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My Billionaire Captor
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My Billionaire Captor

  Table of Contents

  My Billionaire Captor

  About the Book

  My Billionaire Captor

  Once Upon a Time

  The Real Beast

  Maison de Sauvage

  Into the Woods

  Who’s There?

  What Am I Here For?

  Be Our Guest

  Whispers in the Dark

  Of Captors and Captives

  There Is No Us

  Try Me

  Glass Houses

  Dead Butterflies

  Playing God

  How Kinky

  Author's Note

  Stepbrother Prince

  Mr. Rochester

  Bad Boy Billionaire

  I had no choice. If I want to save my father, I must forget my old life...and allow a mysterious French billionaire to become my whole world.

  ARABELLA BLUME WAS prepared for the worst when Aurélien Sauvage's men whisks her to a remote island without even a chance to say goodbye to her father. She's ready to be tortured or even killed, but instead she finds herself nursing the most shameful secret.

  When all is silent and dark, Arabella succumbs to the dangerously addictive passion of her master. Night after night, he listens to her, talks to her, and makes her laugh. Every night, she forgets she's nothing but a captive, with the way he makes her crave for his possession.

  He's like an animal in the bedroom, and a fairytale prince outside it. It's just impossible not to fall for him, especially when Aurélien promises to cherish her forever – for as long as she doesn’t break his rules.

  Never talk about me to anyone.

  Never kiss me.

  And the most imperative, my beauty – never, ever try to look at me in the light.

  Note: This book was previously published as Savage, Broken, Beautiful. It's a steamy, modern-day retelling of Beauty and the Beast with a good dose of snarky humor, angst, and a guaranteed happy-ever-after. This is the perfect fairytale read for adults looking for a quick escape from reality.

  About the Book

  “Never kiss me.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Never even touch me without my permission.”

  The breath whooshed out of her, and she realized that all these rules must have to do with his scars.

  “And you must never ever try to see me in the light.”

  When Arabella didn’t speak, the beast said quietly, “Those are my rules, ma belle. Promise to obey them and—-”

  Her breath caught.

  “I will pleasure you beyond your wildest dreams.”

  Her body jerked at the words, and she choked out, “Yes.” Because there was nothing else to say. “I promise—-” And a gasp escaped her. Somehow, Aurélien had managed to douse the fire crackling in the fireplace, and in another moment, all the blinds on the windows had been drawn, with not even an inch of moonlight able to slip into the room.

  It was pure darkness, and her heart started to hammer, but it was not out of fear. Oh, far from it—-

  And when she finally felt his touch—-

  Her eyes closed.

  She knew she had done the right thing.

  Aurélien’s lips moved over her body, raining kisses all over her skin, and she could have cried then and there. The way his lips moved seemed as if he was worshipping her body with his mouth, and it was too much.

  “Oh, Aurélien.”

  When he started to trace her lips with his tongue, she had to clutch the sheets tightly, not wanting to accidentally touch him and have him leave her.

  “Comment faites vous pour être si belle?”

  Oh God. Arabella writhed under him as his words, whatever they meant, caressed her skin, and she muttered, “Stop being so sexy.” She heard him chuckle, and she snarled, “I don’t even know what that means—-”

  “How are you so beautiful?”

  Her cheeks reddened. “Stop it.”

  Another chuckle.

  “It’s not like you can really see me in the dark—-”

  “Trust me, ma belle. I can, and you are like a goddess.”

  She wished she could say something snarky in response, but at that moment all she could do was moan, with Aurélien somehow managing to rip her dress away from her body.

  Another moment passed, and her bra soon followed, and she gasped again.

  Her panties were the last, and this time she couldn’t help whimpering.

  She was naked.

  Really naked.

  And then she felt his tongue laving her nipple—-

  Oh God.

  When he started to suck, she could only moan and tighten her grip on the sheets. It was too beautiful, and it was too much. By the time he moved on to her other breast, she was already panting.

  Oh, she never wanted this to end!

  Please let this never end!

  My Billionaire Captor




  Marian Tee

  This book was previously published as Savage, Broken, Beautiful

  Copyright 2020 by Streak Digital Publishing

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Once Upon a Time

  There was an island off the coast of France, remote and ruggedly beautiful. Its master – a wealthy old widower – lived in a jewel of a mansion set atop a treacherously steep cliff, together with his infant son and loyal servants.

  Realizing that a life of isolation wouldn’t be ideal for a child, the wealthy widower began a careful and thorough search of people he could invite to live in his island. Those who wished for redemption, those whom life had unfairly dealt a bad hand, those who were lonely and had hope and joy stolen from them for all kinds of reasons – these were the people he chose because the wealthy widower knew that they would understand his secret.

  And so letters were sent out, and soon boat after boat sailed into the shallow waters of St. Marianne. The newcomers were welcomed warmly by the servants, taken to their new homes, and shown around the island. There was a local school, a well-equipped clinic, a small plaza, and even the promise of an annual feast to celebrate the island’s patron saint, and all of it at the expense of the island’s owner.

  For dinner, they were all invited to join the master in his mansion, and their first glimpse of the place left them awestruck. A sprawling, landscaped garden preceded the mansion, where rows upon rows of the most exquisite winter flowers bloomed. There was even a charming little bridge to cross, arching over a manmade lake whose shiny frozen surface promised endless hours of skating delight.

  Once inside the mansion, the sights were even more splendid, enough to cast a spellbinding silence over its audience. Centuries of breathtaking art and furniture rich in history and priceless in value were all around them. And in the corner of the grand ballroom, a solemn-looking maestro played behind the grand piano. A famous classical piece, but one they couldn’t name, and it made the newcomers feel even more out of depth.

  Why would a man, who owned a place as magnificent as this, be interested in helping them turn their lives around?

  It was the question they all wanted to ask, but none of them had the courage to speak of. And when their host finally joined them, a bespectacled gentleman with a kind-looking face, they found themselves a little relieved but even more confused.

  The host introduced himself simply as Monsieur Sauvage, a doctor and a widower. He then proceeded to regale them with funny snippets of island living, which they all lapped up eagerly even as their curiosity grew and grew. As their host entertained them, plate after plate of sumptuous food was served, but strangely absent was any presence of wine – or any kind of spirits for that matter. Perhaps the good doctor had taken a vow of abstinence?

  When dessert was served together with coffee, Monsieur Sauvage said ever so mildly, “And now, let me address the questions you have been so courteous to keep to yourselves.” There was a brief smile. “It only proves that I have chosen well.”

  The doctor began to tell them of his beloved wife, the only woman he had ever cared for. They had only been married for a few months when she had become enceinte. Both of them had been surprised but overjoyed, and the doctor more so when they found out it was a boy. They would talk for days about the life they would lead, of how happy they would be - but in the end, their words were nothing but words, dreams that would never come true.

  His wife died delivering their child, and her hardships were such that not even the most skilled physicians could save her from the talons of death. Her loss devastated him, but worse was how he was then tormented by the fear that his son would one day leave him, too.

  As days passed, his fear grew, turning into paranoia, while his grief, deep-seated and inconsolable, turned into insanity. The doctor locked himself up for months in his laboratory, determined to go beyond protecting his son. He might not have been able to save his beloved wife, but by God he would make sure that the same fate would not befall his son.

  This time, Death would not win, for the doctor would make his son immortal.

  And so it was one wintry night that the doctor injected his prized creation into the blood of his son. As the infant started to cry, the doctor t
ook his child into his arms, and kissing his baby’s downy head, he whispered, “You have nothing to fear now.” The words were true, but in a way that the doctor did not intend.

  The next day, a terrified scream woke the doctor from his nightmare-riddled sleep and when he realized it was coming from his child’s nurse, he started running, his heart beating hard. C’est impossible! It could not be, it could not be! The drug would never have killed his son. It should’ve been the opposite. It would have made him the strongest, the fastest, the most cunning—-

  Monsieur Sauvage caught sight of the nurse running away like the devil was after her, but fearing he had no time to lose, he charged towards the nursery—-

  Mon Dieu.

  The doctor fell to his knees.

  What had he done?

  Sheer horror destroyed the last chains of grief and insanity, and he started to weep.

  Indestructible horns of the most powerful bull –

  Razor-sharp fangs of the most dangerous wolf –

  Viciously deadly claws of the most ferocious lion –

  His son had it all...because the doctor had turned his son into a monster.

  THE LAST WORDS OF MONSIEUR Sauvage fell into an uneasy silence, and the doctor smiled grimly at the uneasy expressions of his guests. “Ce n’est pas une blague, mes amies.” It is not a joke, my friends.

  And as the monsieur spoke, a middle-aged woman came in, bearing an infant swathed in layers of cotton. The doctor murmured his thanks as he took his son from the nurse, and he presented his little one to his guests. “Mon fils.” My son.

  The newcomers began to laugh, relieved but still just a little wary, when they saw a pair of brilliantly blue eyes and a face that promised breathtaking handsomeness once the child reached adulthood.

  But then the baby started to smile.

  And that was when they saw the fangs.

  The doctor calmly peeled the cotton off his son’s squirming body.

  And they saw the horns –

  And the claws -

  Une bête. A beast.

  As horror filled their faces, the doctor’s own face hardened. “I gave all of you a chance when the rest of the world did not. Am I asking too much now, that you show the same courtesy to my child? He has only smiled at the lot of you in his innocence – does that warrant the way you are looking at him now?”

  The doctor’s words, spoken in a voice that shook with great emotion, had shame gradually replacing the people’s fear.

  “It is but one simple thing that I ask of all of you – one simple reason why I offered all of you a chance to turn your lives around. Give my son a chance to be human. Show him that it is what’s inside that makes us human.”

  The Real Beast

  The room was almost cavernous in its vastness, the darkness interrupted only by the golden light coming from the ornate Victorian chandelier hanging over the majestic four-poster bed. Its rays spilled over the tapestried walls, the rich midnight-black carpet, and the priceless furniture in the room, one of which was an antique camelback sofa where the master and his mistress were currently fucking.

  “Aurélien, oh, oh!” The golden-haired woman, naked from the waist down, bounced wildly on her lover’s lap, her slender body wanting more and more of the monstrous cock she was impaled on.

  “M-more, s'il vous plaît—-” The woman threw her head back with a moan, a look of rapture falling on her beautiful face as her lover gave her the fast and furious pounding she needed. “Oui, oui!” She found herself clutching his rock-hard shoulders as his movements became more forceful, almost deliciously violent, and when he ripped her blouse away with his claws, she screamed, not out of fear, but of excitement.

  Ah, he really was such a beast when it came to sex.

  It was just too bad he was one, too, littéralement.

  Because if he weren’t one, then she wouldn’t have to—-

  His claws moved yet again, distracting her with their movement, tiny razor-sharp slashes all dangerously close to her skin. But none of them hurt her – he never did hurt her, no matter how much she begged him.

  His slashing claws snipped her bra into pieces, and his palms caught her breasts as they sprang free. Aurélien’s mouth moved towards her breast, and she moaned again as she felt his fangs graze against her protruding nipples.

  Ah, he was really so, so good at this.

  “Mordez moi, mon amour.”

  But Aurélien ignored her request, only laving her nipple with his tongue. It was enough to have her body shudder, but she wanted more. Although she would never admit it to anyone, she wanted the animal in him making love to her.

  There was just nothing as exciting, nothing!

  And so her sharp nails clawed his back, and Aurélien’s nostrils flared at the scent of blood.

  Oui, ma mon amour. She looked into his too-human blue eyes, willing – daring – him to shed his civilized ways. She raked her nails over his back for the second time, and the scent of blood became stronger. “Aurélien,” she implored, “Aurélien, s'il vous plaît—- ”

  The younger man gave in with a growl, his fangs sinking just enough into the tender flesh of her breast to cause her the most excruciating mix of pain and pleasure—-

  She gasped at the lurid beauty of it, but she knew it was not all he could do. “You know what I want—-”

  A warning growl, but the sound only fed her arousal, and she worked harder to whittle down his resistance, rubbing her breasts against his chest, grinding her pussy down on his beastly cock-—

  “Mordez moi.” Bite me.

  “Mordez moi!”

  She cried the words out over and over, no longer begging but demanding. “Mordez moi—-aaaaaah!”

  Aurélien Savage was biting her, his fangs sinking deep into the soft flesh, and she laughed exultantly as she felt his control breaking apart.

  Yes, yes, make love to me like an animal!

  She let out a little scream when he suddenly lifted her off him, but a second later she was back on her feet, bent by the waist, and a shudder of excitement wracked her body when she realized what he was planning.

  Mon Dieu—-

  And then he was ramming into her from behind, tearing her apart—-

  Ah, how she loved it!

  Could this be what it felt like to be fucked by a stallion in a rut? Just the thought that it was so had Louise moaning, and she reached for her clit, rubbing furiously,

  So close, so close, so close –

  Behind her, Aurélien let out a growl.

  The raw and primal sound was her undoing, and her eyes rolled back as her orgasm took over. They came at the same time, his big animal cock shooting out a huge load of cum into her pussy while her own creamy essence flowed out of her. Every powerful, ejaculating jerk of his cock had Louise’s big breasts swaying in the air, and every time he filled her, she would think dizzily that it would end—-

  But it did not.

  He had the greatest fucking stamina, and by the time he pulled his still semi-erect cock out of her, Louise’s knees immediately gave way. Aurélien caught her immediately, asking in concern, “Tu vas bien?” Are you okay?

  And just like that, the sexual euphoria that left her mind in a pleasantly hazy state disappeared. Maybe other women would appreciate his kindness, but Louise did not. In fact, she found it downright boring and frankly unattractive - but because she needed him still, she masked her impatience with a smile, saying reassuringly, “Of course, mon amour. Why must you always ask that?” She meant the words to sound teasingly chiding, but instead they came out a little too brittle.

  Aurélien’s gaze narrowed.

  Merde! This was another thing she hated about him, too. He just saw too much, more so than any of her previous benefactors.

  “You’ve been very moody lately.”

  She nodded, knowing better than to deny his words. Only an idiot would think that a pile of lies could hide the truth, and she had not survived this long by being one.

  “Would you like to tell me the reason for it?”

  After a moment, she said softly, “When I’m ready.” She then lay on her side, turning her back on him deliberately, knowing that his fear of rejection and deep-rooted insecurities would keep the young billionaire heir from reaching out to her.

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