Our Mutual Friend
Charles Dickens
The Definitive Edition of OUR MUTUAL FRIEND-With illustrations by Marcus Stone from its first publication-Complete, unabridged, and formatted for kindle to improve your reading experience-Linked table of contents to reach your chapter quickly“Epic Charles Dickens tale of passion, greed and betrayal. Lizzie and her father scrape a living on the banks of the Thames until one day they recover a body that links them with another world.” BBC“Dickens' last full novel, and his best in my opinion. Will the aristocratic Eugene seduce the noble working-class Lizzie, or repent? . . . Will everyone good wind up married and/or rich anyway?” Zab“Described as Dickens' best comic novel, it really is chock-full of wonderful characters once the story gets going it pulled me along with it. There's conspiracy, greed, redemption, romance and plenty of sarcastic social commentary. A Tale of Two Cities used to be my favorite Dickens novel, but I think Our Mutual Friend may claim that place.” HeidiOUR MUTUAL FRIEND is one of the most profound and exciting novels of all time. It has been made into many film and television adaptations. This is Dickens’ masterpiece presented as it was meant to be read, with original illustrations approved by Dickens himself.
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