Hooked by Love (Bellevue Bullies #3), page 1

The Bellevue Bullies Series
Boarded by Love
Clipped by Love
Hooked by Love
The Assassins Series
Taking Shots
Trying to Score
Empty Net
Falling for the Backup
Blue Lines
Breaking Away
Laces and Lace
A Very Merry Hockey Holiday
Let it be Me
Taking Risks Series
Whiskey Prince
Becoming the Whiskey Princess
Make sure to check out these titles and more on Toni’s website.
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Things are out of control for the Sinclair boys! With two already in the NHL, Jace Sinclair is ready to follow in his brothers’ HUGE skates in the last Bellevue Bullies novel…
Jace Sinclair here, and I’m amazing. There is no other way to describe me. I am the leading scorer for the Bellevue Bullies, I’m the captain, and people love me: my family, my teammates, my coach, and the NHL. This is my last year in college–I already have one foot in the draft. Hockey keeps me warm even when it’s freezing. It’s always there when nothing else is. And it pushes me to be the best I can be. It’s my one and only love.
That is, until I see her against a tree with a guitar.
The last thing I wanted was to meet anyone. My heart is on the bench because of what happened with my parents, and I don’t want that for myself. I don’t want to be hurt by anyone. I can’t give them that power.
But my heart is begging for ice time, and I can’t control it around her.
I’ve always been in the background. No one has ever had time for me and that’s fine; I’ve learned to cope. Coming from a family where hockey is life, the last thing I want is some big, burly hockey player charging at me. I don’t have time for it, but Jace Sinclair isn’t one to be deked around.
I didn’t want to meet anyone. I didn’t want to end up freezing the puck with him. It’s not what I want.
I have demons.
I have issues.
Living in the shadows, no one even knew until it was too late. But Jace wants to know.
He wants me.
And that scares me the living hell out of me.
We were so worried about what would happen if we fell, but we never thought what could happen in the process of falling. We never saw it coming. But it’s here, and the repercussions are not pretty. We should have known that there is no way out of the zone when you are being Hooked by Love.
There are moments in your life when you know you’ve made a friend for life.
That’s what happened to me when I met Lisa Hollett.
I was blessed to find her, first as my editor. She came in and took charge, and from the moment she edited Boarded by Love, I knew no one would ever touch my books but her. Our working relationship then turned into a lifelong friendship. She is there to talk me down, there to pick me up, and I honestly love her.
So, Lisa, this book is for you.
I love you. I’m thankful for you, and I owe ya, girl.
Especially if PayPal doesn’t work for me.
Thank you.
I hate waiting.
Like, seriously.
I’m the least patient person in the world.
And my boy Markus is getting on my last nerve.
“Dude, we are going to my mom’s. The party isn’t until tonight,” I complain as Markus runs his comb through his unruly black curls. Catching my gaze in the mirror, he rolls his eyes.
“I know, but this saves me getting ready later. I can focus on setting up then,” he throws back at me. I understand his logic, but my mom is waiting on me.
While she may think it’s a good idea to have a family dinner, I feel she’s wrong. Yes, I understand that my brother Jude and his wife Claire are in town, and Mom wants everyone to eat together, family time and all that shit. But doesn’t my mom realize the first weekend of school is always party weekend for the Bellevue Bullies? That it is my job to put on a banging party for my teammates? My brothers went to this school too; she should know this by now. Apparently, she missed the memo. And according to the text I just got from my other brother Jayden, he and his wife Baylor are already there, and everyone is waiting on me. Well, us, since I invited Markus.
I am realizing that was a big mistake.
“True, but we gotta go. My brother just texted me, my sister has texted me four times, everyone is hungry, and Mom won’t start without me.”
“I’m coming!” I roll my eyes at his assertion, leaning against the doorframe to check my phone. I have billions of messages from everyone asking about the party tonight and, really, I don’t know how my brothers did this without a hitch the years they went to Bellevue University. I am already stressed-out, and the party hasn’t even happened yet. This is supposed to be fun, the greatest year of my life, since I am more than likely going to go into the draft this year. I am not supposed to be stressed, but here I am.
It doesn’t help that this year is so important. It is basically my last year as a kid. This is my year to have a blast while working hard for my spot on the team and in the draft. After a nasty hit last year that ended my season because of a broken clavicle bone, I missed my chance to go into the draft with Jayden as we had planned. But nothing will keep me from going in this year. I have been training hard, working on my puck handling and shooting more than once a day. My shoulder is great, and everything is in place for me to succeed. I’m going to show how freaking amazing I am, get my captain position, and then rock it. I will follow in the footsteps of my brothers. I will be in the NHL like them, living my dream. There just isn’t any other option.
Because I can’t be left behind. Jude and Jayden would tease me relentlessly. I have lived in their shadows my whole life, and I’m ready to shine. Add in the fact that it’s my dream to be in the NHL, and my drive is unstoppable. I have wanted this since I was a kid, and I’m not really sure why it’s weighing so heavily on me, but it is. I’m ready to get my life started; I’m ready to tear up the ice with my brothers. Beat their asses, show them how awesome I am. But first, I just have to get to this dinner and then throw the party.
And the only thing holding me up is my best friend.
Making a disgruntled noise, I answer some of the messages, mainly from my teammates, as I wait. Camp is finishing up, the cuts have been made, and we have our team. It is a new team since most of our older guys—oh, and Baylor—went into the draft last year. I’m a little worried about the team. After only a few practices together, it is obvious we aren’t the team we were last year. But Coach Moore has been preaching that new blood means a new foundation and that is good. So we will see. All I know is that I don’t lose. So I’m going to need people to step up and play hard.
Because this year will be the year that is featured in the highlight reel of my life. It may sound silly, but when I was younger, my brothers and I would do stuff and scream, “Highlight reel!” which meant it was the sort of play that would be featured on ESPN. Since life is one big ESPN show for me, I want this year to be showcased as the best. I want to look back on my last year in college and know that I worked hard, that I partied harder, and that I enjoyed my life before my dreams came true.
I just need Markus to come the hell on.
“Dude, let’s go!”
Turning to me, he glares, rubbing some oil together in his palms before running it through his curls. “Dude, chill. I’m coming now.”
Rolling my eyes again, I tuck my phone into my pocket and push off the doorframe to go up the stairs. Since Markus and I are going for the captain positions, we already claimed the room I had last year when I shared with Jayden. Since he was the captain last year, he got to choose his roommate and he chose me. More because my mom worries about me twenty-four seven, but also because I’m his favorite sibling. I mean, if I had to choose between Jude, our older sister Lucy, or me, I would choose me.
I’m fucking amazing.
When I hear the door slam, I let out a sigh of relief as I listen to Markus running up the stairs behind me. He is a junior and also two years older than me since he started school late when he was a kid. He’s a cool dude and a really great friend. We clicked from the beginning and have been inseparable ever since. As the left wing to his right, we just work, on and off the ice. He’s basically my brother from another mother, and since we both have parents who have gotten divorced, we provide that support for each other.
“What’s your mom cooking?” Markus asks as he falls into step with me once we get outside. The house is empty; no one has moved in yet and won’t until Sunday, but I plan on getting my bags and stuff tonight so I can move in early. I think Markus is going to do the same thing. I’m not sure, though. I kind of hope so, because I don’t want to be in that house alone. I will more than likely be hungover tomorrow when I move in, but still, the Bullies’ house freaks me out when it’s empty.
Probably doesn’t help that Jayden convinced me it’s haunted. Asshole.
A shiver runs down my spine as I glance over at him. “Steak and potatoes, probably.”
“Are you moving in tonight or tomorrow?”
“What, scared the boogeyman who wears a hockey helmet and carries a pointed stick will gut you?”
Glaring, I push Markus away. “Fuck off.”
His laughter is easy and his light caramel eyes fill with mischief as we cross the Bullies’ yard to the quad to get to my car. I left it over by the communications building after my last class.
“Why did you leave your car over here again?” I glance at him, annoyed since I already told him why.
“Because I was following these two girls, trying to get their numbers, and inviting them to the party tonight.”
He laughs. “But you failed?”
“No, I don’t fail; I just let them play their little game of hard to get. I’ll get them sooner rather than later.”
Actually, they were seniors and both had slept with my brothers.
I guess they weren’t down for a hat trick of the Sinclair brothers.
“They blew you off,” he accuses and I roll my eyes.
“No, I don’t get blown off. I’m Jace Fucking Sinclair—girls flock to me.”
Markus scoffs. “Keep dreaming, brother. You know the only reason they flock to you is to get to this chocolate dreamboat.”
I pause, laughter bubbling inside my chest. “Did you really just say that?”
Laughing, he nods. “Damn right, that’s what Leslie called me last night.”
My face wrinkles up at not only the mention of Leslie but also at the very graphic humping action Markus is displaying. “I think I just puked a bit.”
Still laughing, he somehow keeps up with me as I cross into the quad quickly. It is full of people, everyone enjoying the last couple weeks of summer weather. It is hot, not balls-hot, but hot. Girls are lying in their bikinis tanning, while dudes are running around with no shirts, trying to impress them. If I didn’t have somewhere to be, I’d throw off my black tee and join in on the game of football that has everyone’s attention.
But I have to go.
Checking out the many gorgeous women my school offers me, I ask, “So, you two are serious, then?”
“Um, no. I don’t do serious, bro. I got priorities.”
I couldn’t agree more. “Preach it.”
When it comes to girls, we both live by the motto: “My cock can play, but my heart is on the bench.” No matter how great the girl, how gorgeous she is, or how cool she is, she will never be what hockey is to me. Hockey is life. Hockey is my next breath, and it’s all that matters. When I get older and it’s time to settle down, I’ll let my heart off the bench. But right now, I don’t need some chick fucking with my heart and breaking me. I watched my mom go through some serious heartbreak, and I’m not about that life.
Neither one of us is.
I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’ve seen good relationships. My brothers and their wives are great and happy and all that jazz, but it’s hard to forget watching your older sister cry from the soul as she holds her daughter because her douche-ass husband left her for a skinnier and younger version of herself. Or watching my brothers duke it out with my dad because he not only cheated on my mom with some stripper, but he tried to hit her. Yeah, relationships are messy and I’m okay without that. Not everyone finds their soul mate. The good ones like Jayden and Jude do, and I’m cool with that. I’m not some girlie-girl dude like they are. I don’t need a chick to complete me. I’ve got hockey and a family that loves me. I’m good.
Plus, why settle for one when you can have ten?
That’s the real question.
I hold my fist up, and Markus bumps it. “But she’s fun, though. I like her.”
I nod at his honesty. “Don’t fall for her.”
He snorts loudly then, shaking his head. “No way, I don’t have time for that. Season is about to start; I got parties, work, training, and more chicks to go through. You know what I mean?”
“I hear you, hundred percent.” I throw him a grin, and he nods as we make it through the quad. It is loud today. Everyone is amped up for the start of the year, ready to work for his or her dreams, or they are miserable because their parents are making them come to BU. Either way, the quad is buzzing, and soon a grin is on my face. If this is the way it is now, everyone so excited, I can’t imagine how the party is going to be tonight.
Actually, I can.
It’s going be freaking awesome.
“Thank God I see your car. My legs are killing me.”
I see my car the same time Markus says that, and I nod because my legs hurt too. Practice kicked our asses this morning and I know I am walking a little funny from it, but still my pace is quick as I pull my keys out. Just as I go to unlock it, I hear an arresting, throaty voice that has me pausing.
“Do you hear that?” I ask, looking around until my gaze falls on a girl leaned up against a tree with a guitar in her arms. The guitar is bigger than she is, but it looks right at home in her lap and hands. Her straight brown hair is cascading down her shoulders as her fingers move perfectly across the strings of the guitar. All of a sudden, I can’t move. Her voice is so raspy, like she has been smoking for years, but beautiful at the same time, and I like it. I like it a lot. As lyrics leave her lips, I immediately know the song: “Tee Shirt” by Birdy, some girlie shit Baylor used to listen to all last year. I hated her music, but listening to this girl sing actually has me wanting to sit down and enjoy the tune.
Or her.
“She’s good.”
“Yeah,” he agrees as both of us watch her, listening to the music coming out of her like she was put on this earth to sing.
“You know what they say about girls who sing,” I say as she finishes the last verse.
“Nope, I haven’t heard that one.” His voice has laughter in it, which makes me grin.
Unable to tear my gaze from her, I say, “They are good with their mouths.”
That has him shaking with laughter, and suddenly, my legs are in control and I start for her.
“Dude, what the hell?”
But I don’t stop. “Give me a second.”
“I thought everyone was waiting for us.”
“They are. Shut up.” My voice must have interrupted her because she looks up and everything just stops.
I hear no noise from the quad.
No music.
No nothing.
All I see are her eyes.
What in the hell?
But they are so green, almost turquoise, and are brought out by the darkness of her lashes. Her eyes tilt a little, her nose complementing her face perfectly while brown freckles dust along her nose and cheeks. She tried to cover them with makeup, but they aren’t coverable. I want to see her without makeup.
I want to see her freckles.
“Um, hello?” Her bottom lip is bigger than her top, I notice as she speaks, and I soon realize I am just staring at her.
Like a dumbass.
“Oh, my bad.” Quickly, I push my hand down into my pocket and pull out a couple of bills, dropping them into her open guitar case. I take notice of her black Converse that she wears with her jeans and black tee. Why she’s wearing jeans is beyond me since it’s hot, but they are tight, and I’m sure if she stood, she’d be hot in them.
I meet her gaze again and her lips are quirked up at the side as she laughs. “Oh, I’m not taking money.”
Wow, her laugh is almost as great as her voice.
Shit, what the fuck is wrong with me?
Shaking my head, I smile. “Oh. Well, I pay for what I like.”
Her brows rise. “Is that some weird, hidden innuendo that you’re trying to buy me?”
“Wait, huh?”
Her face breaks into a full-out grin then, and shit, I am breathless.
Who the hell is this girl?
“Don’t hurt yourself trying to figure out what an innuendo is.” Her voice is playful as she winks at me in a very cute way.
Chuckling, my eyes narrow as I hold her gaze.
She is a smartass, apparently.
“I know what it is.”
“My apologies then, good sir,” she teases, her eyes twinkling.
Crossing my arms, I can’t tear my gaze from hers as she looks up at me expectantly. I know I should say something, but it is hard when I am drinking in her beauty. There is something about those eyes that have my stomach in knots, and I want to know why. I want to know who she is, but before I can even think of what to say, her mouth is moving.