Justice for Mickie, page 1

Justice for Mickie
Badge of Honor
Texas Heroes
Book 2
by Susan Stoker
For Cruz Livingston, becoming an FBI agent is a lifelong dream, guarding the streets of San Antonio a calling. His latest assignment—infiltrating the Red Brothers Motorcycle Club—will help stem the flow of illegal drugs brought into the city by the violent gang. He expects the job to be dangerous. He doesn’t expect to meet the woman of his dreams while undercover.
Mickie Kaiser is refreshingly sweet, but her sister is intimately involved with the RBMC’s president. Cruz can’t afford to come clean about his double life without putting his operation in danger, but as violence creeps ever closer to Mickie, his priority becomes crystal clear. Cruz will do anything to keep Mickie alive…even if it means losing her love.
* Justice for Mickie is the 2nd book in the Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes series. Each book is a stand-alone, with no cliffhanger endings.
** This story features some very bad men, doing very bad things. The Red Brothers MC is up to its eyeballs in criminal and nefarious activities, including drugs, violence, and sexual abuse. The Brothers definitely don’t know how to treat their women…but our alpha FBI hero does. And he’s determined to protect his woman from the MC. At any cost.
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2015 by Susan Stoker
No part of this work may be used, stored, reproduced or transmitted without written permission from the publisher except for brief quotations for review purposes as permitted by law.
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Cover Design by Chris Mackey, AURA Design Group
Manufactured in the United States
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Discover other titles
About the Author
Chapter One
Cruz Livingston took a deep breath and willed himself to relax. He’d been undercover with the Red Brothers Motorcycle Club for a month—no, twenty-six days to be exact—and in his eyes, it was twenty-six days too long. Undercover assignments were never easy, but this had been like taking a fiery trip to hell the entire time.
He hadn’t expected the job to be sunshine and roses, but he’d obviously gotten soft, because Cruz knew some of the shit he’d been forced to do to “prove” himself would haunt him for a long time. He hadn’t killed or been pushed to rape anyone, thank God, but he’d threatened and beaten men up, and sold drugs. It was the selling of the drugs that had almost broken him.
It was ironic, the very reason he’d gone undercover—to stop the sale of drugs—was what he’d been forced to do from the very start of this assignment.
Cruz hadn’t seen much of Ransom’s supposed girlfriend, the person he was supposed to be getting close to in order to get information about the president. Her name was Angel, but from what Cruz could tell, she wasn’t much of a girlfriend, more like a woman he was screwing. Cruz had seen Ransom fuck women in the middle of the clubhouse, not caring who was watching, so he obviously wasn’t concerned about being exclusive with Angel.
Cruz’s original plan had been to get in tight with the girlfriend and see what he could find out about the operation through her. But he had quickly found out that wasn’t going to work. Ransom didn’t give a shit about Angel, so it would look extremely odd for him to be cozying up to the woman.
MCs typically had two types of women hanging around—bikers’ old ladies and club whores. The old ladies were somewhat respected by the other members of the club, and weren’t ever disrespected by the whores or anyone outside the tight-knit group. The whores, on the other hand, were there to fuck and to use. Period. The whores knew their place, and never complained about it, ever hopeful that one day they might catch the eye of one of the members and become an old lady.
Cruz figured many of them continued to hang around for the drugs they were given in return for their services far more than they wanted to be an old lady. It was hard for him to fathom why any woman would allow herself to be mistreated as the whores in this club were, free drugs or not.
In the twenty-six days Cruz had been a prospect of the club, he’d seen some of the worst treatment of women he’d ever had the misfortune to observe in all his life, and that was saying something. His job as a member of the FBI included some pretty gnarly things, but watching as a drugged-out, half-conscious woman got gang-banged by ten members of the Hermanos Rojos motorcycle club, who didn’t give a shit how rough they were, was one of the worst. The only reason Cruz hadn’t had to participate was because of his prospect status. Until he was deemed “worthy” of the club, he wasn’t allowed to participate in the orgies. Thank God.
Cruz knew he couldn’t save everyone, but watching the women essentially get raped by the MC members brought to mind his ex-wife. She’d never been raped, but Cruz hadn’t been able to save her from other seedy parts of life.
Cruz shook his head, trying to get back into the game. Standing in the middle of the Red Brothers’ clubhouse wasn’t the time to remember his fucked-up relationship with his ex-wife.
“Yo, Smoke, get your ass over here!” Ransom called from across the room.
Cruz had chosen the nickname Smoke when he’d joined the club. He hadn’t bothered to explain it, letting the club members think what they wanted about the name. In actuality, it was his friend Dax who’d come up with the moniker. They’d joked that he was sneaky like smoke…getting into every crevice of the Hermanos Rojos’s business and hopefully being the reason they were eventually taken down.
The only reason Cruz was able to infiltrate the MC was because an FBI agent who’d had a long-term undercover assignment at another club, near the border of Texas and Mexico, had vouched for Cruz when Ransom and his vice president had inquired. Simply being allowed in the clubhouse, and being privy to much of what went on there, was a huge step in being able to gather information on the club and hopefully stop one of the many entry points for drugs into the city.
He’d told Ransom and the others he was a part-time mall security cop. He had to have some sort of job, and doing anything directly related to law enforcement was definitely out, but he also needed a reason to look relatively clean-cut and not quite so “bikerish.”
Cruz ambled over to where Kitty, Tick, and three other members of the club were standing.
“What’s up?” Cruz asked with a chin lift to the guys.
“Got a job for ya,” Ransom said with disdain, obviously annoyed at something. “I’m keeping some pussy on the side, but she’s getting to be a pain in my ass. You know, demanding and shit, but I’ve got plans for her, so I can’t piss her off. She called and demanded to come over to the clubhouse tonight. I don’t particularly like her ass anywhere near here, but if I want to get in there and use her to get more high-class customers, I have to give in. I need you to go and pick her ass up.”
Cruz’s mind spun. He figured Ransom was talking about Angel, but he hadn’t been privy to what customers Ransom thought he could get by using her. Cruz wondered just what other plans the president of the club had.
“Sure thing. What’s the bitch look like?” Cruz’s words were sneered with just the right amount of attitude.
“She’s tall and skinny with big tits, which makes her nice to fuck. She’s got long blonde hair and fancies herself in love with a real live MC president.” The other guys laughed as if Ransom had said the funniest thing they’d ever heard.
“What’s the draw, Pres?” Cruz knew he was pushing his luck, but he wanted to see if he could dig a bit deeper and see if getting in with Angel’s friends was the only reason the man was hanging around her.
“The draw is that we’re trying to expand business, and Angel is beautiful to look at but dumb as a rock. She’s got access to a whole new set of customers…fancy-ass rich women, and we need to draw them in. She’s so enamored of my role, and my cock, she’ll do whatever I tell her to. I know she wants to continue to suck my MC president dick, so she’ll do what I want, no questions asked.”
Cruz didn’t like what he was hearing, but kept his voice even. “So, I pick her ass up and bring her back here, then what?”
“Then we throw a lame-ass par
Cruz’s stomach turned. He wondered if this was how his ex had started out. He didn’t know Angel, but there was no way he wanted to be a party to anything Ransom had in store for her, never mind her friends.
When he’d volunteered for the assignment, the goal was for him to gain some knowledge the FBI could use to remove just one of the avenues for drugs getting into the city, and if necessary, plant the seed for placing a more long-term agent inside the club. Since Cruz wasn’t supposed to be there for months, he was to gather evidence about their drug-dealing so the agency could keep their eye on the club and, if things went as planned, bring down some of their contacts as well. No one knew how deep the Hermanos Rojos were with the big players.
Ransom wanting to use innocent women—although always a possibility; they’d known about Angel going in—was something that would never be all right with Cruz. If he could save Angel in the process of shutting down some of their supply lines before he got out, all the better.
“Sounds easy enough. Pick her up, bring her here. Got it. You got her address?”
“Better. I’m tracking her. Planted a bug in her purse. Bitch doesn’t go anywhere without that huge-ass bag.” Ransom flicked a small electronic device in Cruz’s direction. “You’ll see where she is. Bring her ass back here at eight. Not a second before. We’ll do the party thing, I’ll take her home, fuck her, and be back here by eleven. Then we can really party.”
The other men around him laughed crudely.
Ransom focused on the other members of his club. “Make sure the whores are back by then. I’m in the mood for a gang bang tonight. Angel’s tight pussy just won’t be enough. There’s nothing like fucking a whore when she’s tied down and squirming for more.”
Cruz laughed along with the other men at the president’s words, while cringing inside.
“One more thing, Smoke,” Ransom warned as Cruz started to leave.
Cruz turned back to the president and lifted his chin.
“Angel has a bitch of a sister who doesn’t want her to have anything to do with the club. She’s been riding Angel’s ass, and I’m sick of it. Do whatever it takes to keep her skanky ass away, even if that means you put her out of commission for a while. That bitch had better not fuck with my plans, otherwise she’ll find herself hurt in a way so she won’t be able to mess with me.”
Chapter Two
Michelle “Mickie” Kaiser sat across from her sister in the small restaurant and tried to reason with her.
“Angel, those guys are bad news, seriously. I’ve told you this a million times.”
“And I keep telling you to back the hell off. Ransom already doesn’t like you. He knows how you harp on me and he’s fed up with it. I was hoping you’d support me, and be friends with my boyfriend, but you haven’t ever liked any of the men I’ve dated.”
“You know that’s not true. I just think you could do better. I honestly think Ransom is using you.”
“How is he using me? Huh? Tell me that. He dotes on me, buys me stuff, and he listens to me when I talk, which is more than you do.”
Mickie tried really hard not to lose her cool. “Think about this for a second, Angel. First of all, he’s at least twenty years older than you. It’s actually kind of gross. He’s also never invited you to his house, wherever that might be. He comes to your apartment, fucks you, then leaves. He doesn’t date you at all. No movies, no dinners, no nothing. Buying you skanky, whorish clothes to wear isn’t love. He’s creepy and scary as hell.”
Angel flipped her hair so it fell in waves down her back. She leaned over the table and narrowed her blue eyes at her sister. “He loves me, Mickie. Why can’t you be happy for me?”
Mickie threw her hands up and leaned back against the seat with a huff, not surprised Angel ignored everything she’d said. She tried to keep her voice low and reasonable. “I want you to find love as much as you do, but Ransom doesn’t love you, Angel. He’s using you. I don’t know why, or how, but he is.”
“He’s not using me. He likes to hear about all my friends. He’s interested in me and my life. And for your information, he invited me to his clubhouse tonight for a party. He wants to show me off to his friends. You’ll see. He’s fine.”
“Oh my God!” Mickie was quickly losing patience with her younger sister. “This is not a romance novel. He’s not a good guy, Angel. You aren’t going to find hearts and flowers with him. Invited you to his clubhouse for a party? Do you know what goes on in those places? Again, this is not like one of those MC books you read. He does drugs, he probably runs guns—shit, he most likely has a stable full of women he pimps out.”
“He does not! Jesus, you’re always such a downer!”
“You don’t know anything about him, Angel. I’ve done some research—”
“Oh hell no! I don’t want to hear it.”
“No, seriously, Angel. He’s been arrested—”
Angel stood up from the table and put her hands on her hips and stared down at her sister. “No, I mean it. You’ve hated every guy I’ve ever dated. Just because you’re embarrassed that you were boring in the sack and your husband left you for another woman, doesn’t mean every guy is like him. Look at you! You’ll never catch another man’s eye. Your hair is too short—no one likes short hair! You’re fat, have no sense of style, and you’re a nagging bitch. It’s not like you’ll ever read one of my romance books and understand what the MC world is like. Under all his gruffness, he’s a good guy. I’ve seen it. So leave me alone. Just because Ransom drinks and smokes and occasionally goes to a strip club, doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy.”
Mickie ignored the hurt her sister’s words caused and tried one more time. “All I’m saying is to watch your back. Please, Angel, I know you think MC guys are all marshmallows under their hard exteriors. That they do bad things for the good of the community, but these guys are not like that. They’re doing bad things for the sake of doing bad things. They’re breaking the law and they’re scary, sis. Thugs. I don’t want you hurt.”
“Fuck you, Mickie. You aren’t happy, so you don’t want to see me be happy. I don’t think I want to talk to you anymore. Good luck with your life. You’re lonely and pathetic and you’re going to be like that forever.”
Angel stormed out of the restaurant, her blonde hair twitching behind her perfect body as she went. Mickie pushed her plate away and dropped her head on her arms dejectedly. “That didn’t go well,” she mumbled under her breath.
Mickie had no idea why she continued to try to watch over Angel. It was absurdly obvious her sister wanted nothing to do with her. But it wasn’t something she could just turn off. She loved her sister, no matter how badly Angel treated her. She held out hope that eventually Angel would grow up and they’d be able to have a sisterly relationship.
Mickie was ten years older than her; Angel had been an “oops” baby, and their wealthy parents hadn’t really wanted to start over with another kid when she was born. They’d left a lot of her raising to Mickie, leaving her to do most of the babysitting. When Mickie was ready to head off to college, her parents convinced her to go to the local community college and live at home instead of going away. They hadn’t wanted to lose their unpaid babysitter.
Mickie hated thinking badly about her own parents, but by the time she’d realized how they’d made her feel guilty over wanting to go away to school and how much Angel would miss her, she’d made her decision.
By the time Angel had reached middle school, she’d seen their parents manipulate Mickie so much, she’d learned to do it like a pro. Their parents gave her whatever she wanted just to shut her up and keep her out of their hair. Mickie had tried to teach Angel right from wrong but somewhere along the line, Angel had decided her sister was the enemy.