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The Sorrows of Young Werther and Selected Writings
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Fiction / Poetry / Science
"The Sorrows of Young Werther" brings to life an idyllic German village where a youth on vacation meets and falls for lovely Charlotte. The tragedy unfolds in the letters Werther writes to his friend about Charlotte's charms, even after he realizes his love will remain unrequited. "Reflections on Werther" and "Goethe in Sesenheim," collections of excerpts from the author's own memoirs, reveal the genius who, as Nietzsche said, "disciplined himself into wholeness." Next is "The New Melusina,"the delightful story of a pixie princess who assumes the form of a woman as she searches for a human mate. Finally, "The Fairy Tale" is a sophisticated but strange story in which the laws of nature and physics do not apply--mingled among its human characters is a cast of two sentient will-o'-the-wisps, a giant and his shadow, a talking green serpent, and four metal statues. With an Introduction by Marcelle Clementsand a New Afterword

The Awakening and Selected Short Fiction
Kate Chopin
The Awakening and Selected Short Fiction, by Kate Chopin, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics:
New introductions commissioned from today's top writers and scholars
Biographies of the authors
Chronologies of contemporary historical, biographical, and cultural events
Footnotes and endnotes
Selective discussions of imitations, parodies, poems, books, plays, paintings, operas, statuary, and films inspired by the work
Comments by other famous authors
Study questions to challenge the reader's viewpoints and expectations
Bibliographies for further reading
Indices & Glossaries, when appropriate
All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influences—biographical, historical, and literary—to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works.
When it first appeared in 1899, Kate Chopin’s The Awakening was greeted with cries of outrage. The novel’s frank portrayal of a woman’s emotional, intellectual, and sexual awakening shocked the sensibilities of the time and destroyed the author’s reputation and career. Many years passed before this short, pioneering work was recognized as a major achievement in American literature.
Set in and around New Orleans, The Awakening tells the story of Edna Pontellier, a young wife and mother who, determined to control her own life, flouts convention by moving out of her husband’s house, having an adulterous affair, and becoming an artist.
Beautifully written, with sensuous imagery and vivid local descriptions, The Awakening has lost none of its power to provoke and inspire. Additionally, this edition includes thirteen of Kate Chopin’s magnificent short stories.
Stories Included in the Volume:
The Awakening
Emancipation: A Life Fable
A Shameful Affair
At the ‘Cadian Ball
Désirée’s Baby
A Gentleman of Bayou Têche
A Respectable Woman
The Story of an Hour
A Pair of Silk Stockings
Elizabeth Stock’s One Story
The Storm
The Godmother
A Little Country Girl
Rachel Adams teaches nineteenth and twentieth-century American literature at Columbia University.

The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry
Wendell Berry
Poetry / Literature & Fiction / Outdoors & Nature
The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry gathers one hundred poems written between 1957 and 1996. Chosen by the author, these pieces have been selected from each of nine previously published collections. The rich work in this volume reflects the development of Berry’s poetic sensibility over four decades. Focusing on themes that have occupied his work for years--land and nature, family and community, tradition as the groundwork for life and culture-- The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry celebrates the broad range of this vital and transforming poet.

The Hunger Moon: New and Selected Poems, 1980-2010
Marge Piercy
Poetry / Literature & Fiction / Feminism
This new gathering of Marge Piercy’s poems—energetic, funny, political, full of vitality—brings us the heart of her mature work, the first selected since Circles on the Water in 1982.
Here are poems that chart the milestone events and fierce passions of her middle years: the death of her mother, whom we meet first as a young woman, “awkwardly lovely, her face / pure as a single trill perfectly / prolonged on a violin,” and again as an older woman musing on what the afterlife may hold for her. There is a new marriage which she celebrates not only for romantic beginnings but also for the more intimate details that emerge over time: “love cherishes too the backpockets, / the pencil ends of childhood fears.”
Some poems convey her long-held, never-wavering political convictions, which she declares in language unmistakably and colorfully her own, as when she encourages her feminist readers to go to the opera instead of the movies because at least there the heroine is real, “fifty and weighs as much as a ’65 Chevy with fins.”
Living out to sea on Cape Cod settles her into the rhythm of seasons and provides poems of planting and harvests, odes to tomatoes and roses, tributes to the power and freedom of whales. And in these years she rediscovers her Jewish heritage, celebrating holidays and making of them something new and original.
She begins to examine her own legacy:
I have worn the faces, the masks
of hieroglyphs, gods and demons,
bat faced ghosts, sibyls and thieves,
lover, loser, red rose and ragweed,
these are the tracks I have left
on the white crust of time.
From the Hardcover edition.

All the Time in the World: New and Selected Stories
E. L. Doctorow
Literature & Fiction
Collection of stories written over the course of many years. 183p.

The Selected Letters of Thornton Wilder
Thornton Wilder
Literature & Fiction / Plays
The author of such classics as Our Town and The Bridge of San Luis Rey, Thornton Wilder was a born storyteller and dramatist—rare talents on glorious display in this volume of more than three hundred letters he penned to a vast array of famous friends and beloved relatives. Through Wilder's correspondence, readers can eavesdrop on his conversations with Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, Noël Coward, Gene Tunney, Laurence Olivier, Aaron Copland, Paul Hindemith, Leonard Bernstein, Edward Albee, and Mia Farrow. Equally absorbing are Wilder's intimate letters to his family.
Wilder tells of roller-skating with Walt Disney, remembers an inaugural reception for FDR at the White House, describes his life as a soldier in two World Wars, and recalls dining out with Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor. In these pages, Thornton Wilder speaks for himself in his own unique, enduring voice—informing, encouraging, instructing, and entertaining with his characteristic wit, heart, and exuberance.

The Skeptical Romancer: Selected Travel Writing
W. Somerset Maugham
Fiction / Short Stories
W. Somerset Maugham was one of the seminal writers of the twentieth century, and his travel writing has long been considered among his finest work. Now, acclaimed travel writer Pico Iyer maps out a masterful tour of these vivid, evocative pieces that are collected here for the first time.
Maugham worked as a secret agent in Russia, published novels in London, staged plays in New York, and traveled throughout Europe, Asia, India, and the United States, chronicling his travels, wherever he went, with exceptional insight. Beginning with “In the Land of the Blessed Virgin” and culminating in “A Partial View,” Iyer selects vignettes of Maugham’s razor-sharp prose that track his transformation from a boyish traveler in Spain to a worldly man of letters.
This is Maugham at his most keenly observant, direct, and powerful.
From the Hardcover edition.

Riding the Yellow Trolley Car: Selected Nonfiction
William Kennedy
Literature & Fiction
The collected nonfiction of the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Ironweed: “A great pleasure to read no matter what the subject” (Library Journal).
When William Kennedy arrives in Barcelona, his guidebook recommends taking the trolley around town—but the trolleys haven’t run in the city for years. He’s on his way to interview the novelist Gabriel García Márquez when, out of the corner of his eye, he sees something impossible: a yellow trolley running down the street. Márquez, however, is not surprised; like all great writers of both fiction and nonfiction, he knows that impossible things happen every day.
A remarkable collection from one of America’s greatest authors, Riding the Yellow Trolley Car features work from all stages of Kennedy’s career. Through each piece runs the thread that ties together his greatest works: a love and deep understanding of his hometown, the city of Albany, New York, and the good and evil men who have made it what it is.
Featuring interviews and essays on some of the most prominent authors of the twentieth century, from Saul Bellow and E. L. Doctorow to Norman Mailer and the legendary García Márquez—as well as insightful reflections on topics from baseball to the death of a prominent cat to Kennedy’s wife’s hiccups—Riding the Yellow Trolley Car is an essential book for all those who love to read, or live to write.

Bad Dogs Have More Fun: Selected Writings on Family, Animals, and Life From the Philadelphia Inquirer
John Grogan
Biographies & Memoirs / Nonfiction
Bad Dogs Have More Fun is an unforgettable collection of more than seventy-five newspaper articles from The Philadelphia Inquirer written by former columnist John Grogan. Combining humor, wit, poignancy, and affection, these columns provide insight into the intriguing and wonderful world we live in. Whether it be writing about animals (from dogs to elephants to geese!), powerful and moving comments about his own and other families, trenchant comments on life s foibles and farces, or his interviews and interactions with people who are memorable and unusual in their own right, John Grogan makes us laugh-he makes us cry-he makes us think.Visit"

The Selected Essays of Gore Vidal
Gore Vidal
Biography / Fiction / Historical Fiction
Gore Vidal—novelist, playwright, critic, screenwriter, memoirist, indefatigable political commentator, and controversialist—is America's premier man of letters. No other living writer brings more sparkling wit, vast learning, indelible personality, and provocative mirth to the job of writing an essay.This long-needed volume comprises some twenty-four of his best-loved pieces of criticism, political commentary, memoir, portraiture, and, occasionally, unfettered score settling. It will stand as one of the most enjoyable and durable works from the hand and mind of this vastly accomplished and entertaining immortal of American literature.
From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Woman Who Borrowed Memories: Selected Stories
Tove Jansson
Children's / Fantasy / Comics
An NYRB Classics Original
Tove Jansson was a master of brevity, unfolding worlds at a touch. Her art flourished in small settings, as can be seen in her bestselling novel The Summer Book and in her internationally celebrated cartoon strips and books about the Moomins. It is only natural, then, that throughout her life she turned again and again to the short story. The Woman Who Borrowed Memories is the first extensive selection of Jansson’s stories to appear in English.
Many of the stories collected here are pure Jansson, touching on island solitude and the dangerous pull of the artistic impulse: in “The Squirrel” the equanimity of the only inhabitant of a remote island is thrown by a visitor, in “The Summer Child” an unlovable boy is marooned along with his lively host family, in “The Cartoonist” an artist takes over a comic strip that has run for decades, and in “The Doll’s House” a man’s hobby threatens to overwhelm his life. Others explore unexpected territory: “Shopping” has a post-apocalyptic setting, “The Locomotive” centers on a railway-obsessed loner with murderous fantasies, and “The Woman Who Borrowed Memories” presents a case of disturbing transference. Unsentimental, yet always humane, Jansson’s stories complement and enlarge our understanding of a singular figure in world literature.

The Economics of Freedom: What Your Professors Won't Tell You, Selected Works of Frederic Bastiat
StudentsFor Liberty
Collected essays by Frederic Bastiat. Introduction by Dr. Tom Palmer.A 300-line poem about a man who decides to visit such a graveyard in October near midnight, in hopes of seeing a ghost. He stumbles across the field as a storm approaches.I've got to tell you that he sees only parts of what might be a ghost - not a very satisfying result, and then retreats to his car. That's all. Yet this is one of the finest and most affecting modern poems for reading out loud. It will haunt you.

The Adding Machine: Selected Essays
William S. Burroughs
Literature & Fiction
Acclaimed by Norman Mailer more than twenty years ago as "possibly the only American writer of genius," William S. Burroughs has produced a body of work unique in our time. In these scintillating essays, he writes wittily and wisely about himself, his interests, his influences, his friends and foes. He offers candid and not always flattering assessments of such diverse writers as Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Joseph Conrad, Graham Greene, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Samuel Beckett, and Marcel Proust. He ruminates on science and the often dubious paths into which it seems intent on leading us, whether into outer or inner space. He reviews his reviewers, explains his famous “cut-up” method, and discusses the role coincidence has played in his life and work. As a satirist and parodist, William Burroughs has no peer, as these varied works, written over three decades, amply reveal.

The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke
Poetry / Literature & Fiction
Parallel German text and English translation.
The influence and popularity of Rilke’s poetry in America have never been greater than they are today, more than fifty years after his death. Rilke is unquestionably the most significant and compelling poet of romantic transformation, of spiritual quest, that the twentieth century has known. His poems of ecstatic identification with the world exert a seemingly endless fascination for contemporary readers.
In Stephen Mitchell’s versions, many readers feel that they have discovered an English rendering that captures the lyric intensity, fluency, and reach of Rilke’s poetry more accurately and convincingly than has ever been done before.
Mr. Mitchell is impeccable in his adherence to Rilke’s text, to his formal music, and to the complexity of his thought; at the same time, his work has authority and power as poetry in its own right. Few translators of any poet have arrived at the delicate balance of fidelity and originality that Mr. Mitchell has brought off with seeming effortlessness.
Originally published: New York : Random House, 1982.

The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa
Fernando Pessoa
Poetry / Fiction / Philosophy
The Washington Post Book World has written that Fernando Pessoa was "Portugal's greatest writer of the twentieth century [though] some critics would even leave off that last qualifying phrase" and "one of the most appealing European modernists, equal in command and range to his contemporaries Rilke and Mandelstam." The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa spans playful philosophical inquiry, Platonic dialogue, and bitter intellectual scrapping between Pessoa and his many literary alter egos ("heteronyms"). The heteronyms launch movements and write manifestos, and one of them attempts to break up Pessoa's only known romantic relationship. Also included is a generous selection from Pessoa's masterpiece, The Book of Disquiet, freshly translated by Richard Zenith from newly discovered materials. The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa is an important record of a crucial part of the literary canon.

The Raven and Selected Short Stories
Edgar Allan Poe
Horror / Poetry / Mystery
The title work in this collection of twelve short stories and poems is widely regarded as the most famous of Edgar Allan Poe's writings. This unsettling tale in verse tells of a man's slow descent into madness as he mourns the loss of his lover. The mysterious visit of a talking raven that utters only one word sparks the man's steady decline.
Now the inspiration for a major motion picture starring John Cusack, these tales of mystery and terror are here brought vividly to life by Blackstone Audio. Poe, the inventor of the modern detective story, was an expert at weaving suspense and horror into tales that thrill and chill. Included in this collection are "The Raven," "The Pit and the Pendulum," "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Fall of the House of Usher," "The Masque of the Red Death," "The Cask of Amontillado," "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," "The Black Cat," "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar," "Hop-Frog," "The Mystery of Marie Rogêt," and "The Purloined Letter."

Across the Land and the Water: Selected Poems, 1964-2001
W. G. Sebald
Biography / Memoir / Historical Fiction
“A splendid addition to an already extraordinary oeuvre.”—Teju Cole, *The New Yorker
German-born W. G. Sebald is best known as the innovative author of Austerlitz, *the prose classic of World War II culpability and conscience that put its author in the company of Nabokov, Calvino, and Borges. Now comes the first major collection of this literary master’s poems. Skillfully translated by Iain Galbraith, they range from pieces Sebald wrote as a student in the sixties to those completed right before his untimely death in 2001. In nearly one hundred poems—the majority published in English for the first time—Sebald explores his trademark themes, from nature and history, to wandering and wondering, to oblivion and memory. Soaring and searing, the poetry of W. G. Sebald is an indelible addition to his superb body of work, and this collection is bound to become a classic in its own right.
“How fortunate we are to have this writer’s startling imagination freshly on display once again, expressed in language honed to a perfect simplicity.”—Billy Collins
“A watershed volume . . . nothing less than transcendent.”—BookPage
“[Sebald was] a defining writer of his era.”—The New Republic

The Selected Poems of Li Po
Li Bai
Li Po (A.D., 701-762) lived in T'ang Dynasty China, but his influence has spanned the centuries: the pure lyricism of his poems has awed readers in China and Japan for over a millennium, and through Ezra Pound's translations, Li Po became central to the modernist revolution in the West. His work is suffused with Taoism and Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism, but these seem not so much spiritual influences as the inborn form of his life.There is a set-phrase in Chinese referring to the phenomenon of Li Po: "Winds of the immortals, bones of the Tao." He moved through this world with an unearthly freedom from attachment, and at the same time belonged profoundly to the earth and its process of change. However ethereal in spirit, his poems remain grounded in the everyday experience we all share. He wrote 1200 years ago, half a world away, but in his poems we see our world transformed. Legendary friends in eighth-century T'ang China, Li Po and Tu Fu are traditionally celebrated as the two greatest...

The Roominghouse Madrigals: Early Selected Poems, 1946-1966
Charles Bukowski
Fiction / Contemporary / Poetry
Charles Bukowski is one of America's best-known contemporary writers of poetry and prose, and, many would claim, its most influential and imitated poet. He was born in Andernach, Germany, and raised in Los Angeles, where he lived for fifty years. He published his first story in 1944, when he was twenty-four, and began writing poetry at the age of thirty-five. He died in San Pedro, California, on March 9, 1994, at the age of seventy-three, shortly after completing his last novel, Pulp (1994).

Wandering the Earth: A Selected Stories Sampler
Michael Bryson
Science / Biographies & Memoirs / Literature & Fiction
A selection of short stories by Michael Bryson, showcasing the author's disparate reach and contemporary voice.After reading a newspaper article about his viciously murdered neighbor, Businessman Carter Lowe becomes inexplicably paranoid that something similar could happen to him or his wife, Tracy. After seeing a masked man armed with a knife frequently across town, he comes face to face with his worst nightmare, and it too, is in a mask.

The Awakening and Selected Stories
Kate Chopin
Introduction by Kaye Gibbons Edited and with notes by Nina Baym Commentary by Elizabeth Blackwell, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and from The Picayune’s Creole Cook Book The Awakening shocked turn-of-the-century readers with its forthright treatment of sex and suicide. Departing from literary convention, Kate Chopin failed to condemn her heroine’s desire for an affair with the son of a Louisiana resort owner whom she meets on vacation. The power of sensuality, the delusion of ecstatic love, and the solitude that accompanies the trappings of middle- and upper-class life are the themes of this now-classic novel. As Kaye Gibbons points out in her Introduction, Chopin “was writing American realism before most Americans could bear to hear that they were living it.” This edition includes selected stories from Chopin’s Bayou Folk and A Night in...

The Sea-Wolf and Selected Stories
Jack London
Literature & Fiction / Adventure / Classics
This 100th Anniversary Edition presents the timeless tale of Humphrey Van Weyden, pressed into service aboard the seal-hunting Ghost, led by the brutal, enigmatic captain Wolf Larsen. This volume also includes four of London's acclaimed short stories.

The Queen of Spades and Selected Works (Pushkin Collection)
Alexander Pushkin
Classics / Poetry / Fiction
"The Queen of Spades" is one of the most famous tales in Russian literature, and inspired the eponymous opera by Tchaikovsky; in "The Stationmaster", from The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin, Pushkin reworks the parable of the Prodigal Son; "Tsar Nikita and his Forty Daughters" is one of Pushkin’s bawdier early poems; and the narrative poem "The Bronze Horseman", inspired by a St Petersburg statue of Peter the Great, is one of Pushkin’s best-known and most influential works. The volume also includes a selection of Pushkin’s best lyric poetry.
• Short Stories: The Queen of Spades; The Stationmaster
• Drama: Extracts from Boris Godunov and Mozart and Salieri
• The Bronze Horseman (narrative poem), Tsar Nikita and His Forty
Daughters (folk poem) and 14 lyric poems
• Novel in Verse: Extract from Yevgeny Onegin (novel in verse)

The Troll Garden and Selected Stories
Willa Cather
Literature & Fiction
Willa Sibert Cather (December 7, 1873[1] - April 24, 1947) was an American author who achieved recognition for her novels of frontier life on the Great Plains, in works such as O Pioneers!, My ntonia, and The Song of the Lark. In 1923 she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for One of Ours (1922), a novel set during World War I. Cather grew up in Nebraska and graduated from the University of Nebraska. She lived and worked in Pittsburgh for ten years, then at age 33 she moved to New York where she lived for the rest of her life. ( A collection of short stories by Willa Cather includes the following stories. On the Divide Eric Hermannson's Soul The Enchanted Bluff The Bohemian Girl THE TROLL GARDEN Flavia and Her Artists The Sculptor's Funeral "A Death in the Desert" The Garden Lodge The Marriage of Phaedra A Wagner Matinee Paul's Case

The Human Comedy: Selected Stories
Honoré de Balzac
Literature & Fiction
An NYRB Classics Original
Characters from every corner of society and all walks of life—lords and ladies, businessmen and military men, poor clerks, unforgiving moneylenders, aspiring politicians, artists, actresses, swindlers, misers, parasites, sexual adventurers, crackpots, and more—move through the pages of The Human Comedy, Balzac’s multivolume magnum opus, an interlinked chronicle of modernity in all its splendor and squalor. The Human Comedy includes the great roomy novels that have exercised such a sway over Balzac’s many literary inheritors, from Dostoyevsky and Henry James to Marcel Proust; it also contains an array of short fictions in which Balzac is at his most concentrated and forceful. Nine of these, all newly translated, appear in this volume, and together they provide an unequaled overview of a great writer’s obsessions and art. Here are “The Duchesse de Langeais,” “A Passion in the Desert,” and “Sarrasine”; tales of madness, illicit passion, ill-gotten gains, and crime. What unifies them, Peter Brooks points out in his introduction, is an incomparable storyteller’s fascination with the power of storytelling, while throughout we also detect what Proust so admired: the “mysterious circulation of blood and desire.”

The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories, Volume 2
Ursula K. Le Guin
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Young Adult / Nonfiction
"Creates imaginary worlds that restore us, hearts eased, to our own."—The Boston Globe "Admirers of fine literature, fantastic or not, will cherish this rich offer-ing."—Publishers Weekly Outer Space, Inner Lands includes many of the best known Ursula K. Le Guin nonrealistic stories which have shaped the way many readers see the world. She gives voice to the voiceless, hope to the outsider, and speaks truth to power—all the time maintaining her independence and sense of humor. Ursula K. Le Guin has published twenty-one novels, eleven collections, essays, poetry, trans-lations, and books for children. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

The Selected Stories of Elizabeth Bowen
Elizabeth Bowen
'Bowen's stories are novels that have been split open like rocks and reveal the glitter of the naked crystals which have formed them' VogueSELECTED AND WITH A NEW INTRODUCTION BY TESSA HADLEYA girl shares her secret den. A couple stroll through a ruined city. A man walks into a ladies' hat shop. A teacher dreams of killing her pupil.Spanning the 1920s to the post-war years, this new selection brings Elizabeth Bowen's finest short stories together for the first time. Elegant and subtle, they showcase Bowen's ability to evoke ineffable emotions - grief, nostalgia, self-consciousness, dread - and combine remarkable psychological insight with vivid settings, from the countryside of Bowen's native Ireland to the streets of her London home after the Blitz.Encompassing characters from many walks of life and a vast array of moods, these are intricate journeys of domesticity and discovery, of the homely and uncanny, of the mind and body.

Selected Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Jacob Grimm
Folk Tales / Fairy Tales / Nonfiction
This new edition of the beloved tales of the Brothers Grimm – selected, translated and edited by Peter Wortsman - is drawn from the 1857 edition of the German original, the last edition reviewed and approved by the Brothers in their lifetime. Over The years, The Brothers¢ enigmatic narratives have been sanitized by Disney and children¢s book editors for modern consumption; this indispensable edition restores their sting and vigor og The original prose. In Wortsman’s words, his translation is a return to "a tincture of concentrated man-eating ogre and ground hag tooth, diluted in blood, sweat and tears, as a potent vaccine against the crippling effects of fear and fury." These fortifying imaginative vaccines are accompanied by twenty-four full-color illustrations by Haitian artists, including Edouard Duval-Carrié, Pascale Monnin, and Frankétienne. Edwidge Danticat observes that many Haitian painters bring "forth another canvas beneath the one we see." These works’ imaginative scope, vitality, and evocation of the unconscious open deep channels between the two traditions, shedding new light and shadow on the classic tales.

The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder
William Anderson
Available for the first time and collected in one volume, the letters of one of America’s most beloved authors, Laura Ingalls Wilder—a treasure trove that offers new and unexpected understanding of her life and work.
The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder is a vibrant, deeply personal portrait of this revered American author, illuminating her thoughts, travels, philosophies, writing career, and dealings with family, friends, and fans as never before.
This is a fresh look at the adult life of the author in her own words. Gathered from museums and archives and personal collections, the letters span over sixty years of Wilder’s life, from 1894–1956 and shed new light on Wilder’s day-to-day life. Here we see her as a businesswoman and author—including her beloved Little House books, her legendary editor, Ursula Nordstrom, and her readers—as a wife, and as a friend. In her letters, Wilder shares her philosophies, political opinions, and reminiscences of life as a frontier child. Also included are letters to her daughter, writer Rose Wilder Lane, who filled a silent role as editor and collaborator while the famous Little House books were being written.
Wilder biographer William Anderson collected and researched references throughout these letters and the result is an invaluable historical collection, tracing Wilder’s life through the final days of covered wagon travel, her life as a farm woman, a country journalist, Depression-era author, and years of fame as the writer of the Little House books. This collection is a sequel to her beloved books, and a snapshot into twentieth-century living.

The Selected Stories of Xu Zechen
Zechen Xu
This book contains six works that each reflect the different styles of the author in each period of his work, paying attention to men of low status, memories of childhood, campus life, and the living conditions of Beijing’s drifters. Told in a straightforward manner, all the stories in this book are told in the first person and can be regarded together as a spiritual autobiography. Xu Zechen won the sixth Lu Xun Literature Award for short stories, and short stories have always been the focus and intention of his creation.
This book contains six works that each reflect the different styles of the author in each period of his work, paying attention to men of low status, memories of childhood, campus life, and the living conditions of Beijing’s drifters. Told in a straightforward manner, all the stories in this book are told in the first person and can be regarded together as a spiritual autobiography. Xu Zechen won the sixth Lu Xun Literature Award for short stories, and short stories have always been the focus and intention of his creation.

The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories, Volume 1
Ursula K. Le Guin
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Young Adult / Nonfiction
Praise for Ursula K. Le Guin's short story collections: "It is the author's more serious work that displays her talents best. . . . [A] classy and valuable collection."—Publishers Weekly "A master of the craft."—Neil Gaiman The Unreal and the Real is a two-volume selection of Ursula K. Le Guin's best stories. It is a much-anticipated event and there is no doubt it will delight, amuse, and provoke. Where on Earth explores Le Guin's satirical, risky, political, and experimental earthbound stories. Ursula K. Le Guin has received the PEN–Malamud and National Book Awards, among others. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

The Country of the Blind and other Selected Stories
H. G. Wells
Literature & Fiction / Science Fiction & Fantasy / History
Herbert George Wells was perhaps best known as the author of such classic works of science fiction as The Time Machine and War of the Worlds. But it was in his short stories, written when he was a young man embarking on a literary career, that he first explored the enormous potential of the scientific discoveries of the day. He described his stories as "a miscellany of inventions," yet his enthusiasm for science was tempered by an awareness of its horrifying destructive powers and the threat it could pose to the human race. A consummate storyteller, he made fantastic creatures and machines entirely believable; and, by placing ordinary men and women in extraordinary situations, he explored, with humor, what it means to be alive in a century of rapid scientific progress.

Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Selected and Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger
Brothers Grimm; Zwerger, Lisbeth
Tales from the Brothers Grimm: Selected and Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger

The Selected Stories of Mavis Gallant
Mavis Gallant
Since 1950, the year that The New Yorker accepted one of her short stories and changed her life, Mavis Gallant has written some of the finest short stories in the English language. In tribute to her extraordinary career this elegant 900-page volume brings together the work of her lifetime. Devoted admirers will find stories they do not know, or stories that they will re-discover, and for newer admirers this is a treasure trove of 52 stories by a remarkable modern Canadian master.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Selected Works of Abdullah the Cossack
HM Naqvi
"H.M. Naqvi is a superb stylist and writes like a poet. With careful attention to details and with enormous patience he presents a world that is at once fascinating and familiar. The Selected Works of Abdullah the Cossack is completely original in form and sensibility."—Ha Jin, winner of the National Book Award Winner of the inaugural DSC Prize for South Asian Literature, H.M. Naqvi follows his critically-lauded debut Home Boy with The Selected Works of Abdullah the Cossack, an enthralling novel about one unforgettable and gloriously unaccomplished man, his impending death, and the history and life of his bustling, shape-shifting city. Abdullah, bachelor and scion of a once prominent family, awakes on the morning of his seventieth birthday and considers launching himself over the balcony. Having spent years attempting to compile a "mythopoetic legacy" of his beloved Karachi, the cosmopolitan heart of Pakistan, Abdullah has lost his zeal. A...

The Day the Earth Stood Still: Selected Stories of Harry Bates
Harry Bates
Farewell to the Master first appeared in the October 1940 issue of Astounding Stories. It became the basis for the 1951 film, The Day the Earth Stood Still. The story morphed from Bates's original conception into a cerebral SF cinematic classic. Much of the sense of wonder of that original story was lost in its adaptation to film. In fact, a fundamental characteristic that can be found in the stories by Bates's is that sense of wonder. While other author's stories generally held optimistic views of humankind, Harry Bates's sensibilities were often much darker. He dealt with philosophy, particularly the metaphysical, with mind-exploding ideas that predates similar explorations by such authors as A.E. van Vogt and Philip K. Dick.
In Farewell to the Master, Cliff Sutherland, a freelance reporter, is determined to get more photos of the giant robot that stands as a silent sentinel over his dimensional space-traveling ship. Cliff is determined to have an overnight vigil to get behind the mystery of the slain alien known as Klaatu.
Alas, All Thinking is the story of one man's journey in time to the end of humanity. But he is much more that just an observer as he takes matters into his own hands.A Matter of Size takes the listener for a journey of scale and the meaning of identity.
Death of a Sensitive is the tale of psychic who is thought to be mad with his benevolent treatment towards the cockroaches that infest his apartment. A haunting tale with a dire warning that is based on the pioneering parapsychology of J.B. Rhines. Death of a Sensitive is a forgotten classic that is presented here for the first time in over 50 years. Four classic short novels from a Golden Age giant of Science Fiction.

The Selected Poems of Tu Fu
Tu Fu
For over a millennium, Chinese literati have almost unanimously considered Tu Fu (712-770 A.D.) to be their greatest poet.Tu Fu radically altered poetry as he found it in the High T'ang period. In addition to making formal innovations in language and structure, he extended the range of acceptable subject matter to include all aspects of public and private experience, thus becoming in the words of translator David Hinton, "the first complete poetic sensibility in Chinese literature."This edition of The Selected Poems of Tu Fu is the only comprehensive selection of the poet's work currently available in English. While retaining a scholar's devotion to the text, Hinton has attempted "to recreate Tu Fu's poems as new systems of uncertainty." By reflecting all the ambiguity and density of the originals, he has created compelling English poems that significantly alter our conception of Chinese poetry. Included with the poems are the translator's introduction and...

The Early Crap: Selected Short Stories, 1997-2005
Anthony Neil Smith
Fiction / Crime / Thriller
Product DescriptionA collection of Anthony Neil Smith's earliest short stories, written between 1997-2005 and published in a variety of journals, full of dark humor, bizarre characters, holy rollers, and even a Civil War era ghost.Stories include "Javaphobia", "Backslide", "Bitter Soul", "Ahead of the Game",“Nobody’s Killing Anybody Here”, “January Second” , “Everyone Grieves in a Unique Way” ,“Bad for Business” ,“My Worst Days” ,“To Hear Jesus” , “Chile” and “My Best Friend’s Girl."Plus, two bonus stories - "Crotch-Rockets" and "Cramp" - only in this custom tweaked edition.

Selected Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Brothers Grimm
"Among the few indispensable, common-property books upon which Western culture can be founded . . . it should be, first and foremost, an educational 'must' for adults."--W. H. Auden, "The New York Times""The one book--other than the Bible--that has truly made Western man."--"The New Republic""It doesn't feel like a warning to naughty infants. It feels like a glimpse of the dreadful side of the nature of things."--A. S. Byatt on "The Juniper Tree""In truth, most of the Grimms' tales cannot be made wholly respectable. . . . Even people who have never known hunger, let alone a murderous stepmother, still have a sense--from dreams, from news broadcasts--of utter blackness, the erasure of safety and comfort and trust. Fairy tales tell us that such knowledge, or fear, is not fantastic but realistic. Though Wilhelm tried to Christianize the tales, they still invoke nature, more than God, as life's driving force, and nature is not kind."--Joan Acocella, "The New Yorker"This new edition and translation of the darkest tales of the Brothers Grimm selected and translated by Peter Wortsman with full-color illustrations by Haitian artists Edouard Duval-Carrie, Pascale Monnin, and Franketienne restores the visceral edge and violence of these enigmatic narratives, and will include a few of Grimms' oft-neglected, grislier tales, including "The Juniper Tree."Jakob Karl Grimm was born in 1785 in Hanau, Germany. His brother, Wilhelm Karl Grimm, followed in 1786. As court librarians, linguists, scholars, translators, and writers, they collected stories told by peasants and villagers and published them in written form, shaping the foundation of the most popular children's stories today. For most of their lives, they worked in the same room, at facing desks.Peter Wortsman, recipient of the Beard's Fund Short Story Award, was selected as a 2010 Fellow of the American Academy in Berlin.

The Call of the Wild and Selected Stories
Jack London
Literature & Fiction / Adventure / Classics
A New York Times Bestselling Author -- First published in 1903, The Call of the Wild brought Jack London critical acclaim, instant celebrity, and a readership that would span generations across the globe.Stolen from the comfortable California home of Judge Miller, Buck -- a powerful half-St. Bernard, half-Scottish sheepdog -- is shipped to the Klondike and pressed into service as a sled dog. So begins an odyssey in which Buck experiences cruelty and neglect, learns the brutal skills of a survivor, finds a gentle master that he can respect and love, and eventually leaves civilization behind to become the legendary leader of a wolf pack.**

The Rising: Selected Scenes From the End of the World
Brian Keene
Horror / Comics & Graphic Novels / Mystery & Thrillers
Best-selling author Brian Keene returns with an all-new short story collection set in the world of the award-winning novel The Rising. The Rising and its sequel, City of the Dead, revitalized the horror genre and gave zombie fans a new reason to celebrate. Since publication, many readers have hoped for a wider examination of The Rising universe. Now they have it. The Rising: Selected Scenes From The End Of The World contains thirty-two short stories based in the world of The Rising and City of the Dead. Now, fans can witness how the undead epidemic plays out across the globe-Australia, the United Kingdom, Norway, the United States-nowhere is safe from the zombie invasion. Meet new characters you'll come to love, re-discover old characters you thought were gone, and find out what happens after the fateful events of City of the Dead. If you're a fan of Keene's zombie mythos, you cannot miss this book!

The Man Who Would Be King: Selected Stories of Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling
Fiction / Poetry / Children's
Rudyard Kipling is one of the most magical storytellers in the English language. This new selection brings together the best of his short writings, following the development of his work over fifty years. They take us from the harsh, cruel, vividly realized world of the 'Indian' stories that made his name, through the experimental modernism of his middle period to the highly-wrought subtleties of his later pieces. Including the tale of insanity and empire, 'The Man Who Would Be King', the high-spirited 'The Village that Voted the Earth Was Flat', the fable of childhood cruelty and revenge 'Baa Baa, Black Sheep', the menacing psychological study 'Mary Postgate' and the ambiguous portrayal of grief and mourning in 'The Gardener', here are stories of criminals, ghosts, femmes fatales, madness and murder.

The Selected Letters of Willa Cather
Willa Cather
Literature & Fiction
A literary event: the first publication of one of America's most consistently admired and studied writers.Willa Cather, wanting only her work to speak for her, clearly forbade the publication of her letters in her will. But now, over sixty-five years after her death, her literary reputation as secure as a reputation can be, the letters have become available for publication. Here then are 564 letters, nearly 20 percent of the entire cache, from the funny reports of 1880s Red Cloud life she wrote as a teenager, through her college years at the University of Nebraska, her time as a journalist, then novelist, in Pittsburgh and New York, to the letters of the 1940s when she despaired of her aging body and the events of WWII. The voice is strikingly consistent with the voice of her fiction: confident, elegant, detailed, open-hearted, concerned with profound ideas, but at the same time unfiltered, full of small fibs, emotional outbursts, inconsistencies, and the joys and...

The Very Best of Ruskin Bond, the Writer on the Hill: Selected Fiction and Non-Fiction
Ruskin Bond
One of India's finest and most prolific writers, Ruskin Bond has been
putting pen to paper for well over six decades. Since The Room on the
Roof his award winning debut novel which introduced readers to the
unforgettable Rusty, the orphan from Dehradun - Bond has created
characters both charming and eccentric, which have endured in popular
imagination. And, in what is perhaps his most towering achievement, Bond
has brought to pulsing life the mountains, valleys and rivers of
Garhwal, as well as the quiet magic of small, tucked away places, in
book after book The Writer on the Hill is a comprehensive
selection of Bond's fiction and nonfiction, both popular and little
known. In Masterji, a young man meets his old Hindi teacher on a train
platform, in handcuffs. In the excerpt from The Room on the Roof, Rusty
stands up to his bullying guardian. Man and Leopard describes, in
mesmerising prose, a heartbreaking encounter between man and the wild.
And, in Once upon a Mountain Time, Bond creates a charming portrait of
his little patch of earth in Mussoorie. A tribute to one of the
most popular and loved writers of India, The Writer on the Hill is also a
celebration of the quiet, unhurried life, lived at ones own pace. This
volume will delight Bond's fans everywhere.

The Selected Adventures of Bottersnikes and Gumbles
S A Wakefield
Launching alongside the animation television series on Channel 7, a new edition containing selected stories of these favourite Australian characters. Deep in the bush live some very strange creatures ... Bottersnikes live in rubbish heaps along dusty roadsides in the lonely Australian bush. They have green wrinkly skin, cheese grater noses and long, pointed ears that go red when they are angry. Which is most of the time. Giggling Gumbles live in the bush, too. They are cheerful little creatures who can be squashed into all sorts of shapes, but cannot pop back into their proper shape unless helped. This makes the friendly Gumbles useful to the lazy Bottersnikes, who have some very nasty plans ... The Bottersnikes may have some tricks up their sleeves, but so do the resourceful Gumbles. The battle has begun! Ages: 8+

The Selected Stories of Mercè Rodoreda
Mercè Rodoreda
Collected here are thirty-one of Mercè Rodoreda's most moving and challenging stories from three of her most beloved short story collections. These stories capture Rodoreda's full range of expression, from quiet literary realism to fragmentary impressionism to dark symbolism. Few writers have captured so clearly the lives of women who are stuck somewhere between senseless modernity and suffocating tradition.

The Selected Short Fiction of Lisa Moore
Lisa Moore
Lisa Moore's stories are bright, emotionally engaging, tangible. She marks out the precious moments of her characters' lives against deceptively commonplace backdrops — a St. John's hospital cafeteria lit only by the lights in the snack machines; a half-built house "like a rib cage around a lungful of sky" — and the results linger long in the memory. The Collected Short Fiction of Lisa Moore shows us that love, alongside desire, can sometimes come as a surprise, sometimes an ambush. She splices moments and images together so adroitly, so vividly, you'll swear you've lived them yourself. This new volume, bringing together Lisa Moore’s first two books of stories, Open and Degrees of Nakedness, is the very best way to encounter one of the finest short-story writers in the country. This edition features a brilliant new introduction by Jane Urquhart on the importance of Moore’s work.About the AuthorLisa Moore: Lisa Moore is the acclaimed author of the novels February, which was shortlisted for the Scotiabank Giller Prize and longlisted for the Booker Prize, and Alligator, which was a finalist for the Scotiabank Giller Prize and won the Commonwealth Fiction Prize (Canada and the Caribbean), and the short-story collections Open, which was shortlisted for the Giller Prize, and Degrees of Nakedness. Lisa Moore's books have been translated into many languages and published around the world. She lives in St. John's, Newfoundland.

The Country of the Pointed Firs and Selected Short Fiction
Sarah Orne Jewett
The Country of the Pointed Firs and Selected Short Fiction, by Sarah Orne Jewett, is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics:New introductions commissioned from today's top writers and scholars Biographies of the authors Chronologies of contemporary historical, biographical, and cultural events Footnotes and endnotes Selective discussions of imitations, parodies, poems, books, plays, paintings, operas, statuary, and films inspired by the work Comments by other famous authors Study questions to challenge the reader's viewpoints and expectations Bibliographies for further reading Indices & Glossaries, when appropriateAll editions are beautifully designed and...