The Wolf's Bride (The Wolfe City Pack Book 3), page 1

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The Wolf’s Bride
The Wolfe City Pack
Sophie Stern
Copyright © 2017 by Sophie Stern
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Cover designed by Melody Simmons.
For my mate
Rebecca hasn't looked twice at another man since her mate passed away. Widowed at a young age, she spends her time volunteering or hanging out with friends. She's not interested in romance.
At least, not until she meets Brandon.
The Wolfe City Pack Alpha is big, strong, and beautiful.
He's entirely wrong for her.
Still, she can't fight the attraction between them. She can't stop thinking that maybe, just maybe, she could get a second chance at love.
*This romance takes place in the fictional town of Wolfe City and features sexy shifters and the humans who love them. HEA.*
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 1
Wolfe City is the cutest town I’ve ever been to.
It’s also the most dangerous.
Oh, there’s not a lot of crime in this place. People aren’t getting mugged or robbed or murdered.
No, that’s not why I think Wolfe City is dangerous.
The reason I think Wolfe City is a dangerous place to be is a much more dramatic, much more personal, much more intimate reason.
The reason Wolfe City is a dangerous place to be is that people have a habit of getting married here and I’m not in the market for marriage. If there’s one thing I really, really don’t want right now, it’s a husband. If there’s one thing I don’t need, it’s a man. If there’s one thing that’s just not going to be any good for me at this particular moment in my life, it’s a relationship.
I do not need one.
I don’t need a relationship.
Keeping that in mind, I can’t explain why I decided to move to Wolfe City. Not really. I’m a pretty level-headed woman. I’m reasonable. I’m sharp. I don’t make decisions on a whim, but when my best friend and roommate up and got herself a husband, I moved to Wolfe City alongside her.
Now I’m working at the bookstore in town and living in the little studio apartment upstairs. I live there for free, excluding rent and utilities, and my boss is incredible.
He’s a little bit too incredible.
Today, Brandon is going to stop by to talk with me about our current inventory and what we need to focus on getting more of around here. The Dusty Shelf is a cute, cozy secondhand bookstore. Despite the fact that Wolfe City is a pretty small town, we tend to burn through books incredibly fast. People here love to read and they love to read a lot. It’s hard keeping everything stocked.
I’m going to suggest to Brandon that we consider expanding our store’s content. I think that if we offer a wider variety of books, including novels in foreign languages and maybe even some bestsellers and new releases, we’ll be able to make more. The extra money can be used to continue to purchase further inventory or we could expand the shop.
I’ve only been here for a few months, so it’s not really my place to ask Brandon if he’ll let me start selling coffee and cookies in the bookstore, but I might. I should really bite my tongue, but the idea is just so inviting and wonderful.
I love the idea of The Dusty Shelf being a place where shifters and humans alike can come relax on a cold winter afternoon.
I love thinking that maybe, just maybe, this could be a place where people can come enjoy a little bit of comfort and companionship.
And I love thinking that when someone is going through a hard time, when they’re struggling, when they’re alone, that they might find a place where they can find some peace.
I want The Dusty Shelf to be that place.
I finish brushing my teeth and styling my hair. Then I throw on a little bit of lipgloss and some mascara. I’m not the prettiest girl or the most stylish girl, but I look alright. I’m starting to feel stressed and tired: a sign I need to shift soon. It’s been about a week since I was in my tigress form, and that’s a long-ass time for a shifter to be stuck looking like a human.
Maybe once Brandon and I finish our meeting, I’ll go for a run. Wolfe City has a ton of forest paths and hidden areas for shifters to roam. I’ve explored them a little bit, but I could use a little more time to myself. All I’ve done lately is pour my heart and soul into the bookstore. There’s nothing wrong with having a little time to myself.
After one last glance in the mirror, I head down the narrow staircase and open the door to the bookstore. My apartment is only accessible through the bookstore itself, which took quite a bit of getting used to, but I don’t mind it anymore. I like opening the door and finding myself in the world of books. It makes me feel like a fairy princess discovering an incredible treasure.
Only I get to discover this every day.
When I open the door, Brandon is already in the bookstore. Being the owner, he has his own set of keys. I quietly close and lock the door to my apartment, then head to the front of the store to join him.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Brandon turns when he sees me and hands me a cup of coffee.
“You went to Arlington’s?” I’m surprised. The coffee shop is a twenty-minute drive from Wolfe City. It’s located in another town, but to be honest, the drive is totally worth it sometimes for a white chocolate mocha.
“I was visiting one of the wolves who’s in the hospital,” he says. “Thought I’d bring you a drink on the way back.”
I take a sip of my coffee and try not to groan with happiness. It’s still steaming hot and it’s perfectly brewed.
“Thanks Brandon,” I whisper. “It’s amazing. Seriously, this is amazing.”
“Another late night?” He asks, raising an eyebrow. He motions for us to sit and I collapse in one of the comfortable chairs at the front of the bookstore. The armchairs were my idea. I figured that they contributed to a comfortable atmosphere where people would want to curl up and read. If people want to read more, they’re going to buy more books, so it’s a win-win situation for everyone.
“Yeah, I was up coming up with some new ideas for the shop,” I admit, curling my hair nervously around my finger. It’s a bad habit: one I should stop.
“Is that right?” Brandon asks. He sits with his legs crossed, his back straight. Although he’s well over six feet tall, he sits properly, carefully. It’s all part of being the Wolfe City Pack’s Alpha. He carries himself very carefully. Each movement is perfectly calculated, and sometimes, I feel bad for Brandon.
It can’t be easy to have everyone watching you all the time.
“Hey,” I place a hand on his knee. “Relax. It’s just us,” I shrug. “No need to be proper here.”
“No?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Not at all.”
“Rebecca, you should never give a wolf an invitation to behave improperly. He might get the wrong idea.”
My heart starts to race as I realize what he’s saying. I shouldn’t be attracted to Brandon. I shouldn’t. I can’t. We’ve spent so much time together, talked so easily to one another, that I didn’t even realize the attraction was sneaking up on me until it was too late.
And now I really am totally, hopelessly, completely in love with him.
But I can never tell him.
Marriage is a complication I do not need.
“You can sit however you like,” I whisper, and I move my hand back to myself.
Chapter 2
Rebecca has been through hell and she’s come out scarred, but strong as hell. I’ve never met a woman quite like her before. I’ve never met a woman who could hold her own like she can.
I see the excitement flash in her eyes before she convinces herself to behave. She pulls her hand back and grips her coffee. Then she sips it slowly: much too slowly. She sips her coffee so slowly that she’s obviously not sipping it at all. She’s just buying time because she doesn’t want to talk.
I don’t blame her.
I know she’s nervous.
The realization that you’re falling in love with someone new is never easy. Sometimes love takes you by surprise. Sometimes it catches you and grips you and you’re caught up in its whirlwind. Sometimes you find your mate and you just know instantly. Sometimes you find someone and immediately, you know you have to be with them or you’re just going to die.
But sometimes love comes slowly.
I know Rebecca lost her first husband. I know he died shortly after they were mated. She still has h
But I’m not an ordinary guy.
And I’m not going to let her skate by on practicalities.
“So tell me what ideas you’ve come up with,” I say casually, setting my coffee down. I take in her appearance. She’s wearing just the smallest hint of makeup, but she looks lovely. Although she has dark circles under her eyes – probably from not sleeping very well – Rebecca’s skin has a soft glow about it.
She’s happy.
And she’s excited.
Whatever her ideas are, I know they’re going to be incredible. Hiring Rebecca as my new manager for The Dusty Shelf was the best business decision I could have possibly made. After my previous manager found her mate and left Wolfe City, I struggled to find someone new. My regular employees are fantastic, but there’s a difference between being a good employee and being a good leader.
Rebecca is a great leader.
And she’s a great businesswoman.
“Well, you know, I’m not the expert,” she says with a shrug. “But I did come up with a couple of things.”
“Before you tell me, I need to say something.” I can’t let that comment go. I let a lot go when it comes to Rebecca, but I’m not going to let her doubt herself. I’m not going to let her question her worth. I realized something when I first met her. I realized that very first day that Rebecca was my mate. She doesn’t realize this, doesn’t know it, or maybe she just won’t accept that she can have a second chance at love.
“What is it?” She looks confused.
“You’re good at this, Rebecca. You’re a strong, capable woman. You’re smart and you’re honest and you’re really, really good at your job.”
“Wow, Brandon. I wasn’t expecting that. Thanks, I guess, but I mean, I’m still so new at this.”
“Rebecca, look at me.”
She lifts her eyes to mine and I smile at the gentle glow of her beautiful orange-black eyes. I still haven’t seen her in tigress form. I still haven’t seen her shift and run and play in her true body. I haven’t seen it, but I desperately want to.
“You are incredible. Please don’t doubt yourself. You’re an amazing, fantastic person. You’re smart. You’re great. Okay? So tell me your ideas, but when you do, stand behind them. Be firm in them. Believe in them.”
She takes a deep breath and for a second, I think she might tell me off. It wouldn’t be unheard of. Maybe she thinks I’m going too far or perhaps she thinks it’s not my place to ask her to be brave, but she doesn’t.
“You know what, Brandon? You’re right. I do doubt myself a lot and I apologize a lot. I’m often weak in how I present things. It’s a bad habit, but I’m an adult. It’s time that I stopped. Can I try again?”
Now I smile. “Of course,” I lean back in the chair and watch as she mentally prepares herself. Then she starts talking.
“I think we should expand on what we’re selling. Our current customer base is fantastic, but we can grow. Carrying new and different types of books will not only give our current customers more to read, but will also draw in new clients. I think we should offer more non-fiction used books, but we should also consider carrying some new releases. I know this is a used bookstore, but perhaps we could start with a small shelf up front that has the month’s top reads, or whatever, and that would bring in more profit for the shop.”
She pauses, and for a second I think she’s done, but Rebecca is on a roll. She takes a deep breath and keeps going.
“I have more ideas, too, that I think might be too much for right now, but I’ll tell you, anyway.”
“Please do.”
“I think we should offer more than just books here. You have a great location. The bookstore is right on Main Street and it’s close to the diner and near the motel. I’m not suggesting we open a full-scale coffee shop, but we could consider carrying a few hot beverages and snacks, perhaps some baked goods.”
Rebecca stands up and starts pacing in front of me as she talks. Now that she’s getting really excited, she’s getting animated, and I love it. I love how she’s expressing herself. I love how she’s finally telling me exactly what she thinks.
“I know Wolfe City isn’t exactly a tourist destination. I get that, but sometimes we do get visitors and maybe they don’t want to just sit around the motel or at their parents’ house the whole time they’re in town. We could make this a comfortable, cozy hangout. People could buy drinks and snacks and read.”
She stops and looks at me anxiously, and I realize she’s finished pitching me her ideas, and to be quite frank, I’m blown away.
“These ideas are all fantastic, Rebecca.”
“You sound shocked I would think so. Believe in yourself, sweetie. Like I said, you’re smart. I love all of the ideas you’ve come up with.”
“I guess I didn’t think they were bad ideas, but I thought you would need more convincing than this,” she chuckles and sits down. She looks really, really relieved.
“You’re my manager,” I remind her. “And I think you’re incredible. These ideas are really modern and trendy, but not faddish. You’re absolutely right. Wolfe City gets a lot of people from different cities and we’re behind the times. We don’t need to remake the town into a hotspot. We’re not Honeypot, for dragon’s sake, but there’s no reason we shouldn’t offer more to the people who do come to town.”
“Thank you,” she says. “I haven’t talked to any of the employees about my ideas. I know some of them are set in their ways about this being firmly a used bookstore focusing on fiction novels. I wanted to talk with you first.”
“And I appreciate that,” I say. “We should talk about this more and come up with some ideas for how we’re going to acquire new inventory, how much it’ll cost to set up a food and beverage area, and what sorts of new releases we want to offer.”
“Dinner?” She says, and I think her question surprises her just as much as it does me because Rebecca’s eyes get wide and a bright red blush covers her cheeks.
Oh, I can’t pass this offer up.
“Absolutely. Shall we say, 7 o’clock?”
“Okay,” she squeaks out. “Sounds good.”
Chapter 3
I am freaking the fuck out.
Brandon the Wolfe City Alpha is coming to my apartment for dinner.
What the hell am I supposed to do now?
After he leaves the bookstore, I run through my morning tasks as quickly as possible. Luckily, most of the things I do are really routine and mundane. I organize a new display at the front of the bookstore that features some of my favorite mystery writers, make sure the rest of the shelves are fully stocked and looking nice, and return a couple of emails from customers.
I have to do a little bit of work on the bookstore’s Facebook page, but that doesn’t take too long. I also update the Twitter site, Pinterest page, and blog. By the time I finish, it’s nearly nine. It’s nearly time to open the store for the day.
I still don’t know what I’m going to cook for Brandon.
I switch the sign at the front of the shop from “Closed” to “Open.” Immediately, a little cub runs inside.
“Good morning, Jemma,” I say to the little thing. She laughs and smiles and heads straight for the children’s section of the store. Twice a week, Jemma’s mother gives her a couple of dollars and lets her come shopping while she’s across the street getting groceries.
“Hi Becca!” Jemma says, but she doesn’t pay me anymore attention than that. Instead, she starts looking through the basket of new books I just put out.
“There are a couple of new Ramona books in there,” I tell her, but she squeals as I’m saying it, and I realize she’s already found them.
With Jemma occupied, I do one last sweep of the bookstore and then I settle in at the front desk, ready to face the day.