Tanks pearl devils iron.., p.12
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Tank's Pearl (Devil's Iron MC #1), page 12


Tank's Pearl (Devil's Iron MC #1)
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  Turning to hide the tears that are now sliding down my cheeks, I think about the horrible feeling that is seeping further into my heart. “No, Sir, I would not like to safe word; I will accept whatever lesson you will teach me. Thank you, Sir.”

  I know that I have fallen in love with this man, and that I have been fighting it so hard and trying to push him away. Today has been the worst day and for some reason I swear that he softly said he loved me when he was driving his cock into my throat earlier. I must have been hearing things though because this detached man is not one that I have ever seen before.

  I feel down, used, and just plain abused, but only because of how I pushed him when I talked about us not being together. Whatever happens at the Dungeon is going to be a thorough mind fuck and emotional drain, a lesson I am not looking forward to learning.

  Pulling up into a dimly-lit parking lot, Abraham cuts the engine. He turns to me. “The only times I want to hear your voice tonight is to answer a direct question or anything requiring an answer that only I have asked of you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I softly answer.

  “Do you remember the other rules that I laid out to you earlier? If so, tell me them now.”

  “I remember, Sir. No direct eye contact with anyone except you and only when you ask for it. Keep my head down at all times unless I am asked by you to raise it. No talking to anyone except you unless you choose to give me permission. Only speak when asked a direct question by you or someone you choose to allow me to talk to. I am only to take anything from you drinks, orders, whatever, only from you nothing from anyone else again unless you give me permission to take from someone else. No coming unless you give me permission. Safe words are Red to stop and Yellow to slow down, Sir”

  “Hmm. Very nice, Little One.” Stroking down my cheek with his finger, which is the first reassurance he has given since this started, he soothes my nerves greatly. “Now, let us get this night underway. We will check in, you will have some paperwork to fill out and then I will lead you into the locker room. You will have exactly ten minutes to get yourself dressed and back out the door to me. You will talk to no one in the locker room. If someone approaches you smile nicely and simply shake your head no; they will understand that you are not allowed to speak and not think any less of you or us.”

  As he gets out of the truck and comes around to open my door, I can feel my hands shake as he grasps them in his own to help me down. “You will be fine, Little One. Hopefully we will not need to have any more of this behavior correction after tonight, at least not to this extent.” As he continues, he takes the collar out of his pocket and moves to tie it around my neck. “Pearl, help me with your hair. This lesson needs to be taught, and you need to learn it well. I’m not sure if I will be able to teach it to you once let alone twice, so please do your best to learn it. We will get through it even though it might be hard, you will learn the lesson, and I will not re-teach it to you! Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Sir, I understand. I will do my best to learn the lesson and am sorry if it troubles you this greatly to teach it.” I move with him toward the door on shaky legs.

  A big man swings open the door and clasps Abraham on the shoulder. “Tank, it’s nice seeing you again it has been a while since I have seen you here on the weekend.” Turning towards me he continues “Who is this lovely thing?”

  “Shadow, nice seeing you, man, it’s been too long. This is my Pearl. She needs to fill out the membership paperwork, and then we will be doing a scene tonight. Who is working the desk tonight?”

  Turning towards me the big man grins at me “Pearl, it is a pleasure to meet you. I have never known Tank to bring such a beautiful creature with him here before. Actually to think of it, Tank, you have never brought a woman here before.” Turning towards Abraham “I think that Layla is working the intake desk tonight. Have a nice night, you two. I hope to see you again Pearl.”

  My eyes get wide as I realize who Shadow was talking about as she comes into view in front of us. I stumble forward, and the only thing that catches my face plant is a sturdy hand on my arm. Turning me towards him, Abraham quietly addresses me. “Pearl, we talked about this so don’t. Just stop it right now.”

  Taking a deep breath, I turn back towards the table and cannot miss the smile that crosses Layla’s face it hurts. She gets up and quickly moves toward Abraham placing a hand on his chest. “Hello, Sir, It is so nice to see you here on the weekend again. Oh, and you have brought us a guest, I see. She will, of course, need to fill out the guest paperwork, get her medical clearance before she can scene-“

  Cutting her off abruptly, Abraham says, “No Layla, she will be filling out the membership paperwork, and she will be added to my account. I have already turned in most of the needed forms to the office including her medical clearance; she will only need to fill out the application, Layla, so why don’t you go get that for her.”

  “Okay. Sir, I will go and get that for her. You know, Tank, it will take a while. You and I could go”

  Abraham cuts her off abruptly again, “Layla, just go get the fucking paperwork for Pearl, we are not doing anything together again, Layla, I already talked to you about that shit. If you cannot fall into line we are going to have to hold a vote on asking you to leave, because Pearl is here with me to stay, and I will not have you continually disrespecting her, as well as myself, with your frequent and unwanted advances. Get it the fuck together Layla and get over it.”

  As she quickly turns around to search through a file drawer she turns back and with a roll of her eyes says, “Sorry, Sir. Here you go, um… Pearl.”

  Catching myself before I speak or reach out for the paperwork, I just shake my head and wait for Sir to hand me the paperwork. As he grabs it out of Layla’s hand, he hands it to me with a pen and whispers in my ear, “Nicely done, Little One. Sit here and fill this out”

  Completing the paperwork, Abraham hands it back to Layla, escorting me to the locker room, and hands me a bag as we reach the door. “You will dress in this. You will not wear panties with it. You have ten minutes to meet me back out here.” As I keep my head down and reach for the bag it takes me a few seconds to move and before I take the first step towards the door he continues “GO, Little One, Now!”

  Looking into the bag as I reach a changing area in the locker room I am almost terrified at what I find. There is a purple and black corset which has only half cups to cover my breasts, a black leather, ruffled skirt that looks like it would not cover enough of my ass to make it of any use, a pair of fishnet thigh-highs with purple garters, some anal lube, and a rather large black butt plug with a purple bead at the end.

  THAT’S IT. Fuck me hard. As I try to keep it together, I notice that Layla and another girl are now in the locker room with me. She smirks at me and quietly they sit down in chairs across from me. Quickly, I turn back around and start changing into the clothes that Abraham has picked out for me. I will have to go into the bathroom to put the plug in because there is no chance in hell I will be doing that with an audience, especially one including Layla.

  Almost quietly the two women start talking and I hear. “That her?” coming from the brunette who came in with Layla.

  I only catch pieces of the response that Layla gives, but things like “that old lady… why the hell he wants that… two kids… teaches retarded kids…” are all spilling from that stupid cunts face.

  As I finish dressing, I move towards the bathroom with my new plug and lube still in the bag. It takes me a while to calm down enough from the things that Layla has been talking about me to even attempt to work the plug in. Even longer to feel like I could walk with it in and return to where those woman are. As I move out of the bathroom and turn towards the exit I keep my eyes downcast as I breeze past the two women. They are both staring at me and giggling as I quickly make my exit. I almost run directly into Abraham as I rush out the door a lone tear running down my check. Abraham grabs my arms to steady me and commands. “Look up at me, Little One, What happened in the locker room that has you so ruffled?”

  Skimming my eyes over his body has me drooling: he has only boots and a pair of leathers on. God his chest is so beautiful I am caught off guard. I want to touch him and trace over his tattoos with my tongue. Before I am able to answer, Layla and her friend bump into us on their way out of the locker room laughing loudly.

  “Layla, what the fuck were you doing in the locker room? I left you at intake. Little One, is she the reason you were heading out of the locker room so disturbed?” Grabbing my chin and moving my face up to his “Tell me.”

  “Yes, Sir. She and her friend were in there talking about, what I can only assume, was me. I was trying not to eaves drop, but they were not trying to be very nice about the things that they were saying. You told me not to speak to anyone, so I didn’t. I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible that is why I bumped into you coming out of the door. I’m sorry for bumping into you, Sir” My gaze moves to the floor, as soon as he releases my chin. A smile has come to my lips as the thought of him protecting me against this stupid bitch, and it warms my heart.

  “LAYLA, GO THE FUCK BACK TO THE FRONT! I will have Prez deal with you later. This shitty behavior and lack of respect for not only me, but the woman I plan on calling my old lady, my sub, and my wife is fucking unacceptable.” He reaches for my arm turning me around and slowly moves me toward another room. The smile I have on my face now reaches my eyes. I wish I could say something to him tell him thank you but entering this new room, I am again reminded about the punishment awaiting me.

  Standing in the middle of the large expanse we have just entered is a platform set up with some toys, whips, and such along with what I can assume is a St Andrews Cross and some kind of leather saw horse. “This is where we will scene tonight, Little One, up on the platform in front of everyone. First I will allow you one drink to ease some of your nerves and calm you down from Layla’s behavior. What would you like?”

  Without missing a beat, I answer, “Long Island Ice Tea, please, Sir.”

  Squeezing my shoulder gently he answers “Making it worth your while I see. Hmm? Pearl?”

  Ordering from the bartender we wait for our drinks and then walk over to a few couches that are sitting off to one side of the large open room. I see a few members of the MC that I recognize and lots more people I don’t know. We sit in silence for about a half hour with me on the floor in-between Tank’s feet feeling so uncomfortable with the plug in my ass and feeling completely naked in this outfit.

  A few men come up to sit with us and talk to Tank over the next two hours or so, but I just sit here staring at the ground stressing out about the punishment that will come. The long island is long gone and the slight buzz that it gave me has also lost its effect.

  Seeing Blaze coming over to us as the latest of Abraham’s visitors are leaving, I hear them greet each other and they quietly talk about Layla before I feel a hand on my arm and his voice rasps out, “Up now, Little One. It is time for your lesson.”

  I rise to my feet and am led over to the platform by Abraham with Blaze close on our heels.

  “Strip out of your clothes, and stand with your front to the cross.”

  As I finish undressing and am standing in front of the cross I wonder what I have gotten myself into. Hands move to secure me to the cross and it is then that I hear his voice from behind me. His voice falters for a moment before he continues, “May I have your attention, please? I am teaching my Little One a lesson on worth, self-value, faith, and trust. I need some help from a few of you. If you would like to help with her lesson please come up to the front of the stage.” He must turn towards me as his voice gets louder and he continues, “Blaze, you may redden up her back, ass, and thighs while I talk to the others giving them the parameters of our scene. Be careful of the plug that she has in her ass, it is by far the biggest I have ever used with her and she is sure to be very tender and on edge with it inside of her. You will do whatever Blaze tells you to do, Little One.”

  As this is going on I see Blaze moving toward me out of the corner of my eye with a flogger. “You have a hard lesson to learn today, pet. Do be a good girl and stay still for me while I redden you up a little and maybe, just maybe, if we are lucky, I will get a mark or two to last on that gorgeous skin of yours.” He slowly trails his hand up and down the curve of my ass before giving me a sharp slap.

  As he starts, I fall into the rhythm of the flogger quickly, and Blaze is unrelenting with it. Hits land across my ass, thighs, and back with quick succession. The first few sear my flesh when they land but the more that come the less they sting. A few strokes however, are an exception to this enjoyable rhythm; he lands a few on my lower thighs that will mark me for quite some time, if the stinging I feel is an indication.

  I am really starting to fall into a good place when I suddenly hear Blaze in my ear. “Oh Pet, so quick to try and fly into subspace. You do make such a pretty little pet but, you are enjoying this a little too much, and that is not what we want is it?” He moves to the side of the stage and grabs something off of one of the tables and moves back behind me. I hear the crack of the whip and my mind starts to scramble. As my eyes shoot open I start moving my head to look at what is coming but, am quickly stopped when the first hit lands across my ass. A blood curdling scream leaves my lips before I can squash it down. There are four more hits landed, that I am sure, will need stitches. As I sit there a few moments with tears streaming down my face, the sobs coming out of my mouth are slowing down when I hear Abraham.

  “Little One, because you do not see yourself as meaning anything more to me than a wet hole to stick my dick into, this lesson will teach you the difference. These men and women will be able to touch and play with you however they see fit. They will be able to use you, your holes, or your flesh in any manner they choose. You will learn a distinct difference between the way I treat you and the way you seem to think that I do.”

  At that Blaze removes the straps on my arms and legs and moves my body so that I am situated over the saw horse facing away from the crowd. My breasts are hanging on either side of the horse with my chin resting on the top. My arms and legs are heavy hanging down towards the ground and are slowly getting tied to the legs of the horse. My ass and pussy are slightly hanging off of the horse so that my ass is up in the air showing all my business to the audience including that purple gem that is attached to the plug in my ass.

  Hands start exploring my flesh, and I hear a low buzzing noise and feel the vibrator hard on my clit. As the stimulation ramps me up, I feel cold liquid running down my ass and am quickly being fucked with the large plug that is situated deep inside my ass. Then fingers are pressed deeply into my cunt as the plug continues to fuck my ass. The alternating thrusts of fingers and the plug are momentarily forgotten when hands are felt on each of my breasts. Hands tugging at my nipple rings are quickly replaced with mouths nipping and biting on that sensitive skin. Lastly, I see a cock before me and hear the voice that invades all my thoughts “Open for him, Little One, and suck his cock.” As I glance up I see Blaze standing in front of me stroking his thick cock from root to tip, rubbing on the pre-cum that has gathered at the head.

  Trying to stave off my blooming orgasm and take Blaze into my mouth is challenging, but one that I will not fail. After a few minutes of this overloading assault on all of me, everything stops. I still hear the same sounds around me. The sounds of sex: touching, licking, finger fucking, and the humming of the vibrator, but know that none of it is being done to me.

  Wondering what is happing that I was left suddenly cold, alone, and wanting. Not being able to move I start to shake with fear and need when I am suddenly splashed on my ass with something. As I turn my gaze to the right I see not one but three cocks ejaculating onto my bare flesh. Glancing to the left I see two women on their knees sucking on cocks which are abruptly pulled out of their mouths and more cum is squirted onto my flesh. When I look closer I recognize one of the cocks as the one that I have been very well acquainted with the last few weeks. I am suddenly very done with learning this particular lesson.

  That’s when I feel a tug on the plug in my ass as it is taken out of me. I’m not sure who is touching me, but as I try to turn my head, I feel a heavy body press against my back. Lips slide over my shoulder and up to my ear as Blazes voice soothes my shaky nerves. “Pet, I am going to fuck this tight cunt and leave you dripping with my seed. If you think that you mean so little to Tank, I can help to show you the different between someone who is fucking you with feelings behind it and someone like me who will be fucking you only for my own pleasure.”

  With that he thrusts his hips onto mine, his cock impales me, and the tears start streaming down my face, all the while muted screams are coming from my mouth. He comes quickly and only for his pleasure, it is only then that I am released from my bonds and carried down off of the platform to the empty couch that we had previously occupied. The cum is wiped from my body and I am wrapped in a warm blanket.

  “Little One, look up at me,” I hear in-between my sobs. A gentle finger helps to raise my chin so that I am staring into the green eyes I dream of, but they are brimming with tears. “Please understand what I have tried to teach you, Pearl. It is killing me too right now, Little One. I love you and I cannot have you questioning that! Never forget that I will do anything to make sure that you always know how I feel about you.” He leans down and kisses me with a force I will never forget.

  “This lesson should have taught you that you mean everything to me. EVERYTHING. These people were using you as the cum dumpster, the same cum dumpster you so frequently make me out to be, using you for the exact same reason. You have accused me of. You have made me feel as if I am only using you as a wet hole by saying that I am not in this for the long haul or with your constant questioning that I want you for more than sex, that I would not know what I want because I am twenty-seven, because I should not love a woman with kids, a woman that’s thirty-eight, all that bullshit is fucking done, Pearl. YOU ARE MINE! I fucking love you, Pearl! FOREVER “

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