ReviewA fast-paced, exciting read, with bigger-than-life heroes and villains. It was over much too quickly. -- Chris Rogers, author of Rage Factor, Chill Factor, etc., from the back cover Features a man of his word and a woman of convictions...[in] a world of shifting loyalties and deadly intrigues. -- Gwyneth Atlee, author of Canyon Song, Against the Odds, etc., from the back cover Set against Colombia's forbidding landscape, populated with memorable characters, the novel images a classic confrontation of good versus evil. -- Carlos Ledson Miller, author of Panama and Belize, from the back coverProduct DescriptionNovel: A CIA agent working under cover as a drug pilot in Colombia....A Colombian woman of good family, threatened by industrial intrigue and a plot to kidnap her....Unwillingly thrown together, they discover plans for an international terrorist strike against both their countries. Held captive and marked for death in a remote Andean village, they must find a way to prevent the terrorist attack.
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