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Protecting Caroline (SEAL of Protection Book 1), page 1


Protecting Caroline (SEAL of Protection Book 1)
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Protecting Caroline (SEAL of Protection Book 1)

  Protecting Caroline

  SEAL of Protection, Book 1

  by Susan Stoker

  This book is a word of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or ate used factiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2014 by Susan Stoker

  No part of this work may be used, stored, reproduced or transmitted without written permission from the publisher except for brief quotations for review purposes as permitted by law.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Cover Design by Chris Mackey, AURA Design Group

  Edited by Missy Borucki

  Manufactured in the United States


  I would like to take the time to thank my awesome editor, Missy B., for polishing up my words and making Wolf and Caroline’s story even better.

  To my wonderful Stoker Aces…ya’ll are the best street team ever. We might not be big, but you guys do such a great job in supporting me and pimping me out! Thank you!

  To Connie N—Thank you for being my very first Beta reader for Protecting Caroline and giving me GREAT tips that I think helped make the story so much better.

  To Amy H—Wow, you gave me the confidence I needed to really work to get this series out. Thank you for all your encouragement and tips, every day. It means more than you’ll know.

  To my friends and family, who I am sure are wondering when I’m going to be “over this writing thing”…thanks for putting up with me!

  To all my readers, thank you for taking a chance on me. Without you I’m not sure I’d be putting my stories out there.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  About the Author

  Discover other titles


  Matthew “Wolf” Steel couldn’t be more proud of his five teammates, and friends. SEAL teams were notoriously tight, and his team was no different. The SEALs were exhausted. They’d just spent the last two weeks at an “undisclosed location” trying to ferret out the head bad guy in a nest of hundreds of other bad guys. It’d been a hell of mission, but one they’d ultimately succeeded in accomplishing.

  Looking around the plane, Wolf observed the sleeping men. He really should be crashed as they were, but he still had way too much adrenaline coursing through his body to relax just yet. He knew he’d be out for the count later, but for now, he was wide awake.

  Christopher “Abe” Powers was the first to catch Wolf’s eye. Abe was probably his closest friend of the group. Wolf thought he was the only one of the group who knew even a little bit of Abe’s background, but it was uncanny how well the nickname fit Abe. The man was as honest as the day was long and Abe demanded that same honesty in those he called his friends.

  Wolf watched as Abe shifted in his seat and then settled once again. Wolf then looked over to Hunter “Cookie” Knox. Cookie had been the most recent addition to their team, but no one looked down on him as a result. Unlike many businesses, it didn’t matter if a SEAL was fresh out of Seal Qualification Training or had been on a team for years, a SEAL is a SEAL.

  The group was still getting to know Cookie, but he’d proven to be a great addition to their close-knit team. Cookie was the best swimmer out of all of them; he was funny, compassionate, and never hesitated to do whatever it took to get the job done.

  Faulkner “Dude” Cooper’s mutterings drew Wolf’s attention. Dude hadn’t taken any of his gear off and was sitting scrunched into the little seat on the military plane. Wolf remembered when Dude was almost blown up trying to secure a building. As their resident explosives expert, Dude found a booby trapped M14 mine duct taped to a door jamb during one of their missions. The mine was nicknamed “toe popper” because it was designed to maim and slow down people entering a room, rather than kill them.

  Dude had immediately recognized the type of mine and had moved to re-insert the safety clip to disarm it, but something had gone wrong and the bomb went off. The mine did what it was intended to do; resulting in Dude losing parts of three of his fingers on his left hand. He had extensive scarring as well as missing parts of his hand as a consequence of being too close to the mine when it exploded.

  Wolf knew Dude was more sensitive about his injury than he’d ever let on to any of his teammates. Wolf had seen Dude’s face go blank and cold when a woman rejected him after seeing his mangled hand. Although he missed his friend’s happy-go-lucky attitude at times, Wolf was thankful Dude was still with them. With the best instincts when it came to explosives, Wolf knew the team was better off because Dude was on it.

  Thinking about Dude’s issues with women caused Wolf to reflect upon Sam “Mozart” Reed. That was one man who certainly didn’t have any problems with women. Mozart was popular with the ladies and never hesitated to turn any encounter into one which involved flirting and the possibility of a one-night-stand. As far as Wolf knew, however, Mozart had never been tempted into anything more.

  Wolf figured Mozart’s aversion to settling down with one woman had something to do with Mozart’s little sister being murdered when he was a child, but Wolf never pried. A man was allowed to have his secrets.

  Wolf chuckled to himself thinking about the last man on their team, Kason “Benny” Sawyer. Nicknames were a part of life on SEAL teams. Everyone got one and it wasn’t necessarily something that was macho or even wanted by the recipient. Benny was a case in point. He’d been trying for years to get the guys to change his name, but they’d just laughed and ignored him. An inside joke with the team, they’d ask Benny if he liked some new name only to just laugh and say “too bad” when Benny agreed that he loved the new one. Benny had earned his nickname fair and square, and nothing he could say would change it.

  Feeling tired for the first time since he’d climbed onto the plane, Wolf finally closed his eyes. He felt lucky he not only had one of the most interesting and exciting jobs in the world, but that he was able to work with such a great group of men. Each man had his strengths and weaknesses and there were no secrets within the group. Abe, Cookie, Mozart, Benny, and Dude were teammates, but they were also his closest friends.

  Wolf sighed, settled himself into his seat and tried to get comfortable. The team would most likely have a few weeks stateside before being sent on another mission, but time off was never guaranteed. Wolf knew the night after they returned; the team would head to their favorite bar for a “post-mission” ritual of blowing off steam and shooting the shit.

  Leaving the mission behind was sometimes difficult, but somehow their tradition of throwing back a few beers would break the team out of the military frame of mind and bring them back to what was important…friendship and women.

  Wolf figured each team member knew they most likely wouldn’t meet the woman of their dreams in a bar—especially not in a bar near the base where too many women were more than willing to sleep with a SEAL just to say she’d done it. But, it didn’t stop the boys from enjoying what was frequently offered.

  Wolf ignored the niggling little voice in his head that said he wouldn’t mind settling down and finding someone to love. It wasn’t as if he could plan it, he’d just have to go with the flow. Hopefully it happened sooner rather than later, but he wasn’t going to act desperate about it.

  Sleep finally came over Wolf, as it had the rest of his team, and they all slept the sleep of the exhausted as they flew toward California, and home.

  Chapter One

  Like a fantasy brought to life, each woman in the bar was acutely aware of the table full of gorgeous men sitting in the corner. Obviously in the military, they were muscular and had a wariness about them that came from too many missions overseas. Every one of the women would have given anything to be able to go home with one of them—they were that good looking.

  The group of six teammates and friends were enjoying a final beer together before some of them headed off on leave. Known for its excellent beer choices and as a good place to pick up women, the bar was where they spent quite a bit of time, especially after a mission. All six men had gone home with a woman they’d met there at one time or another. So far none of them had found “the one.” It wasn’t as if they didn’t want to find someone to love, it just hadn’t happened for any of them yet, and in the meantime they all enjoyed playing the field.

  All of the men had played the pick-up game at one time or another, but Wolf was the least likely to hook up with a random chick who just wante
d to bag a SEAL. He’d learned at a young age, by looking at the example his folks set, that true love was out there and could be found. Wolf wasn’t a saint, but he also never flaunted his sexuality.

  “You ready for your vacation?” Dude asked Wolf.

  “Oh, hell yeah! I can’t remember the last time I took some time off…hell, when any of us took time off.”

  “Where are you guys going again?” Dude questioned.

  “Mozart, Abe, and I are headed out to Virginia to visit Tex. We’ve been using him on more and more missions lately because he’s got some amazing contacts the Navy couldn’t hope to replicate.”

  Taking a breath, Wolf continued, “After Tex lost his leg on that mission, he retired and it’s been way too long since we’ve seen him. Since we’re slated to leave out of Norfolk in a couple of weeks for our next mission, we thought we’d take some R&R and head out there beforehand.”

  Everyone around the table nodded at Wolf’s explanation of where he, Abe and Mozart were going in Virginia. Benny, Dude, and Cookie also knew Tex well and were glad Wolf and the others would get to spend some time with him.

  “That sucks he left the Navy,” Benny said, “but I get it. If I couldn’t stay with you guys and a team, I wouldn’t want to stay in only to have to work a desk.”

  “Yeah, but can you imagine how much harder some of the shit we do would be if it wasn’t for him?” Mozart responded. “Seriously, I have no idea how Tex gets the information he does, but I don’t think we’d be as quick to get through some of our missions without him.”

  “Yeah, he seriously is scary with that computer shit,” Cookie enthused. “Tex can find anyone, no matter where they are.”

  Mozart nodded. “I certainly hope that’s true. He’s working on something personal for me and I really need him to come through.”

  Wolf thumped Mozart on his back. “I’m sure he will. Given enough time Tex always comes through. Hey, you ready for Norfolk?”

  Mozart’s mood lifted immediately at Wolf’s question. “Can’t wait! Heard there are some awesome bars around the base out there and not as many SEALs to compete for the ladies.”

  Everyone laughed. The group knew how much Mozart loved finding “fresh meat” to convince to go back to his room with him.

  The men sat in the bar until late in the evening, talking and enjoying their time together. Typically the conversation would veer toward women, alcohol, and their job. Because Wolf, Abe, and Mozart had get to the airport early in the morning, they eased off their typical competitive natures about who could drink the most and spent their time relaxing and playing the odd game of pool.

  Finally, as the evening turned into night and the crowd began to get thicker and more uninhibited, Abe thunked his empty bottle on the table and sighed, “Damn, wish we weren’t leaving so early in the morning, that chick at the bar’s been checking me out all night.”

  Cookie laughed. “As much as I hate to agree with you, especially considering it makes me sound too much like Mozart, I think you’re right. And if I’m not mistaken, her friend’s been checking me out.”

  Everyone laughed because they’d noticed the duo at the bar making eyes at them all night. It was obvious the women didn’t really care who they ended up with, as long as they went home with a SEAL, but their eyes followed Cookie and Abe more than the others.

  “The one on the right is Adelaide and the one on the left is Michele,” Mozart told them knowingly.

  Wolf just raised an eyebrow at his teammate while everyone else demanded to know how Mozart knew who the women were.

  “They come here all the time. I might have gotten to know them both reaaally well a couple of weeks ago. I’m sure they’ll be willing to get to know you better when you get back, Abe.”

  Nobody was surprised at Mozart’s words. Taking on two women at a time was just the type of thing they’d expect out of him. None of them doubted that Mozart was telling the truth and not just bragging. The group knew him too well.

  “I’m a one-woman-at-a-time man,” Abe told the group laughing. “But Adelaide looks like my kind of woman. I think I’ll see if she might be interested in a few weeks when we get back home.”

  Everyone knew he was warning them off. Abe didn’t stand for poaching. The men chuckled at his claim, used to Abe’s quirks when it came to women.

  “As much fun as this has been, I’m gonna hit the road,” Wolf announced to the group, not in the least abashed to be the first person leaving for the night.

  “Yeah, me too,” Mozart chimed in.

  “We’ll see the rest of you guys in a couple weeks in Norfolk,” Abe told his friends and teammates as he stood up, joining Wolf and Mozart as they got ready to leave.

  The three men smacked each other on the back good-naturedly as they said their good-byes to the rest of the group and headed out the door, disappearing into the night.

  Cookie, Benny, and Dude pushed back their chairs not too much later to leave as well. “See you guys in the morning at PT,” Dude told them as they walked out through the door of the bar.

  “You’d think with the others gone we’d at least get a morning off from training,” Cookie mock grumbled. Benny and Dude laughed, knowing Cookie loved to work out, never missing PT unless he was sick or recovering from an injury.

  “Whatever Cookie, you know the CO has a ten miler scheduled. You’ll be there before all of us.”

  Cookie just laughed. The men gave chin lifts to each other and faded into the parking lot to their cars and into the night.

  A previous commander of the SEAL team once remarked to an Officer that had been visiting the base that this group of six men were one of the best teams he’d ever commanded, not because of the skills they’d learned during Hell Week or because of their strength, but because of the genuine respect they had for each other.

  “Those men would do anything for each other. They’re the epitome of the word “team.” If ever I needed rescuing or protecting, those would be the men I’d want.”

  Chapter Two

  Caroline shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She hated flying. She hadn’t flown much and there were just too many people, too close together. She tried to ignore the people walking down the aisle to their seats. At least she’d gotten an aisle seat close to the front of the plane. Caroline watched the shoes of the people passing her. She felt too awkward to look into people’s eyes as they lumbered past. The boarding process was one of the parts of flying Caroline hated the most…waiting to see who’d be in the seat next to her. Looking out the corner of her eye at the man sitting in the window seat, she noticed he was already settled in, reading a newspaper; not paying any attention to the rest of the passengers as they shuffled by their row.

  Sneakers, flip flops, sneakers, loafers, sandals, boots….the boots didn’t pass. She looked up and saw a man had stopped next to her seat.

  “I guess I’m in the middle then,” he said in a deep voice that sent shivers straight through her.

  Caroline nodded and stood up to let him pass. Brushing against her as he moved past, he settled himself into the seat next to her. The dreaded middle seat. The man wasn’t overweight, far from it, but he certainly wasn’t small. It was a cozy fit. Caroline’s shoulders literally rubbed against his when she sat back down—she wouldn’t be using the armrest for the flight.

  He was one hell of a man that was sure. He was tall, when she’d stood up to let him into the row she’d barely came to his shoulder. And holy hell, he was muscular. She wondered for a moment if he was a body builder. If she wrapped both hands around his bicep, Caroline didn’t think her hands would touch. The man was wearing long sleeves, but she could see the fabric straining over his biceps. He was sporting a pair of cargo pants, the kind with the multitude of pockets. As they sat, Caroline could see his legs were just as muscular as the rest of him. She blushed a bit and tore her eyes away. Woah. He could be a model and would probably make a killing. She knew he probably wasn’t though. He was too rugged, too masculine, too…well…manly to be any kind of model, no matter what he’d make at doing it.

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