Protecting Melody, page 1

Protecting Melody
SEAL of Protection
Book 7
by Susan Stoker
Tex gave everything he had to his country and his SEAL teammates. When an IED took away part of his leg, and his career, he devoted himself to his country and friends from behind his computer. He's always been the man who can find anyone, who uses his computer skills, legal and illegal, to keep people safe and to put the bad guys behind bars.
But behind a computer is a lonely place to be. While he might put on a good front, Tex can't help but feel he's missing out when he sees how happy his friends are. But when the woman he's been talking to online for the last six months suddenly disappears without a word, Tex knows it's time to step up, and use his skills for himself this time.
**Protecting Melody is the 7th book in the SEAL of Protection Series. It can be read as a stand-alone, but it's recommended you read the books in order to get maximum enjoyment out of the series.
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2015 by Susan Stoker
No part of this work may be used, stored, reproduced or transmitted without written permission from the publisher except for brief quotations for review purposes as permitted by law.
This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy.
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Cover Design by Chris Mackey, AURA Design Group
Edited by Missy Borucki
Manufactured in the United States
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 4
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Discover other titles by Susan Stoker
About the Author
Six Months Ago
Tex: Hey, I haven’t seen you in here before. Your username struck me as interesting, so I thought I’d shoot you a private note
Tex: Swear I’m harmless
CC_CopyCat: Hey Tex. I mostly lurk
Tex: Don’t blame you, it’s better to be safe than sorry
Tex: You wanna talk?
CC_CopyCat: About what?
Tex: About whatever
CC_CopyCat: That’s kinda vague
Tex: Well, we could talk about the weather, but that would be cliché.
CC_CopyCat: LOL
Tex: Made ya laugh!
CC_CopyCat: Yeah, you did. Thanks
Tex: Thanks?
CC_CopyCat: Yeah. Thanks
Tex: So . . . how’s the weather where you are?
CC_CopyCat: Crappy, you?
Tex: Sunny and beautiful
CC_CopyCat: You’re one of those aren’t you?
Tex: ??
CC_CopyCat: One of those annoying people who see the good side in everything
Tex: Actually, no. not even close
Tex: You still there?
CC_CopyCat: Look, I’m not sure this is gonna work out
Tex: You just met me, I couldn’t have pissed you off already
CC_CopyCat: I’m not here to find a best friend, I already have one of those
Tex: Then why ARE you here?
CC_CopyCat: Just passing the time
Tex: Then why can’t you pass it with me?
CC_CopyCat: Because you’re probably either a 14 year old boy who wants to find someone to sext with or you’re a 50 year old pedophile looking for sex from a 16 year old teenager who doesn’t know any better than to talk to people who spend their time in a chat room on the Internet.
Tex: Same goes for you. You could be anyone. You’re probably an undercover cop looking to catch bad guys who use chat rooms to lure people to their death
CC_CopyCat: ARE you a bad guy Tex? Are you even a guy?
Tex: Are you a woman CC?
CC_CopyCat: I shouldn’t say one way or the other
Tex: No offense, but I don’t want to chat with a dude. I’m not looking for a relationship, I’m not looking for sex. I have male friends I can talk to
CC_CopyCat: What ARE you looking for then?
Tex: Just someone to chat with. My life is stressful. I’d love to talk with someone who doesn’t want anything from me. Who just likes to chat with me because she thinks I’m interesting
CC_CopyCat: You never answered my question. Are you a bad guy?
Tex: I’m a 35 year old retired military man who lives on the east coast. I’m good with computers and spend most of my time with them. I’m not hideous looking, but I’ve found that I’m also not the guy women want to take home to meet their family. Swear CC, I’m harmless.
CC_CopyCat: You know that’s what serial killers say
Tex: LOL. You’re right. But you can trust me
CC_CopyCat: Yup, they say that too
CC_CopyCat: You still there?
Tex: You gonna diss me more or are you going to tell me about you?
CC_CopyCat: Sorry. I was kidding. Yes. I’m a woman
Tex: Thank you. What else?
CC_CopyCat: I don’t really know you, that’s all you get
Tex: I’ll take it . . . for now. You gonna tell me about your handle?
CC_CopyCat: I gotta go
Tex: Okay, I’ll be here if you wanna talk again
CC_CopyCat: How will you know when I’ll want to talk again?
Tex: I don’t, but I told you I work on computers, I’m always here
CC_CopyCat: Okay, maybe
Tex: I’ve enjoyed talking to you CC
CC_CopyCat: We haven’t even talked about anything interesting
Tex: Yeah, but you aren’t afraid to tell me what you’re really thinking. I like that
CC_CopyCat: Most men don’t
Tex: I’m not most men
CC_CopyCat: Whatever. OK, I’m logging off
Tex: Bye CC. Later
Tex sat back and smiled at his computer. He didn’t usually engage people he met online, but he’d been visiting this particular chat room for a while now and noticed “CC_CopyCat” lurking. He’d taken a chance and sent the private message, hoping he was messaging a woman. Tex had been honest with her, he wasn’t looking to start up an online friendship with a man.
Call him sexist, but Tex was more comfortable talking with a woman than a man. Maybe it was because he was around men all the time. It was just . . . different, speaking with a woman.
Ever since he’d lost part of his leg to an IED while on a SEAL mission, Tex was more comfortable talking to people behind his computer or phone. Before he was injured, he’d never had a problem attracting the ladies. He was in his mid-thirties now and still worked out every day. Physical fitness was too ingrained in him to give it up after he was injured.
While Tex knew firsthand, on the surface, women still found him attractive and they’d gladly go home with him, after getting weird looks and two less than satisfying sexual encounters, he found it more comfortable for everyone to not bother. He now took care of his needs himself. Tex knew his friends all thought he was still sexually active, but the awkward explanations about his injury and the pity fucks got old fast.
He tried not to care what people thought of his leg, but when he connected with people via his computer, he could be anonymous . . . whole. Talking to CC was refreshing. Tex liked it.
He hadn’t lied to the woman on the other end of the computer. She intrigued him. She wasn’t fawning all over him, as some women Tex had messaged in the past had. She was cautious, but he could sense her humor under her stilted words. Tex hoped she’d log back in and they could talk again, but if she didn’t, he wouldn’t lose any sleep. There would be more women, and he’d keep busy living vicariously through his friends’ lives.
Four months ago
CC_CopyCat: Hey Tex. How are you?
Tex: Hey CC. I’m sorry, but I can’t talk right now
CC_CopyCat: Oh sorry
Tex: It’s not you. I’d rather talk to you than anyone else, but my friend’s woman is in trouble and I’m trying to figure her situation out
CC_CopyCat: That sucks.
Tex: Yeah, her man is overseas and can’t get to her. So I’m trying to get him home and keep her safe
CC_CopyCat: OK, go do your thing. If you want to talk later, I’m here
Tex: Thanks CC. I needed that. Later
Tex hated to put CC off. They’d been talking pretty regularly for the last two months and Tex really enjoyed thei
The next day, after the entire situation with Fiona was finally over, Tex tried to see if CC was around.
Tex: You around?
Tex: Guess not. If you come back, I’m here
Tex ran a hand over his face. Jesus. Fiona had just about broken his heart. He hadn’t ever met her, had only met Caroline, Wolf’s woman, but Fiona was just as tough, yet vulnerable at the same time, as Caroline was. She’d done exactly what he’d asked of her and every time Tex had called, she’d answered. Tex had no idea what he would’ve done if Fiona hadn’t picked up the phone. She was in California and he was in Virginia.
Tex knew his friends had a lot of faith in his abilities, but if something had really gone wrong, there would’ve been nothing he could’ve done. Tex cursed his leg, again. Not a day went by that he didn’t wish he’d have done something different on the mission that took his leg. Not a day went by that he didn’t wish he was whole and the man he used to be.
He was good at the computer, but he wished with all his heart he could be on the front lines, with his friends, saving lives and serving his country. Tex looked down at the box blinking at him in the corner of his computer screen. CC.
CC_CopyCat: Hey Tex, I’m here. You there?
Tex: Yeah CC, I’m here
CC_CopyCat: Everything go OK with your friend?
Tex: Yeah
CC_CopyCat: I know we’ve only been talking to each other for a little while, but you’re not your usual self
Tex: CC, you have no idea
CC_CopyCat: You wanna talk about it?
Tex: You sure you want this? We can keep this light and fluffy and superficial. We can say hi every now and then and go on with our lives as we have been. But I’ll tell you. I’ve had a tough few days and could use more than that. But if we get deeper, I can’t go back to light and fluffy. You choose.
CC_CopyCat: I don’t like that you’ve had a shit day, and I’d love to talk to you about it, but I can’t give it back to you. I want to, I just can’t.
Tex: It’s OK. We can keep it light
CC_CopyCat: NO! Dammit Tex. You need to talk about stuff. You can’t keep it in. I didn’t mean that I didn’t want you to talk to me
Tex: I don’t need a therapist, I need a friend. I get that you’re cautious and it’s smart. I get it, but CC, I’ve enjoyed our chats over the last 2 months, but I’d like to be more real with you. We’ll never meet, so I feel safe talking to you about stuff. You can’t share my secrets ‘cos you don’t know who I am. I can’t share yours because of the same thing. Please, tell me something, anything, personal about yourself.
Tex sat back and held his breath. He didn’t know what it was about CC, but he really wanted to talk to her, really talk to her. He hadn’t lied. He had enjoyed talking to her. They’d talked about their favorite foods (she liked Mexican, he liked Italian), favorite colors (hers was pink, his was blue), and many, many other superficial things. She’d even asked what his favorite Disney character was at one point. He’d thought it an odd question, but had answered her anyway.
But now Tex was at the point where he needed their relationship to be deeper than it was. He didn’t really know why, but he wanted to get to know her better. He liked her. She was funny and interesting and even though they hadn’t really talked about anything personal, he thought she’d be the kind of person he’d like to get to know better. He wasn’t satisfied with the superficial stuff anymore.
Tex waited another few moments and when CC didn’t respond back, he leaned forward and typed out a terse note, ready to log off and talk to her some other time.
Tex: OK then, I gotta go
CC_CopyCat: My name is Mel. It’s short for Melody
Tex: Thank you, Mel. You have no idea how much I needed that. Thank you
CC_CopyCat: Tell me about your shit day
Tex: A while ago, my buddy’s woman was kidnapped by Mexican slave traders. She was rescued and doing great. But recently she had a flashback and ran.
CC_CopyCat: Jesus, Tex. But she’s OK?
Tex: Yeah Mel, she’s OK. But for three days all she had was me. I called her every 4 hours to make sure she was staying put in the hotel. I listened to her go back and forth between reality and the shit that was messing with her head.
CC_CopyCat: I’m proud of you Tex
Tex: Don’t be. I’ve done some horrible things in my life
CC_CopyCat: Hasn’t everyone? Seriously, get off your high horse Tex. You aren’t the only person that wishes they’d done things differently. You aren’t the only one who has a crap background, or crap childhood, or crap marriage. You just keep moving forward. You learn from the past and keep going. Sounds to me like your friends are lucky to have you on their side.
CC_CopyCat: Tex? Shit. Too real? Not fluffy enough?
Tex: NO. Not too real. I’m just thinking.
CC_CopyCat: OK. Let me know when you’re done
Tex: Smart ass. You’re right. But I think the things I did are worse than the run-of-the-mill crap background.
CC_CopyCat: So what. Are you going to go off and continue to do those horrible things? Sounds to me like you’re trying to change that. That you’re doing good. I’m sure your friend would agree with me
Tex: Maybe
CC_CopyCat: No maybe about it
Tex: OK, you win
CC_CopyCat: Of course I do
Tex: Mel?
CC_CopyCat: Yeah?
Tex: I’m glad you didn’t choose fluffy
CC_CopyCat: Me too
Two Months Ago
Tex: Last time we talked you said you were scared all the time. I don’t like that.
CC_CopyCat: I don’t like it either
Tex: What are you scared of?
CC_CopyCat: People watching me. Getting shot. Getting kidnapped. Being sick. Being alone. You name it Tex, I’m scared of it.
Tex: Do you have depression Mel?
CC_CopyCat: No, why?
Tex: Most people who are scared of all those things are mentally ill
CC_CopyCat: So you’re saying you think I’m crazy?
Tex: You know I’m not. But I do want to know if there’s something really going on with you.
CC_CopyCat: I’m not crazy or depressed
Tex: Then what?
CC_CopyCat: Never mind
Tex: No, not never mind. TALK to me. Why are you scared of those things?
CC_CopyCat: I just am
Tex: Don’t bullshit me
CC_CopyCat: You ever get the feeling that you’re being watched?
Tex: No
CC_CopyCat: Well, I do. And it scares me. And thinking about that makes me think about the other stuff too. It’s a never-ending circle
Tex: Never take the same route when you go about your daily business. Always walk with your keys in your hand. Walk with your head up and look people in the eyes. If you get in an elevator, don’t turn your back to people. Never stay in an elevator if it’s only you and a man you don’t know. Tell someone when you expect to be home.
CC_CopyCat: You know a lot about this
Tex: Mel, I told you I was a Navy SEAL. We spend way too much time learning this kind of shit. If you get cornered or someone attacks you, go for their eyes, or their throat, or their balls. Don’t get in a car with someone if they try to take you away, you’re better off in a public place.
CC_CopyCat: Tex, I got it. I’m probably just imagining it anyway
Tex: I bet you aren’t. Anytime I got in a situation where I felt weird, in 100% of the cases, it turned out I was right.
CC_CopyCat: OK, I’ll be careful
Tex: If you need me, you shoot me a note, I’m here
CC_CopyCat: But we don’t really even know each other
Tex: Don’t care. Just agree
CC_CopyCat: You’re awfully bossy
Tex: Agree