Adorable Atrocity: An Alien Evolution LITRPG, page 1

An Alien Evolution LITRPG
Copyright © 2024
An Alien Evolution LITRPG
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
First Edition 2024
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Dad, thank you for all the time you spent listening to me work out minor details and plot points. I appreciate the time we spend together more than you know.
Matt, I appreciate the calls and the chats to keep my spirits up when things stopped working.
Aest, thanks for spending time helping me get my character timelines straight. Multi-POV is hard
To all the members of COTEH, thank you for helping me improve and get to this point. It all made a tremendous difference.
And, of course, to all my readers. I literally could not be here without you.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Australian Outback Adventure (Erodicilee)
Chapter 2
Chasing Evolution (Erodicilee)
Chapter 3
Differing Perspectives (Lecorondia)
Chapter 4
Illegal Fishing (Erodicilee)
Chapter 5
Bottom Of The Ladder (Lucy)
Chapter 6
Issues With Fame (Lecorondia)
Chapter 7
Newest Acting Gig (Lecorondia)
Chapter 8
Digging An Escape (Erodicilee)
Chapter 9
Hysterical Interrogation (Lucy)
Chapter 10
Line Reads (Lecorondia)
Chapter 11
Crime Scene Reads (Lucy)
Chapter 12
Outback Feast (Erodicilee)
Chapter 13
Friendship Food (Erodicilee)
Chapter 14
Hidden Camera Performance (Lecorondia)
Chapter 15
Orders from on high (Lucy)
Chapter 16
Stage Fright (Lecorondia)
Chapter 17
Lights Camera Action (Lecorondia)
Chapter 18
Bonding Time (Erodicilee)
Chapter 19
Farm Call (Lucy)
Chapter 20
Chance Encounter (Mark)
Chapter 21
Unhelpful Cavalry (Lucy)
Chapter 22
Seeing The Finish Line (Lecondria)
Chapter 23
Target Lost (Lucy)
Chapter 24
Overdue Revenge (Erodicilee)
Chapter 25
Governmental Oversight (Lecondria)
Chapter 26
A Helpful Face (Lucy)
Chapter 27
Target Located (Erodicilee)
Chapter 28
Missing the Mark (Lecorondia)
Chapter 29
Old Hunting Grounds (Erodicilee)
Chapter 30
Focusing Difficulties (Lecorondia)
Chapter 31
Doing Actual Work (Lucy)
Chapter 32
Bait’n’Switch (Erodicilee)
Chapter 33
Planning Sessions (Lucy)
Chapter 34
Alternate Arrangements (Lecorondia)
Chapter 35
Overseer Onboard (Lucy)
Chapter 36
Retracing Steps (Erodicilee)
Chapter 37
Reunited! (Lecorondia)
Authors Notes
Chapter 1
Australian Outback Adventure (Erodicilee)
Erodicilee trotted gleefully through the sand and dirt beside his mommy, his nose raised as he took in the strange scents of this new world.
His tail wagged as he sniffed at the scrub and brush they passed. He took a deep breath as he studied a rock that smelled like a creature had passed by recently. A rumbling in his stomach made him pause and sniff the air as he tried to find something living nearby. The surrounding breeze ruffled the mass of fur that covered his entire body.
Instead of a treat, he growled, as the smell made him think of a predator. His small legs pumped as he veered away from his mommy and towards the potential threat.
The source of the scent was long and flat. It slithered from beneath a fallen log with an extended hiss. Erodicilee’s long ears flicked back, partially blocking the strange sound as he growled back. In response, the new creature reared up and opened its mouth to display two prominent fangs as its forked tongue flicked in the air.
His brown eyes met the newcomers’ yellow ones. Neither moved until Erodicilee’s fur started waving without the assistance of the wind. The pink strands twirled together into tendrils, but before either could attack, a pair of green-scaled arms scooped him from the ground.
He let his fur tendrils fall apart as he wiggled into his mommy’s embrace. Her yellow eyes, with their slit pupils so similar to the predators, watched him as she bared her teeth, displaying her own two fangs. With a bark, he let his tongue loll out of his mouth.
When she didn’t pat him at his display, Erodicilee changed tactics and squirmed around to lick at her hands.
With a snort, she changed her grip, and he dangled in the air.
“Bad boy!” She let out one of her strange, high-pitched barks. “What did Mommy tell you about eating the wildlife? You know we have to keep a low profile, and it’s bad for your stomach.”
The sound traveled into his ears and down into his core, making him shiver with delight as his stomach did backflips. He’d loved that sound ever since he'd spotted her moments after he first hatched. She was his mommy, his world, and he’d let nothing happen to her.
A loud bang cut off his train of thought, and he jerked his body around to see the predator lying in pieces. His attention shifted to one of her companions, a lanky yellow creature covered in strange cloth that stunk like constant fear. The noise had come from the square device with a transparent cap. When they turned towards his mommy, he let out a growl. The fear smell doubled, and they quickly hid the device.
Erodicilee watched the creature, its three strange arms waving through the air as it approved. It stopped out of reach for his tendrils, and Erodicilee only paused his growling after she patted him. Her hands ran through his fur, and he couldn’t resist the urge to purr. It felt so good! Anytime she paused, he licked her hands again in the hope she’d restart.
“Really? I know you’re a smuggler, but an assassination attempt?” His mommy barked, rubbing her hands along his ears.
“Of course not, my esteemed guest. Never. But I warned you,” the yellow creature’s voice held a strange croaking quality to it that Erodicilee found distasteful. “This region of Earth, what the natives called The Outback, is known for having the most dangerous animals. You need to be careful; even humans who are non-native to this region understand this.”
As it spoke, the white and brown cloth that covered its torso bulged in and out, making it look fat one moment and skinny the next.
“That is why I have my bodyguard. Julep can protect me from any threat.”
At his mommy’s words, the third member of their group stepped closer. Erodicilee let his tongue loll out once again and gave a happy yip at his approach. He knew this being; he was often with them when they went on walks. In a similar fashion to his mommy, scales covered his form, though he had large muscles and a long snout filled with sharp teeth instead of her flatter face. He also wore a solid gray and white material that left his arms uncovered. Erodicilee had bitten it once and still remembered how hard it was.
Erodicilee much preferred the softer white material that covered his mommy’s upper body, though the brown material that covered her legs was nice to gnaw at and dislodge things from his teeth. However, she pushed him away whenever he tried for too long.
Mommy’s friend also carried a device similar to the yellow creature. However, he’d slotted his into a brown band that ringed one of his arms. Erodicilee blinked at him and then kicked his paws in the air to get closer. His pats weren’t as good as his mommy’s, but Erodicilee wasn’t about to miss out.
As he strained, he noticed the subtle spike of fear filling the air as the newcomer moved away from him.
“Please do not shoot at your client. I don’t believe I should need to tell you that.”
Again, the yellow creature waved its three appendages through the air as its body inflated and deflated. The bulbous eyes protruding from the top of its bulbous head twirled around before it dropped face-first onto the ground with all its arms outstretched. Erodicilee sniffed the air and barked. He didn’t understand why the creature was marking its territory here, but he didn’t like it.
“I am sorry. But this trip makes me nerv
The stench of excitement from the display wafted from his mommy, and Erodicilee’s tail wagged energetically behind him. He loved it when his mommy was pleased. Her being happy made him happy. He loved being happy, the fresh smells, and the treats he could smell nearby. With a yip, he buried his nose into the cloth container she carried slung over her shoulder. She made a rhythmic barking sound that often accompanied the current scent.
“Is Mommy’s boy hungry? Is that why you disobeyed Mommy?”
He yipped when she repeated that bark, as he knew he should. That earned him a strange cooing sound as she placed him on the ground. Without needing to be told, he reared up on his hind legs and stuck out his tongue. His fur waved about him as he spun around on his hind legs. She slapped her scaled hands together, and only once she stopped did he turn to face her, mouth open.
“Good boy!”
Erodicilee panted and resisted the urge to leap at the treat tube she pulled out and held aloft. Only when she tossed it up did he spring up, landing well before it did as he caught it in his mouth. Fur moved out to wrap around it, keeping it steady as he devoured the snack. It tasted like blood and meat and made his rumbling stomach go quiet.
While he focused on his meal, he allowed himself to drop back onto all fours as he listened to his mommy bark with the others.
“Should… Should you be feeding him meat?” The warbling creature barked as it rose from the dirt. Red dust stained the brown that covered his legs, and he used two of his appendages to wipe at it.
His mommy repeated that rhythmic sound. “Please, there isn’t a single living creature’s meat in that tube. The creators designed it specifically for my precious boy.”
“And no disrespect to the esteemed guest, but you don’t find that terrifying?” Fear wafted from the creature, and his mommy snapped his fingers.
With a quick gulp to finish his treat, Erodicilee flipped onto his back and spread out his legs. He yipped and snuffled as he wiggled about. It was a trick his mommy had taught him whenever she brought other creatures to their home. They all loved it.
“Why would I find my little darling scary? You can pat him. Go ahead.”
“I would not be worthy to touch the honored guest’s pet.” Erodicilee watched as the other creature shook and moved further away before he turned his back on them. “Come, we should keep moving. Though rare, sometimes natives venture this far out. If we hurry, we can make it to some interesting rock art.”
“Rock art?” His mommy barked, even as she lifted him once more under her arm.
“Yes, it’s an ancient custom for humans. They paint the caves with various signs and declarations. Some are thousands of years old, a favorite amongst my clients visiting this region.”
“Isn’t that exciting, my beautiful boy?”
Erodicilee yipped again, sharing his mommy’s joy at the situation even as she tucked him back under her arm next to the treat container. Once more, they trekked across the flat land, and Erodicilee relaxed as he sniffed at the air again. The smells had changed a little, and he let his tongue hang out as his mommy’s long-term companion spoke.
“Lecorondia. Ma’am,” his voice was low, almost a growl. “Do you remember the escape route if we need it?”
“Of course. Oliph here will teleport us to his ship at the first sign of trouble. Relax. There is nothing out here. If there was, Erodicilee would sniff it out. Wouldn’t you, boy?”
Erodicilee yipped as she raised him in the air before slowly spinning. He’d recognized one word in her barking language and sniffed at the air before sorting the various scents: dry air, decaying plant life, fresh meat, stone, and sweat.
He let out a quick warning bark, and she paused. His eyes wide, Erodicilee stared at the rock she’d pointed him toward. Another sniff, and he growled. There was something alive in that direction, and it was big. The creature stepped around the rock before he got another chance to intimidate the threat.
It was round and pale, with red fur covering its head and face. Sand-colored splotches covered the cloth that strained against its body’s bulk. In its hands was a black rectangle with a transparent end.
As it raised the rectangular device, the creature let out a howl. “ALIENS! ALIENS! I WAS RIGHT!”
The muscular green-scaled creature shoved his mommy back, and Erodicilee found himself dropped to the ground. As he fell, he noticed the third member running towards them, holding a device in his appendages that he’d not seen before.
Then, the ambusher made another barking sound, and the device flashed. His mommy screamed, and a cocktail of adrenaline and rage-filled Erodicilee. He charged at the unfamiliar creature, barking and howling as his fur thrashed around him. Determination filled him, and his small legs pumped as he hurtled toward this new threat.
His mommy yelled, but he didn’t turn back. She needed him to protect her from this new threat. A growl escaped his throat as he continued to run. It had hurt her. That was unacceptable.
The newcomer howled before it started wobbling away, and Erodicilee breathed in its fear. He bit at the air, readying his jaws to taste proper meat for the first time. This monster would pay for daring to attack his mommy. As he rounded the rock, he spotted the creature sitting on another beast.
Its large black and red body was reflective, and it towered over him. Not that such a thing stopped Erodicilee’s attack. His fur twisted in front of him, and he tossed himself at it. A squeal of pain tore from his throat as the beast’s hot skin burned him. He bounced off the hard shell, sand covering his fur as he rolled away.
With a growl, he righted himself as he moved behind the creature, ready for the next attack. That was when the creature struck back. Its roar was high-pitched, and a cloud of foul-smelling black smoke billowed from its tail.
Erodicilee coughed, unable to smell anything aside from the acrid stench. His fur writhed, but before he could launch his tendrils, the beast kicked sand directly into his face, blinding him.
Several moments passed before he regained his vision, and both his attackers had vanished by then. As he peered around, he noticed their tracks. His ears twitched, and he barked as he heard the same high-pitched roar in the distance.
Erodicilee attempted to sniff them out, but the acrid smell burned into his nose. He whined and scratched at his snout. When that didn’t work, he stumbled back around the rock, ready to check on his mommy. He knew she’d be proud of him. She’d give him treats and pats and spoil him.
His stomach growled at the thought of treats.
However, as he laid eyes on the spot, his mommy should be, but there was nothing. Neither his mommy nor the big-scaled one or the scared yellow one were anywhere in sight. He tried to sniff, and when that failed once again, he listened for her voice—nothing.
With a soft thump, Erodicilee sat in a puff of dirt. Despair filled him, and he howled the emotion into the open air as he waited for his mommy to come back to collect him.
Chapter 2
Chasing Evolution (Erodicilee)
His mommy did not reappear.
Erodicilee continued howling while pawing at his nose until his sense of smell returned. It was gradual, but soon, he started sniffing around. Anxiety flooded him as he scampered, his ears flattening as he searched. He stopped at a section of earth when he detected the faintest traces of his mommy.
With an excited howl, he dug into that spot, his paws aching with the effort. Sand flew around him as he dug. A whine escaped his muzzle when his mommy didn’t appear. Erodicilee sat next to his hole and looked around. She hadn’t reappeared.
His stomach growled.
Once again, he scoured the area, eventually heading back to the battlefield. The creature’s strange, singular track remained, along with the lingering scent of its smoke attack. Erodicilee growled as he made sure the beast hadn’t come back. He knew it might. The ambusher had appeared without warning. His fur writhed as he growled. He refused to be surprised again.
When no signs of either the ambusher, its beast, or his mommy appeared, he sat in the sand with a soft thump. The fact that the creature that hurt his mommy had vanished made his ears droop as he let out a high-pitched whine.
He knew the ambusher was responsible—it and the smelly beast. The ambusher held a device similar to that that the yellow companion had used to kill the predator. That meant it might be capable of the same level of destruction. A protective urge filled him, and he looked around.