Goldilocks: Blonde Assassin

Goldilocks: Blonde Assassin

Chris Van Dyk

Chris Van Dyk

It's a world of myth and legend. Ours is the story every child is told before bed time around the world. But this iconic tale has a new twist. You've never seen Goldilocks until you've seen her as the Blonde Assassin. Follow her on a mission that will prevent bedtime from ever being the same.In this version of the fairy tale world you think you know, Goldilocks is much more than just a typical burglar looking for a free meal and place to crash. She is a young woman bent on a quest for revenge. She, and only she, can take down the mob boss known only as "Papa Bear." But it's not just about her, it's about her family, and her childhood friend Red. She's trained long and hard for this moment, and tonight the Three Bears will taste her wrath.
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Mother Goose: An Empire Falls

Mother Goose: An Empire Falls

Chris Van Dyk

Chris Van Dyk

We return once more to the world where fairy tales are born just in time to watch it burn. This story is the climatic final showdown for Goldilocks as she meets the great creator, Mother Goose.In the months following her successful assassination of Papa Bear and his family, Goldilocks has been on an unstoppable rampage of destruction. Cutting a swath of carnage through the land, she gathers allies along the way in order to survive the final confrontation with the head of world as they know it - Mother Goose. Goldilocks isn't the only one who's had a makeover for this series. In the final half of this installment you'll also meet Cinderella, Alice, Snow White, and several other cameo appearances from your childhood and possibly your nightmares.
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Sleeping Beauty: Danger Within

Sleeping Beauty: Danger Within

Chris Van Dyk

Chris Van Dyk

Sleeping Beauty awakens suddenly in a near-post Apocalyptic wasteland. But this is not the story she knew. She's walked out of her dreams and into a world of nightmares.Amnesiac Aurora - the Sleeping Beauty of fame and legend - awakens suddenly to find herself in a familiar but otherwise unknown room. Friends become enemies, enemies become heroes, and readers are treated to a climatic ending after a grisly battle that transcends both time and space.
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The Little Mermaid Who Loved Too Much

The Little Mermaid Who Loved Too Much

Chris Van Dyk

Chris Van Dyk

Adrian the mermaid is on a quest for love... and eventually vengeance. But mostly love. In this twisted fairy tale wrought with irony, it presents a more realistic ending to the conventional love story, albeit that it gets there along the most absurd path possible. This also ties into the Twisted Fairy Tales universe that has ruined so many childhoods thus far.Not recommended for children.In the days leading up to "Mother Goose: an Empire Falls" we find a sordid love story between Adrian, a ferocious mermaid adapted to living in the depths of the ocean, and Captain Rehab, a man with a grisly past. Their ongoing game of Cat and Mouse has been carrying on for years until it culminates in an Arctic show down. Not a story recommended for children, this tale will lampoon your childhood favorites along with cameos from literary greats. It also ties into the story of Mother Goose and explains how Goldilocks convinced the sea people to come to her aid. If you delight in absurd humor with cyclical plots and narrations that go out of their way to obliterate the fourth wall, this is the story for you.
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