One Nation, Under... (Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 8), page 1

Apocalypse Gates
Book #: 8
One Nation, Under…
Daniel Schinhofen
Copyright © 2021 Daniel J. Schinhofen
No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form by an electronic or mechanical means – except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews – without the written permission from the publisher.
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental and not intended by the author.
Copyright © 2021 Daniel J. Schinhofen
All rights reserved.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
Chapter Fifty-four
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-one
Chapter Seventy-two
Chapter Seventy-three
Chapter Seventy-four
Chapter Seventy-five
Chapter Seventy-six
Chapter Seventy-seven
Chapter Seventy-eight
Chapter Seventy-nine
Chapter One
Alvin was dressed in an instant, as were the four women in the bedroom with him. Gothy was wearing her corset and leathers as if she was born to wear them. Her raven hair was pulled back from her face, held there by a headband sporting twin red horns. Giving him a wink, she went back to speaking with Mousie.
Mousie’s dark skin and pointed ears told anyone with the right knowledge of her Queens’ Elf heritage. She was dressed in a short skirt and crop top— a far call from her armor— but they weren’t leaving the base right away, so she went with comfort.
To their side, Desiree was having a whispered conversation with Sammi. Desiree’s short, broad figure held womanly curves in all the right places, easily seen when she was wearing her bodysuit. It was her most comfortable clothing, as she’d been used to wearing it for years, and it would allow her to summon her battle armor instantly.
Sammi was the newest addition to their family. Formerly a developer for the game they were playing, she was now an alpha tester. Her short, spiky, pink hair added to her personality. What no one had known about her as a dev was just what a kinky slut she really was. When she’d joined them all last night, it had been a shock, but a very pleasant one, as it put her perfectly in line with their desires.
“Jarvis should be telling us about breakfast soon,” Alvin said, “but we have a problem out there to deal with. Now, while I wouldn’t trade the reason why we have them for the world, we still have to deal with them.”
Sammi looked away for a moment, her face heating as a smile came to her lips at his words. “Erzulie will abide as she said. The question is, what are you thinking of doing?”
“If we can get a pledge out of her, it might be amazing,” Gothy said. “She’s basically a minor deity, right?”
“‘Heavenly messenger’ is more accurate,” Sammi corrected.
“We could have her pledge to us and to whichever settlement we take her to,” Desiree suggested. “If she’s that afraid of her husbands, can we not take her to my father or to Queen Night?”
“Hmm... separating her from Earth? That’s an idea.”
“She spoke of being separated from her power here. Maybe it’d be the same on our worlds,” Mousie said. “She might not want to go to either.”
“Fair points, but if I’m not actively harming her, I don’t think she has a lot of choice,” Alvin said. “I’m going to make her pledge. Might as well bug test that. If she’ll do that, I’ll be more willing to work with her.”
“What are you thinking, if she does?” Gothy asked.
“Depending on what she’ll agree to, I’d be willing to take her to any of the bases we have good relationships with. She might want to go to one of our wives’ worlds, too. We’ll have to ask.”
“Anything you need to do is fine, Hero,” Sammi said.
Alvin’s lips turned up. “Already calling me Hero, hmm?”
“You are,” Sammi smiled. “Death all around me, and you— all of you,” she looked at her lovers, “came for me. Into hell and fire, against heavenly messengers to pluck me from the destruction. You even said you’d leave the others behind if needed to save just me.”
“And he spoke for all of us,” Gothy said, shifting to put her arm around Sammi’s waist.
“And that just makes me happier,” Sammi whispered. “But that’s for later. We have something to deal with first… well, first today.” She giggled.
Mousie snickered. “Hero loves to have dessert first if he can.”
Alvin just shook his head. “Sammi’s right. Okay, shall we go see how our guests are doing?”
“Hero,” Sammi asked before anyone could move, “are you going to take as much as you can?”
“I have a specific request in mind,” Alvin said. “Not sure if she can do it, but I’m going to ask, and then I’ll work with her to come to an agreement. I’m going to push for as much as I can without alienating her.”
“Okay,” Sammi nodded. “She is the Loa of love, both good and destructive love.”
“Yeah, we caught hints of her seductions,” Alvin said, “which means she can influence minds.”
“Oh…” Sammi nodded.
A soft knock on the door came just before Jarvis’ voice. “Sir, breakfast in five minutes.”
“Be right out, Jarvis,” Alvin called back.
“Hero, no matter what you decide, we’re with you,” Desiree said.
“As always,” Mousie smiled.
“She beat me to it,” Gothy chuckled.
“I’ll help as much as I can,” Sammi added.
Alvin went to the door, looking back at his four wives with a soft smile. “Ready to face off with a heavenly messenger?”
They all went up to him, each giving him a kiss as they left the room. Alvin kissed them back, giving each a playful swat on the ass as they walked away. The last one out of the room, he shut the door behind them.
Erzulie and her followers were in the living room, watching them as they came out of the bedroom. “Alvin,” Erzulie greeted him, “have you slept upon what you require to aid me?”
“There’s a lot there to discuss,” Alvin said. “I am willing to work with you, but it’ll wait until after breakfast.”
“As you decree, as you are the host,” Erzulie said, bowing her aged head.
“It will be just a moment,” Jarvis said from the kitchen. “Nohel is making this all by herself.”
“Overachieving?” Alvin asked him.
“Not at all, sir. She can manage it, and she’s doing it to prove to herself that she can, for later.”
The reminder that Jarvis might not be with them for much longer felt like a gut punch to Alvin. “Okay.”
“Jarvis,” Sammi smiled, “we didn’t get to talk last night. We’ll have time later today, I hope?”
“I’d like that, miss,” Jarvis said, bowing his head. Glancing at Nohel, he nodded. “If you’d like to take seats at the table, we’ll be serving in just a moment.”
Nohel started to pull things off the stove while Jarvis retrieved multiple pitchers and coffee urns for t
The Loa and her followers were nearly starving, and Sammi wasn’t much better. They tore into the food ravenously. While Alvin and the others also ate, they took a little more time to finish. In the end, all of the eggs, bacon, sausages, and biscuits were eaten, with only a bit of gravy left behind.
“Delicious, Nohel. Thank you,” Alvin told the young woman.
“Thank you, Alvin,” Nohel said softly as she collected his empty plate. “I thought simple was best for the number of people we had.”
“And you managed to make it delicious,” Gothy told her. “What do you think, Jarvis?”
“She did as well as I could have,” Jarvis replied. “Give us just a moment to clear the table. Did you want more coffee or juice?”
“Coffee’s good. Thanks,” Alvin told him.
Erzulie’s followers shifted in their seats while the old woman merely smiled.
It didn’t take long for the table to be cleared and fresh coffee to be set out. Alvin fixed himself a cup before he spoke up, “Okay, now that we’re sated, we can begin our discussion. There are a couple of options of what we can do to help you, but first, I’m going to ask for a pledge.”
“You are going to ask a Loa to pledge to you?” one of her followers hissed.
“Would you like to step outside?” Gothy asked with a pleasant smile. “The door is currently hundreds of feet in the air, but I’m sure your mouth can make sure you land safely.”
Erzulie sighed, then fixed her follower with a pointed gaze. “You will remain silent. I will do what I must and, if we do it right, then it will not be terrible. Upsetting him or his wives will be our end.”
The woman bowed her head deeply. “I am sorry.”
“Alvin, what pledge would you ask of me?” Erzulie asked, not even acknowledging her subordinate’s apology.
“You can grant boons, I know Loa can do that. I am going to ask for a boon for my family and I, as well as for the leader of any settlement we take you to.”
Erzulie searched his face before she nodded slowly. “For those here, plus up to three others of your choosing. Depending on the boon, I can agree to those numbers.”
“You can do mind magic, and I want to be immune to it,” Alvin said simply. “Immunity to mindfuckery.”
Erzulie’s head shook side to side. “This I cannot do, for even I am not immune to all things.”
“Counter-offer?” Alvin asked.
“I could easily make you immune to all levels of seduction,” Erzulie added. “It would stop anyone from using energy, magic, or other forms of manipulation, but would not stop physical seduction. After all, most men forget their names if you blow them right.”
“Can’t argue that much,” Alvin snorted. “You can’t stop fear or other mind magic?”
“Ah, you said immune,” Erzulie replied, her wrinkled face creasing into a smile. “I can increase your mental defenses against all forms of mental influence, but not completely. I do not wish to be blamed if you take that and you still succumb.”
“That’s fair,” Alvin said. “How much protection are you talking?”
Erzulie frowned, her eyes going distant for a moment. “Anything lesser than me would find it nigh impossible, but any entity above my level could still manage it with only minor difficulty. You would be immune to me and all other Loa, though.”
“Sammi, can you clarify that into numbers?” Gothy asked.
“I’d say for the lesser beings, it’d be a base ninety percent resistance. For other powerful beings, since most have the ability to overcome resistances, maybe a boost of forty percent?”
“Those would still be a big help, especially with our armors,” Desiree said. “That’d give us well over a hundred percent resistance to most things.”
“She can do more,” Mousie said, staring at Erzulie.
The old woman gave Mousie a penetrating look.
“Well?” Alvin asked Erzulie.
“I might be able to increase the effectiveness a little more than I stated.”
“Immunity to seduction and the increased effectiveness against the rest,” Alvin said. “For my family, and three others.”
Erzulie started to nod, but stopped when Alvin continued.
“Also, I will have your pledge not to undermine whichever settlement we take you to, nor will you start conflicts between allied settlements.”
Lips thinning, Erzulie stared at Alvin. “As long as they do not seek to chain me to them.”
“You should be free to go as you wish, but any allied settlement of mine will be given the same courtesy. Making an enemy of them will be making an enemy of me.”
The old woman nodded, smiling slightly. “Something I do not wish to do, which makes that addendum a given.”
“If you’ll pledge that, then I am willing to take you to any allied settlement, or even to either of my wives’ worlds.”
Erzulie glanced at Desiree and Mousie. “Hmm... that might diminish me… but it would do the same to my husbands.”
“But—” one of her followers started to object, only to be cut off.
“Would I be allowed to spread my views and gain followers there?”
“As long as you don’t go against the wishes of the leaders of the settlement.”
Eyes going to Mousie, Erzulie smiled. “Your world is one of strong women, is it not?”
“It is.”
“That is where I wish to go, then,” Erzulie said. “Strong women who can attain what they desire are perfect.”
“Okay, that means we’re going back to California,” Alvin said. “Shouldn’t take long. I’ll take your pledge now.”
Erzulie looked at Gothy. “I need to regain my true form.”
“For this only,” Gothy said.
The Loa smiled and, a moment later, she began to transform into a young, beautiful woman. She had become a woman so beautiful that any man would want to possess her. “Ah, that is much better. I am Erzulie, and I vow to Alvin Leon Lambert…”
She recited a pledge that was in perfect sync with what they had discussed. When she finished, Erzulie became an old woman again.
“I accept. Okay, we’ll make arrangements,” Alvin said, getting up. “You can use the guest bathrooms if you want to clean up more than you did last night. Ladies, let’s go check the kiosk.”
His wives all stood, following him out of the room.
Chapter Two
Entering the kiosk room, Alvin motioned his wives to go into the medical room. “Okay, I want to warn Queen Night before we do this, to make sure that she’ll be okay with it. If she is, it’ll be a quick flight to Cali.”
“We’re not using the fast travel-base bug combo?” Gothy asked.
“I’m willing to play nice with Renato,” Alvin said, “unless Sammi says otherwise.”
“No, be good to him. Renny was only ever nice and understanding,” Sammi said. “And right now, the entire team has to be going apeshit, as it is.”
“Because of you?” Desiree asked.
“And last night,” Sammi said, blushing but smiling widely. “I’m sure your fans are also losing their minds.”
“Our fans,” Gothy said, pulling the former dev in for a hug. “Part of Team Asshole now, in every way.”
“What about after we drop her off?” Mousie asked. “Do we give Queen Night a hand?”
“We could,” Alvin said slowly. “We can offer if that’s something you want, Mousie.”
“I think we should,” Gothy said. “From a selfish standpoint, we might be able to pillage her vaults, or the King’s.”
“She is where you got the rings,” Sammi added.
“So quality loot to be had,” Desiree nodded. “Might be worth the time and effort.”
“Not sure about effort,” Alvin chuckled. “We can just bomb them from above if we get some made up.”
“Oh, that reminds me, Hero,” Mousie said. “One of the Army men tried to get your attention when we left to rescue Sammi.”
“Oh, right,” Alvin sighed. “I wonder if they sent a message.”
“Check the kiosk for real now?” Gothy asked.
“Might as well.”
The group left the medical room to find one of the rescued women at the kiosk. Alvin moved up beside her to use the secondary kiosk. He found that he had messages from a few people and exhaled.
He checked the one from Red River first.
We’re requesting your presence. We need your knowledge of other settlements, their leadership, and known threats near them. We believe you are still in the area due to your sudden appearance and take off last night. We’d like to discuss your apparent use of a military aircraft, as well. Please respond to this missive as quickly as possible.