A Very Merry Hockey Holiday (Assassins #6.5), page 1

The Bellevue Bullies Series
Boarded by Love
Clipped by Love (early 2015)
Hooked by Love (late 2015)
The Assassins Series
Taking Shots
Trying to Score
Empty Net
Falling for the Backup
Blue Lines
Breaking Away
Laces and Lace
A Very Merry Hockey Holiday
Overtime (Spring 2015)
Let it be Me
Taking Risks Series
The Whiskey Prince
Becoming the Whiskey Princess (Due out 2015)
Happy Holidays, Assassin fans.
I love you.
This book is for you.
Lucas Brooks was a very lucky man.
Or at least he thought he was.
According to everyone at Rocky Top Wines though, he was crazy not only to be married but also to be completely and utterly in love with his wife, who was currently a crazy pregnant lady. While he didn’t share their sentiments, he didn’t miss the “poor bastard” looks he received as he made his way toward his wife’s office in a hurry. He had tried calling Fallon at least six times before he arrived to get her for their eldest son, Aiden’s, game but she was ignoring her phone. Like she always did when she was working. She knew he was coming though, and he planned to get on to her, but first things first was to get her out of the office and into the car.
He knew it was going to be a struggle, which was why he offered to pick her up. Not only did she hate the cold, but she was obsessing over the New Year’s party that Rocky Top Wines was throwing for the Assassins team and he wished she wouldn’t. Even without the added stress of the party, she was also only a week out from having their newest addition, a little girl. Which meant that Fallon was in full-bitch mode. He knew this. The kids knew this. Her family knew this. Everyone did. The only thing was, Lucas didn’t care. They had a hockey game to get to, and hockey came before bitch mode and parties.
Hockey came before everything.
Reaching for the door, he paused when someone said, “I wouldn’t do that.”
Lucas looked over at Fallon’s assistant Rob and chuckled. “Is she really that bad?”
Rob looked as if he had seen a ghost as he nodded slowly. “She is on a whole other level, Lucas. She told me that if I didn’t get her Peppermint Oreos by lunch, I wasn’t getting a holiday bonus!”
“I thought I stocked you up?” Lucas asked quietly, coming toward his desk.
“She ate them all!”
“I got you fifty packs!” Lucas yelled, shocked. “She ate fifty packs?”
“Dude, have you seen her ass? There’s fifty packs worth of Oreos.”
Lucas glared. “Don’t talk about her like that; I like her ass.”
“You would,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “But me, I’m mad. She said my bow tie was stupid and that I shouldn’t wear pants this tight because it was distracting. So really, she shouldn’t talk to me like that,” he said with a flair of his hand before waving Lucas off. “But whatever. I warned you. Go get eaten by Pregnantasaurus Rex.”
Lucas scoffed. “That’s funny.”
“Ain’t gonna be funny when she bites your head off for whatever reason she can think of.”
“Probably ’cause I knocked her up,” Lucas said with a wink.
But Rob didn’t think Lucas was funny. The two had gotten close over the years. Rob was Fallon’s sidekick and Lucas trusted him completely. He looked out for his beautiful wife, especially when she was with child. Fallon might threaten to take his bonus, but he would make sure Rob had a hefty check in his stocking for Christmas.
With a glare, Rob said, “I want to bite your head off for that.”
Lucas laughed before pushing the door open to find his beautiful wife working hard behind her desk. She always stunned him when he saw her. Her hair was up in a high bun, her makeup done flawlessly, and her lips ever so plump and perfect. But he didn’t miss the scowl on her face. Looking up from her desk, she glared before looking down at the clock.
“Shit,” she muttered, going to her computer and clicking around like crazy, probably since she knew he would physically pick her up and drag her out of the office without letting her finish. She had till he got to her before he would shut the computer and make her leave.
Giving her time, he smiled as he asked, “Is that how you greet your loving husband?”
Her brow furrowed more before she shut down her computer. “I don’t like you today.”
“Do you ever like me?” he teased as she stood, her large belly straining beneath the sweater dress she wore. She was swollen from head to toe, but still she wore heels.
Crazy Pregnantasaurus Rex. He was going to use that more often.
“I wonder that sometimes,” she snapped, moving her hair out of her face. “I can’t even remember the reason I married you or continually make children with you.”
He knew she didn’t mean any of it, she was just…pregnant.
“’Cause I’m good in bed,” he said with a wink and she glared.
“Ugh, I am so stressed out and my body aches and I really don’t want to go sit in the rink because it hurts my back and ugh, Lucas, stop looking at me like that!”
He smiled. “You look beautiful,” he cooed at her as she waddled toward him.
She rolled her eyes. “If you think fat is beautiful, then yeah, I’m that.”
“Stop,” he barked at her as she slid her arms into the jacket he held open for her. “You’re scaring the employees, the kids, hell, everyone.”
“But you,” she challenged and he grinned.
“Except me. I know how to handle you. This isn’t my first rodeo.”
“Well, it will be your last,” she warned as she let out a breath.
Kissing her neck, he wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands barely touching as he massaged his growing child. Kissing her again, he chuckled before whispering, “Did you know that I think you are the most gorgeous woman in the world?”
He saw her cheeks pull back in a small smile, but he knew it wasn’t that easy. “You have to say that so I’ll continue to sleep with you.”
He chuckled against her jaw before dusting it slowly with kisses. “Never. You’ll sleep with me no matter what.”
“Maybe,” she grumbled and he grinned, kissing her neck again.
“And the reason you married me is because you are totally devoted to me,” he whispered again, his fingers dancing along where that was written along her wrist.
Totally devoted. It was their thing. Something he treasured.
Leaning against his face, she kissed his jaw. “You’re right.”
“I know, only happens sometimes,” he said, kissing her again. Holding her tightly, he could feel every single bit of her tension. He hated that. She needed to be calm and stress-free. It couldn’t be healthy for his new baby girl if her mother was stressed.
“What can I do to make you happy, Fallon?” he asked, his hands slowly going down her stomach to her thighs. She took in a sharp breath before leaning her head back against his shoulder, her body weight strong against him. It was nothing to him, though. He was pretty sure he could pick her up and take her against the wall, but of course, for the safety of their child, he wouldn’t do that. But he would play. He would try to relieve some stress from his gorgeous wife. He would do just about anything for her.
“I mean, I like the direction your hands are going, but aren’t our children in the car?”
He nodded, tracing kisses up her neck. “They are, but Stella is sleeping and Aiden and Asher are playing their DSs. I can at least make you come real quick if it will make you happy.”
Letting out a breath, she laced her fingers with his as she melted against him. Everyone thought she was crazy and mean, and yeah, she was, but with him, he could have her purring like a kitten in seconds. “Just being in your arms makes me happy.”
He scoffed. “Liar. What do you want? Oreos and an orgasm?”
She giggled as she turned in his arms, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. “That sounds like the mother of all plans, but I have no Oreos here and our babies are in the car. Let’s go.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist, her belly pressing against his growing erection. A contented grin sat on his face as he stared into his wife’s eyes. It had been six years since he had gotten his love back, and to his surprise, it had come not only in the form of this gorgeous woman but also a little boy who held his world. The years had been great to them. They were very blessed with happiness, more children, and a marriage that no one could touch. She was still exquisite as ever, her caramel eyes piercing as her sweet mouth curved in such a delectable way. She was everything he ever needed, even when she was stubborn and difficult.
He loved that about her.
“Well, how about this, baby?” he started, gathering her tighter in his arms, pressing his nose into hers. “I get you home after the game, put on the bath since your back will be hurting, and then I’ll get the kids to bed before making sweet love to you?”
“With Oreos?”
He grinned. “And I’ll get you Oreos.”
“You’re the best husband in the world.”
“I am,” he said with a wink. “Now apologize to Rob before he quits on you.”
“He would do no such thing,” she said as they lock
“The hell you say,” Rob called, crossing his arms across his chest. “I’ll love you again when you are done being pregnant. You know what? Can I get it in writing that this is the last kid or I’m quitting?”
Lucas chuckled as Fallon rolled her eyes. “Last one, I promise.”
“I need that in writing. Really. I can’t handle this anymore.”
“I’m not that bad,” Fallon said, glaring.
“Yes, you are,” Lucas and Rob both said.
“But I love you,” Lucas said to save his own ass, but Rob didn’t care. He defiantly shook his head.
“I love you, but you are driving me insane. How many more days? Eight?”
Fallon held her stretched-to-the-max stomach with her other hand and let out a breath. “Seven, unless I can talk the doctor into getting her out on Monday.”
“I’ll be praying,” Rob sang and Fallon smiled.
“Me too,” Lucas said, kissing her cheek. “But we need to go.”
They said bye to Rob before making their way out of the winery’s business suites and toward their car that held their family. Opening the door for his wife, he helped her in as Stella cried out, “Mommy!”
“Hey, sugarplum,” Fallon cooed as Lucas shut the door, running around to get in himself. It was colder than Antarctica, but with only thirty days till Christmas, it was expected and wanted. The kids were hoping for a white Christmas, but with Tennessee, it was always a surprise. He hoped for their sakes it was since he loved when his kids were happy, but he wasn’t holding his breath.
Jumping into the truck, he said, “Jesus, it’s cold.”
“I hate it,” Fallon complained under her breath and he smiled, but then he noticed as she moved, she cringed.
“You okay?” he asked, pulling out of the parking spot.
She shrugged. “My sides and back are killing me for some God-awful reason.”
“Well, you are pregnant. You’re not in labor, are you?”
She scoffed. “Please, Emery is not going anywhere. She is stubborn.”
“Like her mother,” he said with a knowing grin, but Fallon didn’t seem to think he was funny.
“Mom, you’re okay?” Aiden called from the back, and when Lucas looked in the mirror at his almost teenaged son, his heart hurt a bit. He’d missed so much of his life, but it just meant that he made every single second with Aiden count. He was his best friend, and Lucas was thankful for that. He was worried time would hurt them, but it was love at first sight for the two.
“Yeah, sweetheart, I’m sure it will pass,” she said, waving him off. “You ready for your game?”
“He’s gonna score me a goal!” Asher shouted out.
“No! He gonna score me a goal,” Stella pouted and Lucas chuckled.
“I’ll score you both a goal, and yeah, Mom, I’m ready,” he said and that seemed to please his younger siblings as Lucas pulled into the sportsplex. He really was a great big brother; he was a great kid, his favorite. Not that he would tell any of the other kids that.
Pulling into a spot, he shut the car off and then got out to get Stella since Aiden would help with Asher. Opening the back, he unhooked her car seat but saw that Fallon hadn’t gotten out yet.
“Babe, you good?”
She nodded but didn’t answer him, and that didn’t sit well with him. As he threw Stella on his hip, she wrapped her little arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.
“Daddy, I love you.”
Okay, maybe Stella was his favorite. He was completely wrapped around her sweet little finger. Smiling, Lucas kissed her nose and promised, “I love you way more, my sugarplum.”
She giggled happily before he shut the door. Still eyeing Fallon through the window, he walked around the truck and watched as she cringed in pain. He knew right away that something was wrong.
“Hey Aiden, take Stella real quick for me.”
“Everything okay, Dad?” he asked, taking Stella like he’d been asked. Lucas nodded as he threw the door open, looking in on his wife.
“You okay?”
Still not answering him, she sucked in a deep breath. Opening her eyes, she met his gaze, and he could see she was in more pain than she wanted to admit. “Yeah. Not sure what is going on. I think it might be Braxton Hicks.”
Man, he hated those pains. She’d had them horribly with Asher and Stella, but it usually meant that it was almost time for the baby to come. “They suck and I know that, but it means she’s coming.”
“Yeah,” she said with a nod, taking his hand, but as soon as her foot hit the ground, her eyes went wide.
“Fallon?” he asked.
“Mom?” Aiden asked then, taking a step forward, holding the back of her arm. She sucked in a deep breath, her nails digging into Lucas’s forearm as she took another deep breath.
Looking up at them, she said, “I either just peed my pants or my water just broke.”
“Oh crap,” Aiden said, his eyes as wide as saucers.
“What’s going on?” Asher asked, confused.
“Mommy! You have to use the toilet!” Stella scolded her, and all Lucas could do was laugh.
“Everyone back in the car! Time to have a baby!”
Fallon looked down at the little bundle of pink and felt completely euphoric. Looking just like her daddy, Emery Elaine Brooks came in at a whopping nine pounds, Fallon’s biggest baby, and was the most gorgeous baby she had ever seen. That was hard to say because she had three other beautiful children, but Emery was stunning. Her cheeks were the perfect color pink, her long black lashes kissed her cheeks, and her lips were bright red and currently puckered out as Fallon grinned down at her. She had been having pains all day but assumed it was indigestion or Braxton Hicks. Obviously she was wrong.
As she looked down at her sweet baby girl, she knew she had a lot of apologizing to do. Not only had she cussed out and threatened her assistant but she also had been a bitch to Audrey. She was always like that when she was pregnant, and while she loved her children, and more than loved making them with Lucas, she knew that Emery would be her last. There was no way she was going to put anyone else through nine months of crazy bitch-ass Fallon. Running her finger down Emery’s jawline, she smiled.
“Momma’s last sweet baby,” she whispered, touching her lips to her forehead. The birth wasn’t bad, really easy, fast, and with a grin, she thought maybe she was a pro. Nowhere near Elli Adler pro-status, but she had this. And just like that, she thought maybe she would have another, but then the door opened and her family filed in and she knew she had her hands full.
“Mommy! You have my sister?” Stella yelled through the room, startling Emery. Letting out a sound of distress, Emery cried as Fallon smiled and looked at her little firecracker. Stella had one volume. Loud. And Fallon was sure it came from Lucas’s side of the family. Because she wasn’t loud…
“Sugarplum, you can’t be loud with the new baby,” she said softly as Stella crawled into bed with her, looking down at her sister. Laying her head on Fallon’s shoulder, Stella placed her little hand on her sister’s chest and let out a sigh.
“I think I like her,” she decided and Fallon’s grin grew.
“Good, ’cause she’s coming home with us,” Aiden said, and Fallon looked up to meet the gaze of her eldest. He was so handsome, looking more and more like his father every day. He was out of the awkward stage, his teeth were nice and straight, his eyes as gray as storm clouds. The angles to his face were beautiful and so much like Lucas’s. He was solid, already possessing a hockey player’s body, and boy, could he play. He was almost thirteen, and it killed her to think of all the girls’ hearts he was going to break. He was his father made over, and she couldn’t be more thankful that Lucas was the man she’d chosen to have kids with. Yes, Aiden wasn’t planned, but she wouldn’t change who his father was. Back in the day was another story, but she’d been young and stupid. Now though, she knew who buttered her bread and that was Lucas Brooks.
Looking past her eldest, she saw that Lucas was carrying a sleeping Asher. Her little man didn’t do mornings, and he was his momma’s boy. He looked just like Fallon, and she took great pride in that since now three out of her four children were their father’s miniatures. Lord, help them all if Emery was like Fallon. Stella was enough, and she honestly couldn’t do a second girl like herself.