Shaft: Soulless bastards mc Maryland, page 1

Soulless bastards mc Maryland
Erin Trejo
Copyright © 2020 by erin
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Created with Vellum
1. Temple
2. Shaft
3. Temple
4. Shaft
5. Temple
6. Shaft
7. Temple
8. Shaft
9. Temple
10. Shaft
11. Temple
12. Shaft
13. Temple
14. Shaft
15. Temple
16. Shaft
17. Temple
18. Shaft
19. Temple
20. Shaft
21. Temple
22. Shaft
23. Temple
24. Shaft
25. Temple
26. Shaft
27. Temple
28. Shaft
29. Temple
30. Shaft
Useless fucker. I can’t even believe that I gave him the time of day. I should have let him die that night he came into my emergency room with a bee sting. I know that’s not nice and that allergies are not anything to play with, but he’s also a lying fuck.
“See how she likes this,” I laugh hysterically as I drag my key down the side of his pretty shiny red Mazda. A fucking Mazda! Each scrape of my key against the paint makes me feel a little better. At least I’m smiling while I do it. That’s positive reinforcement, isn’t it? My hand makes the loop to finish off the word “cockbag” on the driver’s side of his car. I already keyed the word slut magnet on one side. Reaching for the baseball bat I brought along, I spin it around in my hands.
“Temple steps up to the plate,” I say loudly although I know the bastard can’t hear me. “She swings.” I swing the bat around and listen to it crunch through his headlight. “Homerun!” I roar with a smile on my face. I move to the other and do the same taking great pride in the mess I’m making of his precious car. If I could blow it up and get away with it, I would, but since I can’t, this is the next best thing. Dezzy leans against the brick building laughing her ass off. Glad I could amuse her.
“He’s going to shit bricks when he sees this,” she adds making me smirk.
“Well, he would have seen it sooner if he didn’t take the ho to Florida on vacation. I guess someone is just going to have to slip up and send him an anonymous text message.” With the shrug of my shoulders, I pull the bat back and take out the back taillight.
“If I was nastier I would shit on his car seats,” Dez adds making me laugh harder.
“I actually have to go.” Is that taking it too far? I mean, that is a little nasty even for me.
“God, I love you.” I laugh as I set the bat down and lean back taking a look at what I’ve done to this car. His baby. His little pride and joy.
“Do we know how to take tires off?” I ask glancing over at Dez. She laughs. Shakes her head and pulls her phone out.
“No but I can have someone here in minutes. Can we set it on bricks?” she asks, laughing as she texts.
“If they can bring them, we sure as hell can.” Lifting the bat in my hands, I raise it above my head, bringing it down until I see the side mirror fall to the ground.
“I have backup on the way,” Dez tells me.
I turn to face her and smile as she holds out the bottle of fireball for me. I walk over and take it, wiping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. Bringing the bottle to my lips, I take a long pull as I examine my handy work
“You think he will cry?” I ask her. She snorts.
“I think it’s going to be funny as hell to see his reaction. Maybe we should facetime him instead?”
I nod slowly. That is a good idea. That way we can all see his reaction to his surprise. We stand here passing the bottle back and forth when I hear the roar of the motorcycle. When I look up I see two coming our way followed by a truck. They pull up and park when I notice the first one. Gauge walks with a swagger that says he’s the man in charge and I’d gladly let him rule me if he wasn’t with my best friend.
“God, that man is sex on legs,” I say under my breath before taking another drink. Gauge saunters over, pulling Dez into his arms and kissing her roughly.
“What’s this?” he asks nodding to the car. “Thought you said she had a flat?” he asks as Shaft walks up. He whistles when I reach into my back pocket and pull out the switchblade, flipping it open. They all watch me as I walk over and stab the point into the tire.
“Oops. It’s flat now,” I slur before burping. Dezzy laughs and so does Shaft.
“What the hell are we doing here, Temple?” Gauge asks clearly not enjoying my handy work as much as I am.
“Would you believe car repairs?” I ask looking up at him. He huffs out a breath and motions for the guy in the truck. I watch as he climbs out and moves to the back, grabbing the cinder blocks and jack. I clap my hands together as he walks toward me.
“Am I taking one or all?” he asks looking up at Gauge. He shrugs and nods toward me.
“All and then toss the fuckers in the ocean,” I tell him. I watch the prospect get to work on the tires as I stumble my way back up onto the curb next to Dezzy.
“Have I told you you’re my best friend?”
She laughs. “A few times and you’re welcome,” she adds.
“You two are gonna cause more trouble than you’re worth,” Shaft adds. I glance over and flip him off as I roll my eyes.
“Why are you here?” I ask getting annoyed with his mere presence. Dezzy laughs, Gauge chuckles, but Shaft? He moves closer to me, annoying me further before throwing his arm over my shoulder.
“‘Cause you requested my manly services.”
“I wasn’t aware that you acquired the manly status yet,” I say raising an eyebrow.
“Damn, the dirty way you talk to me. It turns me on Temple.” I blow out a breath and watch the prospect do his thing.
She has annihilated that car. She’s still scratching at the paint when the prospect finishes with the tires. It’s almost amusing.
“So, what did he do?” I ask as I casually lean against the building.
“Cheated on me,” she says under her breath before stepping back and looking at the work she’s done. She cocks her head to the side looking at the car before looking up at me. “You should know all about that.” I snort.
“That’s pretty stereotypical of you, isn’t it?” She smirks and takes a step away from the car before moving toward the building. I watch her lean there, watching me intently.
“That’s a big word for you,” she giggles to herself.
What the hell does she think? That I’m dumb? I move toward her slowly, stopping when I can rest my hands on either side of her head. I cage her in, looking in her eyes.
“Why do you women always think that men are stupid? Huh?”
“Most of you are.”
“Yeah, most but I’m not most. Don’t go thinkin’ that you can talk to me like that, darlin’.” She stares into my eyes, her face slowly softening until she bursts into laughter. I shake my head shoving away from her before I stalk toward my bike. There’s something about Temple that turns me on yet pisses me off. I saw her the first time when Dez was in the hospital and she’s come around the clubhouse since then. She’s cute, long dark hair that hangs to her waist. Perfect length for pulling but she’s always a little off if you know what I mean.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to laugh,” she says following along behind me.
“Drive her ass back to the clubhouse,” Gauge says pointing at Temple. I shake my head and climb on my bike ignoring his words. “Wasn’t a question, Shaft. Drive her ass. She’s drunk.” I curse under my breath before holding my helmet out to her.
“I’d rather walk,” she says taking a step back.
“Don’t make this worse than it already is. Get the helmet and get your ass on the bike,” I growl. Temple rolls her eyes but doesn’t argue with me. She grabs my helmet, pulls it on, and climbs onto the back of my bike. She wraps her arms around me and holds on tight. I don’t know if I like it or I’m annoyed, but either way, I rev up the bike and pull away from her masterpiece, heading back to the clubhouse. This is going to sound insane but women are not on my mind right now. I’m sort of in the same situation as Temple right now except I’m not the cheater in this picture.
We get to the clubhouse and everyone heads inside. Sly called church so that’s where I head. Taking my seat, I run my hand over my face before grabbing a cigarette and lighting up.
“Why do you look so pissed?” Sly asks pulling my attention.
“I’m not.”
“Yeah you are. I can see it in your eyes.” I blow out a ring of smoke and shake my head.
“You ever want to keep somethin’ that you shouldn’t?”
“This about your girl?”
I nod slowly as the other guys come in and take their seats. There was a time that I didn’t give two shits about having a woman. I could have any woman I want but not her. “Fuck her. She wan
“Just wanted somethin’ more, ya know?” Sly nods as the room grows silent.
“Settle in. We got a few things to talk about. The bullshit with Dez has been over, but there are a few stragglers left runnin’ around from that asshole’s crew. They aren’t shit and won’t be, I just want them out of the way,” Sly says as my gaze moves to Gauge. Not long ago, Dez was pretty hooked on drugs. She got in too deep and luckily for everyone her dad and Gauge were able to pull her out. She’s a good person and didn’t deserve what she was handed. Gauge’s jaw clenches, the vein in his neck pulsing rapidly.
“This a vote?” I ask chiming in with my two cents.
“It is. This isn’t a club issue but she is my daughter and Gauge’s old lady. This was brought to the club by me and only me.” I nod my head but without a second doubt, I add, “I’m in.” Sly nods, a slight smile curling his lips as he goes around the room. Not a single one says no. I didn’t figure they would. Dez is loved here like a sister and she’s the Club Princess.
“Well, that’s settled. Anyone else got anything?” He asks looking around the table. Everyone grunts their response but that’s the end of that. Sly dismisses church and the guys start to file out. I’m not far behind when I see her.
“What the fuck is she doin’ here?” Gauge asks slapping a hand on my shoulder and following my gaze.
“The fuck if I know,” I huff watching her as she strolls through the room. Her hair’s tied up on top of her head in a messy bun, her big blue eyes standing out even more with all the eyeliner she has painted around them. I can’t believe she had the balls to show up here.
“This might get good,” Old Barnie says with a chuckle. I flip him off as he walks past me.
“Oh, shit. That’s her, huh?” Wolf, one of the other brothers, asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.
“That’s her.”
“She’s kinda hot,” he says before I pull my elbow back into his stomach. He huffs but laughs.
“She’s the goddamn devil.”
“Who is she?” I lean in and ask Dez as I eye the woman who is practically dry humping half the club. She isn’t a club whore, that much I can tell. I don’t know who she is though. None of the guys are making a move to go toward her.
“I don’t know,” she adds keeping her eyes on the tramp. I’m drunk and quickly becoming a little hornier than normal. Every time I drink I get like this. I knew I could find a quick fuck here but Dez thought it was funny. She said that some of the guys may grow attached to me but I laughed at that. Look at them! They are practically walking fuck sticks.
“She looks like a skank,” I huff before taking another drink out of my glass. Dez laughs.
“She is basically humping them all!”
“That’s what I was thinking! Thank God I don’t have to get up tomorrow,” I slur, feeling the buzz as it courses through my veins.
“What are you lookin’ at?” Gauge asks as he stops and looks between us. His eyes are softer than I’ve ever seen them as he smirks at us.
“She thinks that bitch is a skank. Who is she?” Gauge looks over his shoulder to where the girl is before huffing out a laugh of his own.
“She is a skank. That’s Shaft’s ex. Or maybe they are still together. I don’t really fuckin’ know. I don’t think he knows either,” he adds his tone turning serious. “She fucks with his head. Uses him.”
Oh that’s messed up!
“Maybe someone should fuck with her back,” I say catching their attention. Dez and Gauge both look over at me as I shrug. “What?”
“You gonna go over there and cause a scene?”
“I might.” Gauge laughs a deep throaty laugh.
“Then go for it. I think Shaft could use a little cheerin’ up,” he says. It isn’t the way he says it, it’s the look in his eyes. Shaft must really be dealing with some shit over this girl. That’s it. I’m drunk. I’m in a good mood. Why not help the man out? I stroll over, okay so it isn’t really a stroll. It’s more tripping over my own feet than anything else. When I’m close enough, I stumble and nearly fall. Someone grabs me but it isn’t Shaft. His eyes jerk to meet mine as one of the prospects lift me up on my unsteady feet.
“You okay?” he asks. I stare at Shaft when that skank walks over, throwing her arms around his neck. She leans in, sucking the flesh of his neck into her big plump red lips. His eyes roll slightly but come back to me instantly. My plan to attack the man has slowly shifted into prospective. He isn’t mine. He isn’t even into me. He has her and by the looks of her, she is far hotter than I am. “Hey? You okay?” The prospect asks once more.
“I…uh…yeah. I’m good. Thanks…” Spinning around to look at the name on his cut, I slur, “Pike.”
“You sure you’re okay?” he asks once more. I nod my head slowly when I feel hands on my hips. Before I can think, I’m being yanked back into another person. Heat spirals through me and all I want to do is run. I shouldn’t have thought I could seduce the man into forgetting his model looking girlfriend. That was the stupidest mistake I’ve ever made. Or at least I think it is when I feel lips caress my neck. A shudder runs through my body and I find myself arching into his touch. I don’t know who it is behind me and at the moment I don’t give a shit. I’m drunk, I’m horny and the man I wanted to fuck me tonight is busy with a model.
“You want somethin’?” the voice asks in a low voice.
I pant slightly, his lips moving over my skin slowly. Closing my eyes, I get lost in the feeling when I’m when suddenly being yanked away. My eyes fly open just before super model swings. I duck and whoever is behind me takes the slap. It sounds through the room along with chuckles and laughs.
“You better get the fuck outta here!” Shaft roars. I jolt before moving toward Dez, my cheeks heated in embarrassment. “Not you, Temple!” The authority in his tone causes me stop short. I don’t turn to look at him but I can feel him moving toward me.
“Are you kidding me?” she squeals. Shaft slips his hands around my waist, pulling me back into his hard body. I gasp at the feel of him.
“Get the fuck out of here, Riley,” he warns her once more. She doesn’t move, pressing her manicured nail to her lips. She looks to be lost in thought, or just lost in general. I roll my eyes as she stares at Shaft. His hand moves over my stomach as she watches, slipping his hand into the front of my jeans. I gasp and nearly moan just feeling him near me, touching me.
“Stop, Shaft! Stop touching her!” she screeches once more.
“You’re so fuckin’ soft, Temple,” he whispers in my ear. I’m a panting mess when Riley screams.
“I’m pregnant!”
His finger stops moving, the air becoming thicker by the second. I want to pull away but I can’t. I want him to keep touching me. I need him too. His hand never leaves my jeans as Riley stands in front of the two of us, her eyes blazing with anger.
“I doubt it’s mine,” he says carelessly.
“It is yours!”
“Yeah, prove it. You’ve fucked half the men in this town, Riley! Get the fuck out of here before I do somethin’ I might regret later.” His words are hard, much like the man. His fingers slowly begin to stroke me once more and when this Riley girl starts to step toward him, I pull his hand free, spin around and press my body against his. His hands move quickly to lift me, wrapping my legs around his waist. Shaft wastes no time to head toward the rooms as I kiss and lick his neck. Riley screams and yells from behind until someone must grab her. She doesn’t follow and as soon as we step into what I assume to be Shaft’s room, he growls.