Slave Empire - Prophecy, page 1

Slave Empire I
T C Southwell
Copyright 2012 by T C Southwell
Please note that this is the first book of a series, but the remainder of the series is not available for free.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
The temple’s sputtering torches shed lurid light on the high priest’s grim face as he bent to slit the sacrifice’s throat. The sleek white grendal gazelle writhed on the gem-encrusted black altar, its slender legs thrashing as its life drained out in a scarlet stream. Its grey eyes closed, and its head drooped. Empress Drevina Ranshan contemplated the many such boring rituals she had been forced to endure over the years, hoping this one would be more interesting. Usually the rites culminated in a sing-song liturgy about the might of the Drayconar Empire and its rosy future.
The priest glanced at his audience of Draycon nobility before he sliced open the gazelle’s belly with a deft motion. Red and blue entrails spilt out, and he thrust his hands into the bloody mess and spread it on the sacrificial slab, bending closer to study the offal. Several minutes passed before he straightened, his throat sacks inflating and red eyes glittering with triumph.
“She has come. She has been born on Enthos.” He raised his hands, the wide sleeves of his crimson and gold robe sliding back to reveal withered arms, and shouted, “She must die! Her destiny must not be fulfilled! She must not stop the great one who will vanquish Atlan. He is our saviour! He comes soon, to aid us in our fight against those who would oppress us!”
Drevina stepped forward as he lowered his arms. “What does she look like?”
The priest shrugged. “She is the Golden Child, Empress. Something about her must be gold. Her hair, eyes, or skin.”
“So you don’t know. How will we find one miserable girl on this Enthos? We don’t even know where the planet is!” Her voice rose.
The priest met her gaze, his scaly crest rising a little, indicating his irritation. “I know not. I have done my duty and given warning of the coming danger. Follow the Atlanteans. They will go there to find her, or wait until they have her, then take her from them.”
“How easy do you think it will be to take her from the most powerful empire in the galaxy?”
The priest nodded, his expression impassive. “You’ll find a way, Empress. That’s why you were born as our ruler at this time of danger. You’ve been chosen to stop her, and you will.”
Drevina snorted, then smiled. “Yes, I’ll find her, and she’ll die. Your ranting cannot stop the wheels of destiny, but I can. All you can do is fondle the guts of dead animals and prophesy, but I’ll ensure Drayconar rules the galaxy.”
She leant closer, her manner threatening. “You had better be right. If she’s not on that stupid planet, it will be your blood on this altar next. Be quite sure before you send me on a fool’s errand.”
The high priest licked his lips, revealing a glimpse of pointed pink teeth. “I am certain, Empress.”
Drevina cast her gaze over the bevy of loyal subjects gathered within the temple’s blood-red walls adorned with gold inlaid carvings of grotesque gods and demigods. The torches’ green-shot flames fluttered and dipped, sending monstrous shadows across strained faces. Thick, oily smoke gathered in the roof’s grimy carvings, adding to the planet’s already foul ammonia-sulphur atmosphere.
“Then we will find this Enthos, and kill the Golden Child,” she proclaimed.