Fighter Wing: A Guided Tour of an Air Force Combat Wing, page 1

Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Airpower 101
Desert Storm: Planning the Air Campaign
Combat Aircraft
Ordnance: How Bombs Got “Smart”
Air Combat Command: Not Your Father’s Air Force
The 366th Wing: A Guided Tour
Getting Ready for War: Green Flag 94-3
Roles and Missions: The 366th Wing in the Real World
Fighter Wing
“Muscular, full-blooded nonfiction . . . a compelling read.”
—Edmonton Journal
“Into the wild blue yonder with Clancy as a knowledgeable, even solicitous, escort . . . Complete with a wealth of line drawings, maps, and photos, verbatim interviews with top Air Force officers, and cogent explanations of high-tech hardware and latter-day doctrine, a most attractive package for armchair air marshals or taxpayers interested in what sort of bangs they’re getting for their aviation bucks.”—Kirkus Reviews
“From jet engines to stealth fighters and smart bombs, there is not much that Tom Clancy doesn’t know about U.S. fighter aircraft.”
The Hunt for Red October
Red Storm Rising
Patriot Games
The Cardinal of the Kremlin
Clear and Present Danger
The Sum of All Fears
Without Remorse
Debt of Honor
Executive Orders
Rainbow Six
The Bear and the Dragon
Red Rabbit
The Teeth of the Tiger
SSN: Strategies of Submarine Warfare
Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship
Armored Cav: A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment
Fighter Wing: A Guided Tour of an Air Force Combat Wing
Marine: A Guided Tour of a Marine Expeditionary Unit
Airborne: A Guided Tour of an Airborne Task Force
Carrier: A Guided Tour of an Aircraft Carrier
Special Forces: A Guided Tour of U.S. Army Special Forces
Into the Storm: A Study in Command
(written with General Fred Franks, Jr., Ret., and Tony Koltz)
Every Man a Tiger
(written with General Charles Horner, Ret., and Tony Koltz)
Shadow Warriors: Inside the Special Forces
(written with General Carl Stiner, Ret., and Tony Koltz)
Battle Ready
(written with General Tony Zinni, Ret., and Tony Koltz)
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Operation Barracuda
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Checkmate
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Mirror Image
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Games of State
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Acts of War
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Balance of Power
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: State of Siege
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Divide and Conquer
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Line of Control
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Mission of Honor
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Sea of Fire
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: Call to Treason
Tom Clancy’s Op-Center: War of Eagles
Tom Clancy’s Net Force
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Hidden Agendas
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Night Moves
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Breaking Point
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Point of Impact
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: CyberNation
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: State of War
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Changing of the Guard
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Springboard
Tom Clancy’s Net Force: The Archimedes Effect
Tom Clancy’s Power Plays: Politika
Tom Clancy’s Power Plays:
Tom Clancy’s Power Plays: Shadow Watch
Tom Clancy’s Power Plays: Bio-Strike
Tom Clancy’s Power Plays: Cold War
Tom Clancy’s Power Plays: Cutting Edge
Tom Clancy’s Power Plays: Zero Hour
Tom Clancy’s Power Plays: Wild Card
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eISBN : 978-1-101-00257-5
“Update” by Barrett Tillman copyright © 2004 by Jack Ryan Limited Partnership.
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This book is dedicated to four members
of the 366th Wing, who died while serving with the
Wing in 1994.
(34th Bombardment Squadron)
(34th Bombardment Squadron)
(366th Medical Group)
(389th Fighter Squadron)
They died while serving, without acclaim or fanfare.
Gunfighters, Warriors, and Americans. We just thought
that you should know, because their friends, families,
and fellow airmen loved them, and miss them. Please
love them too, because the noblest of our ideals have
always been protected for us by warriors.
THANKS to all the people who made this book special. Once again, we start with my partner and researcher, John D. Gresham. His work on this book took him across the country many times, where he had some very interesting experiences. Whether he is talking over the finer points of precision-guided weapons with contractors or having the ride of his life in the back of a fighter, he always brings a special touch to the books of this series. We also have again benefited from the wisdom and efforts of series editor Professor Martin H. Greenberg. Once again, Laura Alpher is to be complimented for her marvelous drawings, which have been such a pleasure to see, and have added so much to these books. Thanks are also due to Craig Kaston, whose photographs appear here for the first time. Tony Koltz, Mike Markowitz, and Chris Carlson again need to be recognized for their outstanding research and editorial support—so critical and timely. Thanks again goes to Cindi Woodrum, Diana Patin, and Roselind Greenberg for their support in backing the rest of us up as we moved toward completion.
A book like this would be impossible to produce without the support of senior service personnel in leadership positions, and this one is no exception. Our first thanks go to Dr. Richard Hallion, the Chief Historian of the Air Force and a longtime friend. He was the
Another group that was vital to our efforts, less well known but equally important, were the members of the various USAF public affairs offices (PAOs) and protocol organizations that handled our numerous requests for visits and information. Tops on our list were Major Dave Thurston, June Forté, and Carol Rose of the Pentagon PAO. Down at Air Combat Command, Colonel John Miller, Colonel Mike Gallager, and Captains John Tillis, Katie Germain, and Michele DeWerth worked hard to get their story across. Out at Nellis AFB, NV, Major George Sillia made our visit both memorable and livable in the incredible heat of April 1994. Out at the USAF Space Command, Colonel Dave Garner helped get the space story across to us. At the intelligence agencies, there was Jeff Harris and Major Pat Wilkerson at NRO, Linda Miller and Judith Emmel at NSA, and Dwight Williams at DARO. Other helpful PA officers included Lieutenant Colonels Bruce McFadden and Charles Nelson, Major Jim Tynan, Captains Tracy O’Grady and Brett Morris, and Lieutenant Chris Yates. Thanks to you all.
Out at Mountain Home AFB, ID, we had the high honor of living with as fine a group of people as you will ever meet: the personnel of the 366th Wing, The Gunfighters. Our biggest thanks go to the wing commander, Major General (Selectee) David McCloud. This career fighter pilot is a man on the move, and his willingness to share the limited time of his unit in a frantic year was above and beyond the call of duty. In addition, the wing staff deserves some mention. Colonel Robin Scott was always helpful, whether briefing us on wing deployments or the finer points of playing “Crud.” Lieutenant Colonels Gregg Miller and Rich Tedesco were there to show us the art of ATO building. And the wing PAOs, Captain Christi Dragen and Lieutenant Don Borchelt, were fantastic in their tolerance and patience. We also want to recognize the assistance of the Wings’ various squadron commanders: Lieutenant Colonels John Gauhn, Stephen Wood, Larry New, Frank Clawson, Lee Hart, William K. Bass, and Jay Leist. And then there was Lieutenant Colonel Tim Hopper, the commander of the Wings’ 34th Bombardment Squadron. Tim is one of the awesome young combat leaders in the Air Force today, and he tolerated having us there to see the best and the worst of his career, and still kept on going. God bless Tim, because the nation needs officers like him. Another special leader is Brigadier General Silas Johnson, the commander of the 552nd Airborne Control Wing, and we are proud to know him. Also, thanks to Brigadier General J. C. Wilson, the commander of the 28th Bombardment Wing at Ellsworth AFB, SD, for showing us the “heavy iron” of the Air Force.
Again, thanks are due to our various industrial partners, without whom all the information on the various aircraft, weapons, and systems would never have come to light. At the aircraft manufacturers there was Lee Whitney, Barbara Anderson, Robert Linder, Tim Courson, Lon Nordeen, Gary Hakinson, Martin Fisher, and Jerry Ennis of McDonnell Douglas; Joe Stout, Donn Williams, Karen Hagar, Jim Ragsdale, Jeff Rhodes, Eric DeRitis, Susan Walker, James Higginbotham, Terry Schultz, Doug McCurrah, and Robert Hartman of Lockheed Martin; Mike Mathews, James Walker, Eric Simonson, Tony Pinella, and Tom Conard of Rockwell International; John Visilla, Tony Contafio, and Patty Alessi at Northrop Grumman; Milt Furness, Cynthia Pulham, and Susan Bradley of Boeing; and finally, Jim Kagdis and Foster Morgan of Boeing Sikorsky. We also made and renewed many friendships at the various missile, armament, and system manufacturers including: Tony Geishanuser and Vicki Fendalson at Texas Instruments; Larry Ernst at General Atomics; Glenn Hillen, Bill West, Kearny Bothwell, and Cheryl Wiencek at Hughes; Tommy Wilson, Adrien Poirier, Edward Ludford, Dave McClain, and Dennis Hughes at Loral; Jody Wilson-Eudy at Motorola; Nurit Bar of Rafael USA; and last, but certainly not least, Ed Rodemsky, LeAnn McNabb, and Barbara Thomas of Trimble, who again spent so much time and effort to educate us on the latest developments of the GPS system. Also, for all the folks who helped us at Pratt & Whitney and Westinghouse, thanks to you all.
Again, we give thanks for all of our help in New York, especially Robert Gottlieb, Debra Goldstein, and Matt Bialer at William Morris. At Berkley Books, our appreciation again goes out to our editor, John Talbot, as well as David Shanks, Patty Benford, Jacky Sach, and Jill Dinneen. To friends like Tony Tolin, Dave Deptula, Matt Caffrey, Jeff Ethell, Jim Stevenson, Norman Polmar, Bob Dorr, Roger Turcott, and Wilber Creech, thanks again for your contributions and wisdom. And for all the folks who took us for rides, thanks for teaching the ignorant how things work for real. For our friends, loved ones, we once again thank you. For being there when we can’t, God bless you all.
As a lifelong practitioner of airpower in the field, I have often had opportunity to watch the coming and going of my profession’s technical, political, tactical, and organizational changes. And after more than three decades of service in the Air Force, I have to admit that radical and volatile change seems to be the lot of those who wear the blue suit. While reading this superb book, I was continually reminded that few aspects of modern warfare re-book, I was continually is this more that few aspects of modern warfare remain constant. Nowhere is this more evident than in the dramatic technological changes driving the employment of airpower. In this work, Tom Clancy defines better than anyone this new role of air power and what it means to the nation.
Four significant events have transformed my understanding of airpower during this period of dramatic change—all four of them occurring in a brief eighteen-month span.
The first happened on the day the air war began in the Persian Gulf, January 17th, 1991. I was then the Air Force Vice Chief of Staff, and we were sitting in the Air Force Operations Center in the Pentagon . . . our war room. It seemed ironic that we, along with the rest of the world, were watching the attack live on CNN, just as if it were Monday Night Football. As our F-117A stealth fighters struck targets in the heart of Baghdad, B-52s were launching standoff missiles safely from the Persian Gulf against targets in Northern Iraq; and these were followed by attacks throughout Iraq by an array of other aircraft. This was the first genuine test of our modern air force, and particularly of radar-evading stealth planes equipped with the precision munitions in which we had invested so heavily following the Vietnam War. Although at the time I was confident and optimistic, I still had grave anticipation and many unanswered questions as our planes flew into the formidable anti-aircraft defenses of Iraq. How many planes and pilots would be lost? Would we achieve air supremacy, and destroy the enemy’s war-making capability quickly and decisively? Had our intense aircrew training in exercises such as Red Flag prepared our crews for the rigors of modern air warfare? We wondered if our planning decisions were right. As history was to prove, they were.