W. H. Auden

W. H. Auden

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

W. H. Auden disapproved of literary biography. Or did he? The truth is far more equivocal than at first seems apparent. There is no denying he delivered himself of such unambiguous pronouncements as 'Biographies of writers are always superfluous and usually in bad taste.'; and that he asked for his friends to burn his letters at his death, but, against that, Auden himself often reviewed literary biographies and normally with enthusiasm. Moreover he argued for biographies of writers such as Dryden, Trollope, Wagner and Gerard Manley Hopkins as their lives would tell us something about their art. Humphrey Carpenter himself nicely summarizes Auden's ambiguity on this question. 'Here (referring to literary biography), as so often in his life, Auden adopted a dogmatic attitude which did not reflect the full range of his opinions, and which he sometimes flatly contradicted.' Although the biography was not authorized it did receive the co-operation of the Auden Estate which gave permission...
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J. R. R. Tolkien: a biography

J. R. R. Tolkien: a biography

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

EDITORIAL REVIEW: The authorized biography of the creator of Middle-earth. In the decades since his death in September 1973, millions have read THE HOBBIT, THE LORD OF THE RINGS, and THE SILMARILLION and become fascinated about the very private man behind the books. Born in South Africa in January 1892, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was orphaned in childhood and brought up in near-poverty. He served in the first World War, surviving the Battle of the Somme, where he lost many of the closest friends he'd ever had. After the war he returned to the academic life, achieving high repute as a scholar and university teacher, eventually becoming Merton Professor of English at Oxford where he was a close friend of C.S. Lewis and the other writers known as The Inklings. Then suddenly his life changed dramatically. One day while grading essay papers he found himself writing 'In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit' -- and worldwide renown awaited him. Humphrey Carpenter was given unrestricted access to all Tolkien's papers, and interviewed his friends and family. From these sources he follows the long and painful process of creation that produced THE LORD OF THE RINGS and THE SILMARILLION and offers a wealth of information about the life and work of the twentieth century's most cherished author.
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J. R. R. Tolkien

J. R. R. Tolkien

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

The original authorised biography, and the only one written by an author who actually met J.R.R. Tolkien. In the 25 years since Tolkien?s death in September 1973, millions have read The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion and become fascinated about the very private man behind the books. Born in Bloemfontein in January 1892, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was orphaned in childhood, brought up in near-poverty and almost thwarted in adolescent romance. He served in the First World War, surviving the Battle of the Somme, where he lost some of his closest friends, and returned to academic life, achieving high repute as a scholar and university teacher, eventually becoming Merton Professor of English at Oxford. Then suddenly his life changed dramatically. One day while marking essay papers he found himself writing ?In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit? ? and worldwide renown awaited him. Humphrey Carpenter was given unrestricted access to all Tolkien?s papers, and...
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Mr Majeika and the School Caretaker

Mr Majeika and the School Caretaker

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

When old Mr Jenks retires, St Barty's School advertises for a new caretaker. Unfortunately there's only one applicant - Hamish Bigmore's Uncle Wilf who is just as rude and bad-tempered as Hamish. When Mr Majeika is hurt in an accident it becomes clear that Uncle Wilf is working for the wickedest of witches, Wilhelmina Warlock! It's up to Mr Majeika to work his magic and put things right again.
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Mr Majeika Joins the Circus

Mr Majeika Joins the Circus

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

When Class Three and Mr Majeika go to the circus, it's definitely not as fun as they imagined. Everyone's a bit old, creaky and rubbish really! So when Mr Majeika casts a small spell to help the performers with their circus show, it's no surprise that Billy Balance, the slack rope walker, kidnaps Mr Majeika so that Mr Majeika can magically help him everytime!Things get worse whilst Mr majeika is trapped when Wilhelmina Worlock takes the opportunity to turn Class Three's classroom into a circus and the children spend all afternoon running away from lions and alligators!But Mr Majeika's magic saves the day, Class Three and the circus end up on the news and once again Mr Potter, the headmaster, misses it all!
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Mr Majeika and the Lost Spell Book

Mr Majeika and the Lost Spell Book

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

Fun and magic combine as usual in this new Mr Majeika story. The pupils in Class 3 at St Barty's School are not impressed when their headteacher imposes strict rules of behaviour for Halloween. Mr Majeika uses a little magic to make the evening memorable but nasty Hamish Bigmore tells the local press and gets the wizard-teacher the sack. School without magic seems rather boring and Mr Majeika doesn't last long in the other jobs he tries. His long-time enemy, Wilhelmina Warlock is clearly behindall the trouble; she and the dreaded Hamish must be defeated before life can return to normal.
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The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien

The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

This collection will entertain all who appreciate the art of masterful letter writing. The Letters of J.R.R Tolkien sheds much light on Tolkien's creative genius and grand design for the creation of a whole new world: Middle-earth. Featuring a radically expanded index, this volume provides a valuable research tool for all fans wishing to trace the evolution of THE HOBBIT and THE LORD OF THE RINGS.
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Mr Majeika and the Music Teacher

Mr Majeika and the Music Teacher

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

'Music teacher? What music teacher?'The sudden arrival of a new music teacher throws St barty's School into confusion. Mysterious smells start coming from the staffroom and creepy-crawlies appear out of nowhere. The new arrival is, of course, Wilhelmina Worlock, a wicked witch with some nasty tricks.It's up to Mr Majeika to try to outwit her...
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  • 18
Mr Majeika and the Dinner Lady

Mr Majeika and the Dinner Lady

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

'Sometimes, ' whispered Jody. 'I think school dinners would be alright if it wasn't for her.'Mrs Chipchase, the nasty dinner lady, makes lunch hour at St Barty's really unpleasant. That is, for everyone but her 'favourite friend', Hamish Bigmore. Up to his usual tricks, Hamish is allowed to eat chocolate instead of ghastly school dinners!Mr Majeika decides it's time to sort out the menu...
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The Inklings

The Inklings

Humphrey Carpenter

Humphrey Carpenter

Critically acclaimed, award-winning biography of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien and the brilliant group of writers to come out of Oxford during the Second World War. C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and their friends were a regular feature of the Oxford scenery in the years during and after the Second World War. They drank beer on Tuesdays at the 'Bird and Baby', and on Thursday nights they met in Lewis' Magdalen College rooms to read aloud from the books they were writing; jokingly they called themselves 'The Inklings'. C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien first introduced The Screwtape Letters and The Lord of the Rings to an audience in this company and Charles Williams, poet and writer of supernatural thrillers, was another prominent member of the group. Humphrey Carpenter, who wrote the acclaimed biography of J.R.R. Tolkien, draws upon unpublished letters and diaries, to which he was given special access, in this engrossing story.
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