Tales of Nimrod: The Tree of Life
D. Charles Miller
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Crime / Horror
This short story is as ode to the theories of the late Zachariah Sitchin, author of the "Twelfth Planet" though his theories have been modified some to enhance this tale. Go back in time to when pretender gods interfere with natural evolution to create their slaves, us. Be there when the mighty Nimrod rises up to rebel against them and battles for the the destiny of mankind.This short story is an ode to the theories of the late Zechariah Sitchin, author of the "Twelfth Planet" though his theories have been modified some to enhance this tale. Go back in time to when pretender gods interfere with natural evolution to create their slaves, us. Be there when the mighty Nimrod rises up to rebel against them and battles for the destiny of mankind.
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