have eyes and ears whenever you want it.” Joshua hesitated. “We can eliminate her at any time. Just say the word.”
“I need Sasha to make this decision on her own. I need to know she loves me.”
“She does. When are you leaving for camp?”
“Next week. I plan on taking Sasha with me.”
“Then we will make it happen,” Joshua disconnected the call.
Luke exhaled then walked out to his observation point. He watched as Sasha walked into the guest house. Tank remained at the door after closing it.
Sasha stared at her mother who was sitting on the side of the bed. “My head hurts. Do you have any aspirins?”
“I’m sure there are some in the house,” Sasha took a seat in the chair across from the bed.
“Do you feed people in this house?”
“People, yes, assholes, no.” Sasha smirked.
“It is too early in the morning to deal with your smart mouth. Get me some aspirin and food.”
“What makes you think anyone in this house would want to feed you after the way you talked to them yesterday?”