Gotrek & Felix: Rememberers

Gotrek & Felix: Rememberers

David Guymer

David Guymer

THE STORYThe End Times are coming. Their friendship in tatters after a series of betrayals, Gotrek Gurnission and Felix Jaeger lead a ragtag army south in search of the Empire and Felix’s family. Felix yearns to reclaim his place as the Slayer’s Rememberer, but another, the Kislevite Kolya, has taken up that duty. What remains of the heroes’ broken relationship, and can it be repaired?READ IT BECAUSEIt’s an onslaught of battle in this short story. Fan favourites Gotrek and Felix reunite in the middle of a great battle. This reunion isn’t as happy as you would suspect though. It’s just as tense as the battle surrounding the heroes.
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  • 651
Realmslayer: Legend of the Doomseeker

Realmslayer: Legend of the Doomseeker

David Guymer

David Guymer

Gotrek Gurnisson was the greatest monster slayer of the age, who met his doom at the End Times. The heroic Slayer stepped forth into the Realm of Chaos to fight the daemons gnawing at the world's ending and satisfy his death oath, leaving behind his companion Felix Jaeger. Now Gotrek has returned, having outlived the old gods and the Old World. Spat from the ruinous depths with his redemption unfulfilled, he emerges into the Mortal Realms, a strange new world where gods walk the earth and dark forces are ascendant. Nothing is as he remembers. His oaths are dust, and the lands are torn asunder by Chaos. Yet when Gotrek learns of human champions being elevated to immortality for Sigmar's fight against this darkness, the so-called 'Stormcast Eternals', he knows why fate has brought him into this new age. To find Felix. For only then can he find the peace in death he seeks, but is there more to Gotrek's apotheosis than even he can fathom? Has he truly been chosen by Grimnir, and...
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  • 624
Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods

Hamilcar: Champion of the Gods

David Guymer

David Guymer

Throughout the Realmgate Wars, Sigmar's centuries long crusade against Chaos in the Mortal Realms, there has never been a hero like Hamilcar Bear-Eater, famed Lord Castellant of the Astral Templars. Would Gardus have charged headlong into the stronghold of Uxor Untamed with a mere handful of warrior at his back? Would Vandus have had the foresight or magnetism to drink himself euphoric, start a war with the Skarabrak lodge, and then wake come morning to a sore head and fifty thousand moonclan berserkers avowed to Sigmar's cause? No. Only Hamilcar. But when an ancient skaven warlock with a thirst for godhood turns his attention towards Hamilcar's divine soul, the Bear-Eater knows he will have to call upon his martial prowess and uncanny wits just to survive. Because his next death could be his last.
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  • 596
The Tower of Nerek

The Tower of Nerek

David Guymer

David Guymer

Staggering fantasy adventure in the epic world of Descent: Legends of the Dark when a holy warrior and a legendary hero fight save a city from a demonic evil that threatens all of TerrinothNerekhall: a city of paranoia and fear, where the harsh and unbending rule of law is enforced by unfeeling automata called the Ironbound. Drawn to the city by recurring nightmares, Andira Runehand and her companion, Trenloe the Strong, soon find themselves caught up in a sinister plot and unable to escape. Both have different ideas about what it means to be a hero, and both must learn to trust the other. For in secret, an uneasy alliance concocts a dark plan in the city's infamous tower to open a portal and summon a demonic power, the likes of which has never set foot in Terrinoth.
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  • 520

Scions of the Emperor

Scions of the Emperor

David Guymer

David Guymer

From their shadowed origins to the desperate battles that ensued when half of them rebelled against their father, the Sons of the Emperor – the vaunted primarchs – were among the greatest of humanity's champions. They were warriors without peer and heroes whose deeds became legend. From a tale of Ferrus Manus in his earliest days to mysterious murders that lead Rogal Dorn into peril on the eve of the Siege of Terra, the eight tales in this volume lay bare key moments in the lives of these mighty heroes.
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  • 464
Marienburg's Stand

Marienburg's Stand

David Guymer

David Guymer

THE STORYThe End Times are coming. When death falls upon the free city of Marienburg, in the form of the hordes of Chaos commanded by the dread Glottkin, the fractious citizens of the town must rally together to hold the foe back. Unexpected aid, in the form of the vampire gangster Mundvard the Cruel, comes, but can the citizens of Marienburg accept it? Will they be damned by association with the vile undead, or will they forfeit their lives – and souls – to Chaos?READ IT BECAUSEIt’s a three-way knockdown, drag-out between humans, vampires, and the forces of Chaos. The three groups face off to stake their claim on the ill-fated Marienburg. If you liked The Fall of Altdorf, you cannot miss this prequel that gives you a never-before-seen look at the city’s total destruction.
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  • 450
Ferrus Manus: The Gorgon of Medusa

Ferrus Manus: The Gorgon of Medusa

David Guymer

David Guymer

Ferrus Manus, primarch of the Iron Hands, employs his brutal methods of war to bring a world to heel in the Emperor's name. The Great Crusade has swept across half the galaxy, a million human worlds now embracing the truth and reason that comes with allegiance to the rule of Terra. But even such unparalleled success comes at a cost. Rumours abound that the Emperor plans to step back from the Crusade and raise one of his primarch sons to lead in his stead. Faced with the bitterly non-compliant human empire of Gardinaal and a leaderless host of Ultramarines, Thousand Sons and Emperor’s Children at his Legion’s command, the Iron Hands primarch Ferrus Manus decides to make an example that even the Emperor cannot ignore.
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  • 410