


Philosophy / Literature & Fiction / History

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the Kindle edition includes wireless delivery. ** Review Political satire doesn't age well, but occasionally a diatribe contains enough art and universal mirth to survive long after its timeliness has passed. Candide is such a book. Penned by that Renaissance man of the Enlightenment, Voltaire, Candide is steeped in the political and philosophical controversies of the 1750s. But for the general reader, the novel's driving principle is clear enough: the idea (endemic in Voltaire's day) that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and apparent folly, misery and strife are actually harbingers of a greater good we cannot perceive, is hogwash. Telling the tale of the good-natured but star-crossed Candide (think Mr. Magoo armed with deadly force), as he travels the world struggling to be reunited with his love, Lady Cunegonde, the novel smashes such ill-conceived optimism to splinters. Candide's tutor, Dr. Pangloss, is steadfast in his philosophical good cheer, in the face of more and more fantastic misfortune; Candide's other companions always supply good sense in the nick of time. Still, as he demolishes optimism, Voltaire pays tribute to human resilience, and in doing so gives the book a pleasant indomitability common to farce. Says one character, a princess turned one-buttocked hag by unkind Fate: "I have wanted to kill myself a hundred times, but somehow I am still in love with life. This ridiculous weakness is perhaps one of our most melancholy propensities; for is there anything more stupid than to be eager to go on carrying a burden which one would gladly throw away, to loathe one's very being and yet to hold it fast, to fondle the snake that devours us until it has eaten our hearts away?"--Michael Gerber Review “When we observe such things as the recrudescence of fundamentalism in the United States, the horrors of religious fanaticism in the Middle East, the appalling danger which the stubbornness of political intolerance presents to the whole world, we must surely conclude that we can still profit by the example of lucidity, the acumen, the intellectual honesty and the moral courage of Voltaire.” —A. J. Ayer
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Candide, or, Optimism

Candide, or, Optimism


Philosophy / Literature & Fiction / History

EDITORIAL REVIEW: *Candide*, by **Voltaire**, is part of the *Barnes & Noble Classics** *series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of *Barnes & Noble Classics*: All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. *Barnes & Noble Classics *pulls together a constellation of influences—biographical, historical, and literary—to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. One of the finest satires ever written, **Voltaire**’s *Candide* savagely skewers this very “optimistic” approach to life as a shamefully inadequate response to human suffering. The swift and lively tale follows the absurdly melodramatic adventures of the youthful Candide, who is forced into the army, flogged, shipwrecked, betrayed, robbed, separated from his beloved Cunégonde, and tortured by the Inquisition. As Candide experiences and witnesses calamity upon calamity, he begins to discover that—contrary to the teachings of his tutor, Dr. Pangloss—all is perhaps not always for the best. After many trials, travails, and incredible reversals of fortune, Candide and his friends finally retire together to a small farm, where they discover that the secret of happiness is simply “to cultivate one's garden,” a philosophy that rejects excessive optimism and metaphysical speculation in favor of the most basic pragmatism. Filled with wit, intelligence, and an abundance of dark humor, *Candide* is relentless and unsparing in its attacks upon corruption and hypocrisy—in religion, government, philosophy, science, and even romance. Ultimately, this celebrated work says that it is possible to challenge blind optimism without losing the will to live and pursue a happy life. **Gita May** is Professor of French at Columbia University. She has published extensively on the French Enlightenment, eighteenth-century aesthetics, the novel and autobiography, and women in literature, history, and the arts.
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Philosophy / Literature & Fiction / History

Édition enrichie de centaines de notes explicatives, d\'introductions, de notices, de gravures originales qui en font l\'ouvrage le plus complet des oeuvres de Voltaire, soit plus de 109 titres spécifiquement mis en forme pour une lecture sur Kindle.CONTENU DÉTAILLÉ :LES 25 CONTES PHILOSOPHIQUES : Avertissement de Moland • Le Monde comme il va, Vision de Babouc • Le Crocheteur Borgne • Cosi-Sancta, Un petit mal pour un grand bien • Nouvelle Africaine • Zadig ou la Destinée • Memnon ou la Sagesse Humaine • Bababec et Les Fakirs • Micromégas • Les Deux Consolés • Histoire des voyages de Scarmentado • Songe de Platon • Candide ou L’optimisme • Histoire d’un bon Bramin • Le Blanc et le Noir • Jeannot et Colin • L’Ingénu • L’homme aux quarante écus • La Princesse de Babylone • Les Lettres d’Amabed • Aventure de la Mémoire • Le Taureau Blanc • L’histoire de Jenni ou le Sage et l’Athée • Les oreilles du comte de Chesterfield et le chapelain GoudmanLES 41 PIÈCES DE THÉÂTRE : Oedipe • Fragments d’Artémire • Mariamne • L\'indiscret • La Fête de Bélébat • Brutus • Les Originaux ou Monsieur Du Cap-Vert • Ériphyle • Zaïre • Samson • Tanis et Zélide ou Les Rois pasteurs • Adélaïde du Guesclin • Le Duc d’Alençon ou Les Frères ennemis • Amélie ou le Duc de Foix • L\'Echange • La mort de César • Alzire, ou les Américains • L’Enfant prodigue • L\'Envieux • Pandore • Zulime • Le fanatisme, ou Mahomet le prophète • Mérope • Le Temple de la Gloire • Nanine • Rome sauvée, ou Catilina • L\'Orphelin de la Chine • L\'Ecossaise • Tancrède • Le Droit du Seigneur • Olympie • Le Triumvirat • Les Scythes • Charlot ou la Comtesse de Givry • Le Dépositaire • Les Guèbres, ou la Tolérance • Le Baron d\'Otrante • Irène • Jules César • Le Comte de Boursoufle ou Mademoiselle de La Cochonnière • L’Héraclius Espagnol Ou La Comédie FameuseLES 7 RECUEILS DE POÉSIES : Le Pour et le Contre • La Henriade • Le Mondain • Poème sur la Loi naturelle • Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne • La Pucelle d’Orléans • ÉpîtresLES 15 CONTES EN VERS : Le Cadenas • Le Cocuage • La Mule du pape • Ce qui plaît aux dames • L’Éducation d’un prince • L’Éducation d’une fille • Thélème et Macare • Les Trois Manières • Azolan • L’Origine des métiers • La Bégueule • Les Finances • Le Dimanche ou les Femmes de Minée • Sésostris • Le Songe creuxLES 19 TITRES DE L\'OEUVRE PHILOSOPHIQUE ET HISTORIQUE : Lettres philosophiques • Traité de métaphysique • Vie de Molière • Réflexions pour les sots • Traité sur la tolérance • Le philosophe ignorant • Femmes, soyez soumises a vos maris • La bible enfin expliquée par plusieurs aumôniers de s. m. l. r. d. p • Dialogue du chapon et de la poularde • Histoire de l’établissement du christianisme • Dictionnaire philosophique • Dialogues philosophiques • Essai sur les moeurs et l’esprit des nations • Le siècle de louis XIV • Précis du siecle de Louis XV • Pot-pourri • De l’horrible danger de la lecture • Éloge historique de la raison • Petite digression- 1 BIOGRAPHIE détaillée- Les CITATIONS et proverbes de Voltaire A PROPOS DE L’ÉDITEUR : Les éditions Arvensa, leaders de la littérature classique numérique, ont l\'objectif de vous faire connaître les œuvres des grands auteurs de la littérature classique à un prix abordable, tout en vous fournissant la meilleure expérience de lecture sur votre liseuse. Tous les titres sont produits avec le plus grand soin et bénéficient d\'un système de navigation optimale. Le service qualité s’engage à vous répondre dans les 48h. Retrouvez tous les titres et offres privilégiées des éditions Arvensa sur leur site.
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Candide, or, Optimism

Candide, or, Optimism


Philosophy / Literature & Fiction / History

EDITORIAL REVIEW: *Candide*, by **Voltaire**, is part of the *Barnes & Noble Classics** *series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of *Barnes & Noble Classics*: All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. *Barnes & Noble Classics *pulls together a constellation of influences—biographical, historical, and literary—to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. One of the finest satires ever written, **Voltaire**’s *Candide* savagely skewers this very “optimistic” approach to life as a shamefully inadequate response to human suffering. The swift and lively tale follows the absurdly melodramatic adventures of the youthful Candide, who is forced into the army, flogged, shipwrecked, betrayed, robbed, separated from his beloved Cunégonde, and tortured by the Inquisition. As Candide experiences and witnesses calamity upon calamity, he begins to discover that—contrary to the teachings of his tutor, Dr. Pangloss—all is perhaps not always for the best. After many trials, travails, and incredible reversals of fortune, Candide and his friends finally retire together to a small farm, where they discover that the secret of happiness is simply “to cultivate one's garden,” a philosophy that rejects excessive optimism and metaphysical speculation in favor of the most basic pragmatism. Filled with wit, intelligence, and an abundance of dark humor, *Candide* is relentless and unsparing in its attacks upon corruption and hypocrisy—in religion, government, philosophy, science, and even romance. Ultimately, this celebrated work says that it is possible to challenge blind optimism without losing the will to live and pursue a happy life. **Gita May** is Professor of French at Columbia University. She has published extensively on the French Enlightenment, eighteenth-century aesthetics, the novel and autobiography, and women in literature, history, and the arts.
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Candide, or, Optimism

Candide, or, Optimism


Philosophy / Literature & Fiction / History

EDITORIAL REVIEW: *Candide*, by **Voltaire**, is part of the *Barnes & Noble Classics** *series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of *Barnes & Noble Classics*: All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. *Barnes & Noble Classics *pulls together a constellation of influences—biographical, historical, and literary—to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. One of the finest satires ever written, **Voltaire**’s *Candide* savagely skewers this very “optimistic” approach to life as a shamefully inadequate response to human suffering. The swift and lively tale follows the absurdly melodramatic adventures of the youthful Candide, who is forced into the army, flogged, shipwrecked, betrayed, robbed, separated from his beloved Cunégonde, and tortured by the Inquisition. As Candide experiences and witnesses calamity upon calamity, he begins to discover that—contrary to the teachings of his tutor, Dr. Pangloss—all is perhaps not always for the best. After many trials, travails, and incredible reversals of fortune, Candide and his friends finally retire together to a small farm, where they discover that the secret of happiness is simply “to cultivate one's garden,” a philosophy that rejects excessive optimism and metaphysical speculation in favor of the most basic pragmatism. Filled with wit, intelligence, and an abundance of dark humor, *Candide* is relentless and unsparing in its attacks upon corruption and hypocrisy—in religion, government, philosophy, science, and even romance. Ultimately, this celebrated work says that it is possible to challenge blind optimism without losing the will to live and pursue a happy life. **Gita May** is Professor of French at Columbia University. She has published extensively on the French Enlightenment, eighteenth-century aesthetics, the novel and autobiography, and women in literature, history, and the arts.
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Micromegas and Other Short Fictions (Penguin ed.)

Micromegas and Other Short Fictions (Penguin ed.)


Philosophy / Literature & Fiction / History

Somewhere between tales and polemics, these funny, ribald, and inventive pieces show Voltaire doing what he does best: brilliantly challenging received wisdom, religious intolerance, and naïve optimism. Traveling through strange environments, Voltaire's protagonists are educated, often by surprise, into the complexities and contradictions of their world. Arriving on Earth from the star Sirius, the gigantic explorer Micromégas discovers a diminutive people with an inflated idea of their own importance in the universe. Babouc in "The World as It Is" learns that humanity is equally capable of barbarism and remarkable altruism. Other characters include a little-known god of infidelity, a pretentious graduate who invites a savage to dinner, and an Indian fakir who puts up with a bed of nails to gain the adoration of his female disciples. These "fables of reason" challenge the assumptions of reader and protagonist alike.
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Candide, or, Optimism

Candide, or, Optimism


Philosophy / Literature & Fiction / History

EDITORIAL REVIEW: *Candide*, by **Voltaire**, is part of the *Barnes & Noble Classics** *series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of *Barnes & Noble Classics*: All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. *Barnes & Noble Classics *pulls together a constellation of influences—biographical, historical, and literary—to enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. One of the finest satires ever written, **Voltaire**’s *Candide* savagely skewers this very “optimistic” approach to life as a shamefully inadequate response to human suffering. The swift and lively tale follows the absurdly melodramatic adventures of the youthful Candide, who is forced into the army, flogged, shipwrecked, betrayed, robbed, separated from his beloved Cunégonde, and tortured by the Inquisition. As Candide experiences and witnesses calamity upon calamity, he begins to discover that—contrary to the teachings of his tutor, Dr. Pangloss—all is perhaps not always for the best. After many trials, travails, and incredible reversals of fortune, Candide and his friends finally retire together to a small farm, where they discover that the secret of happiness is simply “to cultivate one's garden,” a philosophy that rejects excessive optimism and metaphysical speculation in favor of the most basic pragmatism. Filled with wit, intelligence, and an abundance of dark humor, *Candide* is relentless and unsparing in its attacks upon corruption and hypocrisy—in religion, government, philosophy, science, and even romance. Ultimately, this celebrated work says that it is possible to challenge blind optimism without losing the will to live and pursue a happy life. **Gita May** is Professor of French at Columbia University. She has published extensively on the French Enlightenment, eighteenth-century aesthetics, the novel and autobiography, and women in literature, history, and the arts.
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