Hack, Slash & Burn 3: A LitRPG Fantasy, page 1

Hack, Slash & Burn 3
Todd Herzman
This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2023 Todd Herzman.
All rights reserved.
Written by Todd Herzman.
Cover Designer: Germancreative
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To my wife, thank you for your unwavering belief in me.
Chapter 1
Calder swept his Living Sword through an Orc Dominator’s neck, cutting it clean off. No blood splattered his armour. None poured from the wound at all. The inferno and fire enchantment on his sword had instantly cauterized the orc’s flesh. Strong as he was, he didn’t even need to use Power Strike or Eviscerate to get the job done.
Just one clean, smooth swipe of his sword.
In a wide circle he whirled, stepping over bodies and slicing through flesh, creating death all about him.
+8 Killstreak!
Kill 8 enemies in a single minute to keep Berserk alive.
Your health and adrenaline have been healed by 65%.
The Killstreak further energised him. He didn’t know how many orcs he had killed, long ago having lost count.
Calder was singlehandedly assaulting a small city in the Dark World he and his Touched trained within. Though his Touched might no longer be an appropriate name for them, as they were quickly presenting every citizen of Kashan—both new and old—that was of age with a Weapon Stone.
He didn’t stop to loot the bodies he created. That would take far too much time. A team of looters would be sent in after him to claim all that had been left lying about on the ash-ridden cobblestones. The spoils would trickle back to him once they had been accounted for.
This was the fifth settlement he had assaulted on his own since the Battle of Kashan and the slaying of the black dragon. He could have brought in a squad. He could have brought in an army. But he liked fighting on his own. Besides, no one could keep up with him anymore.
It wasn’t ego that had overtaken him. He still fought with others, and he knew that he wouldn’t have been able to defend Kashan without the help of their burgeoning army of Touched, but when it came to his training, he wanted to gain as much Proficiency as possible. Besides, he could always retreat if that became necessary. With his Dream Step spell only having a three second cooldown, he could use it incredibly rapidly.
Not that he had any reason to retreat.
Calder grinned. He had cleared another street of enemies. There was work to be done back home—the city of Kashan, the place that had become home—but he wanted to claim this city before he returned. A glance at his Proximity Scanner told him there were perhaps a thousand monsters remaining.
Good. He raised his sword in an uppercut, slicing from between an orc’s legs, straight through its torso and up out of its head, bisecting it. The two halves of the orc fell right and left, thudding to the stones.
This would be a strong outpost for them, situated near many natural resources as it was, and it would gain Calder another boost. He currently had a +85% modifier while in the Dark World from all of the outposts he had claimed. He was the main defender of one Lesser Outpost and five normal Outposts. The Lesser Outpost gave him 10% while the normal ones each gave him 15%.
The modifier only worked while in the Dark World, but that was good enough for Calder. Claiming this one should bring him right to 100%. He had been surprised when discovering just how much the modifiers stacked, though he had the feeling they wouldn’t stack beyond 100.
Calder had to admit that he was fairly disappointed by the levels of the monsters that he had been encountering in this city. Mostly, it was littered with low-level Orc Raiders, Hunters, Shamans and Conjurers. There were some mid-range level enemies—Orc Swordmages and the like—and a smattering of Orc Dominators.
But so far, he hadn’t encountered anything even close to level 100.
As he sprinted around a corner, Calder froze. A smile split his lips and he tightened his grip around his Living Sword.
I guess I have their attention.
Twenty Orc Mana Archers stood in a line ahead of hundreds of lower-level orcs. He quickly scanned one of the archers.
Orc Mana Archer
Level 100
Classification: Bowmage
Strength: 80
Agility: 125
Magic: 150
Stamina: 70
Perception: 80
Level 100. That was the same level of the Orc Mana Archer he had faced in the first orc settlement he had claimed. Back then, he had been fighting with Yesna by his side. There had been a few hundred orcs in that settlement, and a single Orc Mana Archer had almost taken him out.
That, however, had been around thirty levels ago, and Calder had picked up a lot of new spells since then. He quickly peeked at his list of spells.
Heal Other: Active; Constant Mana Drain = High
Illumination: Active; Constant Mana Drain = Low
Fireball: Active; Instant Mana Drain = Medium
Freeze: Active; Constant Mana Drain = Medium
Lightning Bolt: Active; Instant Mana Drain = Medium
Mana Blade: Active; Instant Mana Drain = Medium; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Medium
Burning Devastation: Active; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Very High; Instant Mana Drain = High
Tough Skin: Passive; Initial Adrenaline Drain = Medium
Strong Stance: Passive; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Low
Charge: Passive; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Medium
Strike Advantage: Passive; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Medium
Berserk: Passive; Instant Adrenaline Drain = High
Last Ditch: Passive; No Cost
Shield Bash: Active; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Low
Eviscerate: Active; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Low
Bleeding Strike: Active; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Low
Crippling Strike: Active; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Low
Power Strike: Active; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Low
Power Throw: Active; Instant Adrenaline Drain = Low
Dream Step: Active; Instant Mana Drain = High
Portal: Active; Instant Mana Drain = High
World Step: Active; Instant Mana Drain = High
Time to Die: Automatic; No Cost
He hadn’t gained any new ones since the siege, and he had “only” gained three levels since defeating the black dragon, making him level 79. Gaining levels had become increasingly difficult. Even taking out all of the Darktouched in an enemy settlement wasn’t enough to gain him enough Proficiency to push him over the edge.
Though he was hoping this one would. He couldn’t help but feel like he would be gaining something at level 80. Perhaps another spell, maybe even an Avatar of Light boost, if he were lucky.
The others are wondering where you are, Calder, said a voice inside his head. I know you didn’t wish to be disturbed, but if you intend to fight the rest of these enemies you will be late for the council meeting.
Calder sighed inwardly. Politics. The first meeting of the Kashan Council. Isn’t that what he had Peter for? Though they had agreed Calder should make an appearance, considering he was supposedly a member.
I won’t be late.
The twenty Orc Mana Archers each had arrows nocked. They drew back the strings of their bows in perfect unison. Their aim, he knew, would be just as perfect. The strings dug into their cheeks as each of their arrows began to glow.
The hundreds of orcs amassed behind the archers looked as though they could barely contain themselves. Swords crashed against shields, fists against chests. Roars sounded, ragged and harsh from a myriad of throats. Every single one of the orcs was taller than Calder. Physically intimidating in a way no one on his world would have experienced before the invasion.
Calder felt a slight tinge of worry at what he was facing. A hint of fear. As he should. He would be a fool not to. And Calder was many things; a fool wasn’t one of them. But he also felt excitement. Glee. And the constant undercurrent of rage that his Berserk spell offered him when it was active.
He eyed the twenty archers closely. None of the orcs behind them attacked. It was clear the Orc Mana Archers, being the highest-level fighters in the area, were the ones in charge.
They don’t think they need the help of the others. Calder readied himself, breathing steadily. I’ll prove them wrong.
At some unseen signal, all twenty archers released their strings in unison. Their arrows were loosed, shooting toward him at an astounding speed.
Calder activated Charge the split-second they were loosed. He had added a good 20 points into Perception after gaining a few levels from killing that black dragon.
That, and his Agility currently being over 1500 due to Berserk, Charge, and the +85% boost he gained from all of the settlements he had claimed in this world, made this task an easy one.
He tracked the trajectory of every single arrow, then opened twenty sets of portals.
The first set of portals caught the arrows. Each looked like a Knockdown Arrow, and Calder was sure that if they hit him, he would be sent flying through a dozen walls and every single bone in his body would be crushed to dust.
The second set of portals were pla
Calder grinned as the arrows sailed through the portals. He’d done something similar with the last Orc Mana Archer he faced. Though now he was capable of doing that a hundred times over, if he really needed to.
The arrows came out of the portals above the Orc Mana Archers’ heads. They slammed straight into each of them, crushing them straight to the ground. Cracks sounded, echoing off the stone walls of the surrounding buildings as the orcs’ bones broke under the force of their own attacks.
Their bodies were pulverised, blood splattering the cobblestones, painting the first line of orcs behind them red.
Calder tilted his head up as Proficiency from twenty level 100 enemies flooded into him and him alone. The hundreds of orcs behind the archers froze, ceasing their roars and their wailing. A stunned silence Calder knew wouldn’t last.
Each and every one of them surged forward.
That was impressive, as always, a voice sounded in his mind.
Thank you, Graham.
The council meeting will begin in—
Three minutes. I’m aware. Calder turned his head left then right, eliciting a satisfying crack, one barely heard as the orcs barrelled toward him, hundreds of roars loosing from their open maws. I won’t be late.
At least, he wouldn’t be very late.
Calder Dream Stepped straight into the fray before any of the attacks launched his way were able to meet him. His Living Sword didn’t only have its base elemental enhancements, he also had a few spells enchanting it. Lightning Bolt and Fireball being his favourites.
His Dream Step had him land over the heads of the orcs. He whirled around in a circle, spinning as fast as he could as he activated Power Strike. The orcs were so tightly packed together that his blade sliced through at least twenty of them when he landed. The smell of burning flesh met his nose and made it twitch. One of the downsides of having such high Perception, though Graham told him he would learn to get used to it.
He created absolute havoc around the ranks of the orcs, his sword gouging through armour, flesh and bone like it was air.
Each and every one of his strikes brought him more Proficiency, but it wasn’t enough. He gritted his teeth. Pushed through. Dream Stepping through one patch of the mass of orcs to another.
He no longer felt that hint of trepidation and fear that he had only moments ago. He was in the thick of things. The thrill of the fight consumed him, burning through every fibre of his being.
He was destruction incarnate.
Calder roared as death surrounded him. His sword moved like the wind as he teleported around the battlefield.
Two more minutes.
Hundreds of orcs fell. The Killstreak notifications kept popping up over his vision. He barely noticed them anymore. They faded into the background of his consciousness as he destroyed his enemy.
One minute left.
Calder was breathing hard, now, pushing himself to his absolute limit. He didn’t need to push himself this hard to take out these orcs, but he didn’t want to leave this place without finishing his mission.
He swung his sword through the torso of an Orc Swordmage, cutting it in twain, then whirled to look for his next target.
He blinked.
No more orcs stood.
A glance at his Proximity Scanner confirmed that as a notification popped up.
You have defeated the previous inhabitants of this City.
Do you wish to claim this City for the Light?
Calder grinned as the text appeared across his vision, though he couldn’t help but be a little disappointed by the fact that he hadn’t gained a single level. Level 80 was so close he could taste it. He had hoped killing this many enemies would have been enough, though he supposed there were only a few among their ranks that were higher level than himself.
Knowing he was on a deadline, Calder quickly thought, Yes.
Congratulations, you have claimed this City for the Light!
This World has been claimed by Darkness, placing your City in the minority. Because of this, Lighttouched will now gain twice as much Proficiency when in a twenty-mile radius of this city.
As the Main Defender of an Outpost in hostile territory, you have been granted a +15% modifier to all of your attributes while in this World.
Calder released a long breath. Have I reached a +100% modifier now, Graham?
You have indeed. And the council meeting is about to begin.
Calder gazed about at the city he had just claimed. Now that he had claimed it, he was able to create a portal back to Kashan’s main square. He wasn’t going to use it himself, but he needed others to come and clean up the mess, loot the corpses, and secure the walls.
Inform a team on standby to come in and clean up this mess, he told Graham.
Then Calder World Stepped straight to the halls of Kashan’s castle.
Chapter 2
Calder appeared in a grand hallway, a few paces from a large, closed door flanked by two guards. The guards flinched when they saw him, but their eyes returned to facing forward when they realised who he was.
People were slowly getting used to his habit of materialising out of nowhere, and the populace of Kashan were quickly recognising him as well. He didn’t know if either of these guards had been on the wall during the Battle of Kashan and the slaying of the dragon. From a glance, he could tell that they were Touched. Would be useless having non-Touched guards nowadays.
Though he had to wonder why they bothered with guards at all. Who among them would be foolish enough to attack the newly formed Kashan Council?
Before stepping through the door, Calder looked down at himself, ensuring he was presentable. His Living Armour shined. The steel was dark, tinged blood red. When he had slain the Legendary Black Dragon and gained a new name for the armour, it had taken on some of the beast’s properties, making it look as though it was forged from dragon scales.
His armour had self-cleaning and self-repair enchantments. As expected, it still gleamed and shined like the day he had bought it. He frowned. He appreciated the self-cleaning feature, but there was something supremely strange about wearing armour that didn’t have a scratch on it. It made him look like some lordling on display, untested, never having seen combat.
Though Calder doubted anyone would actually think that if they looked at him. This is a new world. Things are different, now.
Calder pushed open the door and stepped through. The others had already been seated. Peter, the official leader of the council, should have sat at the head of the table. But there was no head. The man had selected a large round table. Apparently a king in a legend he had read as a child had done something similar, to prove his humility, and to show that he never sat above anyone.
I imagine that same king still wore a crown and sat upon a bejewelled throne. Calder took his seat, between Yesna and Luceen.
Yesna peered at him, hoisting her eyebrows up her forehead. The once priestess wore light blue Mage robes. Her back was straight, and she held her hand neatly folded in her lap. You’re late, she said through the link.
Calder smiled. Nice to see you too. He was only late by seconds, but Yesna had always appreciated punctuality.
Luceen offered him a bright smile. The Saint seemed to enjoy getting a chance to sit on the council and looked as beautiful as ever. Peter saw it as a necessary duty, Yesna as a somewhat burdensome responsibility, yet Luceen looked as though it were a day at the theatre. The woman’s crescent moon earrings gently swayed as she moved her head, turning her attention toward Peter.
Peter nodded at Calder as he took his seat. The prince spread his arms wide, taking in all that were sitting. He looked almost as though he belonged. Clean shaven. Back straight but not so rigid as Yesna’s. This seemed… natural to him.
Perhaps it is. He is a prince, after all.
There were twelve members sitting on the council that weren’t a part of Calder’s original party. Peter’s gaze settled on each of them in turn. “Now that everyone has arrived, it’s time to convene the meeting of the new Council of Kashan.”