L. Ann Marie, page 1

MC: Tailley
MC Series Book 6
Copyright 2015 L.Ann Marie
Published by L.Ann Marie at Smashwords
Edited by: Lori Briones
Smashwords Edition License Notes
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
The Thank You Page (Acknowledgments)
I've written nine books; with this one I had people teaching me about promoting and new releases. Thank you, to all the authors, bloggers and aspiring authors that took time to help with the release event and encouragements so I didn't freak. I never expected anything quite so engaging! You are all awesome! (I'll forget someone so I'm not even trying the list thing.)
Heather Renee, Barbi Bernard and Rocker Reader, I have no idea what I would do without you guiding, pushing and dragging me through the ways of Facebook promotions; I bow to you then throw my arms wide for a {{{{ BIG HUGS }}}}!
My beta readers, new and old, that have kept me straight and given me tips and advice. It was with this book that you floored me with consistent emails about my screw ups. Thanks for catching that! You are as Badass as the old ladies!
I can't forget Tani Schneider who is editing MC: LaPonte through extreme personal issues. Still giving me the proverbial slap on the back and boost just when I need it! Feel better Tani!
And my other new editor, Lori Briones who, as we go crazy with promoting, reading and reviewing, is cleaning up my first books so I can get them into print. I am so thankful to both of you for your time and dedication to my lack of grammar, crazy style and dialect. It's a good thing we share so much in common; who else could believe so strongly in the unbelievable!
Finally to my readers, it's been such a short time yet thousands of you have read my books all around the freakin world...who the hell would have thought that would happen? You put up with my fledgling aspirations and stuck with me (I hope I’m getting better for your sake!). Thank you for your emails, encouragement, posts and reviews. I'm still having trouble believing your real {{{{MUHAAH!}}}} to every one of you! Thank you!
Happy reading,
*Sorry Lori. I know you're probably cringing right now since you didn't get to edit this page...in my defense...I wanted to surprise you. ;) ??
Bob has been with the MC his entire adult life. He was an only child that spent a lot of his time alone. His parents didn’t plan on kids and he was not a happy surprise. Growing up he heard all about it whenever his parents were not pleased with him. As an adult he finds a family in the MC. His Officers teach him about loyalty, commitment and honor. The bond he has with his family runs deep. Their women and kids are his responsibility as much as theirs. His job as Head of Family Security reinforces that commitment daily. Anything and everything he learned was taught to him by his family, whether it was how to treat your woman or how to shoot while riding at one hundred miles an hour. He will do everything he can to keep his family safe, as a trusted soldier in High Security he does.
Amanda is a twin that was never appreciated by her parents. She was a disappointment right from the start. Her sister being book smart, charismatic and outgoing was praised and favored by both her mother and father. Amelia always gave Amanda credit and praise when their parents belittled or outright shunned Amanda. Amelia is Amanda’s greatest supporter in her endeavor to be an artist. Her dream of opening a tattoo parlor takes hard work and dedication. Even after she achieved her dream her parents couldn’t find it in themselves to give her praise. When the President of the MC invites her to open her shop within the MC’s guarded territory Amanda gains confidence and flourishes as the artist she dreamed of being. She lives her life without the support of her family but finds that support through the women of the MC.
This is the story of Bob and Amanda.
Who’s Who
With so many characters it gets confusing.
Hope this helps.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter One
Are you fuckin kidding me? Chet pulls her shirt over her head and drops it on a chair. No fuckin bra. I always liked her flowing shirts; now I fuckin love them. Pierced nipples don't surprise me, she does it for a living but seeing her fat nipples with the ring jewels gets my dick swelling.
"You just watching, Bob?" Chet says. I look at his smile and bend to take the nipple he's holding for my mouth. She fuckin moans and holds my head on her tit. I hear him talking but I can't get past her fuckin moaning to hear what he's saying. I'd go to the other tit but his hand is on her. I've imagined this since I met her. Sliding one hand down I feel that flat stomach I've been getting glimpses of for fuckin years. She pushes her hips out, encouraging my hand. Not needing any other encouragement, I move to her skirt and unsnap it; one push and it’s at her feet. My hand finds her pussy warm and wet. Fuck. Chet has his fingers in her from the back. Her scent is driving me fuckin crazy but I can't put my mouth on her. She's willing to fuck both of us in her shop after a couple of shots. Who knows who else has been with her? She's got some fuckin douchebags hanging around here every fuckin night. We just threw one out.
I lift my head and watch her take his fingers from behind while my fingers are on her nub. All I'm doing is flipping her bar; she's moving for my hand. Eyes closed, head back on Chet's chest; she's fuckin sexy as hell.
I look at Chet; he nods to the table and starts walking her over. I lift her up and lay her down on it. Fuckin perfect height; he hands me a cover and rolls one on himself. "Slide in her mouth, Bob." He tells me. This is why I don't share, fuckin Brother telling me where to stick my dick doesn't do it for me.
Amanda moans and grabs my shirt pulling me to her head. "I've been waiting for this." She says, her voice thick. I wonder if she's had too much to drink but let the thought go as soon as her hand grabs my dick. I drop my pants to my thighs and give her what she's been waiting for. Fuck if she doesn't deliver. She spends time appreciating my barbell then swallows me down. Fuck, she's not even gagging. I don't need any more to start fuckin her mouth. She's moans when Chet starts moving faster.
He's talking away; I'm just enjoying the view of my dick going in and out of her mouth. She's got her hand playing with my balls and holding my dick as I pull out. She knows what she's doing. One hand holds her head, the other her nipple.
Chet starts pounding into her and she pulls my dick out of her mouth. "Fuck, you were sucking him so good, Amanda." Chet says.
"Come up here and I'll suck you so good." She tells him, still with the thick sound to her voice.
He pulls out and moves my way. I cover and slide in her. "Yes, that's how it's supposed to be." She says softly; I almost miss it. What the fuck does that mean? She wanted me in her pussy? I push in, moaning; she's fuckin wet and tight. Perfect. Chet turns her head, taking her eyes off me. Another reason I don't share; I liked the way she was looking at me. I fuck her with my finger on her bar, watching my dick slide in and out of her pretty pussy. Chet yells her name, pissing me off. I keep my eyes on her pussy. He says something to her and walks by me. I look up and see her watching me. She starts moving with me, looking and sounding like she's enjoying it. Fuck if that doesn't pull me back to wanting to make it good for her. I hold her ankles and fuck her hard. She slides her hand to her pussy and I watch her fingers while my dick slides right below, feeling her bar scraping me.
"Please, Bob." She begs. I slam her, rolling my hips and watching her eyes; she's loving it. I keep going until she comes; seeing her face relax, her eyes close with my name in her mouth, I fuckin explode right after. I don't stop moving until she's stops squeezing me so fuckin hard. "Fuck, Amanda." I get out, breathing heavy. Fuck! That was surprisingly intense. I bend over her and kiss the little inked heart over her heart. I don't know what the fuck makes me do that. I pull out and help her sit up. She's breathing heavy and leans on my chest. Not knowing what else to do, I put my arms around her.
Chet comes out of the bathroom, reminding me this was just a
I shake my head as I'm cleaning myself up. What the fuck did I expect? Coming out of the bathroom, I see Chet has her clothes on her and is laughing at something she said. He asks if she wants him to walk her upstairs and she looks at me; I just watch her. Does she want me to walk her upstairs? "I can walk you up if you want."
She looks at me for a minute. Fuck, I don't know what the fuck she's looking for but I'm not into sharing regularly. "No, I got it. Thanks." She says, but doesn't look happy about it.
I see regret already written on her face. Fuck. I walk to her and kiss her head. "I'll see you around, Amanda." She nods and I walk through the door that Chet is holding open for me. I wait until I hear the lock click before walking to my bike.
"You feeling like a dick that was just used?" Chet asks.
I look at him. "Why?"
"Fuckin chick's been shutting everyone down since her fuckin ex. All of a sudden, she's up for two then acts like an ice queen right after? Not sure if I should feel fuckin flattered her pussy thawed for thirty fuckin minutes or like a dick being used."
She's been shutting everyone down? "She's got fuckin douchebags hanging around every fuckin night. Why wouldn't it just be our turn; right time, right place?"
He laughs, "Maybe." He starts his bike and throws me chin.
Throwing my leg over my seat, I look up and see the curtains move, thank fuck the window is closed.
I am a fuckin moron. What a slut; the first time I'm with two guys and it had to be with Bob. I shouldn't have had that last shot. I go to the fridge and cross off 'three way' from the bucket list. Today was the day my twin, Amelia, died. She was the smart, outgoing, perfect child my parents loved; I was always the fuck up. I snort, that's an understatement. I made a bucket list and every few months I cross something that Amelia didn't get to do off it. Today, I fucked it up royally.
I've had a crush on Bob since he helped me out when I first moved in here. My friend Tess had a vision of biker thugs messing with me at my shop one night; Bob was waiting and stopped them before they started.
His thick brown hair, chocolate colored eyes, snake bite lip piercings, on top of the toned, muscled and inked body, had my panties wet from the first time I saw him. His looks are the epitome of the bad boy women's mothers warn them about. Too pretty to let go by without a second glance but getting too close to him could be dangerous. I've heard women talk about him being a fuckin God in bed but never hitting the same woman twice.
He's not boyfriend material; that was part of the reason I went along with it tonight. Feeling raw and emotional, missing Amelia and wanting to accomplish something from the list; I might as well have Bob the only way I could get him. It's not like he'd ask me out.
I get all this and knew before I started what I was doing. So why the fuck do I have tears falling down my face? I put my head against the mirrored wall in the hall. "Miss you, Meely." I slide down to my knees, keeping my head against the wall and cry. For some reason, I don’t feel so alone right here.
Chapter Two
One month
I ride with Danny at my side; he's fuckin nuts on a bike. Almost old enough to be my father and he still rides and shoots better than me. My buddy Rich, Danny's son, beat him in shoot around one year. I thought it was a turning point for me; I came in third. Fuckin guy came back and beat him the next year. With VP coming in second, that put me in at a distant fourth. They've traded first, second and third every fuckin year; every fuckin year I come in fourth. I can't help but smile, my fourth is still way out of reach from fifth.
Danny is the guy they pair me up with when dealing with fuckin drug pushing pussies trying to move into the yard or during the wars people always seem to bring to us. I love the guy and I always feel proud when I'm partnered with him. Today, we're running down a lead from one of the Associates; too many questions about the kids and their activities have the Officers and Family Security running on high alert.
Pulling in the driveway, we park facing out. Danny walks right up to the door; no fuckin fear. I smile as he's pounding; the intent isn't a civil conversation. Horse told us the guy was drinking heavily last night, throwing out the same questions in the middle of the fuckin Plank that he asked the Associate earlier in The Office. It's a good thing the Club owns both bars. They put a Brother with him at a booth, feeding him drinks to keep him contained then poured him in a cab, letting Security know what was going on and where he was staying.
Bleary eyed and looking like shit, the hungover pussy is pissed. "What the fuck! Get the fuck away from my door!"
Danny opens the storm door and pushes him up against the wall. I step in and close the door. "Thanks for opening the door." Danny is so calm, sounding like he's really thankful. With his eye patch and the scar going across his cheek, he's a scary looking Brother. He's about eight inches taller than the pussy. "Heard you were asking questions about some kids from the yard last night. Thought we'd come by and give you the answers you're looking for." He's less than a foot away from the guy.
Pussy looks up at him, then over to me. "Yeah. Yeah, that would be good. I'm trying to do a story and can't get any answers. This fuckin town is closed up tight." He slides to the side.
Danny puts his hand on the guys shoulder and walks him to the couch. "I know what you mean, I can't find one fuckin gossip; even the fuckin women won't say shit." He pushes the pussy down on the couch. "So what do you need answered?"
The guy isn't too sure of Danny; he's looking nervous. When Danny sits in the chair on the side of the couch, the guy relaxes. I stand in the archway, watching with a blank look on my face. "Do you mind if I get my notes and a recorder? I'm a little under the weather this morning."
"Oh, no problem, you don't even have to move. Just tell Bob where they are, he'll get them for you." I want to smile; Danny is so fuckin likable when he smiles and throws on the charm.
Pussy looks at him then me. "On the kitchen table." I move down the hall to the kitchen and find his notes, laptop and recorder. I take it all back to the living room and put it on the coffee table.
"Thanks." He picks up the recorder and hits record. "What's your name?"
"Danny LaPonte." Danny says, still smiling. I want to fuckin laugh; I turn away and move down the hall again, looking for anything else the guy might have on the kids. I find pictures in his bag. Fuckers got two envelopes; one dedicated to the Baxter's, the other the MC. I open the MC's, looking through shaking my head; two are Danny's kids, the others are Cloud’s and one of Steve's. Guy doesn't know it but he's now a member of the fuckin walking dead. I check through the rest of his bag; he's supposed to be a reporter but he's got check stubs for pictures from different rags. At a guess, I'd put him as paparazzi.
I check the bedroom, grabbing his wallet from his discarded pants. Two grand is unusual to be carrying around in this day of bank cards and ATMs on every corner. I don't recognize any of the business cards but one has a time and ‘the R&R’ written on the back; it was in with the money. I wonder if he is paying someone or he got paid. I call Rich to look at the feed from yesterday. He has nothing identifying him as press. Under his mattress are pictures of Tess and Jess; they're laughing, coming out of the bakery. Why would he keep these separate? I shake my head, disgusted. I look through everything, not finding anything else of interest. He hasn't been here long making the search easy.
I hear Danny laughing in the living room; the pussy is happy, asking him questions. Fuckin Danny answers them honestly and with a smile. He's telling him about Jeremy and Aaron putting the middle school bullies down at the beach the other day. Little Ben and Darren watched with bored expressions while the seven and nine year old beat the fuck out of the kids. They're fuckin father went to Little Ben and Darren thinking they did it. Little Ben laid him out and brought Jeremy and Aaron over, making his kids admit it was the little ones that hit them. Aaron spoke for Darren, signing, 'teach your kids what bullying is. You don't put your hands on kids and you sure as hell don't hit kids smaller than you just because you think you can. Maybe they should come to the Little Brothers meetings so they learn that.' Little Ben shakes his head no. 'Maybe not. Run along bullies, there's no room for you here with the good town’s people.' Danny says, laughing hysterically.