That Unforgettable Kiss (Kissed By Fate Book 1), page 1
part #1 of Kissed By Fate Series

Kissed by Fate
That Unforgettable Kiss
By Tamara Ferguson
A Top-Ten Amazon Bestseller
In Kindle Saga Fiction
The Romance Reviews
Readers’ Choice Award WINNER
In New Adult Romance
Romance by USA Today, New York Times
Multi-Award Winning, Bestselling Authors
Praise for That Unforgettable Kiss
Tamara takes us back to the serene and enchanting town of Crystal Rock and into the lives of its close-knit community. She has mastered the art of portraying her characters' emotions perfectly to create a captivating story. Tamara creates stories that are so enchanting they will make your heart stop. Her flawless writing style perfectly and vividly captures the moments and brings the story to life. And just when you think the story has reached its climax, she takes it to the next level and delivers a whole new reading thrill—
5★—Faridah Nassozi For Reader's Favorite
Ferguson captures the hearts of her readers with likable and intelligent characters. Her men are passionate and masculine and her women are feminine, with appealing charm and “smarts.” She paints beautiful outdoor scenes that grip the imagination of the nature lover and enrapture the heart of the romantic, by portraying sensuality with unadulterated “not too much” explicit detail! Although That Unforgettable Kiss is an alluring tale of romantic fate, Ferguson mixes in a bit of suspense, making it an engaging read smoothly leading you to an ideal end—
5★-- Cheryl E. Rodriguez for Readers' Favorite
There’s more to this story than just love. I found myself absorbed by the characters. Kissed by Fate is a story of two people who are determined, stubborn and definitely in love. I really loved the way the story evolved and how the two of them managed to work together as well as resolving some important problems—
5★--Samantha Dewitt (Rivera) for Readers' Favorite
Books By Tamara Ferguson
Tales of the Dragonfly
In Tandem
In Flight
Coming Soon: Emergence
Kissed By Fate
That Unforgettable Kiss
Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance
Two Hearts Surrendered
Two Hearts Unspoken
Two Hearts Undone
New Series Coming Soon:
Daydreams & Dragonflies
A Kiss Upon A Star
Praise For Tales Of The Dragonfly
A brilliantly written, compelling, and fast-paced story with the sheer ability to completely captivate your mind. Tamara Ferguson produced a perfect fusion between the dark and light sides of the plot to create a novel with a flawlessly balanced reading thrill–5★--Faridah Nassozi for Reader's Favorite
A heart stopping romance and suspense novel about two individuals who are perfect for each other but their past relationships stand in the way of a lasting intimacy. The character development is excellent. The blending of romance and suspense is quite successful, too, so that it is an effort to put down the book without reading until the last page–
Maria Beltran for Reader’s Favorite
Tales of the Dragonfly, set in a lovely Wisconsin lake town,includes a host of characters, from the ordinary to the unusual. In it, Tamara Ferguson has presented a story of intrigue, mystery and love. Readers will urge Sam on as he rushes to solve the mystery before harm might befall his beloved Penny—
Patricia Reding for Reader’s Favorite
Tales of the Dragonfly Book II: In Flight offers a healthy dose of self-reflection and romance that everyone who has ever loved and lost will enjoy. Between the romance and suspense of murder, readers will have something to turn the page for from the get-go, all the way to the end—
Writer's Digest Book Awards
Two Hearts Surrendered
15 USA Today, Best-Selling,
Multi-Award Winning Authors
Praise for Two Hearts Surrendered
Wow. Just wow! How’s that for a review? Author Tamara Ferguson has done an absolutely wonderful job in creating characters that her readers will relate to, care about and continue to think of long after the novella is done, and if that isn’t the hallmark of a great author, I don’t know what is—
5★—Tracy Slowiak for Readers’ Favorite
Two Hearts Surrendered by Tamara Ferguson was an instant hit with me. I’m a sucker for a good military romance and this one topped the charts. Luke and Kelly shared a bond and strength that allowed them to be a couple that I would love to read more about. A great military drama/romance that makes you want more—
5★—Rabia Tanveer for Readers’ Favorite
Tamara Ferguson's Two Hearts Surrendered is well-written and engaging. Luke and Kelly are compelling characters whom the reader can't help but cheer for when they meet up and hope that the two, who are so obviously in love, will eventually find a way to make a life together. Her plot is compelling and real, especially those parts concerning the care and rehabilitation of wounded veterans, and her romantic passages are sensitive, caring and tasteful. I enjoyed reading Two Hearts Surrendered, and I highly recommend it—
5★—Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite
From the Magical Weddings Reviews
My favorite story was “Two Hearts Surrendered.”
When Air Force pilot Luke Bryant was 13, he saved the life of six-year-old Kelly Callahan. While home on leave 14 years later, he attends a wedding and runs into a now 20-year-old Kelly. After only hours to get to know each other, his leave is over. They stay in contact promising themselves to each other when suddenly he is sent on a secret mission. After she doesn’t hear from him for months, she learns he was critically hurt and refuses to see her. The magic of this story is how he comes to terms with his injuries so he can share his life with Kelly—
Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock (Blog)
Two Hearts Surrendered was an awesome novella! I had some personal reasons for reading this one; one because I'm from Wisconsin and the other because I am an amputee. I won't give anything away, but suffice it to say that the road for Kelly and Luke is long and painful. Can she be strong when he needs it and can he be strong when she needs it? The answer is found between the pages of a very well written story. I was pleased to see the amputee storyline was well done, empathetic and well researched, which often isn't the case in many of the books I've read. This one story in the box set not to miss! (And was excited to see the shout out to Rice Lake!)—
Author of Contemporary Romance Katie Mettner (Blog)
Two Surrendered Hearts by Tamara Ferguson was emotional, a story of true love meant to be, in this case it started as kids. It shows how you have to sometimes deal with hard things in life in order to get your happily ever after—
Amazon, Goodreads, B&N reviewer
Two Hearts Surrendered was one of my favorite stories but it truly tugs at the heart. Having been abused by a step parent at an early age, Luke Bryant never felt valued or comfortable turning to others for help. He becomes an honorary member of the Callahan family before he joins the air force. Fourteen years pass before he tells the girl of his dreams how he feels.
Three months later, life changes for all. Love needs magic—
Goodreads Reviewer
All weddings are magical; some just have some real magic added. In Magical Weddings the couples are all finding their happily ever after. I love when the hero and heroine have the moment when they know they can't live without each other. Can a wounded soldier learn to deal with his injuries and claim the girl he has loved nearly all his life? Will their one night of magic be enough for Luke to finally surrender his heart to Kelly?—
Goodreads Reviewer
Kissed by Fate
That Unforgettable Kiss
By Tamara Ferguson
A Top-Ten Amazon Bestseller
In Kindle Saga Fiction
Kissed by Fate
That Unforgettable Kiss
Copyright © 2014 by Tamara Ferguson
Editor: D.S. Williams
The Pedantic Punctuator
Cover Art
That Unforgettable Kiss
Copyright © 2014
Adriana Hanganu
Adipix Design
Praise For That Unforgettable Kiss
Praise For Tales of the Dragonfly
Praise For Two Hearts Surrendered
Books By Tamara Ferguson
Title Page
About The Author
Excerpt From Two Hearts Surrendered
Excerpt From Two Hearts Unspoken
Excerpt From Tales of the Dragonfly In Flight
Connect With Tamara Ferguson
One fateful night, not so long ago...
The moon hung bright and full on the night of Christina Montgomery’s celebration of life at the beach on Dragonfly Pointe. Nearly every resident from the town of Crystal Rock had stopped by and visited with Christina, to wish her well, before her sleepover under the stars.
Why, here?
There’d always been something rather otherworldly about this ground. And with her recent grim prognosis, Christina could identify, since she wasn’t fated to be of this world for too much longer. There was something magical – almost mystical – about Dragonfly Pointe. And ever since she’d been a child, Christina had been unusually drawn to this beach.
Here was where she’d decided to say her goodbyes to her closest friends.
Echoes of laughter could be heard in the distance where most of the other teenagers had gathered around the blazing bonfire erected alongside the beach. Sucking in an invigorating breath of the crisp night air, Christina sighed, staring up at the sky. The dazzling night sky flashed stars so bright and clear, it almost appeared, that if she reached right up, she might be able to touch them.
Keeping an arm wrapped firmly over Christina’s shoulders, Kate Callahan guided her cautiously over the graveled pathway leading away from the beach. “Are we almost there?”
“Just a little further,” Christina answered, reassuring her friend.
Finally, they stopped, only a few short steps from the edge of the beach.
“This is where you wanted to go?” The formation of rocks soaring up over the lake was a popular landmark for tourists. The view from atop Crystal Rock was spectacular. Kate hesitated, staring up to the widened ledge at the base of the cliffs. “But isn’t this where—?”
“Anna Ivers was discovered?” Twenty years before, a six-year old girl had been found brutally murdered here at Dragonfly Pointe. Doubting the wisdom of hosting a fundraiser for cancer research here at this beach, Christina’s mother had attempted to discourage her when they’d begun making their plans. Although countless rumors had circulated through the years about Dragonfly Pointe being haunted – especially since Anna’s murder, unfortunately, remained unsolved – Diane Montgomery just couldn’t say no to her daughter. With a wan smile, Christina nodded. “I’ve always felt her here, you know.”
Few people knew of Christina’s remarkable gift. Kate was only one of a handful of friends who didn’t roll her eyes when Christina claimed she could envision the past as well as foresee the future. But Christina’s prophecies had an undeniably strange predilection for coming true.
“Really? How, so?” Tugging the pillow from Christina’s arms, Kate tossed it up, along with her blanket, to the ledge. Scrambling over the smooth slippery surface of the rocks, Kate spread the blanket over the dusty ground in the alcove above. Plumping up the pillow, she propped it against the far most wall. After that, she reached down from the ledge to close her hand over Christina’s, holding her steady while tugging her up into the shallow cave.
A few moments later, when Christina was comfortably situated, she sighed wearily as she reclined against the pillow. Carefully choosing her words, she finally answered Kate’s question. “Anna’s...unsettled. Her parents were divorced only a couple of years after she was murdered, you know.”
Kate nodded before reaching over and deftly adjusting the pretty pink stocking cap covering Christina’s head.
Distractedly, Christina frowned. She’d lost so much weight over the last few years. Her chemotherapy had been discontinued only a few months ago, after discovering it wasn’t halting the progression of the cancer. And she felt herself becoming weaker every day.
Settling back against the wall, Kate crossed one leg over the other. “Is there some particular reason you wanted to talk to me in here, Chris?”
“It was just too crowded down at the beach, Kate. And I really needed to speak with you alone.” It took a moment for Christina to concentrate – the pain medication was making her feel spacier than usual tonight. Resignedly, she realized her mom must have upped her dosage. It definitely explained why everything she saw had taken on a hazy, dreamlike quality. “This place has always been special to me.”
Soothed by the subtle vibrations of water lapping gently over the rocks below, she began to doze off. The trek along the beach had been exhausting.
Kate remained quiet as Christina took some time to recharge.
And, then, with a start, Christina finally spoke. “The Indians claim this ground is sacred, you know.”
Kate grinned. “Yeah. I think you might’ve already mentioned that to me a couple of times – or more.”
Christina smiled ruefully. “I’ve had a lot of time on my hands since I had to quit going to school. Once my mom bought me my new computer...well...I’ve been doing a lot of research about this town and its history.”
Kate chuckled. “You can’t fool me – you used to spend a lot of time at the library, even before you got sick.” But then she frowned.
“That’s okay, Kate,” Christina whispered. Reaching out, she covered Kate’s hand with hers. “Wanna know what else I learned?”
“Along with all the superstition, there’s some really interesting Indian folklore associated with Dragonfly Pointe.” Christina hesitated, before her eyes met Kate’s. “Supposedly – any death that occurs at Dragonfly Pointe actually provides strength to those left behind to mourn.” With a wry smile, she added, “Unfortunately, though, the progression of life and death is a given.”
When Kate reluctantly nodded her agreement, Christina sighed resignedly. There would be no miracle for her. Kate needed to realize that Christina had, long ago, accepted her fate. She’d always been much wiser than her fourteen years.
But she didn’t want to forget everything she needed to say to her very best friend. Her brain was becoming increasingly foggy, though. It took all her concentration to remain focused. She began abruptly, “It’ll happen with one, single kiss.”
Kate blinked, clearly confused. “What?”
“You’ll fall in love,” Christina announced. “It’ll happen with one, single kiss.”
Kate snorted.
But when Kate’s eyes met hers, Christina remained solemn. “You’ll fight it. And it’ll be several years before you’re willing to accept it. But you’re never gonna be able to forget that kiss.”
Kate giggled uneasily, clearing her throat. “It’s not that I don’t believe you, Chris. But why was it so important for you to tell me that?” Kate rolled her eyes. “We both know how annoying it is when our friends start talking about their stupid boyfriend troubles.”
Christina hesitated, before her eyes suddenly filled with tears. “Did you know, Kate, that I’ve never even been kissed?” Hoarsely, she continued, “And, just like Anna, I’m never gonna have the chance to fall in love.”
Kate appeared momentarily stunned. Christina knew Kate was on a short string emotionally, attempting to remain strong for her. But, it was as if a dam broke loose when, expectedly, Kate began to cry.
Pulling her into her arms, Christina whispered, “There’re gonna be some pretty devastating problems that your family will have to deal with in the future, Kate. And work’s gonna be all that’s important to you. But always remember that, one day, if you’re ever willing to accept it, you’ll have the chance to be incredibly happy. And I really need for you to be happy, Kate. Letting you know what to expect someday – so you don’t let happiness slip through your fingers – it’s the best final gift I could think of to give to you...