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Triplet Time
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Triplet Time



  Triplet Time © 2018 Stephanie Brother

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author's imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

  Kindle Edition

  About: Triplet Time

  I can’t choose one

  of the hunky triplets.

  I love them all,

  my stepbrothers.

  And they love me.

  My mom brought me up to share her values, and to save myself for the right man.

  I've always respected her wishes, but now I'm in trouble.

  I'm involved with three men, each of whom are 'Mr. Right'.

  And, here's the real rub - they're my older stepbrothers!

  The triplets look after me in every way.

  Ant’s the romantic one, always full of passion for life that he transfers into delicious, decadent feasts as king of the kitchen.

  Ben, born a few minutes after Ant, is the most protective of my virtue. Sort of... Ben's definition of 'virgin' has a LOT of leeway!

  He's fun, dances divinely, is a great kisser, and a cunning linguist as well.

  Carl’s my BFF, and the one with whom I can truly share my most intimate secrets. But he constantly taunts me with his hot, muscled body! What's a girl to do?

  I love them all and can’t choose between them.

  Which is fine by them!

  They're all about having fun with me, regardless of the consequences.

  Not every woman meets her soulmate.

  Lucky me, I've met three!

  Mum will think I’ve gone from good girl to slut, if she ever finds out the truth!

  My mom thinks I have to save myself for one man who loves me.

  If one is good, isn’t three better?

  A steamy standalone story romance in which three identical brothers fall in love with their virginal younger stepsister and are happy to share her.

  Guaranteed happy ever after. No cheating. No cliffhanger.



  I could barely take my eyes off his dick. It was rude to stare, but what else could I do?

  I never expected to see my stepbrother naked like that. Not when I was in a room with twelve other people. Of course, I never expected to see it at all, under any circumstances.

  When asked to adopt a comfortable standing position for five minutes, Carl dropped the bathrobe without any sign of hesitation.

  Not that he had anything to be shy about.

  With the physique of a Greek god, he stood at over six foot tall with massive biceps and broad shoulders. He was ripped and well proportioned. Very well proportioned, as it turned out.

  His thick cock hung halfway to his knees. Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but not by much. He stood still long enough for me to measure, utilizing the usual method.

  With one eye shut and my pencil held out in front of me, I assessed the length of his flaccid dick in relation to his torso and his legs. That was the usual technique for working out proportions in these art classes.

  When I turned up to the life drawing class I thought the model would probably be someone a lot older, not so attractive, and definitely not someone I knew.

  But there he stood just a few feet away, with his legs slightly apart and hands on hips. His big thick cock… thankfully, hanging down.

  Like a relaxing pet python.

  My eyes were drawn to it more than they should have been.

  Imagine if it were standing up.

  Oh. God. No. I did not need that mental image. I should not imagine it erect.

  Too late. My brain had gone there.

  I was sure my face flushed purple, and I felt as if I’d choke. I stooped down behind my easel for a moment of respite from the visual stimulation.

  My nether regions were becoming hot and wet. How wrong was that? Very wrong, I figured. Wrong because this was a respectable life drawing class and wrong because that guy was my stepbrother and I lived with him. I sat next to him for breakfast on weekends. The previous weekend we went to art exhibitions together. And now, he was exhibiting himself.

  We’d been living in the same apartment for a few weeks, so I’d seen him topless before. Or had I? I couldn’t be certain without giving it some thought.

  I’d certainly seen one or two of the triplets without their tops. But they looked so alike that when I first moved in I had difficulty telling them apart. And I tried hard not to pay too much attention when they were exposing so much skin.

  Well, once I’d clocked that all three were fine specimens of male beauty I tried not to look at them at all if they had their tops off.

  The artist in me wanted to look, of course. It was fascinating how much they were so alike as triplets, and it inspired many creative ideas.

  The red blooded woman in me wanted to look, too. To look and touch and be touched.

  Since moving into their apartment, I’d lost track of how many times I’d imagined one of them as my first. My first proper boyfriend. My first lover. I knew I shouldn’t think like that about them. They were my stepbrothers. And there were three of them.

  And as I got to know Carl, I’d taken him from fantasy boyfriend land and put him into real life best friend territory. That only left his enigmatic near identical looking brothers for my dirty fantasies. A woman did not ogle their best friend’s naked body. Just… no.

  My thoughts were so wrong.

  Even then as I thought about shading to give three dimensional depth, it was the shadow his dick cast against his thigh that I wanted to examine. Closely. Along with creating the appearance of texture similar to the thatch of his dark pubes.

  To understand my situation, you need to know that I’d only met my triplet stepbrothers on a few fairly brief occasions before moving into their apartment. I lived with them because I moved to the city to start art college.

  It wasn’t as if they were my actual brothers. We didn’t grow up together.

  I should explain the story from the beginning.

  From the day I moved into their apartment, I just knew there’d be trouble.



  “Where are Adam and Ben?” My father looked around the living room as if expecting them to jump out from behind the sofa. He knew well enough my brothers would do that sort of thing if they were here.

  By mere minutes, Adam and Ben were my older brothers.

  I was the last born of the Cooper triplets, but not the youngest child in the family. We have a much younger sister, Diana.

  “They’ve stepped out for a while and they’ll be back soon. They thought Sophie might like to settle in without the place feeling too crowded with people.” Dad and I had left Sophie in her new bedroom to unpack her stuff with her mother lending a hand. They didn’t need our help.

  Sophie’s dad died when she was young, and so did our mom. That was one thing we had in common.

  Barbara was Sophie’s mom and my dad’s new wife. They’d known each other for years. They’d met through working together; well, my dad was her boss. She was an administrative assistant in his law practice, and they only recently married. It made Sophie our younger stepsister.

  My father walked over to the window and gazed out on the magnificent view. “Then I have to ask, why are you still here?” He didn’t look at me, but I was the only other person in the room.

  Good question. As the official owner of the penthouse apartment, my dad had a key. He didn’t need me here to let them in.

  “I thought one of us should be here to greet her. She might have questions.” I wandered over to the tiny kitchen area, which took up a corner of the living space.

  He could have taken issue with my comment about the apartment feeling too crowded. It had five bedrooms and five bathrooms, and until now I’d only shared with my two brothers. It shouldn’t feel crowded when six people were at home; however, there were limited places to hide. The bedrooms and bathrooms were the only private spaces and everywhere else was open plan.

  “Good. I'm pleased you’re showing Sophie some consideration.”

  “I didn’t want her to feel unwelcome. It would’ve seemed weird if none of us were here.”

  Dad hummed and sighed. “Barbara is worried about her oldest daughter leaving home, and we’re trusting you boys to look after her.”

  “We’ll look after her like as if she were our younger sister, you can be sure of that, Dad.” I turned toward the fridge and opened the door to hide my reddening face.

  My thoughts about her were not the thoughts any guy would have about a younger sister. At least we weren’t related by blood, and we’d never lived together. Until now.

  I felt glad for the cooling air wafting over my flushed skin. “Can I get you a drink?" I asked, speaking into the cold space, and wanting to hide my flushed face behind it and have the cool air blowing on my heated skin.

  Lying to my father didn’t come easy, but I couldn’t tell him what Adam, Ben, and I really said when we discussed Sophie.

  We were three guys in our early twenties — of course, ou
r private conversations went places that were best kept private. Let’s say; we were frank with each other.

  When it came to Sophie, we were all of the same mind; perhaps it was down to our shared genes. I couldn’t say our thoughts were lewd and disgusting, although there was an element of that.

  Sophie was a babe to look at, a sweetie to talk to, and she was moving into our apartment.

  Mostly, she was the sort of girl we each wanted to date and get to know better. Not just get her naked and fuck her every which way. But of course, we wanted to do that too.

  We’d joked about competing for attention; winner takes all. We’d also discussed sharing her, and that was one hell of a hot fantasy. Three guys to satisfy our woman because she was too much for anyone on his own.

  We didn’t think of her in the same way as we should a sister.

  Nevertheless, we brothers intended to behave like gentlemen and do all we could for her.

  One way or another.

  Ultimately, it would be down to Sophie, if she was interested in any of us. We weren’t the sort to become freaky scary roommates. We weren’t going to stalk her or invade her privacy. We didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable and unsafe while she lived here with us. After all, we would be family for a long time into the future.

  And even though we had dirty minds, we were basically decent guys.

  “I don’t want a drink. I’ll wait until we go to the restaurant,” Dad replied.

  “Just orange juice for me then.” Feeling a little more together, I picked up a carton and put it on the counter. I shut the fridge door and poured myself a glass of juice.

  “I’d like to go to dinner early. We’ve a long drive ahead of us, and we want to get home at a reasonable time. Do you want to contact your brothers and tell them to get their asses back here?” He seemed a little pissed that they weren’t here already.

  My brothers should’ve stayed in because we knew the folks were coming.

  “Shall I use my triplet telepathy or shall I just use the phone?” I chuckled. Dad could contact them directly just as easily as I could.

  “Whichever works best.” Dad simply shrugged; he didn’t even chuckle at my joke. As far as he was concerned all the triplet jokes had worn thin many years ago.

  "I’ll make the call.” I pulled the phone from the back pocket of my jeans and shot off a text to Ben.

  : You need to get home.

  A reply came back instantly: Why?

  : Dad wants to go to dinner soon. ETA? I replied.

  : When are we going?

  As dad was the other side of the room and not looking over my shoulder, I replied.

  : The sooner we eat, the sooner we get back home. The sooner Dad is gone.

  He understood the implication. I didn’t need to spell it out.

  The sooner our dad and Sophie’s mom left the better. Sophie could start settling in properly, and we could get to know her better.

  We weren’t totally ungrateful. If it weren’t for our dad, we wouldn’t live in this luxurious penthouse apartment. We loved the old man, and any other time it would be great to have him visit and take us to dinner.

  But it seemed weird having our parents hanging around after Sophie arrived because she was both one hot chick and also almost a stranger to us.

  The three of us had lived together our entire lives and never lived with anyone else our age, so we were all eager to get to know her a little bit better and work out how she’d fit in with us in our house.

  “There you are.” Barbara’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. “The woman’s work is done. We’ve made Sophie’s bed and unpacked her clothes. It’s all looking far more feminine and homey in there already.”

  I looked up to see Sophie appearing a little sheepish as she followed her mom from her bedroom.

  “Can I get you ladies a drink?” I was still standing at the kitchen island by the fridge.

  “Yes, please, that would be lovely. Iced tea if you have it?” Barbara strode across the apartment toward me.

  Sophie nodded. “The same for me, or something cold.” She shut her bedroom door and leaned against it. I didn’t know why.

  She may have felt defensively protective of her new private domain and perhaps wanted to get back in there. Or she didn’t want to join us by walking the length of the hall.

  All five bedroom doors opened out on to a wide space that we called the hallway but there were no doors separating it from the living area, and it was in clear view of the kitchen.

  Discreetly sneaking guests in and out of bedrooms was nearly impossible with this layout.

  “Come and get it. I have iced tea or a variety of fruit juices or even beer.”

  Dad tutted and from the corner of my eye I could see him shaking his head.

  “I hope you’re not seriously going to be plying my girl with drink. You know she’s nineteen.”

  Ouch. That stung and I’d bet Sophie didn’t like it. No one wanted to be treated like a child when they were an adult in every sense of the word except not legally old enough for alcohol.

  Barbara sounded stern, but her face displayed a soft expression; her eyes smiled. Perhaps she was joking; I couldn’t be sure. And I didn’t know my dad’s new wife well enough to know her sense of humor.

  Before I could answer Sophie had walked up alongside me. I could smell her subtle perfume. Sweet, with a hint of strawberry, and a dash of deliciously distracting.

  “I’m easy, and twenty.” She whispered the number quietly, I expect only I heard it. “Tea, water, soda, they’re all good for me.”

  I opened the fridge again; Sophie leaned in and picked up a can of soda. I pulled out tea for Barbara.

  “Do you have any idea what your hours will be at college?” I asked.

  “No. I’ll get my schedule tomorrow. I’m planning to make the most of it, though. Go to every class and make the most of every opportunity.”

  I wondered if that were true or if she said that for the benefit of her mom.

  “What kind of art are you doing?”

  “Well, that’s just it. I’m not sure. I love sketching and painting. Country scenes, still life, watercolors, oils. But it’s a bit old-fashioned, so I’m not sure there’s a demand. I think I should probably improve my photography skills and, well, I need to decide what I’m going to do when I grow up.” She shrugged and looked around at her mom and my dad.

  I sensed she might have different things to say if we were alone.

  “You’re welcome to try out my camera and play with my software. I’m not exactly a beginner when it comes to photo editing software. In fact, I think I might have every program available.”

  “I didn’t know you were into photography.” Sophie jerked her head back, and I was, in turn, taken aback by her surprise.

  “Seriously, do you know anything about me?” I looked across at Dad, who paid us no attention while he discussed the view with Barbara. I interrupted. “Dad,” I interrupted. “Have you told Sophie anything about us?”

  “Yes,” he said without glancing in our direction.

  I shook my head and shrugged. “Does he even know me?” I whispered. “I’ve been taking photos and manipulating images for as long as I can remember. And I’m studying photography and business.”

  Sophie smiled. “How didn’t I know that?”

  “Right. How didn’t you.” I shot laser beams at my dad with my eyeballs. Imaginary lasers, of course. “I’d show you my equipment right now, but it would be easiest if you just came into my bedroom to see it. And I’m not sure your mom would approve.”

  Her grin widened. “Definitely. Visits to each other’s bedrooms are postponed until after they’ve gone. I’m pleased to know I’ve got something in common with at least one of you. I’ve been apprehensive about suddenly moving in with a bunch of guys.”

  “I understand. It’s like we’ve met a few times and made polite conversation but we don’t actually know each other. You’ll find we’re very easy going. You’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sure that’s true. So you’re an artist. Wow.”

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