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Deception (Seduction Series 2), page 1


Deception (Seduction Series 2)
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Deception (Seduction Series 2)



  Toni Goode

  The Seduction Series Book Two



  Sam was worried about Aidan. He was becoming more and more reckless not to mention his vengeance against the witches was at an all-time high. Sam missed his sister, but he wasn’t trying to kill everyone around him either. Aidan seem to have it in his head that all witches needed to die, and he was starting an all-out war with them. It was getting dangerous for everyone.

  Aidan’s was spending more and more nights now being completely blood drunk that he couldn’t function. Sam couldn’t help him though he tried but he was usually greeted with a fight. He had moved out of Aidan’s place three months prior with Lana but today he was stopping by to check on his maker. The place was trashed, and blood soaked most of the furniture.

  Sam heard the groans coming from the bedroom and he walked over there as the groans got louder. He pushed open the door and gasped at the sight before him. Numerous dead women were laying around the bed as Aidan pulled his mouth from the neck of the blonde he was draining. “What the hell are you doing?” Sam said in shock as Aidan looked at him and smiled.

  “Do you want some?” Aidan smirked. “I think there is a sip left in this one, or maybe that one.” He laughed drunkenly as Sam shook his head.

  “Your out of control Aidan. I cant stand by and watch you destroy everything around you.” Sam said seriously as Aidan rolled his eyes.

  “Screw you, I’m your maker. You don’t tell me what to do!” He snapped angrily at Sam as he tried to get out of the bed, but he tripped over one of the bodies.

  “I won’t let you kill yourself like this.” Sam said quickly.

  “Get the hell out of here Sam! Go!” Aidan yelled as he got to his feet. He was half naked and covered in so much blood that it actually made Sam feel sick.

  “No! She was my sister damn it!” Sam yelled, and Aidan got in front of him.

  “Don’t you talk about her. Don’t you ever talk about her!” He yelled at Sam.

  “Look at you man. You’re a joke. You can barely stand up straight. She wouldn’t have wanted this!” Sam yelled as Aidan grabbed his neck and held him up in the air as Sam struggled to move.

  “Get the hell out of here Sam. I release you, so go. NOW!” Aidan tossed him over by the door as Sam rubbed his neck.

  “Don’t do this Aidan.” Sam said in shock.

  “I said I release you now get the hell out of here!” Aidan yelled as Sam looked at him. “GET OUT!” He yelled once more as Sam looked at him and then quickly left.

  Aidan turned and looked at all the bodies on the ground. There was so much blood. He ran a hand through his unkempt hair as he looked around. The pain he felt was unbearable and so he did the only thing he could think of . The only thing to make it all go away. He shut off completely to the world. He didn’t want to be in a world that Natalie wasn’t part of and since he couldn’t kill himself he would just rot. He fell to the ground and his body hit into the bodies on the floor and he looked up at the ceiling. Everything turning black as he cut himself off of this world. The house that was surrounding him began to crumble and the walls crashed on top of him. The ground began to suck up the entire property as he laid there and welcomed the darkness.

  Chapter One

  Present time

  It had been nearly three months since Aidan had disappeared without a trace. Three months since his phone had been found in an old abandoned castle in Scotland. There were no leads and no sightings. It was as if he had literally disappeared without a trace.

  Sleepless nights had turned into even more sleepless nights for Natalie. No one had answers and she found herself back in Scotland retracing his steps along with the help of a friend of his by the name of Demetrius. She had met him during one of her numerous searches for him in Scotland. He had known Aidan since the early nineties and even though it wasn’t very long ago, it was still something. Demetrius had met him in Scotland and he currently lived there. He hadn’t seen Aidan for nearly five years, but he was the only contact she had in Scotland and he was better than nothing.

  Like Aidan, Demetrius was also a large man. He was also around six and a half feet tall as well as muscular which again was rare for vampires, but she didn’t question it. He had short dark hair, multiple piercings and tattoos that made him look the part of a madman, but he was actually one of the nicest men she had met in Scotland plus he was letting her stay at his place in town.

  This trip had been her third trip back to Scotland even though her Uncle Joe told her to leave it be for now, that maybe he didn’t want to be found but she just couldn’t believe that. They may have left things in a less than perfect way, but he wouldn’t have just left. She knew this not to mention he wouldn’t have left Sam to fend for himself as a new vampire. He was out there somewhere, and she was hell bent on finding him!

  Natalie had a check list with names on it that she had went through for the third time in three months. She knew that his vampire friends had to be getting annoyed with her constant questioning.

  She sipped her coffee as she click on various links on her computer. It was nearly midnight and her eyes were getting tired as she rubbed them. The sound of a text message went off and she jumped as she grabbed her phone, but she sighed when she saw the message that Eve had left. Eve had no news either and she begged Natalie to come home. Natalie pushed the phone off to the side as she read through various archived information regarding Aidan. It was any and all newspaper articles that may have mentioned him over the years. She was looking for anything that she could have missed about his past. The last sip of her coffee was cold as she quickly got up to get another hot cup of it.

  Demetrius’ place was a decent sized two-story house that was right on the outskirts of the town. He had a crazy amount of property. He definitely liked his privacy. Even though he looked to be only thirty years old he behaved a lot older, even with the piercings and tattoos. She had never really asked him how old he was, but she guessed at least a few hundred years.

  He gave her space when she needed and for that she was grateful. She actually liked being here more than she did in the states because there everyone was constantly around her and offering advice. She was tired of everyone’s advice. She knew Aidan was out there, she felt it. Some even whispered that maybe he died but she refused to listen to that.

  That was actually how she had met Demetrius. She had gone to Scotland in search of clue or anyone that knew Aidan and she ended up in a small bar across the small town of Braemar.

  Two months prior

  Natalie sat in the small pub in town. She had a pint of beer in front of her and a map with the various locations that her contacts had lead her too. Aidan spent a fair amount of time in Scotland, but no one really knew why. He had been a private person and some of his closest friends barely knew him. This had been her second trip to this bar. She had gone there about two weeks prior when she had first gotten to Scotland and soon she would be heading back to the states. She didn’t want to leave empty handed.

  She was looking for one particular person. A man named Shamus that one of her contacts told her that Aidan had mentioned in conversation. All she had to go by was a picture of a red-haired man. His long red locks were full of bouncy curls. He too was a vampire and looked to be maybe early twenties. She had no contact information about him except for his hang out but as of the last hour he had not been seen coming or going. The bartender said that he hadn’t seen him in a while, but that didn’t mean much. A lot of the people who lived here knew of the vampires and they feared them. They didn’t want to snitch on anyone. She was seeing this more and more these days.

  She finished her beer and headed to the bathroom. She hated to pack up and miss the opportunity to meet this man Shamus, but it was looking like a lost cause at the moment. As she walked down the dark hallway leading to the bathroom she felt a cold gust of wind against her arms and she shivered. She rubbed her arms as she got into the bathroom but as soon as she walked in she heard the door behind her open once more. When she turned she saw a tall red-haired man standing in the door way. It was Shamus, but he didn’t look friendly at all as he stepped closer to her menacingly.

  “You’re the one looking for me, asking all sort of questions?” He asked angrily as he flashed his fangs at her and she swallowed hard but kept her ground with him.

  “Shamus?” She asked, and he blinked in shock.

  “So, you are American, interesting.” He said as he continued to near her. “Little Americans like you end up missing all the time.” He said with a grin.

  “I’m not here to cause trouble ok, I’m looking for someone.” She began as he closed the distance quick as her back hit into the wall. He was even bigger close up. He had to be double the width of Aidan. He was a frightening sight. She tried to calm her breathing as she stood there.

  “I’m looking for someone too and you look delicious.” He grinned as he brought his mouth close to her neck and then he licked her as she gasped. “So sweet.” He grinned wider at her, his fangs descended.

  “Wait, wait. Don’t. I’m just looking for a friend, Aidan. I hear you know him.” She began as he stopped merely inches from her neck.

  “Aidan?” He said as he looked at her.

  “Yes, he is missing.” She said quickly, and he smiled.

  “Good, I never liked him anyway.” He laughed hard. Natalie saw the darkness behind his eyes. He w
asn’t going to help her at all. She huffed loud.

  “Ok well, thanks anyways.” She said as she went to step to the side, but he stepped with her.

  “Do you think that means you can just go then?” He grinned. “Stupid American Girl.” He opened his mouth and she went to shove him away, but he was just too damn big. His fangs sank into her neck as she cried out and tried to fight against him, but it was futile. She hit against his chest, but he didn’t budge, and everything began to get blurry. She didn’t want to end this way, not here and now but then she felt a gust of wind as something or someone came into the bathroom.

  Shamus was ripped from her neck and she could hear men’s voices yelling as she fell to the ground. Before everything went black she saw a pair of green eyes looking down at her.

  Natalie eyes fluttered open as she saw the flickering of a candle in the distance. She felt sore. Her body ached and then she remembered what had taken place and she went to jump up, but she nearly fell down.

  “Hey now, I wouldn’t go all jumping around. Ye lost a lot of blood Lass.” She heard a man say as she spun her head around and she saw a large frame in the doorway. She tried to focus on it, but she couldn’t and then it moved as she moved and fell to the floor as she tried to find her dagger, but it was gone.

  “Stay, stay back!” She tried to yell at the massive body walking towards her, but she couldn’t move off the floor and then she felt hands on her arms. “No! Stop!” She tried to fight against him, but she could barely move.

  “Ach Lass, calm yourself!” His voice got louder, and she tried to kick him, but he was dragging her backwards. He pulled her onto the couch.

  “Don’t! Stop!” She tried to get up again, but he shoved her back on the couch again.

  “Ye stop, now! I be trying ta help ye!” He yelled now as she blinked a bit some more. She didn’t see red hair. She saw Green eyes as he began to come into focus. “Ye a brazen Lass, Ye lucky I came when I did.” He continued to say with a heavy Scottish accent.

  “What the? Where am I?” She said as she began to look around now. She was in a living room somewhere. Who was this man?

  “Ye lucky ye isn’t dead. Shamus isn’t kind ta people asking fer him.” He said as he walked over and handed her a cup. “Drink, it will keep ye warm.”

  Natalie’s eyes began to clear up as she looked at the cup and then up at this massive man. She gasped when she saw him. He had so many piercings on his face and ears not to mention he was covered in tattoos. She took the cup from him and sniffed it. It was tea.

  He stood in front of her. He was massive. “Drink, I dinna poison ye.” He said with annoyance and she sipped the tea now. It tasted good. He shook his head at her with frustration as he walked across the room.

  “Thank. Thank you.” She finally said as he leaned against the wall and looked at her. He made a sound, but it wasn’t exactly a word. “You stopped that man?” She finally asked as she sipped the tea again.

  “Tis not a man Lass. Ye be in a bad place.” He said with a shake of his head. “Ye are American.”

  “Yes, American. I know what he is. He’s like you, He’s a vampire.” She said as he blinked in shock at her.

  “Dinna insult me Lass, He is nothing like me.” He said angrily.

  “No, no I didn’t mean that he was. Um. I mean. You’re a vampire, right?” She asked, and he didn’t say anything. “I have vampire friends, I know one when I see one.” She said quietly, and he ran a hand through his short dark hair. He was a good-looking man. He had nice features even with his piercings and tattoos. She swallowed hard as she sat there.

  “Ye shouldna be here Lass. Tis not a place fer mortals.” He said with a shake of his head.

  “I m looking for someone. That’s why I was looking for Shamus.” She began.

  “If ye be looking fer Shamus then ye are crazier then ye look.” He shook his head again.

  “No not him. Um. My stuff. Oh my god, my laptop and my bag. She said as she stood up now and wobbled some.

  “Can ye not do that. Ye gonna fall.” He said as he kept his distance from her.

  “My stuff, did you see it? I cant lose it. Everything was in that laptop.” She began as he put his hand up.

  “I will tell Tommy to keep his eye on yer stuff. We get it in the morning.” He began as she sighed.

  “But if someone steals it.” She huffed.

  “No one steals here. They may kill or maim but they dinna steal.” He said quickly.

  “Ok.” Natalie said with concern. “But I was looking for someone, maybe you can help me.” She asked, and he immediately shook his head.

  “No. I dinna help no one.” He said quickly, and she sighed.

  “But you helped me. He would have killed me, but you helped.” She said quickly.

  “Tis only luck.” He said as he began to walk out of the room.

  “Listen if you can just.” She began, and he stopped at the door now.

  “I said No. Ye will go back ta America if ye know what tis good fer ye.” He said as he left the room and she sighed heavily.

  Natalie huffed as she sat there. She was beyond frustrated and now she didn’t even have her laptop or her dagger. She wanted to cry but she refused. She finished her tea and then she walked out of the room. If this vampire wasn’t going to help her then she would just leave tonight, she didn’t want to chance someone taking her things.

  She made her way down a long hallway and she saw the front door. She went to open it, but that man was there in seconds as his hand went onto the door and it slammed closed hard as she jumped in shock.

  Natalie spun around and gasped as he stood there. He looked pissed. “Are ye nuts? Ye leaving in tha middle of tha night?” He said in shock.

  “Listen I appreciate your time and what you did back in the bar but I’m apparently annoying you, so I will go.” She said quickly.

  “Ach!” He said in frustration and then he spoke in another language that she didn’t know.

  “Listen I’m fine ok. I can take care of myself.” She began, and he looked at her and laughed now. She got pissed. “ Oh, so that is funny. I will let you know that I have taken on people bigger then you mister!” She snapped.

  “Ye like a fighting baby bird.” He laughed, and she rolled her eyes. He was insulting her!

  “Thanks a lot Bruno.” She said sarcastically.

  “Tis not Bruno, Tis Demetrius lass.” He said quickly, and she looked at him. “Ye are too feisty fer ye own good.” He added.

  “I’m American, we all are. Your name is Demetrius?” She asked.

  “Tis. Who be ye looking fer?” He asked, and she felt a glimmer of hope.

  “You will help me?” She said with wide eyes.

  “I dinna say I would help but maybe I know who ye looking fer.” He added quickly.

  “Thank you so much Demetrius. I’m Natalie.” She said quickly, and he just stood there. “Oh ok. Um, I’m looking for a vampire by the name of Aidan. He had long dark hair and a big beard.” She began and then she sighed cause she didn’t know his last name. “I’m not sure what his last name is.” She shook her head.

  “Aidan? I know who ye looking fer. I havena seen him in years.” He said seriously.

  “He’s missing, for three months now.” She said, and he looked surprised.

  “Missing?” He asked.

  “Yes. No one has seen him. Were you close to him?” She asked.

  “He tis a good man, a good friend.” He finally added. “I haven’t seen him in years.”

  “Did he live here? I don’t know much about his life.” She said softly.

  “He had a place here. Still does in tha hills. Twas a castle but now tis nothing but brick and dust.” He said, and she gasped some.

  “I went to that castle I think. It was like a town away and on the rolling hills. It was abandoned.” She said as he shook his head.

  “Tis been like that fer years now.” He said seriously. “Why ye looking fer him?” He asked with confusion and she just looked at her feet as she flushed. “Ye love him?” He asked in shock as she looked at him.

  “Very much so.” She said honestly.

  Ever since that day Demetrius had offered his help to her. He must have seen something in her eyes because he offered for her to stay at his place while she checked leads. He was becoming a really good friend to her, though she knew very little about him still. He had gotten her laptop back as well as her dagger and for that she was grateful.

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