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  About the Book

  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  About the Author

  Also by Jacqueline Wilson



  About the Book

  I slipped backwards and suddenly . . . there I was! Suspended. In mid-air. ‘Help!’

  From climbing and abseiling to canoeing and a Crazy Bucket Race, the adventure holiday promises to be full of action. There’s just one problem as far as Tim is concerned: he is hopeless at sports of any kind.

  Can Tim survive the horrors of a week absolutely packed with activity? Can his team – the Tigers – be the overall champions? There are some surprises in store for everyone!

  A funny story from best-selling Jacqueline Wilson, now including a brand-new introduction from the author!

  Look out for further adventures of Tim and Biscuits in Buried Alive!

  For Tim and Joanna

  * * *

  I’m always very pleased when one of my books gets adapted for television. Cliffhanger was a schools television series. In fact, it was a television script before it became a novel.

  A friendly producer got in touch with me and told me they’d like to commission me to write a two-part series for children at junior school. I was thrilled, and asked if they were looking for anything in particular.

  ‘No, no, write whatever you fancy,’ said the producer. ‘Just so long as the main character is a boy.’

  I nearly always write about girls, simply because I find it easier. But I wanted to do some television work so I nodded eagerly.

  ‘And one other thing,’ said the producer. ‘We’d like it to be an exciting adventure story.’

  I never write exciting adventure stories! My books are always family stories. They’re sometimes funny, sometimes sad. I knew I couldn’t write an exciting adventure to save my life – but I didn’t want to give up on this television chance.

  ‘Fine,’ I said, nodding again. ‘I’ll write you an exciting adventure story about a boy.’

  Then I went away and worried - until I got an idea. How about inventing a shy, anxious boy, the sort of boy who often gets teased? I could send him off on a special children’s adventure holiday. Most children would jump at the chance, but my boy would dread all the sporty activities. (I would too!)

  I suddenly started writing happily and because the television series was in two parts I ended part one with a literal cliffhanger – my poor Tim dangling off a cliff, enduring abseiling! I liked writing Tim’s story so much I turned it into this book, too.

  * * *

  Chapter One

  I KNEW I’D hate it. I kept telling and telling Dad. But he wouldn’t listen to me. He never does.

  ‘I like the sound of this adventure holiday for children,’ said Dad, pointing to the advert in the paper. ‘Abseiling, canoeing, archery, mountain biking . . .’

  ‘Sounds a bit dangerous to me,’ said Mum.

  I didn’t say anything. I went on watching telly.

  ‘How about it, Tim?’ said Dad. ‘What about an adventure holiday, eh?’

  ‘You can’t be serious! Tim’s much too young,’ said Mum.

  I still didn’t say anything. I went on watching telly. But my heart had started thumping under my T-shirt.

  ‘He’s nine, for goodness sake!’ said Dad.

  ‘But he’s young for his age,’ said Mum.

  I still didn’t say anything. I went on watching telly. I stared hard at the screen, wishing there was some way I could step inside.

  ‘Tim?’ said Dad.

  I didn’t look round quickly enough.

  ‘Tim! Stop watching television!’ Dad shouted.

  I jumped.

  ‘Don’t shout at him like that,’ said Mum.

  ‘I’m not shouting,’ Dad shouted. He took a deep breath. He turned his lips up into a big smile. ‘Now, Tim – you’d like to go on an adventure holiday, wouldn’t you?’

  ‘He’d hate it,’ said Mum.

  ‘Let him answer for himself,’ said Dad. He had hold of me by the shoulders.

  ‘I – I don’t really like adventures much, Dad,’ I said.

  Dad went on smiling, but I think he wanted to give my shoulders a shake.

  ‘Well, what do you like, Tim?’ asked Dad.

  ‘Watching telly,’ I said.

  Dad snorted.

  ‘And drawing and reading and doing puzzles,’ said Mum. ‘And he comes top in all his lessons at school. Apart from games. You know he’s hopeless at sport.’

  ‘Only because he doesn’t give it a try,’ said Dad. ‘I was Captain of football and cricket when I was a boy.’

  Dad had tried to teach me football. Dad had tried to teach me cricket.

  He had tried. And I had tried. But it hadn’t worked.

  ‘Tim can’t help being bad at games,’ said Mum, pulling me away from Dad.

  She gave me a cuddle.

  ‘It’s because you’ve turned him into a right Mummy’s boy,’ said Dad. ‘I think an adventure holiday would do him the world of good.’

  He wouldn’t listen to Mum. He wouldn’t listen to me. He booked the adventure holiday.

  ‘You’ll love it when you get there,’ said Dad. Over and over again.

  He bought me new jeans and T-shirts and trainers and a stiff soldier’s jacket to make me look tough.

  Mum bought me a special safety helmet to wear all the time to keep me safe.

  I didn’t feel tough. I didn’t feel safe.

  I needed to hug Walter Bear very hard when Dad drove us to the Adventure Centre. Dad said I shouldn’t take a teddy bear with me because the other kids might laugh at me. Mum said I couldn’t get to sleep without Walter Bear. I didn’t say anything. I hugged Walter even harder, sniffing in his sweet dusty smell.

  Dad looked in his driving mirror and saw what I was doing.

  ‘Tim!’ said Dad, turning round to frown at me. ‘Come on, you’re doing it deliberately. Put that silly bear down. You’ll be sucking your thumb next.’

  He was watching me, not watching the road. An old banger suddenly overtook us, making Dad swerve.

  ‘Idiots!’ Dad shouted, peeping his horn.

  A girl leaned out the open window of the car and yelled right back.

  ‘Slowpokes!’ she shouted, and pulled a silly face.

  ‘I hope that girl’s not going on the adventure holiday,’ said Mum.

  I hoped she wasn’t going on the adventure holiday too. I wished I wasn’t going on the adventure holiday.

  ‘Look, Tim! I think that’s it,’ Dad said excitedly.

  I didn’t look. I shut my eyes tight. I hoped if I wished hard enough I’d somehow whizz through space and end up safe at home. But Dad was already parking the car. Mum kept going on at me, asking why I had my eyes shut and did I feel sick, and I couldn’t concentrate hard enough on my wishing. Then Dad opened the car door and yanked me out and hissed at me to stop messing about and say hello to the lady.

  ‘Hello! You must be Tim. I’m Sally. I’m in charge of the Adventure Centre,’ she said.

  She smiled at me. Dad prodded me in the back to make me say hello.

  The slowpoke girl was dashing about showing off.

  ‘Now you behave yourself, Kelly,’ said her mum, but she didn’t sound a bit fierce. She sounded friendly.

  Kelly just laughed at her and gave her a hug.

  ‘You can clear off now, Mum,’ she said. ‘Bye.’

  ‘I think we should make ourselves scarce too,’ said Dad. ‘Cheerio, Tim.’ He bent down and whispered in my ear. ‘Now you’re really going to try to be a big boy, not a silly baby, eh?’

  I didn’t say anything. Dad chucked me under the chin.

  ‘You’ll have a great time,’ said Dad.

  ‘But if you really don’t like it then phone and we’ll come and get you straight away,’ said Mum. ‘And write me lots of postcards too. One every day?’

  She gave me a hug and a very wet kiss. I wriggled. I was sure Kelly was watching and laughing at me.

  ‘Mum! I’ll be OK. Honestly,’ I said.

  Though I didn’t feel OK. It was awful seeing them get back in the car without me. I waved like crazy. There was someone on the back seat waving back. Walter Bear! I’d left him in the car!

  ‘Come on then, Tim,’ said Sally, putting her arm round my shoulders. ‘Hey, Kelly, wait for us.’

  Kelly had gone charging through the doors and down the hall of the Adventure Centre.

  ‘Where’s all the other children then?’ she shouted. ‘When are we going to start the adventures, eh? Can I go canoeing first? No, wait a minute, what’s that thing called when you dangle down a cliff?’

  ‘Abseiling,’ said Sally.

  I muttered the words ‘dangle’ and ‘cliff’ and felt sick.

  ‘I’m going to love abseiling,’ said Kelly, and she threw down her bag and started miming it, rushing backwards.

  She rushed backwards into me, nearly knocking me over.

  ‘Simmer down, Kelly,’ said Sally.

  ‘I’m not very good at simmering,’ said Kelly, laughing. ‘I generally bubble over.’

  ‘So I see!’ said Sally, shaking her head. ‘OK, you’d both better get unpacked. Your bedrooms are up the stairs at the end. Girls on the right, boys on the
left. You’ll see a Tiger poster on the doors.’

  Kelly and I went up the stairs together. I didn’t know what to say to her. I felt silly and shy. She pulled another funny face.

  ‘What did Sally say? Girls to the left? So you go thataway,’ said Kelly, giving me a little push to the door on the right.

  I was sure she’d got it wrong but Kelly isn’t the sort of girl you argue with. So I knocked on the right-hand door and then peeped round.

  Two girls stared at me, outraged. They were trying on each other’s clothes.

  ‘No boys allowed in here!’ said the pretty one, tossing her long hair. ‘Clear off.’

  ‘Yes, clear off, you,’ said her friend.

  I cleared off rapidly.

  Kelly was being shouted at too. She didn’t seem to care.

  ‘Oh oh! Swopsies,’ she said, shrugging cheerfully.

  I tried the left-hand door this time. Inside, there were two boys messing about with their bags.

  ‘Hello, I’m Giles,’ said the taller one. His voice was very posh and he acted very pushy. ‘You’re going to be in our team. The Tigers. What are you good at then?’

  I thought hard.

  ‘Um. Well, I’m OK at Maths and ...’

  ‘Games, you berk!’ said Giles, sneering. ‘What school teams are you in?’

  ‘I’m not,’ I said.

  You’re not in anything? Oh great!’ said Giles sarcastically. ‘We’ve got three girls, old Fatso here, and you.’

  The fat boy was sprawling on his bed, eating a biscuit.

  ‘Less of the Fatso, Piles,’ he said, munching.

  I giggled. I know what piles are. My dad had them once.

  The fat boy giggled too. ‘Hi, I’m Biscuits,’ he said. ‘What’s your name, then?’

  ‘Tim,’ I said, putting my bag down on the bed next to Biscuits.

  ‘Not that one! That’s my bed,’ said Giles, knocking my bag on to the floor.

  ‘Your bed’s that one over there,’ said Biscuits. ‘We’re supposed to get unpacked. They’re going to ring a bell when it’s teatime. I can’t wait, I’m starving.’

  He unwrapped another biscuit and started serious munching again. Giles unzipped a tennis racquet and started swinging it wildly in the air, practising his serve.

  I started unpacking all my stuff. My T-shirts and pyjamas smelt all clean and flowery of home. I had to bend over my bag so that Giles and Biscuits wouldn’t see my watery eyes.

  Then I felt a sudden bang on the head.

  ‘Watch out!’ I squeaked.

  ‘Sorry. Just practising,’ said Giles. ‘Oh goodness, you’re not blubbing, are you? I hardly touched you.’

  I sniffed hard.

  ‘Have you brought your tennis racquet then?’ Giles asked.

  I started to worry some more.

  ‘I thought they were meant to provide all the racquets and that,’ I said.

  ‘That’s right,’ said Biscuits. He quietly passed me a tissue. It was a bit chocolatey but it was still fine for mopping operations.

  ‘It’ll be just ropey old stuff,’ said Giles scornfully. ‘I’ve brought my own equipment.’

  He started rifling through his bags, showing us. It all looked brand new and very expensive.

  ‘I’ve brought my own equipment too,’ said Biscuits, grinning. He nudged me and pulled open a big picnic bag. I saw bags and bags of biscuits, crisps, apples, sweets and cans of cola.

  ‘Yummy,’ I said.

  Biscuits rubbed his tummy.

  Giles sighed in a superior manner.

  ‘I’ve brought one bit of equipment,’ I said, showing him my safety helmet.

  I knew it was a mistake as soon as I’d got it out. Especially as Mum had painted TIM in bright pink letters on the front.

  Giles did a deliberate double-take.

  ‘What’s that, then?’ he said. Though of course he knew.

  ‘Well. It’s a safety helmet,’ I said.

  ‘I see,’ said Giles. ‘When are you going to wear it then?’

  ‘When I’m . . . when . . .’ my voice tailed away.

  Giles was serving madly and I had to dodge sharpish.

  ‘When little baby diddums is playing tennis?’ Giles jeered. ‘In case he gets banged on the bonce, is that it?’

  I pretended to ignore him. I wanted to keep well out of Giles’s way so I went over to the wardrobe and put all my stuff away. Then I hunched up on my bed and wrote my first postcard.

  Biscuits offered me a bite of his biscuit while I was writing it. The biscuit was a bit slurpy and soggy, but it was still nice of him.

  I added a P.S. to my first postcard.

  Chapter Two

  THAT FIRST EVENING at the Adventure Centre was awful. Awful awful awful.

  Well. Tea was OK. We had beef-burgers and chips and peas. There was tomato sauce on the table. Biscuits and I messed about, pretending the tomato sauce was blood. The pretend started to get a bit real and I stared at the scarlet pool all over my plate and decided I wasn’t really hungry any more.

  It didn’t matter though. Biscuits ate my tea as well as his own.

  We sat with Giles. Kelly came and squashed in beside us too. She said hi to me. Giles thought she was my girlfriend!!!

  Jake came and talked to us at tea. Jake was our Special Helper. He was tall and sporty and good-looking. All the girls were crazy about him because he looked like some pop star.

  I thought he might be a bit bossy and big-headed, but he talked to me just like a friend. I didn’t want to be in any stupid team but if I had to be in a team then I was very glad it was Jake’s team. The Tigers.


  That’s the Tiger Grand Roar.

  There were six of us. Giles and Biscuits and me. And Kelly. And Laura and Lesley. They were the girls in Kelly’s bedroom. She said they weren’t much fun. They just went whisper whisper, giggle giggle. They left Kelly out of things. But she didn’t care. Kelly’s the sort of girl who doesn’t care about anything.

  She doesn’t even mind if people think her a baby. She had this little Troll doll with purple hair. Kelly made the little Troll ‘talk’ in a tiny voice.

  I often make Walter Bear talk to me. His voice is quite growly. But friendly.

  I wished and wished I had Walter with me at the Adventure Centre.

  The Tigers had to help clear up after tea. We were on kitchen duties. We all moaned because we got lumbered. The Lions didn’t have to clear up. Or the Panthers. Or the Cheetahs.

  Kelly said she wanted to be a Cheetah and then she could cheat.

  Biscuits said he wanted to be a Lion and then he could lie.

  So I said I wanted to be a Panther so I could pant. And I made funny panting noises. Biscuits laughed and started panting too. So did Kelly. And even Giles joined in.

  Laura and Lesley thought we’d all gone nuts.

  I started to wonder if it might be fun to be on an adventure holiday. But then we all had to go outside and play these terrible games.

  I hate games at school.

  I hate games in the garden at home.

  I hate games on the beach on holiday.

  I knew I would hate hate hate games here.

  We were all made up with face-paints to look like tigers (orange with black stripes) . . .

  or lions (yellow) . . .

  or panthers (black) . . .

  or cheetahs (beige with black spots).

  Laura and Lesley mucked about with the face-paints, making themselves look like grown-up ladies.

  Giles made a fuss at first, saying he didn’t want his face painted because it was stupid and cissy.

  I didn’t mind having my face painted. Though it tickled a bit. But I minded terribly when Jake and Sally and the others started setting up posts and handing out balls and bats.

  It was a new game. Triangles. A bit like Rounders. We play Rounders at school. I hate it. I’m useless.

  ‘I can’t catch,’ I said privately to Biscuits.

  ‘I can’t flipping run,’ said Biscuits.

  ‘I can run, I can catch,’ said Kelly.

  She wanted to be the bowler and so did Giles so there was an argument. Jake said he was the bowler. They had to be fielders. And he picked Laura and Lesley and me to man the posts.

  Laura and Lesley giggled.

  ‘Woman the posts,’ they said.

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