Finding Family
Susan Warner
Children's Books / Literature & Fiction / Religion & Spirituality
A treasure worth having is worth believing inMargo Wilson understands two things really well: planning and timing.After looking carefully at the statistics, her family tree, and the town she lived in,Margo knew one thing for certain. She was in the last six months of her two-yearwindow of optimal breeding. None of her close friends would understand or approve,but she has to get pregnant in the next six months if kids are going to be in her future.She needs to find a good donor, write a great contract, and voila, instant Mommy.Roman Gray should have been a happy man. After being erroneously incarceratedfor a year, the real culprits were found and brought to justice. Unfortunately,that year in prison was plenty of time to destroy his life, connections, and to lose his fiancée.Now he wanders around doing odd jobs and going wherever they take him. Disillusionedand bitter with life, he believes he's seen it all, and...
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