Fire and Steel, Volume 2

Fire and Steel, Volume 2

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

In the second volume of bestselling author Gerald N. Lund's explosive new series, the Eckhardt family finds that the turmoil in their lives will only increase as they try to move forward in a nation divided. Sergeant Hans Eckhardt has been discharged from his military service and wants nothing more than to start a new life with a career and a family, but the unrest swallowing his homeland seems determined to stop him.Suffering the devastating impact of defeat in the Great War, the people of Germany must find ways to face widespread food shortages, crippling unemployment, skyrocketing inflation, and the forced disbandment of the German military. The nation becomes a hotbed of revolutionary attacks, bringing the fledgling government to its knees. Conditions are so grim that the German people are desperate for someone—anyone—to step forward and bring stability back to their beloved Fatherland.But as the flames of adversity grow more threatening, hope is on the...
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Fire and Steel, Volume 1

Fire and Steel, Volume 1

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

Germania and the Holy Roman EmpireBy the time of Christ and the Christian era, the Roman Empire, with its insatiable quest for land, riches, slaves, and power, had swallowed up much of the European continent. One could leave the Roman capital and travel in a northwesterly direction on well-maintained Roman roads for 1,200 miles.But if one traveled due north, up the long boot of Italia and across the Alps, one quickly reached the northern border of the empire. In the vast lands to the north of the Danube River and to the east of the Rhine lived a collection of tribes so fierce, so warlike, and so incapable of being civilized that eventually the Roman legions fortified the southern border of those lands and left the people alone. Caesar called that unconquerable north land with all of its dozens of tribes Germania.The Germani were not farmers other than having small garden plots cultivated by individual families. They were hunters and warriors. No one owned land as...
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The Undaunted : The Miracle of the Hole-In-The-Rock Pioneers

The Undaunted : The Miracle of the Hole-In-The-Rock Pioneers

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

The journey was impossible. But they had no other choice. At the call of their prophet, they left well-established farms and businesses to strike out yet again into the untamed wilderness. A small band of men, women, and children formed the 1879 pioneer company. Their mission: stand as a buffer between lawlessness and civilization. Their road: only what they created themselves, blasting out a perilous trail over slick rock and through desolate cliffs. Their hearts: UNDAUNTED When it comes to creating spellbinding historical fiction, nobody does it quite like Gerald N. Lund. In The Undaunted, he transports readers first to the coal mines of Yorkshire, then across the ocean and the plains to the territory of Utah, where, even in 1879, there is pioneering to be done. A little- known and perhaps even less- appreciated chapter in the Church s history comes to life in this gripping story of a stalwart group of Saints called to create a settlement to serve as a buffer between the established communities of Utah and the lawless frontier of the Four Corners area. Their challenge will be enormous but the biggest part of it just may be getting there in the first place. Skillfully interweaving historical figures and events with fictional characters, Gerald Lund takes us through the Hole in the Rock and over miles of uncharted country that even today is impassable without all- terrain vehicles. His account of the adventure, romance, and sacrifices of these undaunted pioneers will resonate with readers who love a good story as well as those who want to better understand the incomparable legacy and unconquerable faith of those valiant Saints.
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Only the Brave: The Continuing Saga of the San Juan Pioneers

Only the Brave: The Continuing Saga of the San Juan Pioneers

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

Four years have passed since the first Mormon pioneers made the harrowing journey to care the Hole-In-the-Rock trail to the region of the San Juan River in southeastern Utah. In that time, the settlers have dug in deep to try to establish roots in this untamed and unforgiving desert, but life is still far from easy. Biting winds, devastating floods, scorching heat, barren terrain, and tensions with everyone from Indians to outlaws to competing ranchers have threatened the pioneers ability to thrive or even survive. But the call from Church leaders to establish peaceful, stable settlements in the volatile region still stands, so young Mitch Westland and his family must find a way to make a home amid the harshest of circumstances. They soon learn that their only chance of success lies in uniting together with the other faithful Saints including the Zimmers and their charming daughter, Edie. Can the families withstand the blows that seem to come every step of the way as they struggle against man, nature, and their own fears to heed a prophetic call? Many settlers will try to conquer that rugged territory, but only the brave will prevail. Continuing the saga of the San Juan pioneers, fans of THE UNDAUNTED and new readers alike will enjoy taking a journey into southern Utahs thrilling past with master storyteller Gerald N. Lund.
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The Guardian

The Guardian

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

When Carruthers "Danni" McAllister receives an antique pouch as a birthday gift from her grandfather, her first reaction is disappointment. "Don't assume that something is empty just because there's nothing there," her grandfather warns. Danni learns that for nearly two hundred years, the mysterious pouch--with its astonishing hidden secrets--as been handed down from generation to generation, and each new owner has had to discover how to access the power it holds, or suffer the penalty of using the pouch unwisely. While Danni struggles to understand the power of the pouch, her father's discovery of a rhodium mine makes her family the target of a deadly extortionist plot, and the strange pouch is Danni's only hope of saving her family. In the spirit of The Alliance, The Freedom Factor, and Leverage Point, author Gerald N. Lund blends gripping, fast-paced suspense with a timeless message for readers of all ages.
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Fire and Steel, Volume 3

Fire and Steel, Volume 3

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

How do good people mistake evil for good? Is it possible for an entire nation to be deceived?In the third volume of master storyteller Gerald N. Lund's dynamic new series, the Eckhardt family finds itself clinging to hope in a nation on the brink of collapse. Work is scarce, food has become an extravagance, and money is practically worthless. War-torn Germany has been battered down and humiliated on an international scale, and the people have lost the pride and conviction that once carried them.Living in such desperate circumstances leaves the people vulnerable to fall for a wolf in sheep's clothing, and Hans Eckhardt is not immune...
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Fishers of Men

Fishers of Men

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

In an ancient land in a time foretold by prophets, a babe was born beneath a shining star. Thirty years later, Jesus of Nazareth began teaching a message of hope, peace, and love. He claimed to be the Son of God, and his words—and his life—would change the world. Though David ben Joseph is quick to accept Jesus as the Messiah, the rest of his family is more cautious. His wife, Deborah, and his son, Simeon, leaders in the rebellious Zealot movement, look for a Messiah that will crush the Romans with power and the sword, not one preaching a message of love and forgiveness. Meanwhile, reports of Jesus have reached into the very heart of Jerusalem, and both the powerful Sadducee Mordechai ben Uzziel and the Pharisee Azariah agree that something must be done to stop this man from Nazareth before he gets out of hand. Fishers of Men is a sweeping epic filled with memorable characters who bring to life an extraordinary time in the history of the world. It is a story about the importance of family, the power of faith, the miracle of forgiveness, and the strength needed to follow your heart.
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To Run With the Swift

To Run With the Swift

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

After Danni McAllister and her family escaped from El Cobra and his kidnapping ring, they thought life would basically return to normal. Little did they know that their peril had just begun. As secrets from the past begin to unfold, it becomes evident that the motives driving the attacks on the McAllister family go much deeper than money—and they're not going to stop anytime soon. Now, as Danni faces evils even more sinister than before, she has to wonder if even the Guardian will be equal to the dangers ahead. The whole family will love this page-turning conclusion to the story of Le Gardien, the enchanted pouch that guides, protects, and teaches those who have it in their keeping.
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Out of the Smoke

Out of the Smoke

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

In Volume 5 of the Fire and Steel saga, the Eckhardt and the Westland families move into one of the most turbulent times in history. Facing tectonic shifts like few generations have ever seen, they are caught up in a whirlwind that will permanently and profoundly alter their lives.Mired in the depths of a global economic depression, the world takes little notice of a 1930 Parliamentary election in the floundering democracy of Germany. But overnight, Hitler and his Nazi Party catapult from the smallest to the second-largest political party in the country. And he would not stop there. From the compulsory indoctrination of Germany's youth to the persecution of Jews and the Nazi book burnings (which included Latter-day Saint classics such as Jesus the Christ), Hitler's policies deeply affect the Eckhardt family, particularly Hans's oldest daughter who must keep the real identity of her best friend a secret at all costs.For Hans, hitler's meteoric rise to power reveals a...
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Fire and Steel, Volume 6

Fire and Steel, Volume 6

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

Adolf Hitler has completed his transformation of the German Republic into a total dictatorship. The Great Depression and relentless drought continue to ravage the United States. In all corners of the world, fear and uncertainty seem to rule the day. Can there be any hope on the horizon?Into the Flames, the sixth and final installment of Gerald N. Lund's Fire and Steel series, brings new experiences, new challenges, new opportunities, and not a few tragedies into the lives of the Eckhardt and Westland families.In America, Mitch and Edie continue their struggle to hang on to the ranch that has been their family's hone for nearly fifty years, while Benji's quest to find work turns catastrophic and sets him on a new path that will take him to exotic climes and an unexpected Germany, Hans makes a dangerous, life-changing decision to leave Nazi Party leadership and seek a new career. But when the ugly specter of anti-Semitism wields a direct and devastating...
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Pillar of Light

Pillar of Light

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

*"You believe me, don't you, Nathan." It was not a question, but a statement, filled with wonder. It stunned Nathan. "You believe it all. I can see it on your face." For a moment, time seemed suspended as Nathan probed the inward recesses of his soul. There was still the incredulousness, still the sense of hearing something that couldn't possibly be true. And yet he knew it was. He knew without the least shadow of doubt that everything Joseph was telling him was true. And so, finally, with a wonder of his own, he said, "Yes, Joseph, I believe you." Pillar of Light &mdash*; the first volume in the series The Work and the Glory — begins the epic story of the Benjamin Steed family. In the 1820s they move from Vermont to Palmyra Township in upstate New York in search of better farmland. There they meet a young man named Joseph Smith and are thrown into the maelstrom of conflict and controversy that swirls around him. Did he really see the Father and the Son in a pillar of light? Has he truly been visited by angelic messengers? What is all this talk about gold plates and new scripture? In short, is he a prophet and seer or a monumental fraud? The answers each one gives to these questions — intensely personal, potentially divisive — will dramatically affect the lives of the Steeds forever after. Author Gerald N. Lund here masterfully weaves together historical reality and high-powered fiction. In his hands this combination seems to make the reader an eyewitness to the early scenes of the Restoration, thus deepening one's understanding and appreciation of those momentous events. The well-drawn plot and fictional characters present a moving, gripping story. Here are Benjamin and Mary Ann Steed, devoted to each other as man and wife, yet at odds over religion; Joshua, their volatile son, who rebels and heads for trouble; the sensitive Nathan, their second son, in whom Joseph Smith's message strikes a responsive chord; the beautiful Lydia McBride, who captures the hearts of both Joshua and Nathan. This book skillfully explores the inmost motivations of Joseph Smith and his early followers and the responses of typical contemporary families to the claims he made. These people come to life in this powerful historical novel, a story that captures both the heartache and the happiness that came in the wake of Joseph's experience with the pillar of light.
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Fire of the Covenant

Fire of the Covenant

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

In the summer of 1856, three companies of handcarts were outfitted and sent west from Iowa to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. All went well, and they arrived without undue incident. But two additional companies - one captained by James G. Willie, and the other by Edward Martin - left England late in the season. When they arrived at Iowa City, they were long past the time for safe departure across the plains. By the time they left Florence, Nebraska, with still more than a thousand miles to go, it was near the end of August. As if that were not serious enough, President Brigham Young thought that the arrival of the third company ended the migration for that season and ordered the resupply wagons back to Salt Lake. Fire of the Covenant is the story of those handcart pioneers and their exodus to the Salt Lake Valley. Author Gerald N. Lund has used the same techniques present in The Work and the Glory series to blend fictional characters into the tapestry of actual historical events, making this a story filled with all the elements of great drama - tragedy, triumph, pathos, courage, sacrifice, surrender and faith.
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The Proud Shall Stumble

The Proud Shall Stumble

Gerald N. Lund

Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction / Christian

It's a truth that has stood for centuries: pride goeth before the fall. And Germany, emboldened by an increasingly popular dynamo, is becoming proud.Across the ocean in America, people have been enjoying years of plenty since the Great War. Electricity in every home, shiny new automobiles lining the streets, roaring new music, shocking new clothing styles—a whole nation wanting nothing more than to let loose and get rich. But beneath the glittering surface, the economy's foundation has already begun to crumble.On opposite sides of the world, the Eckhardt and Westland families are as caught up in the fast-paced times as anyone else, and they find their personal lives deeply affected by the shocking events occurring on a global scale. Though they all seek to follow a wise path, the way becomes hazy when powerful forces aim to cloud their judgment. Will they be able to recognize the darkness before they sink further into it? More dark days lie ahead, and the families...
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