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Ashborn Primordial 3: A Progression Fantasy Epic
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Ashborn Primordial 3: A Progression Fantasy Epic



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  Aethon Books

  Print and eBook design and formatting by Kevin G. Summers. Artwork provided by Luciano Fleitas.

  Published by Aethon Books LLC.

  Aethon Books is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead is coincidental.

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  Ashborn Primordial

  Ashborn Primordial

  Ashborn Primordial 2

  Ashborn Primordial 3


  Terra Nova

  Executor Rising

  Prime War

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  Ashborn Lore

  Author’s Note

  The Story So Far…

  1. The Abyssal Flats

  2. Acclimatization

  3. ‘Limited’ Progress

  4. Unlimited Potential

  5. The Chakra System

  6. Field Test

  7. Ash Wolf

  8. Legacy of the Akh Nara

  9. Royal Scalpel (Maiya)

  10. Forces of Nature

  11. The One Who Makes Whole

  12. Ash Dyed

  13. Sikandar

  14. Emperor of the Ash

  15. Perilous Ascent

  16. Primordial Nature

  17. The Hard Way

  18. Hasty Progress

  19. Foundational Stability

  20. Agent of Change (Maiya)

  21. Shredder Shredder

  22. Domain Lord

  23. A Battle of Wits and Strength

  24. Blade Launch

  25. Annihilation

  26. Blood Orientation (Maiya)

  27. Ash Damned

  28. Dire Straits

  29. Ashani

  30. The One Who Remembers

  31. The Story of Us (Part One)

  32. The Story of Us (Part Two)

  33. The Story of Us (Part Three)

  34. Final Flame

  35. Pranite Power

  36. Serenity

  37. Power Training

  38. Divine Mausoleum

  39. Phantomblade Redux

  40. Deathly Descent

  41. The Vault

  42. Yaksha

  43. Strength of the Gods

  44. Crimson Wind (Maiya)

  45. Prana Current

  46. Imperium Fabricator Ribbon

  47. The Truth of Power

  48. Oath

  49. (Part One): Power Overwhelming

  50. (Part Two): The Shadow & The Ravager Redux

  51. Of Kings and Queens (Part One)

  52. Of Kings and Queens (Part Two)

  53. Of Shan & Vaak

  54. The Trial of Faith (Part One) (Maiya)

  55. The Trial of Faith (Part Two) (Maiya)

  56. Brothers in Arms

  57. Law of Ash

  58. Strange Company

  59. Saunak the Deranged

  60. Pragya Sarana

  61. The High Place

  62. Arch Thaumaturge

  63. A Century of Magic

  64. Lair of Madness

  65. The Weight of Revelation

  66. Underground Negotiations

  67. Entrapment

  68. Saunak’s Tower of Terrors

  69. Grand Theft Automaton

  70. On the Shoulders of Giants

  71. Among Them (Maiya)

  72. The Demons Within

  73. Soliloquy of the Ash Damned

  74. Orientation Camp, Part One (Maiya)

  75. Orientation Camp Part Two (Maiya)

  76. Karmic Reprise

  77. Reunited (Part One)

  78. Reunited (Part Two)

  79. Ultimate Sacrifice

  80. Ghosts of the Past (Cirayus)

  81. The Reaper’s Wish (Part One)

  82. The Reaper’s Wish (Part Two)

  83. The Reaper’s Wish (Part Three)

  84. The Reaper’s Wish (Part Four)

  85. Memento Mori (Cirayus)

  86. Departure

  Thank you for reading Ashborn Primordial 3




  For more city and world maps, in-lore side stories, character portraits, and hundreds of art scenes, visit, or scan the QR code below!


  Hello everyone! And so, we come to book three of Ashborn. I wanted to do a couple of things with this author note. First, you’ll notice that the maps have been updated. This actually should have gone into book two, but didn’t make the cut so it’s being placed here despite the Balindam map having more to do with book two than book three.

  Secondly, you may find that this book reads slightly differently from the prior two. We’ve got more action, a bit less political intrigue, and events happen a bit more fluidly. There’s more chaos and less order, and in some ways, writing this book was a bit of an experiment on my part. I tried to adapt my writing to the events and feelings that Vir experiences during this section, and my hope is that it comes across as a bit of a surreal experience.

  Regardless, the subsequent books will feel a bit more familiar for those who felt this one a bit alien, and if you did like it or have feedback for me, please reach out and let me know!

  Lastly, it’s been a while since book one came out, and while I’m sure nobody has forgotten anything in a story as gripping and memorable as this one (ha!), I’ve included a brief recap of events for those who’d like a refresher, which I will continue to include for all subsequent books.

  Also, for e-book readers and audio listeners alike, be sure to check out my site,, for the high resolution versions of the maps, as well as hundreds of art pieces, ranging from character sketches to sweeping landscapes that show off the story's many vistas!

  Alright, that’s enough from me. Let’s get this party started! Or I suppose I should say, Let’s dive into soot-stained fields of the Ash!


  After his failed assassination of Princess Mina Hiranya, Ekavir, son of the late Rudvik, flees south with his faithful bandy friend, Neel, atop the Ash’va mount, Bumpy, to the Rani Queendom in hopes of sanctuary from the princess’ elite mejai hunters.

  Famed for its vibrant culture and nonaggression policies, the Rani Queendom seems the ideal spot for Vir to lay low, and as Vir journeys south, he reflects on his unexpected meeting with the avatar of Lord Janak, deep in the sewers under the Hiranyan Capital City of Daha.

  Arriving at Zorin in the north of Rani, Vir enlists with the Brotherhood of Mercenaries, an international organization of hunters for hire.

  There, he meets Spear’s Edge, a mercenary band of three named after its charismatic spear-bearing leader, Tia.

  After completing a botched mission to escort a drug trafficker bound for the small Ranian town of Eshana, Vir and Spear’s Edge travel together to the Ranian capital of Avi. Along the way, Vir grows close to not only Tia, but the mejai Haymi, and warrior Vason.

  For the first time in his life, Vir is treated not as an ostracized Ashborn scum, but as a friend and a companion. Though he has to hide behind the skills of disguise he learned whilst training under the Hiranyan ex-general Riyan Savar, Vir comes to treasure this friendship dearly.

  As they grow closer, completing mercenary contracts, Tia reveals her tragic past, in which demons slaughtered her parents while she was young, sparking her bitter hatred for demonkind.

  Horrified, Vir comes to understand the camaraderie he’d come to take for granted was nothing but a dream.

  At this time, Vir receives a summons from the reviled Pagan Order, an extremist nation on the western edge of the continent—a region known as the Voidlands for its lack of prana, the magical energy upon which all magic relied.

  Tempted by their offer, Vir accepts the contract and journeys alone to their capital of Balindam.

  After enduring a staged test by Lord Reth and the other memb
ers of the Tribunal that rules the Pagan Order, Vir learns a shocking truth: the Pagan Order is not as it seems to be. Not a nation of demonic slavers as they would have the world believe, but a sanctuary run by demons for demons.

  The Tribunal offers Vir a home in the subterranean Undercity—a city in which demons may freely roam without disguise or the fear of persecution.

  Vir, elated to finally be among his people, agrees to join a nighttime rescue operation to save fellow demons incarcerated in the south of the Kin’jal Empire.

  Little does he know of the fateful encounter he is about to have…

  Meanwhile, as Vir was journeying south and rising the mercenary ranks with Spear’s Edge, Maiya has been training as an Imperial Handmaiden in the Kin’jal Empire’s Capital City of Sonam.

  Under the tutelage of the best warriors in the realm, she learns of proper decorum… as well as Kin’jal Combat Arts, and the craft of subterfuge and espionage.

  Her training takes her to the Ash Boundary—the great wall of pure prana that separates the Human Realm from the dreaded Ash.

  Maiya’s superb performance fighting Ash Beasts, leading squads of Balarian warriors, and mastery of the art of spycraft reaches the ears of none other than the ruler of these handmaidens herself—Princess Ira Kin’jal.

  The princess calls for a private meeting with Maiya, and to Maiya’s disbelief, the two become fast friends and confidantes.

  Maiya proceeds to become the princess’ right-hand operative, completing special tasks only she can accomplish. As her coffers grow at an astonishing, so too do her worries. For through her information network, Maiya has learned of Vir’s involvement with the Pagan Order.

  Desperate to meet up with her childhood friend, yet having been one step behind tracking the breadcrumb trail of Vir’s movements, Maiya arranges a daring plan—to allow Vir to come to her. She plans to be present during the prisoner rescue.

  Her plan goes awry when she learns that Princess Ira has negotiated an agreement with the regent of Matali. One involving the regent’s only sister, and none other than Princess Tiyana Matali, or Tia, as she likes to be called.

  By a twist of Fate, Vir, Maiya, and Tia all meet at the worst possible moment when Vir is in the midst of breaking free the captured demons.

  To save the prisoners, Vir is forced to reveal his true identity to Tia, who reels from the revelation that her dear friend was one of the demons she reviles. Vir is equally as shocked to learn that Tia was in fact the princess of the Matali Kingdom all along, and Maiya is left attempting to patch the situation.

  Given that Maiya represents none other than the kingdom who enslaved the very demons Vir is attempting to free, Vir’s trust in his old friend is terribly shaken, and though the mission is a success, Vir’s mind is a violent storm of chaos as he flies back to Balindam on his Acira.

  Understanding her friend better than anyone, Maiya pursues Vir, confronting him at Balindam, where she explains how Princess Ira is unlike the other Kin’jals, and that she plans to overthrow her father, the ruthless militaristic Imperator Andros, ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity. Maiya explains how Ira sympathizes with demons, and how she loathes the current situation.

  The two chat until dawn, catching up, reminiscing, and mending their relationship.

  Just as Maiya invites Vir to come back to Sonam with her, however, the Pagan Order receives grave news: Princess Mina Hiranya’s hunting party has located Vir, and is on their way with a small army of mejai. Worse—they wield a terrifying four-armed giant demon, said to rank over seven hundred on the Balar Scale used to measure a Warrior’s combat potential.

  Despite the danger, the Pagan Order offers to protect Vir… If he agrees to stay. To become a full-fledged member of the Pagan Order.

  Vir, understanding that staying would endanger countless other demons, decides to take up Maiya’s offer and leave.

  Vir and Maiya leave atop her Acira and travel to Sonam, where Vir hopes to lie low and lose his pursuers trail, but Fate is not so kind.

  They are intercepted by Mina’s hunters, and a grueling fight ensues.

  For the first time since their training, Vir and Maiya fight together. They push well beyond their own personal capacity, working fluidly as a team… And yet, their foe is too powerful.

  For Mina has sent not only her force, but has recruited criminal mercenaries as well. Dregs who are not part of the Brotherhood. Who kill for a living.

  The sudden appearance of reinforcements from the Pagan Order gives Vir and Maiya hope, but it is a false hope.

  Despite their best efforts, Vir and Maiya are vanquished… Or so they thought.

  At the last minute, the red-skinned four-armed giant reveals himself to be Cirayus, Vir’s godfather, who ferried Vir through the Ash and delivered him to Rudvik, the lumberjack.

  Cirayus kills the almighty Mejai of Realms with a single strike, and together, the three flee from Mina’s mercenaries.

  From Cirayus, Vir learns that he is not only the Primordial—a legendary figure in demonic mythology—he is also royalty. The son of the Raja Maion and Rajni Shari Garga.

  This revelation affects Vir deeply, and his resolution wavers. Should he stay with his childhood friend—now lover? Or should he travel through the Ash in search of his destiny?

  Despite the terror of letting him go, Maiya helps Vir understand that his future lies in the Demon Realm. That staying would only cause him a lifetime of regrets.

  Vir agrees, and swears that he will return for Maiya one day.

  The two bid each other one final farewell, and together with his godfather, Vir steps through the boundary through which no human can survive.

  In search of answers, full of hope and fear, he enters the Ashen Realm…



  Vir crossed the Ash Boundary not really knowing what to expect. On the one hand, the Ashen Realm was a place full of mythological beasts and terror. It was the stuff of bedtime stories and campfire tales. It didn’t feel real.

  On the other hand, Vir had good reason to believe it was ripe with Ash prana. More than he’d ever experienced in his life. When put together, delusions began to form in his head. Of him wielding prana like the greatest mejai. Of fighting beasts with Balar Ranks that had far too many zeroes.

  A living god.

  He wasn’t sure when the idea really took root. Perhaps it was back at Daha, when he’d first learned the names Prana Swarm, Mahakurma, and Wyrm. Or maybe it was when the idea of entering the realm became something more than mere fantasy.

  Vir couldn’t quite understand what he was looking at. A thick haze blanketed the air, almost pitch-black. It was like a fog bank of death had rolled in, reducing visibility.

  No. Not death. Ash!

  The electrifying realization sent shivers down his body. The prana was so dense, it resembled a thick cloud. When he looked closer, he noticed prana of all colors present in far more abundance than they were in the Human Realm.

  But dominating them all, by far, was Ash prana. It soaked the air, giving it a heaviness that couldn’t be put into words. Perhaps those delusions wouldn’t be delusions at all.

  Vir turned and noticed the Boundary was missing. The mesmerizing wall that pierced the sky was nowhere to be seen. There was only ash. Endless fields of ash.

  His boots sunk into the soft material, coming up to his knees. The ash blanketed the ground, covered jagged black mountains that loomed in the distance, and fell from the dark thundercloud skies high above. He couldn’t tell whether it was day or night, but such concepts held no meaning in this place.

  “Ashen power! Ah, how I have missed you!” Cirayus bellowed, raising all four of his arms to the sky. “Now, as I was about to say before you recklessly rushed inside, expect pain. A great deal of it.”

  Vir had half a second to take in those words before the pressure pummeled him, as if Cirayus had just activated Balancer of Scales at its maximum setting.

  No, worse. He couldn’t breathe.

  Vir’s knees buckled. He put a hand down to stabilize himself but found that it, too, sank deep into the ash, coming away blackened with soot. To make matters worse, small ash particulates entered his lungs, triggering a violent coughing fit.

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