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Fated Mate: Sci-fi alien romance (Palaxian protectors of Earth Book 8), page 1


Fated Mate: Sci-fi alien romance (Palaxian protectors of Earth Book 8)
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Fated Mate: Sci-fi alien romance (Palaxian protectors of Earth Book 8)

  Fated mate

  Palaxian Protectors Of Earth

  Snow Morningstar

  Table of Contents

  Prologue Angi

  Chapter One Angi

  Chapter Two Angi

  Chapter Three Angi

  Chapter Four Angi

  Chapter Five Angi

  Chapter Six Angi

  Chapter Seven Zeek

  Chapter Eight Zeek

  Chapter Nine Angi

  Chapter Ten Angi

  Chapter Eleven Zeek

  Chapter Twelve Angi

  Chapter Thirteen Zeek

  Chapter Fifteen Angi

  Chapter Sixteen Angi

  Chapter Seventeen Zeek

  Chapter Eighteen Zeek

  Epilogue Angi

  Prologue Angi

  A s far as side gigs and hustles go, I'm the queen. I've used every gig-economy app you've probably heard of, plus ones you haven’t. I’ve delivered food, given people rides, tested products and taken silly surveys. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to pay the bills.

  I've also done odd jobs off Craigslist and Backpage. Occasionally, I mow lawns and walk dogs. So, today when I was scrolling through the Backpage gig section, an intriguing sponsored ad caught my eye.

  Looking for single females to participate in a study. Relocation is required and possibly a requirement. Compensation is negotiable.

  Naturally I was intrigued and clicked on the ad. I wouldn’t mind relocating out of the sticks of Alabama.

  We are seeking single females (single moms OK) to participate in a reproductive study in a faraway exotic location!

  Oh dammit, this is one of those “be a surrogate in a foreign country” scam, isn’t it? With my luck, they would take the baby and throw me in the ocean. I don’t think I want to do a gig like that anyway.

  Out of curiosity, I kept reading the ad.

  In this study, not only will you get the chance to fall in love with a handsome hunk, you’ll be handsomely rewarded for your time even if you decide this isn’t a good fit for you.

  Nope, I was wrong. This isn’t a surrogacy scam. This is a reality show. I just know it! It’s that silly show where women fight over a man in a suit in a phony castle. He hands out roses until there’s only one woman left. The woman who is supposed to be the object of every man’s desire.

  Well, that isn’t particularly me. In my opinion, I’m pretty and successful in my own way. I’m curvy and don’t hide what I’ve got. But I’m not a Barbie doll who is a professional cat sitter that somehow magically makes six-figures a year. I don’t think I would be a good fit for the show.

  I continued to read the last part of the ad anyway.

  Don’t be shy and hit that ‘Apply now button!’ Don’t worry about what you look like. We don’t care if you don’t have a college degree. We don’t care if you have debt or live in your mom’s basement. We are looking for women with a good heart and an open mind.

  Dammit, something always reminded me about my plague of a school loan. Or loans, I should say. I don’t live in my mom’s basement, so that was always a plus, along with my size. I’ve always been curvy and never had a problem with it.

  I hit the ‘apply now’ link because I was so darn curious. If this was some on-camera gig, I wouldn’t go through with it. People could be cruel and I didn’t want to be the brunt of America’s fat-girl jokes.

  The link I clicked took me to a shady website. It looked like a squeeze page that someone made yesterday. I kept looking out of curiosity.

  Click here to apply.

  I would know this was a scam if it asked me to enter my credit card number. To my surprise, it didn’t. I was only asked for some really basic information. The form only asked for my email, name, birth-date, age, phone number and city/state. It didn’t ask me for my occupation or a resume. I always hated when odd job websites wanted a resume. I mean, who cares? How many qualifications does a dog-walker need?

  I was also relieved that it didn’t ask me for a description of what I looked like or a selfie. For all I knew, this was a website run by traffickers prowling on vulnerable women. I really hoped that this wasn't a human trafficking ring looking for fresh meat. These days, it was nearly impossible to tell what was legit and what’s a scam. I closed my laptop not wanting to think about it any further.


  I've heard the rumors circulating around because every Palaxian male won't shut up about it. One human female is coming to Xarth and will be someone's mate. A human female is currently being selected.

  While some pussy would be nice (because pleasure planets aren't my thing), the chances of this female actually being my fated mate are slim.

  There's hundreds of Palaxian males on the human mate waiting list and that's why I didn't even bother putting my name on it. The princess's mating program is just a pilot program. Who knows how many months or years it could take to take full swing.

  I'm doomed to be single forever and I don't feel sorry for myself. I could date other species, except there's one problem. They aren't breeding compatible with Palaxians. Humans as far as we know are the only species that is genetically similar enough to carry our children. The princess just had a baby and he's adorable. I want a mate and a family. I've spent my entire life alone and am done with that way of life. Not to mention my bed would be warm at night and I wouldn't have to use my hand so much anymore.

  A handful of males have managed to get a human female mate. Word of mouth says the all males acquired their mates with nothing more than lucky circumstances. I don't know any of the males well enough to ask if it's true and I don't really care.

  Chapter one Angi

  F rom the timestamp on the email, I got a response almost immediately. I didn't check my email until the next morning though. The quick response made me weary It was a response from the silly page I entered my info in yesterday.

  The email I received simply said:

  "Let's talk on Facetime or Zoom. I'll give you all the details I can and answer your questions (if I can).


  I replied back and reluctantly agreed to Face time chat. We agreed on a time, so here I am holding the phone. I wore a nice shirt because she would see me above the shoulders, but down below I was wearing flannel jammie pants.

  I quickly put on some mascara and lip gloss. I never wore heavy makeup, just a little to freshen up my look.

  I was so nervous when my phone rang. It was a Facetime call. I clicked the green icon on the screen that would accept the video call. The lady I'd been chatting with popped up on my screen. She was surprisingly beautiful. She had dark brown skin, eyes and hair, which was cut short. She smiled with a huge grin. Her friendly appearance was calming and I didn't get the impression she was a part of a human trafficking operation. She looked like a nice lady and my nerves settled.

  “My name is Brittany. It's so nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” I nervously chuckled. “So, is this a reality dating show?”

  “Nope. You won't be broadcasted and humiliated. This is so much better.”

  “Whew. I was worried about having to date a guy.”

  Through her dark complexion, I could see her blush. “Well, there is dating involved and in the end, you would be engaged to be married.”

  “I don't think I'd be a good candidate for this… opportunity. I'm not a tall, slender supermodel.”

  She waved a dismissive hand. “Don't be ridiculous! You're beautiful just the way you are. My guys would be happy to have you. Trust me on this.”

  Reluctantly, I asked, “Tell me about your guys.”

  “They are tall, handsome and most importantly single and ready to settle down. It would probably be better if you saw them in person.”

  “I don't get this situation. What's in it for you?” I huffed in annoyance. “Are you like a matchmaker or something? I mean, are the guys paying you?”

  “It's hard to explain over the voice chat. This conversation might be better in person. Let's chat in my office.”

  “Fine. Send me the address. When do you want to meet?”

  “I can give you the coordinates, but you couldn't get here by car. I'll send someone to get you.”

  “Oh, you're in Alaska or something?”

  “Further away, I’ll explain everything. Angi, are you sitting down?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “My office is on a planet called Xarth.”

  “Excuse me?” I choked out. I mustn't have heard her right.

  “Don't look so shocked. I'm on planet Xarth and I'll send a shuttle to pick you up.” I heard a toddler babbling and she picked them up. They were fussing and suddenly I noticed something different about the child. Pale blue skin. A big blue guy with horns appeared in the background and picked up the child.

  “Come to daddy,” he said.

  My jaw gaped open in shock. I tapped on the screen.

  “Is that… Was that an alien?” I shrieked.

  “Now you know aliens exist,” Brittany said calmly, like it wasn't a big deal. My mind started to put two and two together.

  “Let me get this straight. You want me to date an alien? Big blue aliens with horns.”

  “Since my family spilled the beans and the secret is out. Yeah, that's it in a nutshell. You'll be the first female to be paired off. There'
s thousands of males on the mate waiting list.”

  “I'm going to have to say no, as intriguing as it sounds. I'm not sure if what I saw was even real. You could be a movie special effects person for all I know.”

  The big blue guy grabbed Brittany's phone.

  “I'm real and not special effects.” He handed the phone back to Brittany.

  “I know it's a lot to take in. Just think about it. Okay?”

  “I'll think about it.” This is crazy. WTF just happened?


  I was summoned by the queen herself and I was surprised. I'm just a mechanic. I'm not a royal guard or warrior, so I'm not sure what it's about. Brittany isn't a Palaxian like me. Typically royalty doesn’t associate themselves with commoners like myself. Except Ragnar and Brittany are a different king and queen altogether. They talk to everyone and aren’t too good for people like me. Although I doubt this is a social call because she is mated to Ragnar. I have a feeling deep down in my gut that there’s something she will require of me.

  I knocked on the throne room door before entering because it’s customary and polite. The royal guard standing to the side said, “You may enter. The queen awaits your presence.” At the same time I heard her voice call out, “Come in!”

  I walked inside and clasped my hands behind my back and bowed, not looking her in the eyes. “Your majesty, how may I be of service?”

  She chortled and waved her hands in the air. “Zeek, oh my God! How many times do I have to tell you to cut that shit out?”

  I blew out a breath in relief and sat down in the chair in front of her desk. “Every damn time Brittany. What if one day you change your mind and reprimand me for insolence?”

  She laughed even harder. “Dammit man. Is this the medieval times now?” “What is that? A human reference of some sort?” I casually clasped my hands behind my head and relaxed into the chair.

  “Yes it is, but never mind that. I have a favor to ask and please don’t say no.”

  “Is this a command or favor? Do I have a choice to say no?”

  “You can say no,” she said in a serious tone. “But I could really use your help.”

  “Let me guess. A warrior crashed a warbird somewhere and you want me to fix it.” I scratched my chin in thought. “Or Ragnar crashed it and you want me to fix it and not tell anyone because he’s embarrassed.”

  She laughed, “No, but that’s a good guess. So, you know about the human mate waiting list.”

  “Yes,” I suspiciously said and I was intrigued about what she would say next.

  “You aren’t on the waiting list, but most of the royal guards are. When she gets here, I’ll need a guard to stand post on stage when the males get to hold her hand for one minute. I have a team of escorts for when she gets here but- ”

  I cleared my throat and interrupted her. “But they all want their chance to be her mate.” That will never be me…

  “Your majesty, I’m neither a royal guard or a warrior. If a fight breaks out, all I’ll be able to do is pick her up and run. I am not trained in combat.”

  She clapped her small, human hands once in front of her face. “Perfect plan! If a fight breaks out, don’t engage, just grab Angi and run.”

  I hadn’t said yes to her plan, but I could tell she had her heart set on it. I couldn’t say no now and it wasn’t because she was the princess. I felt my protective instinct kick in and I needed to protect this human. Angi, the queen called her. I could never forget such a unique name.

  “I’ll do it.”

  “Thank you so much. I’ll make sure you’re compensated for your time.”

  She’s always been a generous person. “Thank you your majesty—I mean Brittany. I wasn’t doing this for the credits. I don’t think it’s necessary.”

  “Don’t be silly. I wouldn’t ask you to work for free.”

  Chapter two Angi

  I woke up the next day with my mind in a fog. I wasn’t entirely sure if any of this was real because it was so bizarre. I mean… Aliens and dating one? I wasn’t sure if it was all a dream when I woke up the next day, but it wasn’t. Brittany sent me a few text messages.

  “Text or call when you’re awake… The guys are so excited to meet you… Just an FYI, planet Xarth is only two hours away... Come talk to me in person.” Yep, this was real alright. After I had my morning coffee and let my mind wake up, I texted her back.

  “I can’t believe another planet is only a couple hours away! I have tomorrow and the next day off, so I’ll come for a quick visit.”

  “Sounds good. I’m sending captain Zark and my BFF Zed to come get you. Zark is a Palaxians, like my husband, so don’t freak out. Zed is a Xandarth, so he looks a little different. I’ll have Zed knock on your door and he’ll walk you to the space craft. I’ll text you a picture of Zed.”

  Oh God… Space travel… Why didn’t I think of this before? I’ll be zooming off into space at Mach speed. I’ll pass out or vomit, or both!

  “I’m not a trained astronaut. I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Don’t worry. Our space craft's travel quickly, but you won’t feel it moving much. Compare it to traveling in a train or cruise ship. You’ll get here fast because they take a short-cut through a wormhole. It’s really cool to watch.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” While I was looking forward to it, who was I kidding? I was terrified!

  I packed my bags to get ready for my trip and it took all night after work. I tried on about twenty different outfits and couldn’t decide on which ones to pick, so I packed them all. First impressions are important and while I don’t know what I’m exactly signing up for, I want to look good.

  Dressing in clothes I like always helps boost my confidence, especially with all my curves. I’m more on the plus-size spectrum and I don’t have a problem with it. My body has always been curvier and thicker—I don’t have a problem with it. I am who I am and I’ve learned to love myself.

  I packed all my favorite dresses and shirts that accentuate my curves. I don’t style my clothing to hide my body, instead I like to show it off. Don’t get it twisted though because I’m not wearing mini-skirts and shirts that have so much cleavage that half of my breasts are hanging out. It’s not like that at all. I prefer more of a classy and vibrant look.

  I barely slept last night because I was so damn excited about going to another planet. I wasn’t only feeling excited though. I was nervous, scared and enthralled! I was going to meet real aliens!

  I was sitting on my couch scrolling through Twitter while I was waiting for Brittany’s friend Zed to knock on the door.

  Knock, knock, knock. I nearly fell off the couch because I was so excited! He was here! I jumped up and looked through the peep-hole and I was disappointed at what I saw because it wasn’t a green alien—it was a pizza delivery guy. He was very much a human and not an alien. What struck me as odd was that I didn’t order any pizzas, but he wasn’t carrying a food bag anyway.

  “Hello?” he called out. “Is this Angi’s house?”

  I didn’t open the door. “Yes, it’s me. Who are you and why are you here?”

  “It’s me Zed.” He quietly whispered, “I’m wearing a disguise.”

  I didn’t understand it because he actually looked one hundred percent human and it didn’t even look like he was wearing a face mask.

  I opened the door and he looked so real and I was perplexed.

  “May I come in?” Zed quietly asked. “Brittany texted me your picture. How do you look so human?” I waved a finger up and down his body.

  He whispered, “Let me inside and I’ll explain everything Brittany didn’t tell you.” I usually wouldn’t let a stranger in my house, but I felt oddly at ease around him.


  He walked inside and clicked a button on a wrist-worn device that looked like a smart watch. “Wow!” I shrieked. One second he was a pizza-delivery guy, and the next he was a green alien. His face looked really similar to a human’s except for the dark emerald color of his skin and horns on top of his head. I saw his picture, but the real him didn’t do him justice.

  “How is that possible?”

  “It’s just a hologram,” he said with a wink.

  He looked me up and down. “You’re beautiful! Those Palaxian men are in for a treat.”

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