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A Flame in Hali
Part #37 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
In the era of The Hundred Kingdoms, a time of war and unrest, King Carolin of Hastur and his friend Keeper Varzil Ridenow work selflessly to put an end to the destruction caused by the long range weapons of the magical matrix Towers. But Eduin Deslucido-who once called Carolin brother-has been consumed with a vengeful rage, and will stop at nothing to destroy the king and his plan for peace.

The Shadow Matrix
Part #33 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
After spending her youth in the Terran Empire, Margaret Alton returns to Darkover, the planet of her birth. There she discovers she has the Alton Gift--forced rapport and compulsion--one of the strongest and most dangerous of the inherited Laran gifts of the telepathic Comyn--the ruling families of Darkover. And even as she struggles to control her newfound powers, Margaret finds herself falling in love with the Regent to the royal Elhalyn Domain, a man she has been forbidden to marry, for their alliance would irrevocably alter the power balance of their planet!

Part #16 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
She had rejected her noble birthright and embraced the freedom only a man could claim. She was Romilly who lived among the beasts of hill and forest and communicated with them, who tried humanity and turned it down for its evils and jealousies. She had the MacAran Gift, the rare Laran that conferred mastery over hawk and horse.

The Keeper's Price
Part #14 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
From the back cover:
The lore of the planet of the Bloody Sun, Darkover, with its human and semi-human peoples, its science of emntal powers, its loves and hates, its feuds and favors -- all have grown into one of the greater classics of the imagination, comparable only to the Middle Earth of Tolkien.
For so deep and complex has been the creation of this worlds that readers have sought to fill in the unknown spots of its saga. They, forming the Friends of Darkover, have joined with Marion Zimmer Bradley to create this anthology of new stories of Darkover, written by its most talented followers.
Here are stories that span the whole of Darkover history -- from the days after the original landfall, through the Ages of Chaos, the Pact of the Comyn, and the coming of the Terrans. Included are three original stories by Marion Zimmer Bradley and her editorial commentaries on each story.

The Spell Sword
Part #8 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Although Darkover was a world inhabited by humans as well as semi-humans, it was primarily forbidden ground to the Terran traders. Most of the planet's wild terrain was unexplored...and many of its peoples seclusive and secretive.
But for Andrew Carr there was an attration he could not evade. Darkover drew him, Darkover haunted him--and when his mapping plane crashed in unknown heights, Darkover prepared to destroy him.
Until the planet's magic asserted itself--and his destiny began to unfold along lines predicted only by phantoms and wonder workers of the kind Terran science could never acknowledge.
THE SPELL SWORD is a Darkover novel to stand with the great ones of the series.

The Bloody Sun
Part #3 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
This is the re-written version of the original story.
To Terran Jeff Kerwin the distant planet he remembered only as a childhood dream was home. But when years of planning finally brought him back to Darkover, ha found that there was no peace for him there--not for someone with both the red hair of a Com'yn lord and the bastard strains of Terrani in his blood; not for someone who carried a Darkovan matrix jewel without knowing where it came from; not for someone who managed to win th trust of the sacred Keepers and the secrets of their Tower, only to be accused of betrating them to his Terran masters...

City of Sorcery
Part #19 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Haunted by mysterious images of hooded figures, Magdalen Lorne, chief Terran operative on Darkover, pursues a quest not only to the frozen ends of the physical world but also to the perilous limits of the spiritual world. And there she is tested by the evil sorcery of the Dark Sisterhood.

The World Wreckers
Part #6 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Planetary Investments Unlimited--that was its official name. But unofficially it was knows as Worldwreckers, Inc.. For a fee, its agents would infiltrate any world unwilling to give up its independence, and do enough damage so the natives would be forced to allow Terran investors to step in and salvage their planet. And now, once again, its agents were at work.
In the 78 years since Cottman IV, called Darkover by its natives, was rediscovered by the Terran Empire, all efforts to colonize and industrialize this exotic world had failed.
And the person in charge of "Worldwreckers, Inc.", a centuries-old being who appeared to be a woman, had decided to take on this particular assignment herself. After all, she had special insight into this world, for long ago--lifetimes ago--she had called Darkover home...

Part #29 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Leonie Hastur, headstrong and lovely daughter of the Hastur Clan, most powerful of all the telepathic families who rule Darkover, is being escorted by her twin brother Lorill to Dalreuth Tower for training in the use of her psychic powers. Although this is the event she has long dreamed of—for her laran is so strong that she has been able to use it without benefit of training or the need of a matrix crystal—and she yearns for the power which will come to her if she succeeds in becoming a Keeper, she is deeply disturbed. For she is plagued by a terrifying premonition that haunts her days and disrupts her nights, the inescapable feeling that something is about to happen—something monumental and dangerous which will descend upon her world and change it utterly. And all she knows for certain is that this something will be coming from one of Darkover’s four moons…

The Fall of Neskaya
Part #35 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
The Fall of Neskaya, Book One of the Clingfire Trilogy, marks the legendary author's final return to Darkover before her death. Set in the tumultuous era of The Hundred Kingdoms, a terrible time of strife and war, this unique fantasy world is divided into a mutlitude of small belligerent domains vying for power and land. One ambitious and corrupt tyrant will stop at nothing to control Darkover-even wield the terrifying weapons of the matrix.

Zandru's Forge
Part #36 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
In the era of The Hundred Kingdoms, a time of war and unrest, a legendary friendship is forged between king and keeper which will lead to a new destiny for Darkover.

Gifts of Darkover
Deborah J. Ross
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover remains one of the longest-running and best-loved series of all time, one that has touched the hearts and fired the imaginations of generations of readers. Now Darkover comes alive as never before in the hands of talented authors, many of whom found inspiration for their own careers in the world of the Bloody Sun. On a wondrous planet of telepaths and swordsmen, non-humans and ancient mysteries, a technologically advanced, star-faring civilization comes into inevitable conflict with one that has pursued psychic gifts and turned away from weapons of mass destruction.Darkover offers many gifts, asked for and unexpected. Those who come here, ignorant of what they will find, discover gifts outside themselves and within themselves. The door to Darkover's magic swings both ways, however, and many a visitor leaves the people he encounters equally transformed.This anthology includes stories by Robin Wayne Bailey, Jane M. H. Bigelow, Barb...

Music of Darkover
Elisabeth Waters
The first new Darkover anthology in almost two decades, this volume focuses on the music of Darkover: stories with musical elements; the songs in the books; and the filk songs inspired by them, from "The Horsetamer's Daughter" by Leslie Fish to eight songs by Cynthia McQuillin. Original stories included are by India Edghill, Leslie Fish, Raul S. Reyes, Michael Spence, and Elisabeth Waters. There are also reprints of stories by Mercedes Lackey and Vera Nazarian.

Traitor's Sun
Part #34 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Traitor's Sun continues the epic saga of Darkover, the award-winning series by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Her most brilliant and popular creation, the Darkover books take readers to a planet torn by rebellion--and struggling for freedom...

The Shattered Chain
Part #10 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
While only women can command the power of the matrix and the secret sciences which keep Darkover from Terran hands, in most respects they are still chattels. But the Free Amazons are considered equal to men, and it is they who provide the key to the Terran-Darkover dilemma.

The Heritage of Hastur
Part #9 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Described as "Bradley's best novel" by Locus, THE HERITAGE OF HASTUR, longest and most intricate of the Darkover books, is a brilliant epic of the pivotal event in the strange love-hate relationship between the Terran worlds and the semi-alien offspring of forgotten peoples.
This is the novel of the Hastur tradition and of the showdown between those who would bargain away their world for the glories of star-borne science and those who would preserve the special "matrix" power that was at once the prize and the burden of ruddy-sunned Darkover.
A Note From the Author:
To the faithful followers of the chronicles of Darkover, whose greatest delight seems to be discovering even the most minute inconsistencies from book to book:
This book tells a story which a great many of the friends of Darkover have asked me to tell - the story of the early life of Regis Hastur, and of the Sharra rising, and of Lew Alton's first encounter with Marjorie Scott and the man who called himself Kadarin.
The faithful followers mentioned above will discover a very few minute inconsistencies between the account herein, and the story as Lew Alton told it later. I make no apologies for these. The only explanation I can make is that in the years which elapsed between the events in this book, and the later novel dealing with the final destruction of the Sharra matrix, Lew's memories of these events may have altered his perceptions. Or, as I myself believe, the telepaths of the Arilinn Tower may have mercifully blurred his memories, to save his reason.

Exile's Song
Part #32 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
She was Margaret Alton, the daughter of Lew Alton, the Darkovan representative to the Terran Imperial Senate, but she remembered almost nothing about the planet of her birth, or her early and tumultuous childhood. What fleeting memories disturbed her sleep were fragments of terror - a strange silver man and a screaming woman with hair that circled her head like a ring of fire. Since leaving Darkover as a child, Margaret had lived her life on Thetis. Lew and her stepmother, Diotima, were gone much of the year, working in the Senate, struggling to keep Darkover safe from the all-consuming imperialism of the Terran Federation. She hardly knew her father, a brooding man who, when he returned to Thetis, was prone to long bouts of drinking. At these times, his normally morose and uncommunicative demeanor would take on an even darker hue ... times when he seemed to look at Margaret and see someone else - someone he did not want to remember. As soon as Margaret was of age, she fled her stormy home and took refuge on University. Here Margaret, strangely uncomfortable around her peers, found solace in the isolation of study. She excelled in music and was granted the position of assistant to her mentor, renowned musicologist Dr. Ivor Davidson. This prestigious job took her to many worlds, and when she and Professor Davidson were assigned to collect folk songs on Darkover, Margaret was curious and pleased. But once on Darkover, Margaret's innocent excitement quickly waned. The world of her birth evoked long-buried memories, painful and terrifying, and she soon found herself falling deeper and deeper into a waking dream that threatened to become a nightmare. Margaret began to hear voices in her head- one voice in particular which seemed to confront her at every turn - and she wondered if she were losing her mind.

The Winds of Darkover
Part #5 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Turning under a blood-red sun, Darkover had always been a mystery to the Terrans. Its most puzzling riddles lay in the incredibly high mountains known as the Hellers. These jagged and almost impassable peaks sheltered races and enigmas that had become legend in the outside world--the howling inhuman Ya-men, the deadly Ghost Wind, the fiefs of barbaric brigand chieftains, decaying eldritch Dry-Towns...and the eerie forces that were worshiped as gods.
Dan Barron was a rational and highly efficient member of the Terran Spaceforce--until nightmare visions drove him from the safety of the Trade City into the unmapped heart of the Darkovan mountain ranges...into an ancient battle that would shape the destiny of more than one world.

Stars of Darkover
Deborah J. Ross
Return to the world of the Bloody Sun Over fifty years ago, master story-teller Marion Zimmer Bradley introduced readers to a compelling new world. Darkover, a distant planet circling a red sun, was home to telepaths and rebels, lovers and rivals, nonhuman races both friendly and deadly, ancient traditions and even more ancient feuds, and psychic gifts of unimaginable power, channeled through starstone gems and capable of changing not only individual lives, but the entire world. Generations of fans have fallen in love with Darkover, and many of them have gone on to notable literary careers of their own. Now editors Deborah J. Ross and Elisabeth Waters have gathered together luminaries of fantasy in this star-studded anthology of original stories that illuminate Darkover's rich history and culture. From the Ages of Chaos to re-contact with the Terrans, from the Dry Towns to the back streets of Thendara to the horse pastures of Armida, these tales offer action, courage,...

Renunciates of Darkover
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
The eighth Darkover anthology returns to stories about the Free Amazons, also called Renunciates.Here are twenty-two brand new tales about the Renunciates, including Marion Zimmer Bradley's account of how Camilla and Rafaella changed from enemies to best friends. Stories in this volume were written by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Deborah J. Ross, Mercedes Lackey, Diana L. Paxson, Elisabeth Waters, Emily Alward, Priscilla W. Armstrong, Lynne Armstrong-Jones, Chel Avery, Margaret L. Carter, Patricia B. Cirone, Mary Fenoglio, Kelly B. Jaggers, Judith Kobylecky, Jean Lamb, Vera Nazarian, Patricia Duffy Novak, Diann S. Partridge, Andrew Rey, Janet R. Rhodes, Annette Rodriguez, and Joan Marie Verba.

Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover
Part #30 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian incredible blending of fantasy and science fiction.
Eventually the Terrans rediscover their long-lost — and now alien — colony: Darkover.
Things are different there.
While adolescent male homosexuality is generally tolerated on Darkover, men are expected to outgrow it. When Dyan Ardais takes lovers young enough to be his sons, he risks not just his reputation, but his life.
Life in a Tower as a Keeper, the chaste virgin who holds a circle together, is grueling. Few succeed in the long, painful years of training. The ones who do have power greater than any queen, but what happens to the ones who don’t?
Darkover technology is based on matrix stones that amplify psychic gifts, and people with those gifts work in the Tower circles. But duty to family outweighs everything else, and anyone can be called home from the Tower to marry as her family dictates. A Comyn lady can have lands, wealth, family…everything but freedom.
Women can become Free Amazons, but that life has its own set of challenges. Before a candidate’s trial period ends, she must decide if she is truly meant to cope with everything being a Free Amazon entails.

Part #12 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
paperback, vg++ In stock shipped from our UK warehouse

The Forbidden Tower
Part #11 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
This is the novel of four who defied the powers of the matrix guardians - fanatics who protected those powers so that the planet of the ruddy sun might never fall beneath the influence of materialistic Terrans.
The four who found themselves fused into a terrifying unity in that defiance were two men and two women.
The men were Damon Ridenow, a Comyn of the ruling caste, and Andrew Carr, the Earthman who had won for himself the right of clan-entry.

Two To Conquer ELF
Part #13 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

Realms of Darkover
Deborah J. Ross
Marion Zimmer Bradley's beloved world of Darkover encompasses many realms, from glacier-shrouded mountains to arid wastelands, from ancient kingdoms to space-faring empires. Now this all-new anthology welcomes old friends and new fans to explore these landscapes of time and place, history and imagination. Darkover's psychic gifts known as laran bestow the ability to reach across the stars, meld with another's mind, and experience past and possible futures. These talents are not limited to Darkover's human inhabitants, for the planet is also home to nonhuman races, many with powerful mental abilities of their own. In these stories, a swordsman on the track of an assassin forges a telepathic bond with a great owl...a shapeshifter from Earth discovers kinship with a Darkovan catman...a boy from the desert Dry Towns displays a deadly form of weather-control...rescuers make their way across blizzard-cloaked mountains, afoot or on skis...and an intrepid young woman challenges the...

The Heirs Of Hammerfe
Part #24 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

Part #45 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
A follow-up to The Ages of Chaos omnibus, Thunderlord is a brand-new novel of the genre-bending Darkover universe, expanded by Marion Zimmer Bradley's collaborator Deborah J. Ross.
Far in Darkover's past, the Ages of Chaos were a time of constant warfare, when immensely powerful psychic weapons ravaged the land and slaughtered entire armies. Perhaps none was more dangerous and unpredictable than the mental Gift to sense--and control--thunderstorms. When the realm of Aldaran and their Scathfell cousins came to blows, that Gift turned the tide of battle, and Aldaran prevailed.
A generation later, the heir to Scathfell, Gwynn, has grown up in the shadow of that conflict, his life shaped by the loss of his entire family. Now he plots his revenge for his family’s humiliating defeat by seeking to marry a woman who carries the storm control Gift, so that his sons will be able to wield the terrible power of storms against Aldaran.
Since childhood, Kyria has been able to sense approaching storms. She had never expected to marry a rich man; independent and athletic, she defied tradition by donning her brother’s castoff clothing and trapping small game to keep her family from starvation. When Gwynn’s emissary arrives with a marriage proposal that will secure her family’s financial future, she agrees. Along with her younger sister as her companion, she sets out for Scathfell, where she will be formally wed.
During their passage through rugged mountains, a blizzard drives them to seek shelter in a traveler’s hut, where they meet Edric, the young heir to Aldaran.
Edric has inherited the storm control, but he has never dared to use it. His whole life, he has been warned against the consequences, not just to his enemies but to everyone he loves. Now, disguised as an ordinary traveler, he journeys home after years of study, disciplining himself to control his powers.
When he meets Kyria, he senses the presence of the same storm power, but unschooled and dormant. They know each other only as Edric and Kyria--for under shelter truth, all identities are concealed--and are drawn to one another.
Thus begins the saga of two kingdoms, divided by bitter history and present-day suspicions, one armed with devastating power and the other determined to overcome it, no matter what the price. Can their love and resourcefulness overcome even the overwhelming power of a Thunderlord?

Star of Danger
Part #4 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
First published in 1965, Star of Danger is a work that stands as a foundation for the bestselling Darkover series, introducing many loyal fans to this wonderful, mysterious world. Two natives of Darkover are forced to combine Darkover matrix magic with Terran technology to stand against a shared enemy.

Sharra's Exile
Part #15 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
The sequel to Heritage of Hastur, perhaps the single most popular of Bradley's spectacular Darkover novels, Sharra's Exile is the story of Lew Alton's return to Darkover and his battle to destroy the deadly Sharra matrix.

Darkover Landfall
Part #7 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Darkover, planet of wonder, world of mystery, has been a favorite of science fiction readers for many years. For it is a truly alien sphere--a world of strange intelligences, of brooding skies beneath a ruddy sun, and of powers unknown to Earth. In this novel, Marion Zimmer Bradley tells of the original coming of the Earthmen, of the days when Darkover knew not humanity. This is the full-bodied novel of what happened when a colonial starship crashlanded on that uncharted planet to encounter for the first time in human existence the impact of the Ghost Wind, the psychic currents that were native only to that world, and the price that every Earthling must pay before Darkover could claim him for itself.

The Sword of Aldones
Part #2 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Lew Alton was returning to Darkover - returning at the command of men who had once been all too glad to see him leave. For Lew, a Darkovan on his father's side, and a Terran on his mother's, had always walked between two worlds, accused by each of belonging to the other, and trusted by neither. Yet Lew alone had the power to understand both worlds and to save them from each other's unknown forces. That was the reason he had returned at last - armed with the legendary sword of the Sharra matrix, whose destiny was to cross forces with the equally mystic Sword of Aldones in one mighty battle that would decide Darkover's fate . . .

The Planet Savers
Part #1 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
In The Planet Savers Marion Zimmer Bradley introduced the world to her amazing Darkover series. A disease threatens all of Darkover and the only man that can save Darkover has a multiple personality disorder. He is two distinct men. But two men who hate one another and vie for possession of their one body. But to save Darkover they must work together.

Hastur Lord
Part #39 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian

The Alton Gift
Part #38 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
The long-awaited continuation to the popular science fiction saga is the story of Darkover's ruling class, the comyn, and their struggles to reclaim their realm from the devastating effects of the Terran Federation.

Citadels of Darkover
Deborah J. Ross
Strongholds of rock . . . fortresses of the spirit . . . a planet set apart . . . A castle high in snow-covered mountains beneath a ruddy sun, a place at once romantic and bleak, alien and richly nostalgic . . . a heart besieged and then re-awakened . . . secrets locked away by stone and spell . . . the last refuge of desperate folk . . . Towers where laran-Gifted circles work their magic . . . and Darkover itself, a world apart, yet under repeated assault by those who would exploit its natural resources, including its unique telepathic Gifts . . . Citadels can be psychic, emotional, and cultural as well as military, and the wonderfully imaginative contributors to this volume have taken the basic idea and spun out stories in different and often unexpected directions. This volume contains stories by Robin Wayne Bailey, Jane M. H. Bigelow, Barb Caffrey, Evey Brett, Lillian Csernica, Leslie Fish, Rebecca Fox, Steven Harper, Shariann Lewitt, Diana L. Paxson,...

The Children of Kings
Part #40 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Although the Terran Federation has departed Darkover due to a nasty interstellar civil war, the planet's location in the galactic arm makes it a prime hideout for smugglers, rebels, and other refugees. When smugglers start arming the warlike Dry Towners with forbidden weapons, Gareth Elhalyn, grandson of Regis Hastur and heir to the throne, takes off on a secret mission to stop them...

Masques of Darkover
Deborah J. Ross
Orbiting a distant red sun, the planet Darkover was settled long ago by human colonists and then cut off from the rest of civilization. Over millennia of isolation, it gave rise to a rich culture ruled by a telepathic aristocracy, but was also home to nonhuman races, both hostile and friendly. As kingdoms rose and fell, the enhanced psychic gifts called laran, channeled through starstone gems, transformed not only individual lives, but the entire world.In the spirit of a masqued revel, here is a gala presentation of tales set in Marion Zimmer Bradley's beloved world of the Bloody Sun. Some of these stories are humorous, others dark, some gritty, and others whimsical or romantic, but all reflect the richness and breadth of adventures to be found on Darkover.This volume includes stories by Robin Wayne Bailey, Jane M. H. Bigelow, Evey Brett, Leslie Roy Carter and Margaret L. Carter, India Edghill, Rosemary Edghill, Rebecca Fox, Steven Harper, Shariann Lewitt, Meg...

Thendara House
Part #18 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
The cross-currents of two cultures, one male-dominated, one egalitarian, combined with the human problems of two who switched allegiances, brings into focus all the deepest questions of love and marriage, justice and injustice. THENDARA HOUSE is a novel of speculation which has become a classic masterwork on the role of women on any world, past, present, or future.

Heritage and Exile
Part #1 of "Darkover Omnibus" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
More information to be announced soon on this forthcoming title from Penguin USAAbout the AuthorMarion Zimmer was born in Albany, NY, on June 3, 1930, and married Robert Alden Bradley in 1949. Mrs. Bradley received her B.A. in 1964 from Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas, then did graduate work at the University of California, Berkeley, from 1965-67. She was a science fiction/fantasy fan from her middle teens, and made her first sale as an adjunct to an amateur fiction contest in Fantastic/Amazing Stories in 1949. She had written as long as she could remember, but wrote only for school magazines and fanzines until 1952, when she sold her first professional short story to Vortex Science Fiction. She wrote everything from science fiction to Gothics, but is probably best known for her Darkover novels. In addition to her novels, Mrs. Bradley edited many magazines, amateur and professional, including Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, which she started in 1988. She also edited an annual anthology called Sword and Sorceress for DAW Books. Over the years she turned more to fantasy; The House Between the Worlds, although a selection of the Science Fiction Book Club, was "fantasy undiluted". She wrote a novel of the women in the Arthurian legends -- Morgan Le Fay, the Lady of the Lake, and others -- entitled Mists of Avalon, which made the NY Times best seller list both in hardcover and trade paperback, and she also wrote The Firebrand, a novel about the women of the Trojan War. Her historical fantasy novels, The Forest House, Lady of Avalon, Mists of Avalon are prequels to Priestess of AvalonShe died in Berkeley, California on September 25, 1999, four days after suffering a major heart attack. She was survived by her brother, Leslie Zimmer; her sons, David Bradley and Patrick Breen; her daughter, Moira Stern; and her grandchildren.

The Sword of Aldones d-2
Part #2 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
After Lew Alton unwittingly roused the fire demon Sharra, the Sword of Aldones was the only weapon that could lay her to rest again. But only one man could wield the sword, and getting it was an even bigger problem.
Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1963.
Later the novel was revised and rewritten by author and published as Sharra’s Exile in 1981.

Sharra's Exile d-21
Part #21 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
The sequel to Heritage of Hastur, perhaps the single most popular of Bradley's spectacular Darkover novels, Sharra's Exile is the story of Lew Alton's return to Darkover and his battle to destroy the deadly Sharra matrix.

The Ages of Chaos
Part #2 of "Darkover Omnibus" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Set during the lawless Ages of Chaos, when the ruling families of the Seven Domains of Darkover ruthlessly inbred their psychic offspring to gain powerful and fearsome talents, two young women are born with "wild" psychic gifts. These stories, one tragic and one triumphant, combine to give the reader a vivid and poignant picture of a devastating time period in the history of this fantastic world. **

Jewels of Darkover
Deborah J. Ross
For more than six decades, readers have fallen in love with Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover, a "Lost Colony" world of telepaths, swordsmen, intelligent alien races, and long-buried mysteries. From the glacier-shrouded Hellers Mountains to the arid Dry Towns, the ancient realms of the Ages of Chaos, and the star-faring Terran Federation, Darkover is brimming with adventure, intrigue, and romance. Editor Deborah J. Ross proudly presents this all-original collection in the finest spirit of Darkovan tales for your reading delight. Evey Brett + Barb Caffrey + Margaret L. Carter and Leslie Roy Carter + Lillian Csernica + India and Rosemary Edghill + Leslie Fish + Shariann Lewitt + Marella Sands + Deborah Millitello + Diana L. Paxson + Rhondi Salsitz

Hastur Lord d-23
Part #23 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
The world of Darkover, a unique, isolated, and protected world, has long avoided becoming part of the technologically advanced Terran Empire. But things are about to change. Regis Hastur, lord of the most powerful of the seven Domains in Darkover, learns that the Empire is about to become a Federation, and is extending an invitation for all of the worlds to join. While the offer seems tempting to his people, Regis knows that Darkover would become little more than a military base, used for its unique planetary position, and will be sapped of its resources. He must now stop at nothing to save his world.

The Heritage Of Hastur d-18
Part #18 of "Darkover" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Described as "Bradley's best novel" by Locus, THE HERITAGE OF HASTUR, longest and most intricate of the Darkover books, is a brilliant epic of the pivotal event in the strange love-hate relationship between the Terran worlds and the semi-alien offspring of forgotten peoples. This is the novel of the Hastur tradition and of the showdown between those who would bargain away their world for the glories of star-borne science and those who would preserve the special "matrix" power that was at once the prize and the burden of ruddy-sunned Darkover.

The Forbidden Tower dr-4
Part #4 of "Darkover: Recontact" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Tradition and a sacred caste system ruled life on the planet Darkover, but two men and two women dared to defy the ancient law. Together they formed a powerful alliance, but was it strong enough to resist the terrible forces of Darkover?
Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1978.

The Saga of the Renunciates
Part #3 of "Darkover Omnibus" series by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Fantasy / Science Fiction / Gay and Lesbian
Magda, a Terran who has joined the Free Amazons, women who have renounced all dependence on men, and her Guild-sister, Jaelle, embark on a terrifying journey that will take them to the far reaches of Darkover and to the ultimate limits of the spiritual overworld, in an omnibus edition--featuring The Shattered Chain, Thendara House, and City of Sorcery--chronicling the adventures of the Free Amazons. Original.