Tank's Pearl (Devil's Iron MC #1), page 1

Devil’s Iron MC:
Tank’s Pearl
I would like to give thanks where thanks are due. To my wonderful and supportive family and friends who are always there with me to work through any issues or problems I was having with the book, some more than others;) Even when it was something that normal people do not talk about over a glass of wine or two. Rebecca, for your brainstorming sessions: especially when the topics where heavy and not something for the faint of heart. Sheila, for your repeated help editing, plotting, and replotting. Finally, Dan, my loving husband, who was almost no help… Except for keeping me on my toes, watching the girls so I could work, trying to keep every part of this book as plausible as possible on every level, and being supportive of this crazy dream/wish that your wife has.I LOVE YOU LONG AND HARD.
I would also like to give a special shout out to all the help I have had with promoting and also getting the word out there about my little bundle of love. The indie world has been super supportive and helpful every step of the way. It is surprising to me that woman I have never meet, are on such a level and have been such a support system every step of the way. It rocks that yall have been here for me from simple swag questions to formatting questions to help with graphics as well as promoting, and everything in-between...YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
¤♥¤Oº°Thanks for everything °ºO¤♥¤
Copyright © 2015 GM Scherbert
All rights reserved. No part of this book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or used in any manner or form whatsoever or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the express written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
This novella is intended for reader 18+ and older as it contains adult themed sexual situations and inappropriate language.
Edited by: Wendi Temporado of Ready, Set, Edit
Cover image licensed by: GM Scherbert at www.Canva.com
Cover design by: GM Scherbert
As the old adage goes good things come to those who wait! Well mother fuckers I’ve been waiting and shit better start looking up because I can’t take it anymore.
Chapter 1 – Pearl
Sitting at the bar off of Layton Avenue, waiting for my girlfriends to show up my mind just keeps rolling back to the days of old. Before I was left alone to raise the two little girls who call me momma, before my piece of shit husband left this world by his own hand, before the bills started to pile up and the money coming in was nowhere near enough to cover the bills that were.
God, to be so carefree like some of these youngens were. Well at least for the next few nights while the kids are gone with my mom, we will try to let our hair hang down. Our annual girl’s long weekend has been going on for the last eight or nine years, and it's nice to be able to see my friends without the constraints of all our kids and families. However, this year it didn't work out for us to go anywhere we are just hanging out around Milwaukee for the couple nights our kids are gone.
As I look across the bar and hear the soft sounds of early Guns-N-Roses coming through the speakers, I see two couples paired off and talking close in booths. A group of five or six twenty-something guys playing darts at a board in back. There are three other people at the bar with me, two older gentlemen who seem to know the ins and outs of everything in the area especially this little corner bar and heaven help me, a man of maybe twenty-five. This man could melt the panties off just about any women out there including me. Jesus Christ, please stay for a while so I can engrave you on my brain. He will be fodder for the next few years of sexual dryness I am sure will be coming my way.
“Pearl!” I hear screeched as one of my best girls walks in for the first of our girls nights out of the house (sans kids) for this long weekend of fun and debauchery. We hug and start to catch up. Madge continues to screech at me and doesn't take a breath before going into a story about her shit of a boss. Madge continually slaps my arm or says my name to draw my attention back to the story she is telling and away from that man at the other side of the bar I cannot keep my eyes and thoughts off of and all I can do is glare at her every time she connects with my arm.
Madge tells me how her boss is a complete weirdo and lacks all common courtesy, degrading the woman that work for him and making them feel shitty if they have to take off for a sick kid or family emergency. What the fuck is wrong with some people and their lack of common sense and courtesy? I ask her for the hundredth time why she still works there, and it's the same answer as always: change sucks, the unknown is scary, etc. She goes into a story about her husband and kids, and I catch myself looking at the man at the other end of the bar again.
As we continue to catch up, the last of our trio walks in: Stella, a forty-one-year-old married mother of five. We both get up and embrace her as we continue to catch-up since our last girl’s night out, three weeks ago. When you have full-time jobs, kids and/or husbands, it’s hard to get together like we use to ten years ago.
Those were the days, my friends, the good old days for all of us. Drinking not only on the weekend but the majority of days during the week as well. There sure as fuck is no way we could do that now, but we try on the few nights we have together.
Stella grabs a seat at the end of the bar next to me, and orders a double Jack and coke to match Madge’s and mine as well as three shots of Jack! Damn, this is one of the reasons these women have not left my side or heart in the last fifteen years. As we cheers to each other “Down the hatch, out the snatch” we laugh and throw back the shots.
Hearing a husky chuckle coming from the young guy down at the other side of the bar, my eyes raise (for at least the tenth time in the last 30 minutes) to meet those of the young man that will make my fantasies the next few months, OK probably few years. He has his own shot of Jack in his hands and raises it slightly to me while smiling.
“Ladies, I see you are all after my own heart! Any woman that can handle Jack must be a good sort and I will have the pleasure of buying your next round?” he says, raising his eyebrows and his shot slightly.
“Thanks, but no thanks, sir!” I say, finally dropping my eyes from his. I feel both of the women on either side of me grab my thighs to keep me from losing the free drinks that were headed their way. I am just offended knowing that a man thinking that he can buy his way into my panties is on the long list of reasons that men and I are almost always on the outs. Why can’t I just have this gorgeous young man as eye candy for the rest of the night without him trying to buy himself a place in my pussy?
With a nod of his head, his face drops as he gets up and slams some money on the bar and turns toward the door. He is at least six and a half feet tall with a body full of muscle. The rockers on his cut let me know he is from Chicago and is part of the Devil’s Iron. He is a MC member who was probably in town for the 115th Harley rally. Bikers come through Milwaukee a lot especially during the weeklong rally each and every year. After he is outside, I hear the roar of his bike and can’t help but hope that this will not be the last time I see him.
As I feel the hands on my thighs tighten, I raise my eyes to the two women who are next to me.
“Pearl, what is wrong with you? That man was seriously gorgeous, fucking hot as all hell, and trying to buy us drinks!” Madge says as she slowly releases my thigh. “Just because we are married and you don't like it when strange men buy you drinks doesn't mean we can't let them. That guy was fucking edible. Gawd, you are such a fucking cunt!”
“Pearl, he was built like a brick house; he must have been well over six foot six and that hair and beard! Pearl, he did not take his eyes off of you for more than two minutes the whole time we have been here. We both know that you have been dealt a shit life the last few years but at some point it will turn around. Why do you always think the worst of everyone?” Stella says while pounding down the last of her drink.
“I know, I know, and that guy was seriously hot as fuck. He could probably help me get over some of the tension that has been building up these last two years! But, he was like twenty-five. What am I going to do with a twenty-five-year-old? We would have absolutely nothing in common to talk about and he sure as hell is not looking for a built in family.”
Madge just shakes her head. “Sex, or just some down and dirty fucking doesn’t involve a lot of talking if you are doing it right, Pearl! Well maybe a few, OH YEAH RIGHT THEREs, YOU FEEL SO GOODs, FUCK ME HARDERs, and hopefully more than a few I’M COMINGs. You should know that, girl. A one-night stand to break that dry spell you got going is just the thing you need. It doesn’t need to be a long term commitment.”
As that first night of our girl’s weekend progressed we continue to drink more than enough Jack and keep talking shit about and to each other. The next two nights are almost exactly the same. Same bar, same crowd, same hot as fuck biker man Tank, I learned from the bartender after he stormed out that first night when I refused to let him buy us drinks.
I miss the kids, but FUCK it is nice to be out with adults and enjoying the freedom, at least for another couple of days.
The last night of freedom I am sad to see Tank is not at the bar when we arrive around 8pm. That doesn’t stop me long enough to mourn though, as we keep right on with our celebrating and forgetting about the normalcy of our day to day lives.
Two hours later, I hear the sound of Harleys rolling up, like a lot of fucking Harleys. I feel him as he walks in and smile knowing the night has just taken an unexpected turn in a different, but anticipated direction.
GODDAMN! FUCK ME is all I can think as about twenty bikers come into the small corner bar ranging in age from early twenties to a man who looked to be seventy. All these rough looking men have Devil’s Iron coats or cuts on and walk toward the back of the bar. They take up the empty tables near the back of the bar, which is damn near all the tables in the bar.
Tank starts making his way over to us, and as I make contact those gorgeous green eyes, I feel myself dripping. It is definitely going to be a long and sexually frustrating night.
“Hello, Pearl, how are you doing on this fine evening?” Tank asks while throwing an arm around my shoulder and leaning in close enough for me to feel his breath on my ear making me shiver with excitement.
“Better now that you brought all this eye candy and fantasy fodder in here for us to enjoy!” I say trying to shrug out of his embrace.
“The only eye candy, as you so delicately put it, that you need to be looking at is me, Pearl, don’t forget that” Tank says as he squeezes my shoulder tightly and his green eyes flare with fire and possessiveness.
As he slides his hand down my arm, he grabs my hand tugging lightly. “Let’s go for a ride up the Avenue; it’s a great night to be on the bike and get your legs wrapped around me”
As I glance towards Stella and Madge they looked at me eagerly with wide eyes shaking their heads up and down quickly.
“A quick ride would be fun Tank. Just remember that it’s almost midnight and I have to be back here in an hour so I can get home. The kids came home earlier this evening and their aunt is with them at my house for the night, but I have to get up early so I can't stay out late.”
As we walk through the bar towards the door I hear some of the bikers catcalling and taunting us. Tank just keeps his hand on mine and turns us both sharply towards his brothers. As his greens eyes turn dark, he pierces each and every man with a stare that I can only hope I am not on the receiving end of. The men quiet and go back to their individual business.
Tank squeezes my hand, and we continue to head out the door. As he hands me a helmet, he asks if I have ever ridden a motorcycle before and I stifle a giggle.
“What’s so funny, Pearl?” he asks as he gets on his bike.
“Nothing. Nothing. Yes, I have ridden before; actually I have a license and use to have a bike, but when my husband passed away and the bills started to come in I had to sell it.” I admit shyly as I put the helmet on and tighten the strap.
“Interesting, Pearl, you continue to surprise me,” he says as I put my leg over the bike and squeeze in close behind Tank.
He grabs my hands and wraps them tightly around him as his bike purrs to life and we take off down the Avenue. This is what I have been missing in life, this freedom and lack of responsibility. The strong man between my thighs is doing things for me as well, if I do admit it to myself.
We drive for about twenty-five minutes before Tank pulls into a county park and shuts the bike off. Taking my helmet off, but before I can ask why we are stopping, Tank is off the bike and tugging my thighs down the bike. His lips are on mine, in a demanding yet punishing kiss. My hands go to his long hair and tug sharply as I lean into him and this out of control feeling.
The groan that escapes his lips after a few minutes drenches my panties. Did I just cum? Is that even possible? WTF? is all I can think to myself as a smile comes to my lips and my senses return quickly, a little too quickly, like a slap in the face.
“Wow, wait, Tank, this is too much, you are too much. “ I try to pull back by placing a hand on his muscled chest while my pussy is screaming for me to stop because she is hungry for more.
His hands slowly slide up my legs and toward my pussy. All I can do is groan and lean forward for another heated kiss. His fingers find their target and start a slow assault on my pussy over my drenched panties.
“Pearl, tell me what you want. Tell me this is what you want,” he says as he guides my hand to the massive bulge in his pants. “That my cock isn’t this hard and straining in my pants for nothing.”
Gently rubbing his cock through his jeans, I try to talk but am at a loss for words. I am quickly cut off when I try to speak by Tank. “Let me show you what a real man can give you, Pearl, what I can give you!” Tugging my panties to the side he slowly slides two fingers around my pussy spreading my juices around.
As he slowly inserts a finger into me. “Oh Tank!” I pant as I float back to earth and shake out of the haze he has put me in. Only to find another finger slowly circling my clit and a second being shoved into my pussy. “We can’t do this. I have to get home. This is just too much, you are just too much. I’m sorry.” I say as I feel a shiver go through me with the loss of contact. My hand falls away from him and his fingers fall out of me, leaving me feeling empty.
“Pearl, just -”
“No, we can’t. Just take me back to the bar, please,” I say as I lean back to let him get on the bike. As he hands me the helmet he has picked up off of the ground, I adjust it back into place knowing that this is the thing I’ve dreamed of for the last few nights, hell the last few years, but I just can’t bring myself to give in. He really has me messed up. I hope this is a quick ride back to the bar and I can fade into the night quietly.
As we pull back into the bar and Tank makes his way towards his brothers, I say a quick goodbye to my girls and sneak out the back door without another word to him. Walking to my car quickly, I try to remind myself that Tank is too young and wild for me.
Putting the car into park in the garage, cutting the engine, and closing the garage door, I put my head down on the wheel and let out a strangled cry. Why didn't I give in to him and get a chance for a night of pleasure? FUCK! It takes a few minutes for me to gain my composure before I head towards the house.
Walking to the back door of the house, I hear a motorcycle pull through the alley and park next to my garage. As I look towards the sound I see him cutting the engine and angrily getting off of the bike, Tank is on me in near seconds. As rough hands grab at my hair pulling my face to his, he speaks in a low grimacing tone. “You do not ever walk out on me like that again, girlie. Do you hear me? That shit is not going to fly with me now or in the future.” He skims his hand down my face to grasp my chin between his fore finger and thumb, roughly pulling me closer to him so our noses touch.
“Answer me, Pearl. Will you ever again walk out on me like that?”
“Um, no? I’m sorry, Tank, I didn't think it would really matter to you either way. I didn't want to cause a scene or start anything, I just wanted to get home.”
“Don't question what does or doesn't matter to me, girlie. I should tan your ass for this, but I will give you this one pass. It will not happen again though. I made it clear to you that I was interested in you and wanted to spend time with you getting to know you these last few nights. Why would you think it would be OK for you to just walk out?”
“Wait, Tank, what the fuck? How do you know where I live?”
“I have followed you home every night except the first to make sure you got home safe, Pearl. I take care of what is mine, what I want to be mine!” he says, moving his hands over my shoulders and down to my lower back. Tugging me in towards him his mouth covers mine in a passionate kiss. “Never forget that, girlie.” His kisses start a fire deep inside of me that I need to add fuel to or pour water on quickly.