Seas of Chaos

Seas of Chaos

Calvin Mixter

Calvin Mixter

In the Seas of Chaos, follow a wizard, a stranded space explorer, and a U.S. Naval officer.Gary, a 45 year- old self-employed businessman, is close to obtaining his pilot's license.One of his final steps is to accomplish a solo cross country flight across the plains of northern Colorado.The weather is close to perfect, and his airplane, a Light Sport Gobosh is ready to go. Unfortunately Gary realizes something has gone very wrong soon after takeoff, and he now has to face the challenge of flying a crippled airplane. His life is now in jeopardy, and he must utilize everything he's been taught to return to the airport and attempt a safe landing. Will this dire situation prove to be too much for a student pilot to handle? Will Gary live to tell this tale? Grab a copy of this short story to find out.
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