Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4), page 1

Sam’s Playboy
Phantom Bastards MC
Book 4
Erin Osborne
Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne
All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.
Photographer: Reggie Deanching at RplusM Photography
Cover Model: Dixie Hartt
Editors: Full Bloom Editing – Courtney Lynn Rose and Rebecca Ernst Vazquez
Proofreader: Kim Richards
Sam’s Playboy Blurb
Sam Hart
Growing up, I saw the evil of a man who wants to control a woman. I don’t trust easily, and the only person I love is my son, Caleb. One chance meeting changes my entire life and world. I’m taken away from the life we’ve been existing in and given a chance to grow and get away from the abuse.
Now, I’m surrounded by people who care about my son and me. I’m just not sure if I can truly let them in. Especially Playboy. When our situation changes, I don’t want to be in Benton Falls alone with his family. Playboy is the main reason I’m staying there and not leaving. Now, he’s locked up and won’t see or talk to me.
Can I let him in, or will he break my heart beyond repair?
Griffin ‘Playboy’ Busch
I grew up in the Phantom Bastards MC with my dad, Slim, being the President. I’m used to being alone and only using the house bunnies when I need to. At least now that I’m older. They don’t call me Playboy for any other reason than I used to take whatever woman caught my eye.
That all stopped when one woman and her young son entered my life. Now, she’s the one I want and the only one I won’t be with because of her past. Until fate decides to step in and our lives change. I’m locked up and don’t want her to see me as anything but who I am on the outside.
Can I win her back and then protect her when a new enemy poses a threat?
This book is dedicated to Rebecca. One meeting at a signing and you’ve become not only a member of my team, but you’re an awesome friend. Thank you for everything you’ve done to help me, listening when I need to talk, and helping with story ideas. And, for putting up with me adding a million- and one-story ideas to the line-up along with Courtney. You’re amazing, and thank you will never be enough!
Character List
President: Tony ‘Slim’ Busch
V. President: Griffin ‘Playboy’ Busch
Secretary: Travis ‘Des’ King
Treasurer: Paul ‘Grizzly’ Stone
Enforcer: Tristan ‘Killer’ Long
Sgt. At Arms: John ‘Stryker’ Gilbert
Road Captain: Brantley ‘Wood’ Parker
Tech: Gunner ‘Fox’ Stevens
Thomas ‘Boy Scout’ Reed
Christian ‘Hitter’ Matthews
Elliott ‘Whino’ Kinsella
Craig ‘Ghost’ Tucker
Joel ‘Hound’ Carlson
Alex ‘Vault’ Stone
Zach ‘Valor’ Stone
Clayton Bradford
Ian Brown
Old Ladies:
Jennifer Hayes – Wood and Boy Scout
Shy Carter – Slim
Sam – Playboy
House Bunnies:
Strip Club – Allure
Nightclub – Phantom
Bar – Bottoms Up
Tattoo Parlor – Phantom Ink
Diner – BF Diner
Table of Contents
Sam’s Playboy
Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne
Sam’s Playboy Blurb
Character List
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Sam’s Playboy Playlist
About the Author
Other Books
WHEN YOU’RE YOUNG, you think you have it all figured out how your life is going to be. You know the kind of man you want to marry, what you’re going to do for work, and there are people in your life you idolize and see as heroes because of the way they live their lives and treat others surrounding them.
I had my entire life planned out by the time I was ten years old. I wanted to be a nurse, just like my grandma. She lived her life the way she wanted to and always helped everyone out around her. Hell, even though she was alone after her and my grandfather split up, she showed more love on a daily basis than most people I know.
If my parents were going through a fight or just ran out on me, my grandma was always there to hold me, pick up the pieces of my broken heart, and support me no matter what. To her, I was ‘Sam, the girl who could do no wrong. My grandma was always there for me until the day she passed away. I miss her every day of my life, and I want to make her proud, but life doesn’t always work out the way we want it to.
I was sixteen the day my entire world shattered around me, and I lost the only person in my life who cared about me and loved me. My parents and other family members only cared what my grandma left them and how much money they were going to get from selling off her possessions. Including the house she left me. There was nothing I could do about any of it. Except for the trust she left me. No one could touch it.
After that, my life went on a downward spiral. See, my parents would fight and leave me for however long because they were both cheating on the other one. My dad is an alcoholic and used to leave us for weeks on end while he went out and got smashed and fucked around on my mom with his flavor of the week. At the same time, my mom would find her flavor of the day and either stay at his house or bring the man back to our home. It’s not the best way to grow up.
When I turned eighteen, I moved out of the house and didn’t let my parents know where I went. It’s not like they really gave a damn or noticed anyway. Really, they’re selfish and only care about what they’re doing and what they want in life. I’ve always been an afterthought, and I don’t know why they even had me.
I used some of the money from my trust to get my apartment and then more of it to go to school for nursing. It’s at school where I met Carl. At first, he was a great guy, always there to walk me from classes, he took me out to lunch a few times, and offered to study with me even though we weren’t in the same program.
Carl was slightly taller than me with sandy blond hair and blue eyes. Nothing other than his eyes ever really stood out to me. And the only reason his eyes did is that they weren’t clear, startling, or a brilliant blue; they were a dull blue. He always dressed a little better than most of the other kids. While the rest of us were comfortable in jeans or sweats in class, Carl always wore khakis and polo shirts. I’m not sure who he was trying to impress.
A month after we met, Carl began staying at my apartment. I’m not sure exactly who initiated it because we weren’t having sex. I just went with the flow because it was honestly nice to have someone else in the house with me. Instead of being alone and bored, there was someone there to talk to or have movie nights with. The simple things in life were what made us happy. At least that’s what I thought at the time.
Over the course of the next few months, I started dating Carl. We were happy at first. Then things began to change. He would stay out all hours of the night, came home smelling of cheap perfume and having lipstick on his clothes, and he had blood on him more than once. Whenever I questioned him, I’d get ignored until the day he started hitting on me.
The first time Carl hit me, I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do. He came home late again, and I was up studying for a test. When I asked where he was, he lost his shit on me and slapped me across the face. Immediately afterward, he went to bed and ignore
After that, each time Carl lashed out at me was worse than the time before. Until I told him I was pregnant. At that point, everything stopped. Carl stayed home, didn’t look in the direction of another woman, and was very attentive toward me. I thought we were going to be happy and that he really loved me.
Instead, once I had my son Caleb, the beatings started once again. I’m not sure why I thought he’d stop, but I did. Thankfully, he never went after Caleb— it was just me. Carl started going out nightly again, coming home wasted and smelling of cheap perfume, and he was using drugs. I could tell just by looking at him. He blamed me for having a son when he wanted a daughter. I was shocked at his admission and began to worry about what he was doing when he was out.
I had already quit school to be a full-time mom to my son. He started bitching about money and how we didn’t have any. I was constantly told if I wasn’t going to be in school, I could get a damn job and pay my way. The apartment was mine, and I wasn’t letting him touch what money I had left from my grandma. He didn’t even know about it.
When I couldn’t keep a job because I didn’t have a reliable babysitter for Caleb, Carl did the one thing I never thought he’d do; he began pimping me out. It turns out, Carl was a pimp, and I was just another person he could use to make money. He was spending all the money the women and girls gave him on drugs and the woman he had seen behind my back. Caleb and I never saw a dime of it, and he never pitched in for bills or food.
When I was out ‘working,’ Caleb would be with one of the other girls. If I had a busy night, I would ask one of my neighbors to watch him overnight. She couldn’t all the time because she worked early and her husband was only home on certain days because of his work. So, we made it work, and I was turned into a shell of my former self with each man Carl sent me out to.
The final straw for me was the day Carl came home and broke my son’s arm because he was crying. Caleb wasn’t feeling very good and was fussy all day. When Carl came home, high on whatever he’s using, he snapped. I wasn’t quick enough to get to my son because I had just given him more medicine and was taking care of the items I had out. If the house isn’t kept clean, Carl also has a fit and beats me. He wants to be able to bring his side pieces here to fuck whenever he chooses.
He also beat me because I wasn’t making Caleb stop crying. My son and I ended up in the hospital, so my son’s arm could get fixed, and I met with Renee because CPS and the cops were called in. They were going to take my son from me, and Renee kept it from happening. That’s how I ended up in Benton Falls.
The Wild Kings MC didn’t have any houses available for a domestic violence victim, but one of the clubs they associate with did. So, we went and met Slim with the Phantom Bastards MC. I was leery about being away from Renee and my hometown, but Caleb and I needed a fresh start.
It’s also where I met Playboy. He saw Caleb and I and started coming around the house. At first, it was just to make sure we didn’t need anything, and then it turned into him spending time with us.
I was instantly attracted to him. Playboy is over six-foot-tall with long blond hair. He’s got eyes almost a gray color, and tattoos cover his body. I’ve never seen a man with muscles who’s also trim like a fighter in real life until I met him. Playboy is strong, but it’s almost understated because he’s not massive in size.
Playboy and I started hanging out more, and he became a man who touched me whenever we were close. Instead of being repulsed by his touch, I wanted more of it. But, he wouldn’t go past a lingering graze here and there or a kiss on the top of my head now and then.
No matter how much I want it to go further, Playboy won’t make a move on me, and I’m not sure what to do about it. Well, there was one night we were at the house and got drunk. That night we ended up having sex. Even drunk, it was the best I’ve ever had. Playboy made the night all about me, and I’ll never forget it. Now, he won’t mention it happened and hasn’t made a further move on me. Maybe it wasn’t as good for him as it was me. Or maybe he’s disgusted he touched me since he knows about my past.
Chapter One
IT’S BEEN A few days since I beat the shit out of a man who attacked Sam. He took her in broad daylight and ended up leaving a four-inch gash in her side. Doc looked her over and said it didn’t need stitches because it wasn’t that deep, but he put a few butterflies on it and put her on antibiotics to prevent her from getting an infection.
We still haven’t heard anything from the cops about me killing a man in daylight and out in the open, but I’m not going to rest anytime soon. Most of the cops around here don’t bother us because they know we do things to help victims of domestic violence, and we try to help out around the community. But, there are a few cops who have it out for us. I know it’s just a matter of time before they get me and haul me off to jail.
In the meantime, I’ve been keeping a close eye on her wound to make sure we don’t need to take her to the hospital, and so far, nothing has happened with the wound. So, I try not to worry about it. But, I can’t help thinking of the terror and feeling of helplessness I felt when I pulled up on her and realized this man had taken her and was going to hurt her.
As far as I’m concerned, Sam is mine. She has been since Gage’s club brought her here, and I laid eyes on her. Sam is short, not much over five-foot-tall. She’s got short blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes. Unlike most women, she doesn’t like to wear a lot of make-up. The one time I saw her with it on, she had smokey eye shadow on and mascara. Her lips were coated in lip gloss that made her lips look shiny. That’s all she ever wears. And she dresses more for comfort than anything else. It’s what attracted me to her; she doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her.
Caleb, her young son, is amazing. You can tell he’s seen some shit in his young life, and he constantly sits back and watches what’s going on around him. He gets out and plays with other kids, but he’s reserved. He saves his laughs, smiles, and happiness for his mom. And now, for me. I’m blessed to have them in my life.
Because of Sam’s past, I haven’t tried to push her beyond what she wants, but I want all of her. One night, I got my chance with her. We were drunk and ended up in bed together. I remember every single second, every sound, every taste of her. But, I won’t talk about it, and I won’t do it again until I know she’s truly ready for what I want with her.
No, I’m not into bondage and all that shit. I just want more than a friend with benefits relationship with her. When it comes to Sam, I want her heart, body, and soul. I won’t settle for anything less. So, I’m waiting on doing anything more with her until she gives me a sign she’s ready. Until then, I have a hand, and I know how to take a damn cold shower. I won’t touch a house bunny or any other woman. They aren’t her, and they’ll never measure up to her.
Today, the club is having a cookout at the clubhouse. The ol’ ladies are going to be there, so I invited Sam and Caleb to come with me. I know she spends time with the other ol’ ladies, but I want her to be around the club and know they have her back no matter what. To truly understand they’ll help her out and make sure she’s okay if something happens to me.
I get ready for the day at the clubhouse before heading over to pick up Sam and Caleb. As I leave my room, I see the house bunnies cleaning the clubhouse and preparing the food for the day. My dad and Hound are already out preparing the grills for the meat. There’s a buzz of excitement in the air, and I know it’s only going to grow as our friends and family show up for the day.
Grabbing the keys for one of the SUVs from my dad’s office, I head out to get Sam. Before I get to the door, Whino stops me. He’s got a new woman on his arm, and I know she’ll be a new house bunny before too long.
The woman has tits almost as big as my damn head. She’s skin and bones, barely wearing clothes considered decent considering kids and ol’ ladies will be here today. Her face is coated in make-up, and she looks like she’s been ridden hard and put up wet more than once. Yeah, I wouldn’t touch the bitch with a ten-foot pole and someone else’s cock.