Expecting Surrender (Dominion Trust Book 3), page 1

Title Page
About This Book
By Trent Evans
Copyright Page
Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Other Books By Trent Evans
From The Author
Expecting Surrender
Trent Evans
About This Book
They’d called it The Game. An intriguing truth or dare, a little spice to an already hot sexual chemistry between two married professionals. But what started as a mere game evolved into something so much more, a dark, exciting adventure into serious power exchange. It soon became the center of their lives, the beating, lust-fueled heart of their sexual relationship.
It was an exploration of pleasure, of pain, of elemental desire. A married couple diving deep into the waters of Dominance and submission. Like forbidden fruit, The Game had opened their eyes to the primal drives, the animal lusts lurking within each of them — and they knew they’d never be the same again.
Then came the day she’d received the surprise news… in the form of a positive pregnancy test.
Now Keihl and Kirsten, deeply in love, facing a profound, joyful change in their lives, must contemplate the prospect of putting aside The Game, just when things are really heating up. After all, pregnancy and BDSM are utterly incompatible. Right?
Or was there a way to have both? Perhaps Kirsten’s pregnancy might open up an entirely new world to them within the alluring, lust-drenched context of a loving, yet strict, Dominance and submission dynamic? Perhaps the pregnancy might change them both in ways too profound for either of them to yet understand?
Two lovers will discover if Dominance and submission, if pain and pleasure, and finding the real people they are inside is indeed still possible, now that a baby is on the way…
Publisher's Warning: Intended for mature readers. 18 and over only!
This is a MF BDSM erotic romance. Themes include: graphic sexuality, pervasive D/s, exhibitionism, spanking, bondage, and other BDSM activities. If such content might offend you, please do not purchase this book.
Word count: 134,520 words.
Page Count: 470 pages
* * * *
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By Trent Evans
Published by Shadow Moon Press
A Message of Love
Maintenance Night
What She’s Looking For
The Chronicles of Muurland Series:
The Fall of Lady Westwood
The Dominion Trust Series:
Becoming Theirs
Her Troika — The Complete Story
Expecting Surrender
Published By Stormy Night Publications
The Doctor and The Naughty Girl
What The Doctor Ordered (Box set)
Copyright © 2015 by Trent Evans
All rights reserved.
Cover Design by Rachel A Olson (www.nosweatgraphics.weebly.com)
This book is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and as such, any similarity to existing persons, places or events must be considered purely coincidental.
This book contains content that is not suitable for readers aged 17 and under.
For mature readers only.
Published in the United States by Shadow Moon Press, Washington.
First Shadow Moon Press Electronic Edition: January 2015
Thanks to my friend, Megan for her untiring support, revisions, feedback and her bottomless well of positivity and encouragement.
Thanks to my friend, Anna for her incredible insight, edits, corrections, and for helping me discover what this story was really about.
This book was a long time coming, and there is no way it would ever have been completed without the invaluable help of both of these women. I’m eternally grateful to them both.
Author’s Note
This book is a work of erotic romance, and it deals with the subjects of sexuality, pregnancy and BDSM. The events depicted in this novel are entirely fictional. While I’ve attempted to be as accurate as possible in the portrayal of the events and practices seen in this story, I want the reader to remember that this book should never be taken as anything other than what it is — fiction.
While this novel is (hopefully) an entertaining story, it is not a replacement for sound medical advice. For those readers that have any questions about pregnancy and BDSM practices, their first stop should be with their own doctors — not a work of fiction. I care about my readers, and I care about these subjects, but most importantly, I want everyone to stay safe. When in doubt, please, please talk to your doctor.
For Carrie.
God, he’s not warming up this time.
Not that she was surprised. Gentle and merciful were not qualities she’d usually ascribe to her beloved husband. But this is what they’d both agreed she needed.
“I’m waiting, Kirsten.” His voice was a soft rumble behind her.
“One, Sir,” she said, gasping as the stroke blazed fire across her bottom.
“Good girl.”
He tapped the cane lower, directly across the tender junction of her thighs and buttocks. She hated the cane there, which was precisely why he liked it there.
“Now, more quickly this time, or we’ll need to repeat the stroke.”
So reasonable, so matter of fact.
Another stroke landed, right on that spot. She jerked, her stocking-clad thighs whispering together as the pain rose again.
“Two, Sir,” she said, quickly.
She wanted to jump up and down, to shake the sting out of her tender cheeks.
“That’s better, Kirsten.”
The warning tap of the cane made her still once more. Waiting.
The stroke sliced in almost directly atop the previous one. She whined through clenched teeth as she called out the third cut of the cane, her bound hands clenched into fists at the small of her back. The heaviness underlying the burn of the stroke told her the tram-line was developing. Probably just a ghost under her pale skin now, but in a few minutes, she knew it would be a swollen violet. Just the way her husband liked.
The fourth stroke landed, burning like fire across the center of both globes. She rose up on her toes, her calves knotting.
Jesus! How many this time...
“What did we talk about?” His voice was deceptively gentle. “Heels back on the floor. No fidgeting.”
Kirsten exhaled a ragged breath, willing herself to relax. She knew he wouldn’t continue until she did, so she lowered back to the floor, her legs taut as bowstrings.
“Very good.” His fingers traced the swelling weals.
Kirsten groaned as the next stroke whipped in, blessedly higher, but still burning miserably. She knew he was watching, enjoying the movement of her hips as she twisted and swayed them to try to deal with the hurt.
“That’s enough, dear,” he said, patting her hip. “You don’t want to upset my aim, do you?”
She wanted nothing else but to do just that, but she knew better.
“Yes, K— Sir. I’m sorry.”
Her breasts throbbed insistently underneath her, their pale curves pressed firmly into the bed. He had considerately laid a thick terry cloth bath towel on the mattress before cuffing her wrists behind her back and ordering her over for her visit with the cane.
She wanted to believe the gesture was for her comfort, but she rather thought it was just to keep her from staining the expensive sheets.
Her swollen breasts were the reason why the cane was currently slicing into her vulnerable cheeks in the first place.
It had started when she’d decided to call him at the office...
* * *
“Keihl Warren, what can I do for
“Hi, Keihl. Do — you have a minute to talk?”
“Kirsten? You okay?”
“Yes — I mean no. Are you alone?”
Keihl sighed. “Dear, you called me at the office in the middle of the day.”
She gulped. Anytime she heard that deceptive calmness sneak into his voice, the use of words such as ‘dear’, it meant she was moving into potentially dangerous waters.
“Maybe I can just call back when you can get away—”
“Kirsten, what is it?”
“Is anyone around you? Can they hear?”
She could hear voices in the background on Keihl’s end. They sounded close.
“You should have thought about that before calling me, dear. Spill it.”
She could feel the flush creeping up her neck, but there was nothing for it.
“I was thinking. Do you think we could... stop them?”
“Them? What are you talking about?”
“Keihl,” she breathed. “You know...”
“Oh.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “Let me think about it. For now, let’s keep going.”
So nonchalant!
It was if he were considering whether or not to continue a gym membership or something.
“Keihl. It’s been almost a year.”
“That’s all? I’m just getting used to it.”
She sighed. “Please, Keihl. They hurt.”
His low chuckle rumbled over the line. “We all have to sacrifice for love, my dear.”
Yeah, right. She had to sacrifice. He got to benefit.
“Besides”, he said. “It’s been great. I love them.”
To be fair it wasn’t all sacrifice on her part. He’d been an animal since they’d agreed to keep them going. Well, he’d agreed, really. She just did as she was told.
“At least let me take care of them while you’re gone during the day. It’s so hard.”
“I know it is. You should see it right now, as I picture them. Nice and sore, aren’t they? I’m glad I’m sitting down.”
“Keihl, please—”
There was a loud jostling on Keihl’s end, and she heard his voice say: “I’ll take a look at it in a sec, Dave”, then “Yeah, it’s Kirsten.”
“Honey, we’ll talk about this when I get home,” he said, his voice deepening another octave. “I think we’ll need to talk about what reasons are good ones for calling me at the office. Telling me your boobs are full and achy is not one of them. You had me concerned that you were hurt or in danger.”
Please God, tell me Dave didn’t hear him say that.
She felt like sinking into the floor.
“Keihl, they’re killing me. Can I at least take care of them once before you get home?”
“I’ll take care of them when I get there, Kirsten. Just like we agreed. Unfortunately, you’re probably going to have more than sore tits after we talk. See you tonight, honey.”
He hung up.
Hanging her head, her heart racing, she dreaded her husband’s arrival as much as she looked forward to it.
Relief from her pain would come — but with a price.
Chapter One
18 Months Earlier
“Stan, you’ve gotta work with me here. Three months will never fly.”
Keihl tucked the phone’s receiver between neck and shoulder, and picked up the steaming mug of coffee on his desk. He hissed as some of the hot liquid sloshed out onto his wrist.
“The initial EIS won’t even be done by then. Give me six and we can do it.”
Stan’s voice was silent a moment. “Six months? Keihl, you can do better than that. My investors need a quick turn on this development. Six months is not acceptable.”
Keihl winced, dropping his head back. “Okay, five months, with overtime.”
The prospect of putting in extra time on this job was slightly less appealing than a root canal.
“I don’t care about cost. My investors don’t either. Time is what they care about.”
“Four and a half months is the absolute best I can do. It’s gonna cost you though. That gives me maybe two weeks after the EIS comes in.”
Stan sighed. “Deal. Look, just get it done, and there’ll be a nice thank you with our final payment. I gotta go.”
The line went dead before Keihl could protest further.
“Did I hear you say overtime?”
His admin assistant, Ella, leaned a shoulder against the doorway to his office. Her dark hair was pulled back, the glasses she favored not quite hiding the beauty of her face. The way her navy blue sweater and matching skirt clung to her buxom frame didn’t do anything to hide her beauty either.
“Was the call that loud?”
“Not really. I was eavesdropping.”
“At least you’re honest.” Keihl leaned back in his chair, the squeak in one of the wheels getting worse. “Stan Broughton wants us to review, and draw up a formal response to the environmental impact statement for the Coal Creek development.”
He fished around through the stacks of documents on his desk until he found the latest package of plans. He tossed them to Ella, who caught the file without batting an eye. She opened it, her keen eyes scanning it quickly.
“Oh, this should be interesting,” she said. “There’s a wetland adjacent to the southeast corner, right?”
Keihl scratched his chin. “Try the entire south side.”
Ella looked up. “Um, that’s a cow pasture.”
“It was a cow pasture. Look at the appendix. Somebody at state ecology just had it reclassified as a wetland too.”
“Sucks to be that farmer.” She set the file back down on his desk, her pink painted nails tapping the paper. “Where’s he gonna feed ol’ Betsy now?”
“I’d kill to have his problems.” Keihl snatched up the file and slipped it into his laptop case. He looked up at Ella. “Stan wants the response in eighteen weeks.”
She whistled. “Good thing I don’t have a boyfriend. Looks like I’m gonna be living here for the next few months.”
“This job is your boyfriend.”
Ella frowned, turning for the door. “Don’t remind me.”
“Come on, you love it here.”
“I’m leaving, boss.”
Keihl laughed as the door closed behind her.
He’d signed up for this, of course. Having a real estate development consortium as a client had its upsides, of course. Pay rate for the firm was great, and other than the sorts of calls he’d just had to endure, he really didn’t have a particularly difficult client. Most of the time they were completely hands-off. But the work was never-ending, and every time it felt like he’d caught up, another huge development would get cranked up, and the senior partners would shunt it off to the junior associate — who happened to be him. He wasn’t the only environmental lawyer at the firm, but he was the best — and his bosses knew it. Which was why the work kept pouring in.
No good deed goes unpunished, right Keihl?
He looked over at the picture of Kirsten, his fingers stroking the caramel wood frame. Her long dark hair was whipping in the wind in the photo, her pretty eyes squinting a little against the sun. It looked like he’d be seeing even less of his gorgeous wife in the coming days — by far the worst part of this job.
Turning back to his desk, he brought up the plat for the development on his monitor, already mentally counting the hours until he might be able to get out of the fucking office.
As he worked, he wondered if she’d make another of her… requests. He’d come to look forward to them, even if they still surprised him. Maybe it was better if she didn’t, since it appeared he was going to be chained to his desk for another eighteen weeks.