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Camille Anthony - Women Of Steel 04
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Camille Anthony - Women Of Steel 04

  Women of Steel 4: Strawberry Daiquiri Camille Anthony All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2007 Camille Anthony

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  ISBN: 978-1-59596-368-0

  Formats Available:

  HTML, Adobe PDF,

  MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader


  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1046

  Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046

  Editor: Crystal Esau Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  Women of Steel 4: Strawberry Daiquiri Camille Anthony General Daiquiri Harmon, raised by Earth’s premier General Thalassic Harmon, is a strong drink of a woman. Not many males can stomach her demanding ways. Thankfully, Lorrkar, the Scarth War Leader, is used to forceful women. His mother, after all, is his world’s Hive Queen.

  To stay together, these two unlikely lovers will go up against their mothers using every weapon in their combined arsenal. With a lie stronger than the truth, how can they lose?

  Chapter One

  An inquisitive finger nudged her nipple. It quivered under the soft stroke, and she lay with bated breath, waiting, hoping for more. A feather light brush of fingertips over her other crest caused her breath to hitch and Daiquiri Harmon, General serving in Earth’s Planetary Repulsion Force, groaned with hedonistic pleasure.


  Masculine thumbs and forefingers grasped both nipples between them and tugged, their tight pinching a harbinger of tighter pleasure to come. “How much more would you have, my queen?”

  “Every last bit more, my warrior lover.”

  The heat of the bed sands, the even hotter feel of Lorrkar’s focused, erotic caresses soaked through to the marrow of her once chilled bones. She stretched under his liquefying touches, offering her naked breasts to his obsession with her flesh.

  “How does this make you feel?” His hands drifted down her body, cupped her sensitive mound. In no hurry, he thumbed the throbbing thimble of nerves; dragged a careful fingernail over the too sensitive nub. With a series of languid unhurried moves, his thumbs parted her swollen labia, tongue curling out to lap along the steamy channel of her sex, sipping on her spilling juices. He caught her clit between his teeth and lashed at it with the tip of his tongue, tormenting the bit of flesh until it ached and burned.

  “Ah!” Her eyelids drifted shut. “Yes… yes, Lorr, eat me!”

  Her palm curved around the base of his broad neck, held him close as she arched her hips into the decadent sensations of his hot mouth nibbling at her most intimate flesh. Her body reveled in the warmth denied it for so many years. She’d been frozen from the heart out until Lorrkar’s love had resurrected her, defrosted her cold dead heart and filled it with joy.

  Daiq moaned as Lorrkar pressed two fingers inside her tight opening, dipping in and out, stretching her channel for his cock. Teeth nipping, tongue lapping he tucked his hands under her bottom, raised her to his mouth and devoured her like one maddened with hunger.

  Eons later, Lorrkar lifted his face, chin wet and dripping with her essence, to stare into her face. His eyes, fierce despite their soft velvety brown color, gleamed down at her from a handsome but stern visage, sharp planes chiseled by adversity. “And what do you want now, my delicious feast?”

  “I want you to fuck me, fill me up until no inch of me is left cold and empty.”

  “Gladly.” He answered her demands with his body, with the slow, sensual slide of his skin along her hungry curves. She ached for him, for the close, intimate touch of one attuned to her mind as well as her body, and quaked as he fit himself against her… pushed in and began to make love to her.

  Their languid fuck grew turbulent and Lorrkar, his hand pressed to her lower back, rolled them over, maintaining their intimate connection. She sat up and sank down on his upstanding cock, riding him hard.

  When the crisis struck, they came screaming, clutching each other close. Lorr’s carapace snapped into place around them, enclosing them in peaceful darkness, shielding their privacy, guarding their secrets. She fell asleep on his chest.

  Daiquiri was dreaming…

  She stood on a high hill, overlooking the training facility on Gedde Prime. The purple trees held white flowers and the wind swept the long grasses to one side. Light clouds scudded by in a deep yellow sky holding a small pink sun. Martini and Tequila stood on either side of her, shouting out the answers to the trivia questions she’d devised.

  It was summer, ten years since Darvic had left their mother — or she’d thrown him out. That was the only year all three Harmon sisters had been on GP.

  Martini’s homesick tears had driven her older sisters crazy. Yet every time they’d offer to vid home and beg their mother to relent, she’d reacted with terror. For some reason, Marti had always been certain the sisters would never see each other again should they become separated.

  “I married Denzel and Spike but I lost Sean somewhere along the way. We’re expecting a son and a daughter.”

  She’d know that voice anywhere. “Marti.” Daiq turned and met her baby sister’s brilliant smile head on. “What are you doing here? How did you get here?”

  “I’m dreaming and so are you. We can go anywhere we dream… if we want to.”

  Marti wore a soft gown, the pastel folds falling to her feet. Her bare toes peeked out from the floating hem and Daiq remembered how this sister would kick her shoes off at every opportunity.

  “You little hoyden, are you still refusing to wear shoes? What does Mother have to say about that?”

  Her tinkling laugh was the stuff of sweet memories, the harbinger of childhood innocence. “Not a damned thing! I am just like my mother.”

  “Impossible!” Daiq laughed. Marti had always denied the resemblance between their mother’s nature and her own.

  Drawing her slim body into a straight line, Marti — sounding very much like Thalassic — barked, “Impossible. That is a word not coded in the Amazonian dictionary.”

  “You’re right, you are like the general.”

  A sad smile softened the lines of Marti’s face. “Only in the dark. Only where it counts.”

  “What of Tequila, Marti? Did she survive the battle?”

  One tear and then another dropped until a flood ran down Marti’s cheeks. “Tequila is lost in the dark, where nothing counts. Tequila has no sunrises left inside her.”

  But Tequila was the brightest of us… the happiest heart.

  “Tequila’s heart is cold… cold… cold… cold… cold… cold…”

  Chapter Two

  Something niggled at the back of her mind, something important. For a moment, she almost had it; the next, it had slid from her grasp like the desperately clenched handle of a blood-slicked laser pistol. If only she could remember…

  Daiquiri turned into Lorrkar’s arms, snuggling against his heated skin. She could lie here forever, basking in the newfound love she’d found with Lorrkar. She could sleep for days, cocooned in his warmth, no longer lonely, no longer cold…

  “Oh, Matrix unwinding, I need gutting!”

  With a pained cry, Daiq shot up from the hot clinging sands, twisting her lithe warm body adroitly to evade her lover’s outstretched arms. She landed on her feet, fists planted on her hips, brows drawn together in self-disgust. Spouting the foulest curse she could remember from years of hard military life, she castigated herself. “Beat me to death with a cock and call me a dock-side whore, how could I be so selfish as to forget my own women?”

  Lorrkar rolled to his back and gazed up at her through melting brown eyes. The stalks of his antennae inclined toward her, gently waving. “My queen, what troubles you?”

  As always, his wide-eyed pupil-less gaze made him appear so innocent, so helpless. She, of all people, knew better. This Being stretched before her was the mastermind behind the first successful attack against Earth since the formation of the Planetary Repulsion Force. Knowing all that, Daiq still had to fight the urge to soothe him.

  “Oh, nothing much,” Daiquiri answered, her mouth twisting in sarcastic self-derision, “only the fact that for the last day or so I’ve been living in the lap of luxury while the few remaining soldiers left of my command are freezing to death in those

  godforsaken caves!”

  Lorrkar abruptly sat up. “But… your kind relishes the cold!”

  She paused mid-pace. “You’re kidding, right?”

  He made that alien gesture she was beginning to recognize meant confusion. “We watched carefully for many years. We wanted to make sure the environment was pleasant for your kind.”

  Daiq closed her eyes and breathed deep and slow. When she opened them, she’d regained control over her hair-trigger temper. It wasn’t his fault. The fact he was the only one there for her to blame didn’t make it fair. Right now, she wasn’t interested in fairness. “Let me guess… vid

  “We watched the transmissions from your world for many years. I will show you.”

  He scooted to the edge of the sandpit and rolled out in a fluid move that had her salivating over the exposed curves of his tight ass. Going over to the far wall, he pressed a recessed button and a view screen seemed to bleed through the wall itself. “Hall Brain, load the archives of the Hoomun people… review speed.”


  In growing dismay, Daiq watched as aged, grainy vids from before Earth was first invaded flowed across the screen. In short vid after short vid, she saw frames of people relaxing under air conditioners, skiing, snowboarding. One vid showed a bikini-clad woman romping in knee-high snowdrifts. Other scenes flashed by of languid people fanning and sweating on the beaches or sweltering in saunas, their faces twisted in what — to an outsider with no frame of reference — looked like extreme pain.

  Daiq groaned, dropping her head into her hands. She couldn’t believe this. As a child, she, along with her two younger sisters, had suffered with a serious case of Retro fever. Desperate for all things ancient, they’d broken the rules and hacked into the Historical Mainframe numerous times, devouring the old vids. That was why she recognized the short vignettes scrolling past as what used to be called commercials. She looked on in chagrined disbelief. The Scarth had utilized commercials — make believe

  selling tools — as their blueprint on human society.

  “By the Matrix, it’s a wonder you people won the first skirmish…”

  Lorr’s crestfallen expression made her backtrack. “Never mind, Lorrkar, I can see you meant well, but I have to tell you, your pre-invasion source was extremely skewed.”

  “I realize that now, but I still do not understand our error.” Lorrkar sighed, ordering the display to cease. “What is it your people need?”

  Daiq did some sighing of her own. “We need and want much the same as your people… the basics.” She ticked the items off on one hand. “Warmth, food that won’t break our teeth, and water to bathe in that won’t leave our skin blue. Did it never once occur to you to wonder how quickly and thankfully I took to these heated sands?”

  Lorrkar shrugged. “Honestly… no. You are a queen, a ruler. It is your nature to adapt and live.”

  She stared at him, half waiting for him to break character and laugh, sure he had to be joking. When he didn’t, simply stood gazing at her in what looked like serene admiration, she snorted. “Hero worship from the War Leader of the Scarth… what’s next, a co-habitation invite?” She patted his arm. “Lorr, you are great for my ego, but that alone isn’t getting my women warmth and food.”

  Lorr sidled up beside her, slid his arms around her waist. “I will have the remainder of your troops moved to a secure, warm area. I will order good food for them, not the dry bricks we thought you enjoyed.”

  She turned and placed her arms about his neck. “When?”

  “Right now.” Without releasing her, he walked the few steps to the wall, engaged the central computer and transmitted a flurry of commands too rapid for her injected translation device to keep up. Turning back to her with a grin, he gave a decisive nod. “That’s done. By this afternoon, the caverns will be emptied and your people relocated and fed.”

  Daiq touched her fingers to his upstanding antennae, smiling as his body shuddered in aroused response. He’d liked that. She nodded, pleased by this evidence of having done something right. Daiq had been studying what turned him on and she thought she’d gotten the hang of it pretty well down. “How can I say thank you?”

  “Touch mouths with me.” His hands tugged at her waist, drew her flush against him. “Show me again how Hoomuns share mouth dew.”

  She hung back, resisting, teasing. “I think you like that too much, like kissing me. What would your queens do, hmm? What will they say when they find you’ve been picking up nasty alien habits?”

  He groaned, chasing her elusive mouth. “They have nothing to say. They gave you to me.” When she stiffened in his arms he rushed on, “And I gave me to you. Now, please…!”

  She did not intend to lose her focus again. Until she saw with her own eyes, her troops’ situation in better condition, she’d not indulge in selfish hedonism. Still, happy with his response, Daiq relented and stopped evading him.

  “Good answer!” Moving closer, she went up on tiptoe and rested her arms on his shoulders, bringing their bodies into alignment. Between them, his arousal pressed into her belly, the blunt tip damp with pre-come. She rocked into his hardness, rubbed her belly across his protruding glans and smiled to feel his body’s surging response. Pulling his head down, she covered his lips with hers, sent her tongue probing along the seam of his mouth.

  Lorr opened to her and she thrust inside, aggressively plumbing the wet hot depths of his mouth. Just like the last time, his taste burst on her senses, a tart sweetness that had her dipping deeper into the well of passion, her womb clenching on emptiness.

  Each move she made, he echoed, learning and quickly surpassing her expertise. Was she so great a teacher, or he so great a student? She didn’t know. All she knew was her growing need for this male once her enemy, now her lover.

  With a feral growl, she pressed closer, opening wider as his tongue snaked forward to tangle with hers, his tensile length twined about hers, running along her teeth in a slick slide and glide. She grew wet, her pussy spilling cream along her nether lips, readying her for the next step as she slipped further beneath a wave of pure lust, lured by the intense emotions he so easily engendered within her.

  Caught up in their exchange, Daiq lost sight of her goals, their sensual play wiping all but pleasure from her mind. Against her will, her nipples came erect, swelling and tightening until the nerves buried in the sensitive tips screamed at the abrasion of his chest rising and falling, rubbing against them.

  Gasping, Lorr lifted his head, disengaging their mouths to pant wildly. “I cannot get enough of you!” Then he dove back into the kiss, a whirlwind of lips and tongue and teeth battering at her resolve.

  Her breathing hitched only to return at a faster, more desperate rate. Fisting a hank of the fur-like hair at the base of his neck, Daiq dragged him down to her, went up on her toes to mash her lips against his.

  With a little mewling cry, he fell beneath her determined attack, vulnerable as always to her mastering, and she drank in his response, his innocent joy of this intimate joining. Even while she reveled in the powerful feelings his surrender sparked in her, Daiq knew any more would see her own unraveling. She slowed her mouth’s movements, disengaged their tongues.

  Desperate to keep the kiss going, Lorrkar’s arms convulsed around her, squeezing her to the point of pain. “Please… more!”

  Marveling at how hard she found it, Daiq pulled away with a last languid lick, ignoring his frantic pleas. “There, we’ve touched mouths, as you asked. Is there nothing else you want?”

  He looked at her, his pupil-less eyes wide and shining with eagerness, just like a baby kraken’s. “You would honor my requests?”

  His humble asking was one of the major things Daiq loved about Lorrkar. He never demanded, never assumed, never attempted to assert his maleness over her femaleness. In other words, he didn’t automatically expect her to obey him just because he was male. In fact, he looked to her to lead in all things sexual. Perhaps it was due to his upbringing… a warrior drone under ruling queen bees, but Daiquiri found it endearing, nonetheless.

  A warrior woman bred and raised, heir to the Amazon gene programs of the early twenties, she found it hard to warm up sexually to a so-called macho man. Yet, she couldn’t stand a whiner or a male unable to defend himself. She wanted no wimp beneath her, no weak puling babe between her thighs. Thankfully, Lorrkar proved to be none of those things.

  As the Scarth War Leader, he answered only to the ruling queens. To lead the vast armada of ships and men he did required intelligence, determination and strength greater than those he led. His strength was evident, his determination a living force. He proved his intelligence when his battle plans swept the combined opposition of Earth’s finest fighting force from the field with what had seemed a frighteningly casual strength.

  Daiq knew that right now, the people of Earth, headed by her mother, Thalassic Harmon, were scrambling to learn all they could of Scarth weaponry. They were seeking to crack the superior technology that had bested their most advanced systems before the enemy returned for a second round of hostilities.

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