The Honeymoon Trap

The Honeymoon Trap

Christina Hovland

Christina Hovland

"The Honeymoon Trap is adorable, clever, funny—in short, completely charming." —Serena Bell, USA Today bestselling author of Do OverHow to Survive Your Next Relationship Disaster 101 Step 1: Get pumped. Your new house, in your new town, comes with a sexy and shirtless man next door. Score!Step 2: Don't let your freak-out show when Mr. OMG Shirtless turns around—and it's your old crush. Step 3: Hold your head high when you run into him again on the first day of your new job—literally—and spill coffee all over yourself.Step 4: Stay calm when he introduces himself as your new boss...and then announces that your first assignment is to go on a fake honeymoon together.Step 5: Keep your $h*t locked tight when the new boss/old crush and you are forced to sleep in the same room...with one bed.Step 6: Try to ignore just how freaking hot he is, and how much you want to touch him...
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Tapped by the Rockstar

Tapped by the Rockstar

Christina Hovland

Christina Hovland

Internet fame isn't all it's cracked up to be. As a teenager Samantha Johnson wrote a song that went viral in all the wrong ways. A pop song about her love of mozzarella sticks. She hoped for adoration but instead became a joke for an entire generation. She absolutely does not want to be in the limelight ever again. Or even near it. Since then, she's kept mostly to herself. But then she gets set up with a guy who turns out to be a rock star, and she risks the spotlight falling on her once more. Dimefront's awkward drummer, Tanner Penton, never expected to live the rock star life. Even though he's living the dream, he's still fighting his past and the hurt caused by young love. He'd like to figure out how to actually speak to women without getting tongue tied. Unfortunately, his friends covertly fix him up with a woman he can't form a coherent syllable around. He gets flustered, his face heats, and... it's a whole thing. Tanner must...
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