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Pucking Wild: An MM Age Gap Hockey & Mafia Romance, page 1


Pucking Wild: An MM Age Gap Hockey & Mafia Romance
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Pucking Wild: An MM Age Gap Hockey & Mafia Romance

  Pucking Wild

  Deadly Puck Daddies

  Book 4

  Zack Wish

  Zack Wish Books



  Author’s Note

  1. Corey

  2. Connor

  3. Corey

  4. Connor

  5. Corey

  6. Connor

  7. Corey

  8. Connor

  9. Corey

  10. Connor

  11. Corey

  12. Connor

  13. Corey

  14. Connor

  15. Corey

  16. Connor

  17. Corey

  18. Connor

  19. Corey

  20. Connor

  21. Corey


  Copyright © 2023 by Zack Wish

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


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  Author’s Note

  Hey there, thank you for reading Pucking Wild. Please note that this is a fictionalized version of the real world. As such, artistic license has been taken with the intricacies of the hockey season, team names, and of course the fact that in reality a Mafia family could never own a hockey franchise… or could they?

  Pucking Wild is intended to be fun, steamy, and full of just the right amount of action, violence, and sporting drama on the ice. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy Pucking Wild…

  PS - I will never, ever use AI in my writing.

  Chapter 1


  An airplane flew across Corey’s field of vision and all he could do was smile his perfect smile. The sun was shining in LA and Corey was a happy boy. Having just celebrated his twenty-first birthday with some of his childhood friends, Corey was feeling on top of the world.

  Corey wasn’t a huge fan of partying and clubs, so his birthday had been spent surfing, slurping on frozen juicy ice-pops, and then having a big disco back at his mother and father’s plush mansion in the hills. It had been the same format of party that Corey had loved ever since he was a kid, and he wasn’t about to start changing all of that just because he was twenty-one.

  With his cobalt blue eyes wide open and taking in the sights of LA for the last time in some months, Corey wasn’t sure if he was quite ready to get back to work. But as much as Corey loved his hometown, he knew that his life was with the Ice Bears now – even if his parents didn’t quite see it that way.

  ‘You know, son,’ Corey’s father said, a disapproving look on his face. ‘I could buy you out of that damn hockey contract and you could come and work with me at the film lot. You’re smart, you’re good with people, and you’d be producing your own movies in no time.’

  ‘Pop, come on, don’t do this,’ Corey said, rolling his eyes. ‘I didn’t quit hockey after high school so I’m not about to quit now. I’m doing well. My new coach says I’ll be getting more and more time on the ice. The Ice Bears have a great reputation for developing players to fulfill their potential, and that’s where I want to be.’

  Corey felt frustrated. His father knew how much hockey meant to him, but it was the same each and every time Corey went home for a break. Corey would end up fielding question after question about why he was choosing to play hockey when he could in fact simply join the family business and earn millions as a movie producer.

  It wasn’t that Corey couldn’t see the appeal of a life in the movie business. Corey loved movies, and he had enjoyed spending time with his father on set as a kid. But it wasn’t hockey. Far from it.

  Corey may have grown up around film sets, actors, and serious amounts of money, but that just wasn’t his motivation in life. Corey loved to be on the ice. He loved the thrill of game day, the training, and even learning all about the opposition players and going deep on tactical reviews.

  Sadly for Corey, his parents had never seen the appeal of hockey. And even when they did support his aspirations to train and play as a teenager, they probably always assumed it was nothing more than a passing fad. The truth was that they couldn’t have been more wrong.

  ‘Oh, Corey,’ his mother said, unable to hide her disappointment. ‘You’ve moved to this new team, the Ice Pops-’

  ‘It’s Ice Bears, mom,’ Corey said, laughing but still feeling put out.

  ‘Yes, the Ice Bears,’ Corey’s mother continued, oblivious to her son’s obvious annoyance. ‘But what will change? Will you get any real satisfaction out of training but not always playing? Yes, I investigated the team. I Googled them no less! I know they’ve got big players with lots more experience than you. Why put all that effort in when you’ve got a perfect life ready and waiting for you here in LA?’

  Corey had just about heard enough.

  But as frustrated as he was with his parents, Corey didn’t want to end his trip home on a sour note. He loved his mother and father, and knew that deep down they were just trying to look out for him. And perhaps Corey was crazy to turn his back on a life of luxury in LA to pursue a dream in the brutal world of hockey.

  However Corey’s mind was made up.

  He was joining the Ice Bears and had never felt so motivated to make the most of his talent on the ice. Corey had a reputation as a fast and skillful player with plenty to offer. When Corey heard that the Ice Bears were interested in making a mid-season trade for him, it felt like a no-brainer.

  After discussions with his agent Bill Broadside, the deal was agreed.

  Corey was moving to a new town, a new team, and was ready to make the absolute best of it – with or without his parents’ approval.

  ‘I love you, and I love you,’ Corey said, reaching over and hugging both of his parents in turn. ‘Trust me, I’m going to make you proud. The Ice Bears are about to get a whole load of Corey Hales in their life.’

  ‘Good luck son,’ Corey’s father said, managing a smile. ‘You always were determined as hell.’

  ‘That’s true, you really were,’ Corey’s mother added, chuckling to herself. ‘Like that time we left Moose the stuffie in the hotel and had to drive back four hours to get him! Now, come on, get on that flight before I get all emotional. And give Moose a big cuddle from me.’

  ‘I will Mom,’ Corey said, suddenly feeling himself welling up a little bit too. ‘I love you both. I’ll call soon.’

  And with that, Corey turned and walked toward the VIP boarding area.

  It was time to say goodbye to LA and hello to his new life as an Ice Bear.

  Corey didn’t know what exactly was in store for him at the Ice Bears. But Corey was a brave boy – the bravest Little in all of LA, in fact. There would be some very big personalities in the Ice Bears locker room, the kind of intimidating figures who Corey had looked upon with wonder as a youngster falling in love with his ice based heroes.

  I deserve to be an Ice Bear.

  I’ll give it everything I’ve got to make it work too.

  I might have been born with a silver spoon, but I’m no rich kid…

  After the flight from LA and a speedy Uber ride, Corey arrived at his new apartment to be immediately greeted by his agent, Bill.

  ‘Corey! I’m so glad to see you,’ Bill said, his bright blue suit in keeping with his typically flamboyant style. ‘I trust all was good with the flight?’

  ‘Yup, sure was,’ Corey replied, smiling as he looked up at the tall apartment block. ‘This place looked great online. Thanks for arranging it. And for making sure the trade went through okay.’

  Corey had a good relationship with Bill, having signed with him on going professional. But Corey could see that there was something on Bill’s mind as they stood outside the apartment. As flamboyant and outgoing as Bill was, there was something not quite right in that moment.

  ‘Everything good?’ Corey said, his high cheekbones and plump lips reflected back through Bill’s large black sunglasses.

  ‘Yeah, it’s fine,’ Bill said. ‘It’s just… Ice Bears stuff. Nothing on the playing side. More like behind the scenes stuff. Nothing for you to worry about. Anyway. Let’s get you inside and I’ll show you what we’re working with. I got all your requests sorted out, plus took the liberty of adding some Little extras myself.’

  Corey giggled and stepped inside the building with Bill.

  Being a Little was a big part of Corey’s identity and something that he was very comfortable with expressing too. It might have been down to the fact that he grew up in very affluent part of LA, but Corey had never felt afraid of being himself. And as soon as his Little instincts began to kick in, Corey had felt at ease in exploring them and allowing them to flow out of him.

  The fact that Bill was a Daddy himself mean
t that Corey felt heard when he explained various needs and lifestyle choices he wanted to make in line with his career. Corey admired Bill for not only being so accommodating, but for never once telling him to hide who he was. In fact, one of the reasons that Corey had been so keen to join the Ice Bears was that it was becoming well known in insider circles that it was the most Little-friendly hockey franchise.

  So when Bill completed the final details on the trade, Corey was over the moon with joy. But even though Bill was a Daddy, and a great guy on top of that, as far as Corey was concerned their relationship would stay professional only.

  Bill was handsome, but he wasn’t quite Corey’s type – and the feeling was mutual.

  All in all, it was a perfect client and agent relationship. Based on admiration, respect, and friendship, both Corey and Bill were able to work together brilliantly.

  However that wasn’t to say that Corey wasn’t looking for a Daddy.

  In fact, having just celebrated his twenty-first birthday, Corey was feeling ready to spread his wings and see what was out there in the world. The kind of Daddy that Corey wanted though was proving harder to find in real life.

  Corey had grown up around men in flashy suits and even flashier cars.

  And having sampled the kinds of Daddies that frequented LA clubs and online, Corey was almost surer of what he wasn’t looking for than what he was.

  Still, Corey was always someone who looked on the positive side.

  Just because he hadn’t managed to work out what his dream Daddy looked like yet, didn’t mean that he wouldn’t soon. And before Corey could even begin to work things like that out, he first needed to see his new apartment in the flesh…

  ‘Wowzers!’ Corey said, his eyes wide open and a huge smile plastered across his face. ‘This is even better than the photos. And… OMG… is that a jungle gym?’

  ‘It sure is,’ Bill chuckled, straightening out the collar on his shirt. ‘Go and check it out. But try not to fall off, the last thing I need is to have Coach Tremaine on my ass before you’ve even had your first practice session!’

  But Bill may as well have been speaking to thin air.

  Corey was long gone, already scaling the near side of the colorful and not to mention large jungle gym. With a brown and green color-scheme with splashes of neon and pastel thrown in, the jungle gym was exactly what Corey needed to settle into his new home.

  ‘Watch me!’ Corey called out, swinging across the monkey bars. ‘The floor is lava! The floor is lava!’

  ‘I’d join you, but I don’t think my injured wrist could handle it,’ Bill said, pointing to his swollen left wrist. ‘And don’t ask. Just another perk of working for the Ice Bears so often.’

  Corey wasn’t sure what Bill meant.

  And it wasn’t the first comment about the Ice Bears that Bill had made either.

  Still, as long as it had nothing to do with the playing side then Corey was happy to turn a blind eye and get on with the job of having as much fun as he possibly could.

  ‘Bill, can you get Moose out of my bag please?’ Corey hollered as he scrambled across the netting at the top of the jungle gym. ‘I think he’s going to want to play with me up here!’

  Corey watched as Bill duly fetched Moose and passed him up toward the top of the jungle gym. After giving Moose a big squeeze, Corey carefully placed him at the corner of the netting.

  ‘Look Moose, this is our new home,’ Corey said, looking out beyond the enormous floor to ceiling window behind them. ‘We’re going to make some brilliant memories here. You, me, and…’

  ‘Okay, if you’re good here I’ll head out,’ Bill said, waving up toward Corey.

  ‘I’m good, and thanks again,’ Corey called down, his blue t-shirt and fawn chinos blending into the assortment of colors on the jungle gym’s frame.

  ‘No worries. And don’t forget, I’m always at the end of the phone if you need anything,’ Bill said, saluting Corey and then heading toward the apartment’s front door. ‘Oh… and don’t be late to practice!’

  Corey giggled.

  The fact was that even though Corey was truly committed to being the best hockey player he could be, timekeeping had never been a strong point of his. Even though he was chauffeur driven to school in the mornings, Corey had still always managed to be late on at least two days out of the five.

  But Corey knew that the Ice Bears coach, Coach Tremaine, was a stickler for keeping time. The prospect of being tardy on his first day with his new teammates wasn’t something that appealed to Corey in the slightest – and even less was the thought of being called out by one of the most feared coaches in the game.

  I’m going to set ALL the alarms.

  No snoozing either.

  They might call me Hollywood Hockey, but I’ll show them I’m serious about this sport…

  Corey managed to defy even his own best expectations and arrived at the Pine Rise training complex ahead of nearly all the other players. And in doing so without evening snoozing the alarm once, Corey felt justifiably proud of himself.

  As he walked around the locker room, Corey took a moment to take in the sights.

  ‘Wow,’ Corey said, eying up the names on the players’ lockers. ‘Jack Steele, Alex Rebrov, Xander Blaine, Connor Valley…’

  But before Corey could get any further, he heard the door opening behind him.

  ‘Corey Hales!’ Chase said, entering the locker room alongside Joshua Ramone. ‘We’ve been so looking forward to you arriving. And now you’re here!’

  ‘Yay!’ Joshua added, the purple streak in his jet black hair flopping out from behind his ear.

  ‘Chase Light and Joshua Ramone,’ Corey giggled. ‘I was just coming to your lockers too.’

  Corey immediately felt at ease with Chase and Joshua.

  It was kind of an open secret that both Chase and Joshua were Littles, and Corey could tell that both of them knew he was a Little too.

  ‘So, am I going to love it here or am I going to love it here?’ Corey said, excitedly sitting down on the wooden bench in between his two new teammates.

  ‘Hmmm, tricky one,’ Chase laughed. ‘I think you’ll probably… love it!’

  ‘And don’t worry, we’ll make sure you feel at home,’ Joshua said. ‘I know what it’s like to be the new guy. And so does Chase. But we’ve got your back, don’t worry about that for a second.’

  Corey smiled and felt a warm feeling inside his tummy.

  It was clear that Chase and Joshua were good people, and exactly the kind of teammates that Corey had wished for. But there was still the question of the senior players. Players like Jack, Alex, Xander, and Connor all had reputations that went before them – some more than others.

  ‘Is there anyone I need to be careful around?’ Corey asked. ‘You know, what with me being… a Little.’

  ‘Oh no, don’t worry about that,’ Joshua said, patting Corey on his shoulder. ‘That’s all good. But…’

  ‘But?’ Corey replied, not certain where Joshua was going.

  ‘Some of the older players can be a bit grouchy,’ Joshua laughed. ‘They’re used to doing things their way. It’s kinda a locker room hierarchy thing. I arrived and was full of attitude. But I soon learned, LOL.’

  ‘Hey, don’t scare Corey,’ Chase laughed. ‘The older guys aren’t that bad. But it’s true that they’ve got their own way of operating. Just be yourself though Corey. Everything will work out just fine. We’re a happy squad. And if ever there’s a problem you know that you can always reach out to me or Joshua. Okay?’

  Corey nodded.

  It felt so good to be taken under both Chase and Joshua’s wing so early.

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