Tempting The Manny, page 1

Copyright © 2013, Lacey Wolfe
Publisher: Southern Girl Press
Edited by Kyle Lewis/Rebecca Wolfe
Proofed by Ella Jade
Cover by Lacey Wolfe
All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
Tempting The Manny
An Erotic Romance Novella
Lacey Wolfe
Back Cover Blurb
What’s a girl to do when her boyfriend leaves her? Pick up the pieces and move on, that’s what!
Olivia’s world is turned upside down when her boyfriend ditches her for another woman. With two children at home, Olivia has no time to waste on putting the puzzle of her life back together. And she starts by hiring a babysitter. But to her surprise, she hires much for than a caregiver.
Jamie’s attracted to Olivia from the moment he lays eyes on her. He really shouldn’t take the job to care for her kids, but the attraction to Olivia is so strong he can’t resist. He tries his best to keep things professional, but Olivia continues to tempt him.
As Olivia and Jamie fight their attraction for one another, Olivia finds herself stringing a web of lies. Can she figure out what she really wants before it’s too late?
Table of Content
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
About The Author
Chapter One
“Please pick up your snack right now Morgan before Emily crawls over and eats them.” Olivia looked up at the ceiling, silently praying bedtime would hurry up.
It had been two weeks since the boyfriend— ex-boyfriend, had left. She was stressed to the max between finding a job and a nanny. For the past several years she’d been a stay at home mom while Eric supported her and their two children. Both children had been unplanned. Morgan was not six and Emily six months. But something happened when they found out about Emily. All of a sudden, Eric wasn’t ready for this life. To be a father of two. Hell, like she was.
In fact, she and Eric had been rocky before finding out about the baby, but they had decided they could make it work. Apparently, Emily was too much of an added stress, so he turned to some twenty-year-old slut to console him. Yes, she knew her anger should be directed toward Eric, which it was, but the young woman played a role too.
Now here she was, fingers-crossed that the next nanny interview would work out. She’d already had five interviews in just the last two days. None of them had yet seemed capable enough to care for her kids. Sure she was picky, but she knew her girls, and they required a special person to give them the care and supervision they needed. Olivia wanted to feel like whoever was going to play such a role in their lives was going to love them almost as much as she did.
The next interview was due within the hour. This nanny came highly recommended. If only she could just remember her name. It started with a J. Rubbing her temple, it finally came to her. Jamie Anderson. She was half tempted to find a pen and scribble it onto her palm—that had become the only way she remembered things these days.
Turning her attention back to the kids, she watched as Emily sat in the middle of the cheese ball puffs on the floor, stuffing her chubby little cheeks, while Morgan was glued to some kid show. It just wasn’t her day. She walked over and picked up Emily, hearing the sound of puffs crunch under her foot. She cringed knowing it was going to take more than a vacuum to get that out.
Olivia plopped the baby into the highchair. “Morgan, pick up the mess please.”
“But, Mom.”
“No but mom’s, I told you before not to bring those into the living room. Now, please. Clean it up before the nanny gets here. I’d like this house to look halfway decent.” Olivia was almost to the point where she just didn’t care. Screw the junk food. Screw the mile high pile of dishes in the sink. Screw Eric and his absent parenting.
She hoped like hell Eric was going to get his payback. He hadn’t even called in the past two weeks. Just a few texts telling her to let his kids know he loved them. Bullshit. She was not relaying that message. His ass could do it himself.
Taking several deep breaths to hold off her emotions, she glanced are at the train wreck known as her house. Oh, how she wished she’d taken the time to clean up before the interview. Dread flooded her when she remembered once again having to tell the same story and get that sympathetic expression all the prospective nannies gave.
Emily wailed and Olivia remembered what she was supposed to be doing—finding a jar of baby food. Opening the cabinet that held the baby’s food, the urge to scream washed over her as her blood boiled. There were only four jars left. Four fucking jars. She needed more money from Eric, which meant she had to contact him. Ugh. Hopefully this interview was the one and she’d find a job quickly so she no longer needed to rely on him.
Pulling down a jar of peaches, she then rummaged through the drawers looking for a little spoon. Finally, she found one. The last one. Dishes had to get done tonight. Taking her seat in front of the baby, she popped the lid off and began shoveling the fruit into her mouth. Thankfully, Emily was an excellent eater. The mush was gone in no time.
Quickly, she washed the baby up with a wet rag. She was about to place Emily into the play pen when she heard the door bell. Damn, the nanny was early.
“Morgan, be on your best behavior please. We really need this nanny.”
“Okay, Mom.” Her eyes still glued to the TV.
“You be a good little princess for mommy too.” Olivia tickled Emily’s belly.
Pausing a moment in front of the door, she took in a deep breath. Please let this be the right person.
She took another deep breath to calm her nerves and opened the door. The smile that she had put on faded when she saw a gorgeous Latin man standing there.
“Hi,” he said, putting his hand out to shake.
“Hi,” Olivia said with uncertainty in her voice, shaking his hand.
“I’m Jamie Anderson.”
She blinked, several times. In front of her stood one of the hottest men she had ever seen. His skin looked naturally tan. His hair was dark as midnight, and his eyes were a deep green. This man sent waves of desire right through her body and left her wishing she could forget about the kids and have a wild torrential affair with him right there on the porch. Good God, what was wrong with her?
“I’m here for an interview, I believe.” He rocked back and forth on his feet.
Realizing she was just standing there, starring at him, her cheeks began to burn. “Yes, please come in.”
Taking a step back, she could kick herself. How much lamer could she get? As he walked past, her gaze went straight to his tight ass and long, solid legs. Yes, she could get used to seeing this on a daily basis.
“Please excuse the mess.”
God, she hoped she didn’t look a mess too. She didn’t recall having even glanced in the mirror today. Looking down, thank goodness! She at least had a bra on. Though, she now noticed the orange goop that had been on Emily, but now on her white shirt.
She led him into her dining room. “Please, have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?”
“No, I’m okay.”
“If you’ll excuse me a moment…” She needed a moment to compose herself. She set Emily into the play pen and, of course, the baby began to cry just as she entered the kitchen to get some water. The baby could wait. She dashed toward the fridge for the water and chugged down nearly half the bottle before taking a breath.
Suddenly Emily was silent, which was odd, since she had just been screaming her lungs out. As she left the kitchen she found the hunk of a man, holding Emily, rocking side to side, and quietly humming. Olivia’s heart melted. What the hell was it about men and babies? As far as she was concerned, he had the job.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he said.
“Oh no, it’s nice to have someone else here to help.” She smiled.
“Would you mind if I held her while we talked?”
Wow, was he after her heart by any chance? “Certainly not. I must warn you, she gets heavy quickly.”
“I’m from a big family, and I’m the second oldest. I helped my parents a lot.”
He followed her back to the dining room, and she put an extra jiggle in her walk, hoping that maybe he would check out her ass. A girl could dream.
She waited for him to take his seat before she took hers. He sat slowly, putting Emily’s comfort first. His big hands held her head in place. She admired his large hands, imagining them on her hips, gripping them. It was completely wrong to be fantasizing about this
“You mentioned you were the second oldest. How big is your family?” She finally asked.
“Eight kids, no twins and they weren’t all back to back.” Jamie rubbed Emily’s back
“Wow.” She could barely handle her two. How did people have that many?
“Yes, I’ve always loved them when they are this little. So precious,” he said, cradling Emily tighter.
Time to get this interview on the go. It had been a long time since she’d been so attracted to a man other than Eric. “Okay, let’s cut right to the point. You have come highly recommended, and honestly I can see why. So, I am not going to ask you a bunch of questions.” She started. “I suspect I’m going to need you almost every day at the moment. I don’t even know the days yet, since I still have to find a job. My boyfriend of seven years just left a month ago. I’m still picking up the pieces and putting this puzzle of life back together. I’ve never left my kids with anyone and right now, you look like the best option.” God, she couldn’t believe she was about to do this, but there was something about Jamie that made her feel secure, not only for herself, but her children as well. “So, as crazy as it sounds, would you accept this job with my crazy terms?”
A grin crossed his face and when she saw he had dimples, she knew she might faint.
“Wait.” Olivia put her hand up. “Before you say anything, I have made a payment arrangement with the ex until I have income myself. If you were worried about that, it’s covered. The agency told me your usual charge and at first I was going to negotiate, but seeing that Emily is fast asleep in your arms, I can see you have earned your rate.”
“I would be honored to care for your kids,” he said softly.
Relief swept through her. “Really?”
Her gaze locked on his, and they shared a smile. A yearning for him rippled through her and straight to the mound between her legs. It had been awhile since down under had been working down there, but things were flowing just fine now. For a split moment as she stared back at him, she thought she saw a glimmer of arousal in his eyes too. However, she knew better then to believe that. She was a complete mess, and no man would want to touch her there, much less with a six inch pole.
Letting her gaze leave his, she said, “Rest up over the weekend. I plan to start job hunting on Monday. Do you think you could be here by 9:30?”
“I can be here earlier if you need me to watch them while you dress.”
How about helping me undress? “That would be great.”
“Would you like me to lay her down for the night?” He stood, glancing around, looking for the baby’s room.
“That would be lovely. Hallway is that way.” She motioned. “Second door on the right.”
She watched as he walked down the hallway. He was a sight she would not get tired of. Perhaps she should have requested on the application for a live-in nanny.
He returned a few moments later. “You have another daughter, right?”
“Morgan,” she called.
Her daughter stumbled into the dining room and stared at Jamie.
“Morgan, sweetie. This is Mr. Anderson and he’s going to be watching you while I work.”
“Hi.” Jamie put his hand out to shake Morgan’s.
Her daughter giggled as she took his palm. “You’re a man.”
“I am. Are you okay with that?”
Morgan shrugged. “I guess.”
“Well, I look forward to getting to know you and your sister.”
Morgan glanced at Olivia. “Can I go back and watch TV now?”
“Sure. I’m going to walk Jamie to the door.”
Morgan darted out of the dining room. Olivia was happy to see that her daughter had liked him. That was going to make it easier for her.
She held her arm out in the direction of the foyer. “Let me walk you out.”
He nodded and walked toward the front door. “You’re girls are lovely.”
“Thank you so much,” she said. “I can already tell they like you.” And so does Mama.
“Maybe I should add, I was the only boy out of the eight kids.” He stepped a little closer to her as he’s said it.
Breathing in, she smelled his after shave. It tickled her senses.
“So Monday, early.” She had to get rid of him before she tempted him to her bed.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you then. Have a great weekend.” He opened the door and once again shook her hand.
A jolt of energy flew through her and she let her fingers linger for just a moment. “I’ll see you then.”
He turned and walked down the sidewalk toward his car in the driveway. He glanced back at her and waved. Biting her lip, she knew she was in trouble. This man was hot and tonight, when she finally had a few minutes to herself in the shower, he would be heating up her fantasies.
Chapter Two
It was only noon on Tuesday and there was nothing left on Olivia’s to-do list. Yesterday she picked up all the applications. Today, she turned them all in and tried to speak with all the mangers to make some kind of good impression. Now she was dressed up with nowhere to go, except home.
Home didn’t sound too bad with Jamie there. The girls loved him already and she craved him. She was still getting mixed vibes from him on if he was straight or not. Why was she worrying so much about it though? It wasn’t like she could get involved with him. He was the help, and she desperately needed him.
Her stomach rumbled on the drive home. She would love to stop by a drive-thru, but unfortunately not even the dollar menu was in her budget right now. When she pulled into the driveway, the growling stopped and butterflies moved in. It was crazy; she was a thirty-year-old woman of two kids and she still got all swoony over a hot man.
Unlocking the door, she walked into the house ready to see her girls. She slipped her heels off at the door and went toward the living room. There wasn’t a sound to be heard. Looking down the hallway, Emily’s door was closed so she assumed a nap was in progress. As she entered the living room, she noticed Morgan passed out on the couch. Good God, this man was a miracle worker! She hadn’t gotten that child to take a nap since she was eighteen months.
In the kitchen, she heard a clinking noise. Tip toeing past the couch, she entered the kitchen. Jamie loaded her dishwasher, and she happily watched him bend as he loaded the dishes, purposely being quiet not to wake the kids. Arousal swept through her.
“Hi,” she whispered.
He placed the last dish from lunch in then turned toward her. “I saved you a plate if you’re hungry.”
She was hungry all right. “Thanks, I’m starving.” A plate sat on the counter next to him. Chicken nuggets and french fries awaited her, Morgan’s favorite meal. She moved closer to him and he didn’t budge. She took a fry and while holding his gaze, took a bite. “I need to get some ketchup.”
Jamie’s gaze followed Olivia’s ass as she walked toward the fridge. She bent over as she reached for the ketchup, and he was worried his erection was going to burst out of his pants. The way she looked at him as she headed back to her plate of food, he wasn’t sure if she was hungry for those fries or him. He’d never met a woman with so much sexual desire; it was almost pouring from her veins. He wasn’t sure about the story with the ex, but that man had to be crazy for leaving.
Ketchup was on the corner of her mouth. Instinctively, he grabbed the towel, leaned forward, and wiped her mouth. Her eyes locked on his and, before he could even think twice, his hand wrapped around the back of her neck and pulled her to him. Her mouth met his just as fiercely and opened, letting his tongue slide in. The taste of tomatoes met his taste buds and the need to taste more of her sprung through his body.
Olivia gripped his shoulders and tugged him closer. His free hand took hold of her waist and his erection pressed into her stomach. When her lips met his, it was like fire and even though he knew he should be resisting, he had to keep playing. Turning his head to the side, he deepened the kiss. She tasted so good and felt even better in his arms. And the fact that this was so forbidden and wrong made it that much better.