Tank, p.1
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Tank, page 1

 part  #2 of  Angels and Sinners Series


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  Angels and Sinners


  Trixie Brewster

  Cover art by Addendum Designs

  copyright © 2019 by Trixie Brewster

  All copyrights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication or any part of this book may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distrusted via the internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s permission.

  Note From The Author:

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale, or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

  Warning: This book is meant for readers over the age of 18 due to bad language, some violence, and explicit sex scenes.

  Published in the United States of America


  “Where’s my daddy?” She asked, frightened, but full of anger. She was on her way to the bakery just up the road from home. Mamma said it would be okay Ivan would be going with her. She was craving something sweet, even though mamma baked, she wanted some chocolate truffles. She and Ivan were having fun teasing each other. Although she was only thirteen, she had a small crush on her daddy’s worker. Ivan was tall like her father and had the same red hair. But his Irish brogue wasn’t as thick.

  A car pulled up, and a man snatched her before Ivan could grab for her. There was a rag over her face, and the smell was horrible; everything was going dark. Where was Ivan, would he call her daddy?

  “Your precious daddy can’t help you, little girl!” The masked man yelled at her. She whimpered down in the corner of the disgusting house. It stunk so bad her stomach rolled, and she gagged. The smell of body odor and human waste was too strong.

  “Angela, Angela, can you hear me?!” she could hear her daddy’s voice but couldn’t find him. “Daddy, Daddy, please come get me. I’m scared.” She yelled back to his voice. “There is your proof she is fine. Now I want the money dropped at the park where we discussed.” He was on the phone, not in the room. The little girl’s heart broke when she heard the man yelling about money. They didn’t have a lot of money. She knew there was some money but not a lot. Her father owned a shoe shop in San Diego. Ivan worked for her father. She never questioned why Ivan was always with her, though. It was just how it was, she was never alone, it just wasn’t something that was asked.

  “You know there will be blowback right. I mean, who lives to tell the tale of kidnapping the Irish mob boss’s daughter?” The second masked man asked the first. He had a Hispanic accent. The girl had heard this before. The older kids at school had spread rumors that her father was a mob boss. She couldn’t believe it. Her father wasn’t an evil man. He was sweet and loved her mother and her like nothing else. There were always smiles at the dinner table, and he always brought home flowers when her mom had a bad day. There was no way he was in the mob, he sold shoes.

  “Shut up. Me and you both know the mob boss will pay to get her back, and that will be it. He won't mess with the cartel if he has a mind.” The first one stated. Her head reeled the cartel. What is the cartel? Why do they want to hurt her father, and why are they using her?

  “Angela, if he doesn’t pay, then we will sell you to the highest bidder.” He got in her face, the smell of alcohol and stale cigarettes hit her nose. She didn’t look up at him; she kept her head down. “My daddy isn’t in the mob.” She said in a firm but weak voice. The laugh that he gave made her cringe further into her knees. “You are right, he is not in it, he is the mob.” His laughing got farther away, and she heard the door click closed, and the lock slide home. She blew out a breath and looked around. It was dark; there were no lights on in the room. She let the tears slide down her face when she realized that she was never going to see her daddy again or her mamma, all because of some stupid rumors that were going around at school. She balled up her little fist and let out a scream.

  When she stopped screaming until her throat hurt, she curled up into a tight ball and made a promise to never be injured or retaken is he ever got out of this. She didn’t want to have this happen again to her. She vowed to get stronger and to be able-bodied for her parents that she would never see again and for Ivan, who was her best friend. Her only friend.

  When she came to, she heard shouts and popping noises. And her name being called. It wasn’t her father calling her. She curled up in the fetal position and kept quiet. The door creaked open, then someone yelled, “found her. Prez, we found her.”

  She still didn’t move until she heard the words that her father would tell her every day when he saw her. “Mo Mhuirnin” The girl looked at the man standing in front of her. He was a big man, like the size of her father, but he was much broader. He had a beard that was black with grey through it. His soft brown eyes were glistened with tears looking at her. “We got you, baby girl. No one is going to hurt you. Come with me, we have your father waiting for you.” She took in his vest that said ‘President’ and a patch below that stated his name was ‘Bear.’ She repeated his name over and over in her head as she attached herself to his chest. His arms curled around her, and they left the smelly house. The only other man that had ever left her feeling safe was her father and now this man, Bear.

  She felt the night air all around her, but she didn’t lift her head from the safe crook in the man’s neck. It was over. Finally, it was over. Her father wasn’t in the mob, he was just a shoemaker.

  “Mo Mhuirnin, My baby girl. Daddy is here.” She leaped from the big man to her father and held tight to his neck. “Daddy, I was so scared I wasn’t going to see you again. Daddy, I love you.”

  “And I love you, my Mo Mhuirnin.” He kissed her hair and hugged her back. “Bear if you or the Angels need anything at all, you have my number.” She thought that the big man was indeed an angel. They saved her from the bad men and gave her back her daddy. As she lifted her head to say her thanks, she heard the loud engines rumble to life. She never got to say thank you to the Angel named Bear, but she vowed that she would tell him, she was going to find him one day and give him a big hug and some flowers like her daddy gave her mamma.

  “Let’s go home, baby girl, mamma is waiting on us.”

  She never got the chance to tell him to his face. Just a few weeks after she was rescued, her Angel was killed. The first regret came from not saying ‘Thank You’ in time from him helping her.

  Chapter 1


  I loved my life; nothing could get me down. I had free pussy when I wanted, a job I loved doing, who gets to sell weed and not be thrown in jail? This guy that’s who. The tourist was always coming into the dispensary to get a good fix. It regularly made me laugh at the tourists. It was consistently the same dazed look that got me through. When Korey first came in, she was floored that someone could actually shop for weed in a store setting. My size keeps just about anyone that comes in, in line. I wasn’t small by any means. I looked around the dispensary to see that it was getting ready for closing up.

  “Tank, what are your plans for the night?” The stunning and curvy brunette asked me. I had hired her because she was easy on the eyes and had curves for days. Her name was Melissa, if I could get past her voice, she would be a good lay. But god help me. I didn’t want to listen to her whiney voice as she came under me. If that makes me a bad man, then so be it.

  “I don’t know, probably going to hang out at the club,” I responded with a shrug like it really didn’t matter. I haven’t come on to Melissa, I really don’t want to fuck her, I just like to look at her. She is short too; I have a fetish, and I know it. I like women who are small, like tiny compared to me. It doesn’t take much, just about anything under six feet, but I have a love for the shorter women, like below five foot five. At my six-foot-eight height, I can be seen as intimidating to the shorter fairer sex.

  “Want some company?” She batted her fake eyelashes at me. I couldn’t keep the laugh from bubbling up my throat. “You think you can handle it?” I never specified what club I was going to. If I was guessing with the way her eyes filled with lust, she was a cut slut. Meaning she only wanted a biker for his cut. She was a fucking groupie, and I hated groupie’s, sure it was good for my ego. But they wanted one thing and one thing only, on the back of my bike. Not going to happen. There was only one girl that could ride my bike, and she was nowhere to be seen at the moment.

  It would take a special woman to get on the back of my bike. A woman who had brains, looks, and a little bit of sass. Most of my brothers didn’t like a woman with sass. I get it, but I don’t want a comfortable life. Never had one, so why start now.

  “Of course, I can handle it. I would love to go with you.” Melissa batted her fuzzy caterpillar eyelashes at me again. I hated it when a woman thought she had to do that to her face. She looked like a clown with all the makeup on. I hate clowns, with a passion, like pull my gun out and shoot as I am running in the opposite direction hate.

  “Alright, then, you can follow me to the club.” I smiled inwardly. Where we were going, she wouldn’t be happy. I could care less what she thought about the club I was
going to.

  I was on my bike headed to Angel’s to see Butch and his girls. She pulled in the parking lot and got out of her car, strutting her stuff towards me. She didn’t blink when I walked to the door. “I thought the clubhouse would be somewhere else. Good cover.” She cooed at me.

  I laughed hard at her statement. Just what I thought. “Sorry, Melissa, this is just what it states a strip club.” Her face morphed into pure anger with a side of hate.

  “Why did you lie to me?” She yelled at the door. I could put up with a lot of shit from a woman, but being yelled at was not one. Sure I wanted sass but not being yelled at.

  I got down level with her face and said low, “I never lied to you, I told you I was going to the club. Why would I take you to the clubhouse? So, you could fuck my brothers? I think not, cut slut. Get gone.” She paled at my words and pushed passed me into the club. Whatever the caterpillar wearing woman could feed her hate somewhere else.

  I found my way to the bar, where I ordered a beer. The obviously gay man behind the bar smirked at me and nodded to Melissa. I turned my head to see her rubbing her too big and fake breast against one of the brothers. He was a prospect and was enjoying the attention. If he could pass that voice, I commended him. “What’s wrong big guy? Mad your date wants another man?”

  “Fuck you, Gus. She wasn’t my date. Can’t get past her voice.” Gus threw his head back and laughed at my statement. I smirked at him, at least he agreed. Although I doubted, he would touch her pussy with a fifty-foot pole.

  “Big guy, when you gonna come to my side?” He waggled his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes at him. We did this every time I came in. I knew it should bother me that a flaming gay man was coming on to me. But I didn’t care. My baby sister was as gay as he was. The last I heard from her, she was bringing her law office to Redding. Something about finding a new girlfriend and that her best friend from college was here too. My sister was a damned good lawyer, and I was glad she was coming home to open her law office here. I hated that what brought her home was another woman. But I couldn’t have everything in life. She was my sister, and I loved her no matter which way she swung. I was damn proud of her too. Going after what she wanted and didn’t let anyone stand in her way.

  “Gus, me and you both know if I swung your way, you couldn’t handle me.” Gus laughed again.

  “Maybe, maybe not. But I would be a fool to pass up the biggest cock I would ever have.” It was my turn to laugh.

  “Hey, baby. You want a private dance with something special?” I looked down at the blonde with her big fake titties staring at me. I turned away from her, not giving her a second look. “Back of Michelle,” Gus said low to her.

  “Makes sense you haven’t touched a single one of us,” Michelle said in disgust as she trotted off. We had strict orders that the club strippers were off-limits. They were employees of the club; you didn’t fuck the help. I snorted, thinking about Brick and Korey’s relationship. He fucked the help way before he let the club or her brother know what was going on. I would say double standards, but hell, sometimes shit happened like that.

  I smiled, thinking about Korey’s kids. Blaze and I had a competition on who was the better uncle. Sean absolutely adored both of us, but he liked me more. Why because I had a good four inches on his uncle Blaze. Blaze was a big man, but I was more significant, standing at six-eight and having added over fifty pounds of muscle on me since joining the club ten years ago.

  It didn’t take long to get voted in at the SAA to the club. I took my job seriously in the club. It was my job to make sure the club was safe and that the President was safe from harm and threats. I didn’t have a problem pulling the trigger if I needed to for my club and President.

  Part of the club was the Ol’ Ladies and their kids. They received my protection and vow to keep them safe. One of the reasons I had no problem taking on the SAA patch was my sister. We had a rough time growing up. But I always made sure she was safe from harm, and when she came out when she was in high school, I took out all the boys that picked on her. Granted, I was eight years older than her. That didn’t change shit. No one messed with my baby sister and got away with it. No one messed with my family and lived to tell the tale. The club was a family, family protected family.

  “Brother, what in the hell did the prospect do to deserve that?” Butch asked as he saddled up to the bar? I looked behind me and snorted at what I saw. Melissa was rubbing all over the prospect, and apparently, he decided he couldn’t get past the whine in her voice either.

  Shrugging my shoulders, “Nothing, she said she wanted to go to the club, so I brought her here.” Butch shook his head as laughter came out.

  “Damn it, Tank, she is going to ruin business.”

  “The lover of all women isn’t in love with that?” I nodded to where Melissa was standing alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if she started crying at any moment.

  “Well, when you put it that way, I guess I will handle it.” Butch grinned and waggled his eyebrows at me. Fuck me, Butch really has problems. Sure enough, I watch as he walks right up to her and whispers in her ear, and off they go.

  Shaking my head, I leave a couple of bills for Gus as I get up to go. “Later, Gus, keep your dick clean.” I winked at him before I left. I always told him the same thing every night I was here. He would always answer the same way.

  “Only for you, big guy.”

  Getting on my bike, I made the journey to my house. The only place that no pussy had made it there. I kept all of the fucking at the clubhouse. I didn’t need to taint the one place where I laid my head.

  Opening the door to my house, to say I was speechless when I saw what was lying on my couch and with who. Was a fucking understatement.

  “What the fuck Sis. Cover that shit up!” I roared at them as I stomped to my room, slamming the door as I head them rustling around. “You said he wasn’t coming home.” I heard the familiar voice whisper scream at my sister.

  “Sorry, my mistake, go home, and I will be by in a few okay. Love you, baby.”

  “Love you too.” She stated, and I heard them kissing. If it weren’t my sister out there, I would ask to join in. What man didn’t want a threesome in his house when he got home. I heard the knock on my door. Laying face first on the bed, and I groaned as I got up to answer it.

  “Molly, what the fuck. My couch really, now I need to burn it.” She slapped me on the chest and pushed our way in. “Hale, you can’t say a word. She isn’t ready, not yet. She wants to let it out, but she is scared of what her employer will say.” She has her hands on her hips, glaring at me with her blue eyes. Molly has always been a looker even as a child. Long dirty blonde hair the same as mine, and the same blue eyes. When she told me she was into girls, I was ecstatic. This way, I wouldn’t have to kill too many boys.

  “Really, Molly. Like her ‘employer’ would care.”

  “I know that, but she doesn’t. I can’t really judge her. I haven’t told my best friend yet.” She wrung her hands. I haven’t seem my sister this nervous in a long time. Automatically I go into protection mode.

  “What is it? Has someone hurt you?”

  Biting at her lip, she nervously replied. “No, no, big scary biker brother. I am worried about what she will say when I tell her. You don’t understand she means a lot to me. She helped me through college.”

  “What do you mean she helped you?” I didn’t like the idea of my sister being in danger. How could this friend have helped her, and more importantly, why didn’t my sister call me?

  I didn’t have to look down too far at my sister. She was no small woman that was for sure. She stood at over six feet tall. She won many court cases when she walked in. But I also knew that some people gave her shit over her size.

  “Well, there were some guys who were being mean, and she just took them down. Like I mean, took them out. Even when I went to law school, we still talked, and when I got out and started my law firm, we still talk. She has no idea Hale, I have been friends with her for over six years, and she doesn’t know. What if she hates me?” My sister pales at the thought of it.

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