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The Brooding Surgeon's Baby Bombshell, page 1


The Brooding Surgeon's Baby Bombshell
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The Brooding Surgeon's Baby Bombshell

  One night, unexpected consequences...!

  But can they be a family?

  After sparks fly with Dr. Gabriel Marks at a conference, nurse Zoe Avery’s left with a permanent reminder of their night together. Knowing Gabe doesn’t want kids, Zoe decides she’ll have the baby alone. Then Gabe moves to the same city just as pregnant Zoe needs a temporary home. Gabe comes to her rescue, but can they overcome their hurdles and become a family?

  Zoe jerked away. Her eyes were wild, like a startled animal looking to escape. “We shouldn’t have done that.”

  Gabe leaned to kiss her again. He hadn’t had enough. “We’ve done far more.”

  Her hands fanned across his chest, pushing, stopping him. “Gabe, we don’t want the same things. You don’t want a spouse or the full-time responsibility of a family. I do. We aren’t living together. I’m your roommate. I only moved in here because I couldn’t think of what else to do.”

  Anger flared in him. It was obvious she felt the attraction he did. The spontaneous spark of their kiss was undeniable proof. Yet she was steeling herself, refusing to act on it. His eyes met Zoe’s, held. “Don’t go. I’ll keep my hands to myself. I’ll stay in my half of the house.”

  The bell rang again.

  “I’d better get that before the delivery guy leaves.” At the door he stopped and turned back to her. “Just know this—you’ll have to do the asking next time.”

  Dear Reader,

  I loved writing Zoe and Gabe’s story. It’s always fun to see two people who think they are not meant for each other find out that they really are perfect for one another. Add an unexpected baby in the mix and it becomes ever more fun.

  I came up with the nugget of an idea for this story while serving on a committee much like the one Zoe and Gabe are members of in this book. My imagination had me asking: What if two single professionals met only every six months and were attracted to each other? What could happen? Now I know.

  I hope you enjoy reading Zoe and Gabe’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love to hear from my readers. You can reach me at



  Susan Carlisle

  Books by Susan Carlisle

  Harlequin Medical Romance

  Christmas in Manhattan

  Christmas with the Best Man

  Summer Brides

  White Wedding for a Southern Belle

  Midwives On-Call

  His Best Friend’s Baby

  Heart of Mississippi

  The Maverick Who Ruled Her Heart

  The Doctor Who Made Her Love Again

  The Doctor’s Redemption

  One Night Before Christmas

  Married for the Boss’s Baby

  The Doctor’s Sleigh Bell Proposal

  The Surgeon’s Cinderella

  Stolen Kisses with Her Boss

  Redeeming the Rebel Doc

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

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  To Jeanie.

  The best sister-in-law I could have ever wished for.

  Praise for Susan Carlisle

  “The Doctor’s Sleigh Bell Proposal is exciting and the story keeps you involved from the very first page...with snappy dialogue and tender, sweet and exciting moments. Highly recommended for all readers of romance.”

















  THEIR NIGHT OF passion had started so innocently.

  Dr. Gabriel Marks had taken the only open seat at the dining table. The petite young woman with the light brown hair and quick wit he remembered from the committee meeting six months earlier sat to one side of him. She smiled and said hello, as did the rest of the committee members.

  Their chairperson had organized the dinner for those members flying in that evening. The next day they would all be attending the meeting at the High Hotel at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.

  As a transplant surgeon, Gabe was honored to serve on the liver committee of the National Organ Allocation Network. The group met twice yearly to discuss issues involving liver donation and policy. The professionals who made up the committee, as well as family members of patients, came from all over the country and represented different areas of liver transplantation. What they did was important and saved lives.

  If he remembered correctly, the woman dining beside him was Zoe somebody, a former registered nurse who now worked for the Liver Alliance, a group that educated people with liver disease and assisted patients needing a liver transplant. The Liver Alliance did good work. He’d had some dealings with the group in the past regarding patients with special considerations, but he’d never met Zoe before joining the committee.

  The discussion around the table was lively during their meal and he appreciated Zoe’s quick wit and infectious laugh.

  The next morning, they had acknowledged each with a warm hello but had sat on opposite sides of the table during the six-hour meeting. When Zoe had spoken up, her remarks had been intelligent, enlightened and spot-on. He’d been impressed.

  After the meeting had adjourned he’d headed to the airport to catch his plane home. But his quick check of the flight board revealed his plane had been grounded because of thunderstorms. Gabe was watching the word Canceled cascade down the panel when a groan of dismay had him turning around. It was Zoe.

  She looked at him, her face screwed up. “Sorry. I hadn’t meant to be so loud. This wasn’t in my plans.”

  “It never is,” Gabe responded.

  “You’re right about that.” She looked up and down the concourse. “I guess I’m going to spend the night in the airport.”

  “I bet if we hurry we can get a room in the hotel before everyone figures out what’s going on.” Gabe turned back the way they had come.

  “A room?” Her voice squeaked.

  He gave her a pointed look. “I meant a room apiece. Are you always so literal?”

  She grinned, walking past him at a fast clip. “I knew what you meant. I just wanted a head start if there was only one left.”

  He chuckled and hurried to catch up with her. A short time later they had rooms for the night. As they walked toward the elevator Gabe said, “I’m sorry, but I’ve racked my brain and still can’t come up with your last name.”

  “Avery. Zoe Avery.” She chuckled. “That came out sounding a little James Bondish, didn’t it?”

  He laughed. “Maybe a little bit. Would you like to meet for supper? Unless you have other plans.” He rarely had a night free of paperwork and he wasn’t going to spend this one by himself. Not when he liked this woman and was fairly confident she’d accept his invitation.

  They entered the elevator. “What other plans would I have but to channel surf?” she answered with a grin.

  Her mischievous talk appealed to him. As a transplant surgeon at a San Francisco hospital, he didn’t have many people in his life who dared to speak to him so freely. He found it refreshing.

  The elevator doors opened. As she prepared to exit, he held the doors open. “Meet you at seven in the hotel restaurant?”

  “There’s not a wife who’s going to be mad at me, is there?” Her playful grin belied the serious concern in her eyes. Had a date ever lied to her about being married?

  “No wife. How about your husband?”

  “No. Not one of those either.” There was a sad note in her reply, yet she cheerfully confirmed, “See you at seven, then.” She waved as he stepped out.

  Gabe took a moment to appreciate the gentle feminine sway of her hips, anticipating the evening to come.

  * * *

  He was waiting at the restaurant entrance when Zoe strolled up. There was a bright smile on her face. “Sorry, I didn’t have anything else to wear.” She brushed a hand across the front of the simple navy dress she’d been wearing earlier in the day.

  “You look great to me.” And she did. Something about her pulled at him. He wanted to know her better.

  She grinned. “Thanks. You know the right thing to say to a stranded woman.”

  He chuckled. “If we have to be stuck somewhere, I’m glad it’s a place with hot running water.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t say food.”

  “Now that you mention it, that’s important too. Our table won’t be ready for a few minutes. Would you like to wait in the bar?”

  “Sure.” Zoe walked ahead of him. She was a tiny thing with a powerful personality.

  He ordered their drinks and carried them to a small table. They sat and talked about that day’s meeting until the waiter ca
me to get them.

  Zoe stood, brushing against him as she moved to avoid someone sitting next to them. Gabe’s blood heated. He had no doubt her movements had been unintentional, but his body reacted just the same. It had been some time since a woman had gotten to him on so many levels so quickly.

  The waiter showed them to a corner table and handed them menus. They discussed what they would order and were ready when the waiter returned.

  After he’d left Gabe remarked, “If I remember correctly, you’re a patient advocate with the Liver Alliance and live in the Washington, DC, area.”

  “That’s a good memory. I’m impressed. You were paying attention.”

  Feeling ashamed, he said, “Apparently not when you said your name.”

  “It’s okay. It happens.”

  “So have you always been with the Liver Alliance?”

  “I went to work in an ICU when I was fresh out of school. I worked a lot with liver patients and really liked it. I decided to go back to school and become a liver transplant coordinator. About a year ago I needed something with regular hours. The Education Chair position came open and it was a perfect fit. Good, stable hours, a tiny office, and I’m still working with the people I love.”

  Gabe nodded. “And you like living in DC?” He didn’t normally quiz his dinner dates, but his curiosity about Zoe was uncharacteristically strong.

  “I do. There’s always plenty to do. Museums to visit, music festivals and just the excitement of being in the center of our government.”

  Her enthusiasm for the area was contagious.

  She leaned back and looked at him. “And you’re from San Francisco. Pretty city.”

  Obviously, she’d been paying more attention than he had during introductions. “Yep.”

  “That’s a pretty tough commute for these meetings.” She ran her finger down the side of her water glass, leaving a trail of condensation.

  What would it feel like to have her do that over his chest? He shifted in his chair. They were having dinner. That was all. They didn’t really know each other. “I try not to schedule surgery for the day I get back. It makes it easier to deal with the time change.” Gabe took a sip of his drink then said, “You seemed pretty upset about not flying out tonight.”

  “Yeah. My mother has the beginnings of Alzheimer’s and I don’t like to leave her alone overnight. I’m worried she might not handle being by herself.”

  “You worked it out?”

  “I did. I got a friend to go over and stay with her.” Worry flickered in her eyes as she glanced away.

  “She’s why you needed the job with regular hours. I understand caring for someone with your mother’s illness can be difficult.” He was an only child whose mother turned to him often for help and emotional support, but she still possessed her mental faculties. If she didn’t and he had to provide her with constant care even while he traveled...?

  Zoe looked at him again, brow furrowed. “It is. I hate watching her wasting away. And good care is costly.”

  “My mother is all I’ve got. My father died before I was born. I can only imagine how I would feel if she got sick.”

  Her eyes took on a dark look before she said, “Growing up without a father can be tough. Do you have a stepfather?” Zoe seemed to have changed the subject on purpose.

  “Nope. Mom never remarried.” He’d often wondered why. She’d always said it was because his father had been the love of her life, but he’d thought there might be more to it. As a kid, he had overheard her tell a friend she felt like she might be doing Gabe a disservice by not marrying. That she worried her decision not to do so had left Gabe with no male role model or father figure.

  “She must be a great mom,” Zoe commented, bringing him back to the present. “You seemed to have turned out all right.”

  His mother had been and still was a good mother, but truth be known, his grandmother had been the primary adult during his formative years. His mother had worked full-time to provide for him. “Thanks for saying so. But lately she’s been applying pressure to become a grandmother. It gets old.”

  Zoe’s head turned to the side, her look quizzical. “You have no interest in making her one?”

  “No. I’m not good family material. My job, my career, doesn’t leave me any room for a family. I’m far too busy. More than one girlfriend has accused me of being a workaholic. A wife and children deserve a full-time husband and father. I decided long ago that that drama wasn’t for me.”

  A peculiar expression came over her face, but before he could ask what was wrong, the waiter brought their meals. Zoe started talking about places she had visited and would like to go to and he dismissed her unexplainable expression in favor of her entertaining conversation. When they were done with their meal, Gabe said, “It’s still early. Would you like to go to the jazz bar downstairs?”

  She hesitated a moment. It really mattered to Gabe that she said yes. She finally quipped, “Why not? It sounds like fun.”

  Relief washed over him and he smiled. Why was it so important that she go? He placed his hand at her back and guided her out of the restaurant toward the circular stairs. His hand fit perfectly in the hollow of her back. At the club, he asked for a table close to the band.

  They had been there a few minutes when Zoe touched his arm. She leaned in close and said into his ear, “I needed this. Thanks for asking me.”

  He smiled, glad she was having a good time. His body tightened with awareness. It was overreacting, big-time. Or was he overly conscious of his body’s natural response to an attractive woman he genuinely liked? They were both single and old enough to know their own minds, so why shouldn’t they enjoy each other’s attention?

  Several couples moved to the open area of the floor. On impulse Gabe asked, “Would you like to dance?”

  “I’m not very good.” She sounded more disappointed than rejecting.

  He stood and offered his hand. “You don’t have to be. Just follow my lead.”

  Zoe smiled. One he would remember. “Hey, I can do that.”

  Gabe held her hand as they stepped out onto the floor. Pulling her into his arms, his hand went to her waist. It was so small his arm almost wrapped all the way around her. The top of her head came to just below his chin. The sweet scent of her filled his head and his body stirred. He resisted the strong urge to pull her tight, but firmly squelched the idea. His arousal would be evident. This was the nicest evening he’d had in a long time and he had no intention of ruining it by scaring her off.

  The sultry sound of the saxophone swirled around them.

  She looked up, commanding his attention. “I’m impressed. You’ve a surgeon’s touch even on the dance floor, gentle and skilled.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” He brought her a little closer in spite of his resolve. There were other things he was good at he’d like to show her. He needed to squelch those types of thoughts too. Gabe missed a step.

  Her hand squeezed his shoulder when she stumbled.

  He looked at her, mumbling, “Sorry.”

  “I’m sure it’s your partner,” she said.

  Searching the depths of her eyes, he muttered, “I assure you it isn’t.”

  “I’ve not had much opportunity to dance since my prom, years ago.”

  Her eyes were so green. “You’re doing great.”

  She stared back. They continued to move slowly around the space. It wasn’t until there was a mumble going around the room that he forced his attention away from her seductive gaze. The music had stopped. They were the only ones still on the dance floor.

  Zoe looked around. Her cheeks were spots of red. “Oops. I guess we got carried away.” She focused on him. “It’s been a long day and time I head upstairs. It’s later in my time zone than it is in yours.”

  “Okay.” Gabe hated to let her go. He held her hand as they returned to the table. She picked up her bag and he left a few bills on the table for their drinks. “I’ll see you to your room.”

  Zoe grasped her bag with both hands. He would have liked to have one of them in his. Somehow it seemed to belong there. What would she do if he kissed her? Would she push him away? Did he dare take a chance? He’d regret it if he didn’t.

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