4 & Counting, page 1

4 & Counting
The Assassins Series
By Toni Aleo
TONI ALEO is the author of the Nashville Assassins series: Taking Shots, Trying to Score, Empty Net, and Blue Lines. When not rooting for her beloved Nashville Predators, she’s probably going to her husband’s and son’s hockey games and her daughter’s dance competitions, taking pictures, scrapbooking, or reading the latest romance novel. She lives in the Nashville area with her husband, two children, and a bulldog.
Even though her feet were killing her, Elli Adler refused to wear anything but heels when she walked through the halls of the Assassins Headquarters. Her momma always said that if you want to be beautiful you got to be able to stand the pain that comes with it, and her bright yellow Jimmy Choos were proving just that. Her husband said she looked great and was adamant her black maternity dress was not too tight. Even though Shea was the love of her life, she didn’t believe him. There wasn’t a thing in her closet that fit right now except for a ratty T-shirt and sweats, and coming to work wearing those would be totally unacceptable. Thank God it wouldn’t be much longer. She knew, in her heart, that her boys were coming any day now.
Elli’s C-section wasn’t planned for two more weeks but her intuition told her differently. The boys had dropped into position and she felt their intense pressure all the time. One more month and Elli would be full term, but she was sure she was going to deliver early, possibly within the next week. She was sure of that. When she told her new doctor, he all but waved her off, saying she would deliver close to full term.
She was convinced he was an idiot.
Walking past her desk, she glanced over at her new assistant. Tabitha was on her phone, like always, tweeting and doing whatever else she always did on that thing. Unfortunately, the best assistant she ever had turned out to be a crook. Janet had been smuggling money from Elli’s close friends, Lucas and Fallon Brooks, and that was just totally wrong on so many levels. After Janet’s dismissal, Elli didn’t have a lot of time to find a replacement, so when the employment agency sent Tabitha over, she really didn’t have much of a choice.
“Tabitha, do I have any messages?”
Her assistant’s eyes were still glued to her phone, not sparing Elli a glance, as she muttered, “Nope.”
Elli glared, “Any emails?”
She wanted to wring the girl’s neck, but instead she calmly said, “Tabitha.”
“Mmm hmm?”
Elli waited until finally Tabitha looked up. She was a pretty girl, young, big brown eyes, blonde hair and nicely tanned skin, but Elli was convinced she was dumber than a rock.
“Pack up your stuff and please leave my office, you are fired.”
With that, Elli ignored her stunned expression and went back into her office, slamming the door. She went immediately to her phone and called security to escort Tabitha out of the building then fell into her chair, letting out a long breath. Her heart was racing. She hated firing people, but for the last three months, that girl had driven her half past mad. Reaching for her phone again, she called the only person that could make it all better.
“Hey baby.”
Shea’s voice was like butter and it still curled her toes.
“Hey, I fired Tabitha.”
“Thank God, I was wondering how long she would last, she’s an idiot.”
“Right? Blah, I’m so tired.”
“Come home,” he suggested, “I’ll make you feel better.”
Elli giggled as she closed her eyes. “As much as I would love that, I have to work. Trades are happening, and I have two players that if they don’t get their crap together I’m gonna castrate them.”
He took in a sharp breath. “Don’t castrate my teammates, sweetheart, it will affect how they play.”
“Well I don’t care, ‘cause if Phillip and Erik don’t stop parading all over town making me look bad, making the team look bad, they won’t be playing for me anyway.”
“Okay, so you’re a little angry right now, I think you need to take a deep breath.”
“Fuck a deep breath, I need a new assistant and I need to call and yell at agents, and look for a couple new forwards and maybe a new defenseman so my husband can stay home and help me raise our four children.”
Shea let out a groan. “Elli baby, I’m not having this argument with you again. I’m not ready to retire.”
“Whatever,” she pouted as she leaned against the desk while her boys played hockey in her belly. She didn’t really want him to retire; he loved hockey and she wanted him to do what he loved.
“Don’t be mad, you’re too beautiful to have your face all scrunched up.”
God, he knew her so well.
“Why did I even call you?” she said angrily.
“’Cause you love me.” She made a face as he continued, “Come on, say it, you know you do.”
A little grin pulled at her lips before she finally gave in. “Yeah I do.”
“Told you. Now calm down, take a breath and do what you need to do at the office and then come home. I’ll massage every inch of you before I slowly make love to you. Once I’m done with you, all your frustrations will be gone.”
Her body heated as he described what he was going to do to her as she leaned back into her chair. “You make it so tempting.”
“I know, now hurry up. I’ll get everything ready here and I’ll even wait to put the girls down for their naps so we’ll have the afternoon all to ourselves.”
She let out another deep breath and smiled. “Okay. I’ll be home in a couple hours.”
“Text me before you come, and Elli,” he said in the low voice that made her squirm.
“I love you.”
Her heart exploded in her chest as she smiled. “I love you more.”
“Good, see you soon.”
She hung up her phone feeling a heck of a lot better, which really was the reason she called. He always calmed her. He always made things better. He was her everything. Shea knew how to handle her, and lately she had been a lot to handle. That’s what happens when you have forty more pounds of babies weighing you down. But Shea seemed to understand that. He was such a good man.
When she looked down, her phone stared back at her and she groaned. She didn’t want to work. She wanted to go home and be with her husband, but that wasn’t an option at that moment. With another disgruntled noise, she reached for her phone and called Phillip Anderson and Erik Titov’s agent.
“How is my favorite owner?”
Elli glared at the phone. She despised Koey Lefeber; he was the slickest agent she dealt with and he always set her on edge. “I have a big problem with your clients and if you don’t get them in line, Mr. Lefeber, we will have even bigger problems.”
Squiggling around in her chair Elli tried to get the boys comfortable as she listened to Koey’s excuses. He was going to fix everything. She had nothing to worry about. Blah, blah, blah. It was the same thing he had been saying for months. She wished that instead of calling him, she had just gone home as Shea suggested.
A few hours later Elli was ready to leave the office and sent a quick text to Shea letting him know she was on her way. Shea texted back asking if she would go to Fallon Brooks’ Cellar and pick up a basket she had waiting for him. Exhausted and anxious to get home, Elli sent a quick text back advising him payment for that little errand was that he’d better rock her world. For a tired pregnant woman the trek down to Fallon’s wine shop was not a quick one. Elli was feeling huge and did not feel like making this detour. She was feeling hippo-huge and, on top of it all, being in these heels was killing her. She stopped in the hall to lean against the wall and slide the Choos off her feet. She felt guilty taking them off, like she had given up and allowed the shoes to claim their victory. But once her swollen feet touched the cool linoleum floor she didn’t have any cares in the world. Her phone dinged and upon first glance Elli had to laugh; Shea’s response to her last text was that he’d rock her universe.
Adding a little more spunk to her walk, Elli continued down the hall to the escalator that took her to Fallon’s cellar. Who would have thought that wine and hockey would mix? Fallon did an amazing job marketing her business, and as proud as Elli was of Fallon and all she’d accomplished, Elli was still a beer girl. Not that anyone would know, because of the back-to-back pregnancies she hadn’t had a drink in years. As she entered the store, Fallon turned from the counter, grinning ear to ear. Tall and beautiful as ever, Fallon stood to greet her with her own protruding belly. She looked gorgeous and at that moment Elli found herself very jealous of her friend. She missed that time when you first find out you’re pregnant and glow from the inside out. Now all she felt was fat.
“I don’t even want to look at you,” she teased.
Fallon let out a hearty laugh, holding her tummy between her hands. “Whatever. I look like a massive cow. You’re pregnant with twins and still look better than me.”
“You’re on something,” Elli laughed with a shake of her head.
Fallon rolled her eyes. “No, you are. Leaving work early?”
Elli nodded. “Yeah, I fired my assistant and my back is killing me. I am done.”
Fallon smiled. “I wish I could leave.”
Before Elli could state the obvious, that she could because this was her store, Fallon’s sister, Audrey, came out from the backroom. “You can. You own the place so stop bitching. I’m doing more work tha
Elli smiled as Audrey came over, hugging her tightly. She still had a little limp in her walk, but other than that, no one would ever know that Audrey was recovering from a brutal attack from her ex. There was no question her swift recovery was a result of all the love she was receiving from her fiancé and Elli’s goalie, Tate. They were perfect together. Audrey was glowing too, with a belly twice the size of her sister’s. It was a joy to be pregnant, most of the time, but being pregnant with your sister was a blessing. At least Elli thought it would be, but she would never know. Elli’s sister, Victoria, would never have kids, but then again, even if she did, Elli doubted she would tell her. They weren’t speaking to one another. At times, it really bothered her, but then she had Shea, and what else did she really need when she had him?
“How are you?” Audrey asked.
“Fine, my back is hurting so bad, I gotta get home.”
“I bet, carrying those two little guys can’t be easy. They’re probably built like their daddy.”
Elli nodded with a grin. “More than likely. I am so ready to pop them out.”
“Only a month left,” Fallon sang.
“I don’t know, I feel like they are coming any day now,” Elli said, hugging Audrey again before reaching for Shea’s wine basket.
“Yay! I can’t wait to see their sweet little faces!” Audrey gushed as Fallon hugged Elli goodbye.
“Me neither. Thanks for the basket, looks like there’s some good stuff in here,” Elli said before walking towards the door, “See y’all later.”
“Bye,” they both sang as Elli waddled away. Slowly she went down the stairs juggling all of her belongings, wishing that Shea was there to help.
“This having a baby business is over after these two,” she muttered as she reached her car. Opening the door, she placed everything in Shelli’s car seat before climbing into the car. Once seated she let out an exhausted breath and then stilled as warmth filled her seat. Grabbing her phone she dialed Shea’s number.
Answering the phone almost immediately, he asked, “Hey sweetheart, you on your way?”
Taking in deep breaths, all she could think was that she couldn’t believe this was happening this soon. She wanted it and was ready, but still, this was a month early. Would the little bits be okay? Tears gathered in her eyes from fear as her hands started to shake.
“No, my water broke, meet me at the hospital.”
She was exquisite.
Even with sweat dripping down her brow, her face pale from the delivery, and looking so tired, Elli was gorgeous and Shea was surprised she was still awake. He couldn’t seem to catch his breath as he watched his amazing wife hold their two bundles of blue.
His boys.
Shea knew the moment he set eyes on Elli, four years ago, that things would never be the same. He wasn’t prepared for her in the least, but it didn’t matter, because when he fell, he fell hard. He knew he would never love another woman the way he loved Elli. When she finally realized this and gave him her heart, he had stayed true to only her.
Shea already felt like the luckiest man on earth when he married Elli. But then Elli quickly became pregnant and shortly thereafter, Shelli, his princess, was born. Shelli was so sweet and so beautiful like her mama. Elli didn’t see their likeness but all Shea saw was Elli when he looked at his sweet baby girl. Shelli was almost three now, with bright blue eyes and dark brown hair that curled around her face. Elli always put crazy bows in her hair to match Shelli’s cute little outfits. Shea swore that as each day passed by there was something different about Shelli as she grew into her own little person. God she was a doll.
Shelli loved to dance and sing along with Shea when he played his guitar. He was convinced that she was going to be a star on Broadway, but Elli thought Shelli was going to be a hockey player since she had such a little temper. Just like her dad. Shelli was the light in his day. All she had to do was grin and he was a goner.
Then nine months later Posey came along and captured Shea’s heart in much the same way Shelli did. She was almost two and looked exactly like her older sister, with the same blue eyes and brown hair. Elli often tied up Posey’s hair in a cute little pony tail on top of her head like a unicorn horn. Posey had Shea wrapped around her finger, she had so much personality in such a little body. She made the same scrunched up faces like her mama, and man, did he love her.
Just like Shelli, Posey loved to dance and had been into everything since she began to walk. Shelli didn’t like her little sister in her room because she chewed on everything, but for the most part, they got along well and loved each other. He missed them both, but he knew that Grace was bringing them to the hospital later that day to meet their new baby brothers, Owen and Evan. He hoped they were being good for their Auntie Grace. The girls were a handful, and adding two more to the family was probably psychotic, but he was so excited he couldn’t see straight. He wanted this. A big, beautiful family, with the most gorgeous woman on the planet. Elli.
Shea had to admit that one of his proudest moments was when Elli told him they were having twin boys. It was a blessing and he couldn’t have thanked God enough for all the blessings he was given. First the woman that completed him, and then four gorgeous, healthy babies, all while making a living playing the greatest sport imaginable. Who gets that lucky? Glancing up at Elli, he met her gaze and she smiled. He made his way to her side, kissing her temple.
“I love you,” he whispered and kissed her again.
“I love you more,” she answered before turning to look up at him. “Aren’t they perfect?”
Shea had tears in his eyes as he nodded, looking down at his twin boys. They were identical with moss green eyes like Elli and thick dark brown hair. They had Shea’s chin and maybe the shape of his eyes, but for the most part they looked like their momma. Owen was the bigger of the two, at almost 5 pounds. Evan was only a couple ounces smaller, and the doctors had said they were glad Elli delivered early. At only 33 weeks the boys were healthy. Elli was a trooper, and Shea couldn’t thank her enough. Four babies in three years?
That was some woman.
Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he croaked out, “Handsome little fellas, they must take after their dad.”
Elli laughed, “Whatever, you can’t take full claim of these guys, they totally look like me. Look at those lips, girls are gonna go wild when these two get older.”
Shea couldn’t disagree. He went wild for Elli’s lips on a daily basis. Leaning in for a kiss, Elli met his lips expectantly, grinning as they parted.
“I’m so tired.”
“I bet, that was a rough go. I admire your strength, babe, you did amazing,” Shea reassured. Elli nodded as she glanced back down at the boys.
He liked that. His boys and his girls. In a way, he felt like he might be complete.
“Aww, honey, I love you. That was tough although totally worth it,” she said looking back up at him with love in her eyes. “Look at our two perfect little guys. Future hockey players, I swear they were hip checking each other in my belly.”
Shea chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. “You got that right,” he paused as Owen moved a little, bringing his little fist into his mouth. “I only need one more for a hockey team, you know.”
“You better hope they’ll let you play with four because sorry, buddy, this baby making factory will be closed down before I leave this hospital.”
Damn it.
“Come on, Elli, let’s keep the shop open for another year.”
“For what? I told you, I’m done. Four babies is enough, Shea, you gotta admit that, babe,” she glanced up and saw that he didn’t think that was enough at all. “Great balls of fire,” she muttered before placing a kiss on Evan’s head.
He chose his words carefully and said, “Maybe, after the boys are a year, we could have another one?”
“Elli,” Shea said softly. She looked up at him. “Just one more, and I promise, you can close up shop and I’ll close up shop, and there will be no other babies until all ours bring home their own.”
“How in the world can you expect me to even think of having any more children, when I just went through the fiery depths of hell to have these two? I am tore in ways that women should not be torn in, Shea. Please.”