Helpless For Her, page 1

Helpless For Her
Olivia T. Turner
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Don’t be shy. Come Follow Me…
Become Obsessed with OTT
Copyright© 2020 by Olivia T. Turner.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email
Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.
Edited by Karen Collins Editing
Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner
I’ve never wanted a girl.
That’s how most rappers go down.
They chase skirts and get distracted. They get careless. Sloppy.
I don’t have time for that.
I have an empire to build—my own clothing line, vodka, record label, and more investments than I can count.
Not to mention my two hit albums that have launched me, DeMarcus Elba, into Hip Hop royalty.
But all of that changes when I see her…
I feel like I’m under a spell.
I don’t understand how she wields so much power over me.
I feel possessed by her charms. I’m obsessed with her beauty.
I’ve never seen anything I wanted so badly. No. Not wanted. Needed.
If I don’t have her, I won’t be able to function.
I won’t be able to go on.
I know myself and I know this: if she doesn’t belong to me, then I won’t be able to stop obsessing about her.
My mind will be tormented with thoughts of her while my empire crashes down all around me.
While I lose everything.
While I become a shell of a man because she’s not there to fill me up.
Making her mine is all that matters.
And nothing is going to stop me from taking what I want.
An AA romance with an ultra-insta-insane-OTT love! Get ready for DeMarcus Elba a possessive alpha hero who makes zero apologies for his obsession with his new love. Insta-love at its finest in a SAFE read with no cheating and a super sweet HEA guaranteed. Enjoy!
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This one is for Michelle M.
A new friend who gave me the idea to write this book.
Chapter One
“I still can’t believe you’re working with No-Bility!” Madison says with a look of pure awe on her face. We’re freezing our asses off in the line outside of the club, all because my best friend refuses to pay for coat check.
“I’m not working for him,” I answer back through my chattering teeth. It’s the end of March in Atlanta, but it’s feeling more like January. Especially in a small dress. “My boss is working for him. I’m just there to get coffee.”
“Oh, please,” Madison says with a roll of her eyes. “Don’t be so self-deprecating. You’re twenty-four years old and working with the CEO of MREX. I’m still working at the same coffee shop I did in high school, and I’m still not even the assistant manager.”
A grin hits my lips like it always does when I hear my company name. MREX, or Media Relations EXperts—is the biggest PR company in the state and I work there. I started with an internship, but the CEO Cathy Winters saw something in me and hired me full-time. We get to work with some of the local talent—famous actors, musicians, writers, and now, No-Bility. Well, they do. I get to fetch his coffee.
“Do you really think we’d be waiting outside in this freezing ass weather if I was working for No-Bility? We’d be on the guest list!”
“Wait until he sees your ass in that tight little white dress,” she says with a grin as she glances back at my round butt. “We’ll be on that guest list next time for sure.”
“Shut up,” I say with a laugh as my cheeks get hot. “That’s not going to happen. This guy can get any girl on the planet.”
The bouncer starts letting people in and we push forward, hoping to escape from this freezing cold. The music is blaring through the open door, but now all I want to do is slip into a burning hot bath. It feels like these goosebumps on my brown skin will never go away.
The largest white limo I’ve ever seen pulls up to the club and a buzz fills the air around us. I can’t help but feel a rush of adrenaline knowing that No-Bility is probably inside it. I try to stand on my toes to see, but I can’t see anything over the excited bodies around me. I’ve always been tiny, but I’ve never really cared until now.
“It’s him!” Madison says with a gasp when the door opens. Well, I think it opens. I can’t really see with this big guy’s shiny shirt in the way. But still, No-Bility. I get a fresh batch of goosebumps that tingle down my arms.
No-Bility, aka DeMarcus Elba, is my favorite artist. Rapper, songwriter, producer, record executive, actor, entrepreneur—this guy does it all. He smashed through the record industry four years ago with his historic hit record, Rank Dignity, and then cemented himself as one of the best rappers of all time after his second record, Fealty in Ruins, broke too many records to count.
He’s a beast in the boardroom too, conquering industries like the ruthless emperor he is as he builds his unstoppable empire. A thriving fashion line, his own Vodka brand, and now he’s launching a record label. He’s hired my company to help him launch it.
There’s a huge commotion for a minute and my face gets pressed into some guy’s back fat. Ew.
“I can’t believe that!” Madison says with her cheeks blushing once it’s over. “I saw him! I saw him! Did you see him?”
Unless she’s referring to the big guy in front of me, then no. I shake my head as disappointment sets in.
No-Bility announced two hours ago on his Twitter page that he would be here tonight and Madison and I left as soon as we could. The line-up looks like it’s around the block now. It feels like everyone in Atlanta is here to see him, and I was so close. Now, he’ll probably disappear into the VIP section all night to be surrounded by a million hotter girls than me, and I won’t see him.
Madison is still swooning and riding a high. I force out a smile at her even though I’m insanely jealous.
Because No-Bility isn’t only talented beyond words, he’s also incredibly gorgeous. I mean, give-up-ice-cream-forever kind of gorgeous. He’s a big, strong, muscular black man with the alpha personality to match.
I don’t know how many hours I’ve stared at his photo on the cover of my worn-out CD, but it’s probably in the hundreds. He’s got smooth golden dark skin that will make your toes curl and brown eyes that will have you opening the fridge to stick your overheating head in. On the cover of Rank Dignity, he had a stylish low fade with twists. It’s gone now, replaced with a buzz cut. Embarrassingly, I’ve spent hours trying to decide which one I like better. But, it’s like trying to decide which kid is your favorite. Yeah, some days you lean toward one then the other, but ultimately, it’s an impossible choice.
He’s the sexiest man alive, I’m sure of it.
His voice is so deep and throaty that you better listen to it in your locked room because your hand will start moving south all on its own. I’ve heard that every actress and singer in Hollywood has tried to get his number.
But somehow, he’s still single.
I’m a girl (and a virgin at that), but I get it. A guy like him can’t be tied down romantically. He’d never settle down with one woman. It’s not in great men like that. They take a lot of hearts, but they never give theirs.
“I can’t believe we haven’t gotten in yet,” Madison says with a whine. “I thought I look hot in this dress. Don’t I look hot in this dress?”
“You look hot in that dress,” I say and she sighs. “But half of Atlanta is here for this guy. They’re not letting anyone in!”
Just as I finish speaking, the giant Russian-looking bouncer opens the door and lets about a dozen of us in. Madison gets in, but then he puts a big paw in front of my face.
“That’s it!” he grunts.
“Oh, please!” Madison says, giving him her adorable little girl’s voice. “She’s with me. She works with No-Bility!”
He raises an eyebrow in disbelief as he looks down at me. “Then how come you’re not on the guest list?” he asks in a thick Russian accent.
“Because he doesn’t know who I am.”
He stares
I shrug.
Suddenly, there’s a hint of warmth in that stony expression. “My boss doesn’t remember my name either,” he says in a bitter tone. “What’s so hard about Rozhdestvenskiy?”
I shake my head, trying not to laugh. “Nothing.”
“Okay,” he says as he removes his big paw. “You can enter.”
“Thank you!” Madison squeals as I hurry in before the friendly giant changes his mind.
The music is pumping and I can feel it vibrating through my chest as we walk into the club. There are people everywhere and I’m eye-level with all of their armpits from where I’m standing.
“I think he’s up there!” Madison screams into my ear and I barely hear it. “Come!”
She grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd.
“Watch it!” some girl yells when I hit her elbow and make her spill her drink.
“Sorry!” I yell back as Madison drags me away.
She pulls me right up to the VIP section and I try to peek around the army of bouncers while Madison does her best to flirt with them.
It’s not working so well.
“No-Bility said no women,” the big guy with the cornrows says.
“My friend here works for him, okay?” she says with a wide smile on her face. “She works for MREX. Ever hear of it?”
“Well, it exists,” Madison continues, but her confidence is wilting. There’s something soul-crushingly embarrassing about begging to be a groupie and getting denied. “And it’s a super powerful company that—”
“Come on, Madison,” I say as I try to put her out of her misery. I grab her elbow and this time I’m pulling her away.
“You’re going to rue the day that you rejected us!” she screams at them as I pull with all of my might. She’s a strong tall girl who played volleyball in college and I’m small enough to get trapped in a mousetrap, so this is very difficult.
“You did not just say rue the day,” I laugh as we head to the bar for a much-needed drink.
“Oh, they will rue it,” she says with a fierce nod. “They’re going to rue it so freaking hard!”
I grab my wallet out of my purse and start the long process of trying to flag down a bartender. “What are you drinking?”
A few hours, several drinks (mostly consumed by my friend), a lot of dancing, and absolutely zero spottings of No-Bility later, Madison is dancing on a barstool and I’m tugging on the bottom of her dress and telling her I want to go home.
“No!” she drunkenly shouts at first, but after she falls and does a head dive into a few bottles of Vodka from No-Bility’s own line, she agrees to leave quickly before they make her pay for those two bottles that fell on the floor and broke.
We rush out of there before the bartender can call security over and giggle all the way back to the car.
“See?” Madison says as she clutches her freezing cold arms while we run. “If we had put our jackets in the coat check like you wanted, we would have had to leave them behind.”
“You’re a genius,” I say with a laugh as I try to run in my ridiculously high heels. At this point, I’m just trying not to break an ankle.
We get to the car, put on our frigid jackets, and I start to drive us home. There’s a smile on my face, but inside I feel like I want to cry.
I had fun, but the reason I came out was to lay my eyes on my celebrity crush.
Yes, No-Bility will be employing my firm as the PR company for his new record label, but I rarely see any clients in the office and Cathy never takes me along to any meetings.
That was my one shot to see him and it was an airball.
I put on his CD and almost immediately, we’re dancing and singing along in the car, and my spirits are lifted.
I’ll always have this part of him—his music—even if I can’t have the rest. That’s just going to have to be enough.
Chapter Two
“What do you need?” the owner of the club asks me. “Drugs? Women? You let me know and I’ll hook you up.”
He’s looking at me with these wide coked-out eyes. “Nothing, man. Thanks.”
All I want is for him to get out of my face so I can talk business with Tre.
Everywhere I go, that’s all I hear—How many hoes you looking to smash tonight DeMarcus?
I’m not into that at all. I wouldn’t be where I am today, not even close, if I was like every other rapper—screwing everything in front of me and knocking up half of them. I need to stay focused. On point.
I have massive goals and nothing is going to keep me from them. Especially any girls.
“You let me know if you change your mind,” the owner says. He waves some of his girls over and I sigh as they bring in bottle after bottle of my Vodka and lay them out all over the private room. They set us up and then leave.
We’re having a small party now that we’re back home in Atlanta where I grew up. We invited some of the local talent and some old friends. LiQuidate has already taken over the DJ booth and is hawking his t-shirts. Some things never change.
“Have a drink,” Tre says as he comes over.
“That shit?” I look at the bottle of Vodka with my name on it and my stomach churns. “I still can’t believe you got my name printed on that sewage.”
“Twenty-three million in revenue last year and growing,” he says as he sits down on the couch. “Alcohol is where the money is, man. Jay-Z made five times more from booze than he did from music. Drake, Puffy, Nicki—they all have their own brands.”
“Yeah, but do their’s taste like gasoline?” I pick up the bottle and take a sniff. Ugh. “I can’t believe people drink this.”
“Fuck yeah, they drink it,” Tre says as he takes the bottle from me. He pours us each a glass as I sit down beside him and then he tosses the bottle back into the ice bucket. “And the money goes right into your pocket.”
He grins as he holds his glass up. I cheers with him and take a sip.
“Fuck,” I grunt as my throat burns.
Tre’s eyes are watering too. “Maybe we can add some 7-Up.” He pours some to the rim.
“I don’t want my record label to be like this,” I say as I stare at the bottle. Having a shitty Vodka is one thing. But this… This is what I’ve been dreaming of since I was a kid. My own record label? God… I can’t fuck this up.
“It won’t be,” Tre says with a shake of his head. “It’s going to be everything we’ve planned.”
I’ve known this guy since we were in diapers. Our moms were best friends and he’s been with me every step of the way.
He tries hard and means well, but when he sees dollar signs, Tre gets a little too eager and takes it no matter the quality of the product they want to slap my name on. Like this horrible Vodka that’s currently burning my internal organs.
I like having him by my side, but it’s my instincts I have to follow. I’m the one who got us here.
“That’s why we hired MREX,” he adds. “To launch your label into the stratosphere, and when you finally come down, it’ll be with the weight of a thousand Grammys.”
“Man, I hope.”
“I know.”
“What do we know about this company?”
He starts rattling off names of celebrities they work for as I look around the room. LiQuidate comes strutting in with a girl on each arm. I shake my head as I watch him. He’s like a rooster strutting around the hen house like he’s king shit.
Girls are just a waste of energy, and I need every last bit of strength to get where I want to go. I don’t have time for that.