Beautiful Hell: The Mafia and His Maiden, Book 1, page 1

Beautiful Hell
The Mafia and His Maiden: Book One
Wanitta Praks
Wanitta Praks Media
Copyright © 2021 by Wanitta Praks
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All Rights Reserved
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
This book was self-published by the author Wanitta Praks. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without agreement and written permission of the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.
The Mafia and His Maiden: Beautiful Hell
Author: Wanitta Praks
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Copy Editor:
Kimberly Dawn
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Cover Design:
Wanitta Praks
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About Beautiful Hell
1. The Endless Nightmare
2. The Boy with Heterochromia Eyes
3. You Choose: Life or Death?
4. I Will Take You to Hell
5. Welcome to Hell Part 1
6. Welcome to Hell Part 2
7. My New World
8. First Task
9. Alone
10. New Rules
11. The Dream
12. Hot Under the Shower Part 1
13. Hot Under the Shower Part 2
14. Lonely
15. Nightmare
16. Rose Tea Part 1
17. Rose Tea Part 2
18. My Beautiful Hell
19. Truth
20. Decision
21. His Woman
The Mafia and His Maiden: Beautiful Secret
A Letter From the Author
Maid to the Mafia: Totally Captivated
Delivery Service
Brains before Beauty
The Contract
Books by Wanitta Praks
About the Author
About Beautiful Hell
The Mafia and His Maiden: Book One
From the author of Maid to the Mafia comes another anticipated and highly charged passionate new love story.
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Amelia Stone
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Choices. Every choice leads to a consequence. This is now my new life. And I must live with this consequence.
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Nikolas Lorenzo, head mafia of the Lorenzo Group. He barged into my life like a raging pit bull, destroying my orderly lifestyle and shattering my innocent dreams. Gun poised at my father’s temple, he asks me point blank, “Choose between his life or yours.”
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I’ve made my choice, and now I must live with this consequence. I become his.
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But ours is a volatile and erotic relationship. He’s coldhearted and ruthless, but beneath the surface, I can see his fragile heart, haunted by the ghost of his past.
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He is a reflection of me, both damaged souls, bonded together through an unfortunate incident. Will we both live to see the day we cherish each other, or will we both suffer in this beautiful hell together?
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Nikolas Lorenzo
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“An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.” If you hurt me, I will hunt you down and exact vengeance on you tenfold.
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Nikolas Lorenzo lives in a chaotic world, one filled with bloodshed and death. The only light in his life is his kid brother. But when his life got taken away too, Nikolas self-destructs, going on a warpath to search for the culprit. And it leads him to Amelia Stone.
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She’s painted as an innocent maiden in his brother’s eyes, but he knows better. He asks her to make a choice. Life or death. She chooses death. But death is too easy of a way out. She needs to experience the hell she put his brother through.
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And so he constructs the perfect hell for her, one where he has absolute control. But whenever he looks into her amber eyes, he can’t help seeing that innocent soul in her. Is this regret he’s feeling, or will he languish his moments with her in this beautiful hell he created?
A Mafia is Born
18 Years Ago
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The old man didn’t smile. He sneered, baring all teeth and thick lips. And it sure freaked the hell out of those kids. Tyler caught a glint of gold tooth. He wondered if it was real gold. Maybe the old man was rich. Whomever got to be adopted by him must be really lucky.
He wished he was lucky too. He was already ten, by far one of the oldest kids here in this orphanage, and far too mature for anyone to adopt.
He’d given up on that dream long ago, though. He knew he’d never be adopted. If his real parents didn’t want him, then who the hell would. And he knew why, too. He was a freak. He’d been told countless times before, especially by those kids who had arrived after him and had left before him to live with happy adoptive parents.
Just because he had mismatched eyes, did that really make him a freak? Tyler asked himself that question every morning whenever he looked at himself in the mirror and saw those eyes staring right back. One side green and one side blue. It was odd, but still…
No. He wasn’t some freak. He refused to believe that. He was just different, that was all. The world needed a little different. If everyone were just the same, then the world would be pretty boring. And he hated boring. This situation would count as one of those boring occasions.
They were told to line up against the wall, all of them boys, like little soldiers ready for inspection. That was what the family had wanted. Although he wasn’t quite sure whether the word family would apply to this group of people.
Family usually consisted of couples who ogled them from afar like they were young puppies, but this group, they were like a bunch of gangs he saw on television shows whenever the matrons allowed them to watch TV.
There were at least five of them, all standing behind that big overbearing old man who looked to be their leader. He’d called him Big Boss.
Oh well. He’d just go along with the flow. It wasn’t like Big Boss was going to pick him anyway. He should just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. And he did exactly that, relaxing his stance, leaning back against the wall with one leg crossed over the other, while he amused himself with the spectacle before him. One of the kids took his interest. It was Barney. And he was walking toward Big Boss.
Barney was a show-off shit, one who was constantly harping on about how he was too cool for this orphanage and that one day some filthy rich family would come and collect him to live in a filthy rich mansion. And Big Boss sure looked like the type of man who belonged in a filthy rich mansion. Barney was already preening himself like a peacock to impress the guy.
Tyler didn’t like Barney. For a kid half his size, Barney sure had a big mouth. Tyler was already a head taller than the other boys his age, but that never gained him any advantage. Barney and his big mouth got him into trouble countless times. And since he couldn’t control his temper, he ended up boxing Barney back. That’s why most of the kids here hated him—because of his behavior and weird looks. So when he saw Barney hightailing it back into the matron’s arms after Big Boss gave his signature smile, Tyler couldn’t hide his smile of satisfaction. Barney deserved it for acting like a jerk.
Sometimes he just wished jerks like Barney wouldn’t get adopted. But that was not always the case. Jerks do get adopted. Like almost all the time. Because they know how to hide their true nature behind innocent faces. And the matrons and those adoptive parents loved them, thinking they were little angels.
Sometimes he just wished he could act like them too. Be all nice and say please and thank you whenever the matrons asked it of him. But he was just too straightforward. He knew manners. He just didn’t like acting on false pretenses. Especially in front of these potential adoptive parents.
Maybe that was where he went wrong. Maybe he really had no manners. Maybe that was why no one wanted to adopt him.
Tyler sighed. Oh well. It wasn’t like he cared anyway. He was way past caring now. If all of the children here got adopted, he’d be happy for them. As for himself, he’d survive, as long as he had Georgina and baby Rose with him. They weren’t his blood relations, but their bond was far stronger than any family he’d ever known.
Georgina was one of the matrons here who had come to work at the orphanage three years ago. She acted more like a mother to him than a person in charge. She let him read books, unlike the other matrons who scowled at him whenever he had his face buried in one. Somehow, she just understood him, when no one else in the orphanage did. And he liked that. He appreciated that.
His early memory of the orphanage was rather vague. He couldn’t remember much of when he’d first arrived here, but he did remember growing up feeling lonely
Ahhh…baby Rose. She was a cute wee thing. Unfortunately, she wasn’t cute enough for her parents; otherwise, she wouldn’t have been abandoned here at the orphanage. He remembered that day very clearly, two years ago to this date, when she had first appeared mysteriously out of the blue. His mind was about to drift back to the past when a loud wailing sound alerted him to his surroundings, and he was jerked back to reality, just in time to see another kid falling victim to Big Boss’ sneer. Tyler wanted to laugh when he realized it was none other than Timothy, Barney’s best friend. But as soon as he saw Georgina’s warning face, he behaved himself.
Still, it wasn’t surprising that Timothy was also scared of Big Boss. Who wouldn’t be, when he was like a giant to them all. Big, massive chest and black eyebrows that shot straight into his hairline whenever he glared at them. Big Boss was simply intimidating. And couple that with those big buffed goons, too, and the situation quickly got out of hand. The boys were howling like little puppies. Georgina had to calm them all down.
Tyler had never seen such a spectacle his whole life. It was quite enjoyable. Like they were at a circus. But the show had come to an end. He was the last in line. And he knew exactly what would happen when he was last in line. The odd stares and awkward glances between the adoptive parents, before the matrons quietly sent him on his way. So yeah, he was beyond caring.
Tyler was already lifting himself off the wall and was about to leave when he could feel someone’s eyes boring into his back. It was a strange, eerie feeling, as if all their attention was focused on him. He took a backward glance and caught Big Boss’ eyes.
Shit! Tyler hissed under this breath. He was annoyed at this turn of events. He didn’t want Big Boss’ attention. He didn’t need his attention. But Big Boss was persistent.
Well, Tyler was about to show Big Boss what the word persistent meant. He wasn’t one to be easily intimidated. Clearly, Big Boss was asking for a challenge, and he was only too happy to oblige.
Tyler just stared right back. He knew it wouldn’t be long before people gave up on him. That was human nature after all. They just do. Especially with him in the picture. And he was sure this scenario would play out the same way. But Big Boss was already striding toward him and crouching down to his level, all before he could fully grasp the situation.
He was taken aback, and Big Boss wouldn’t stop assessing him.
Soon he’ll turn away, he thought to himself. They always do. He wasn’t going to fool himself into thinking Big Boss took an interest in him. But Big Boss was moving closer, and from this distance, Tyler could make out the exact color of his pupils.
Black, filled with a type of spark he’d never seen before. Behind those eyes lay something sinister, but he was far too fascinated by the intricate phoenix tattoo wrapped around Big Boss’ neck that he had lost focus on everything else. The interlacing hues of red and gold fused together to form a brilliant orange against the fair canvas of Big Boss’ skin. And before he knew what he was doing, he had his hand out and was touching Big Boss’ tattoo.
Tyler should have snatched his hand back because at that very moment, he knew he had sealed his own fate. Big Boss snaked his hand around his wrist and gave his signature smile, the evil sneer.
“You are one very brave boy,” he said.
And that was all Tyler could remember before he was dragged away from the inspection sight and shoved into a black van. He couldn’t recall how long he had kicked and screamed, demanding to be let out. There were too many strong men trying to subdue him. He tried knocking one in the jaw, but they had fast reflexes. Now he was imprisoned between them. The door of the van dragged open and Big Boss appeared, sitting across from him, casually leaning back against the seat and enjoying watching the view of Tyler in distress.
Tyler wasn’t one to make fun of. Sure, he liked solitude, but that didn’t mean people could take advantage of him. He directed his demand straight at Big Boss, his eyes fierce with determination. “Let me go, old man.”
“Old man?” Big Boss looked taken aback. Tyler knew Big Boss was the boss of the other men, but he wasn’t about to bow to the man and inflate his ego by calling him Big Boss.
“Who are you referring to as this so-called old man?” Big Boss asked.
“You,” Tyler said, maintaining eye contact. He knew in these kinds of situations, he shouldn’t lose his cool. Because that would make him a loser. And he wasn’t some loser. Though the response he got wasn’t what he had expected. Big Boss’ eyes twinkled with delight, and with his head back and belly high up in the air, he burst into a fit of laughter.
Tyler was all fired up now. He’d had enough of being played with. He was about to give him a piece of his mind when Big Boss said in a gentle tone, “If you must know, I am only forty-five.”
“And I’m only ten, turning eleven in a few days, so that makes you an old man in my eye,” he retorted.
“You picked the right one, Boss,” one of the other men said.
“You are right, Emilio,” Big Boss replied to that other man, his lips stretching from ear to ear, before turning back to Tyler to give that same broad smile. Tyler wanted to hate Big Boss, he really did, but something about Big Boss’ smile reminded him of Georgina and her warm smile. “I believe I have picked the right one for our family.”
The word family caught Tyler’ attention. “What do you mean you have picked the right one for your family?”
“He sure is smart, too, Boss,” another man spoke out.
“Do you want to be a part of my family?” Big Boss asked unexpectedly, and Tyler was sure he must have misheard.
There was no way Big Boss was interested in him, right? He had to ask again to make sure. “What did you say?”
Big Boss’ reply was nothing but genuine. “I mean exactly what I said. Do you want to come live with me and become a part of my family?”
Oh shit! Big Boss really wasn’t joking. Tyler couldn’t believe his ears. His heart was pounding so hard, he almost couldn’t hear his own voice asking, “You…you are really adopting me?”
Big Boss nodded, one hand reaching out to ruffle his blond hair playfully. And that kind of made him feel all warm and cozy inside. He liked that feeling. The ice façade he’d erected melted a little. But that niggly insecure person inside of him had to ask for the reason why Big Boss had chosen him among all the other kids in the orphanage. “Why?”
“Why so many questions?” Big Boss bounced a question back, and it caused his world to come crashing down.
Tyler fixed his gaze on Big Boss’ shoes, his voice wavering as he revealed his true feelings. “Because I’m weird, that’s why. Can’t you see my green and blue eyes. They are different colors.”
Large gentle fingers lifted his face and he made contact with those black eyes again. “And that’s the reason why I chose you. You are special, with your unique-colored eyes. You fit right into our family.”