First time in forever, p.1
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First Time in Forever, page 1

 part  #1 of  Puffin Island Series


First Time in Forever
Select Voice:
Brian (uk)
Emma (uk)  
Amy (uk)
Eric (us)
Ivy (us)
Joey (us)
Salli (us)  
Justin (us)
Jennifer (us)  
Kimberly (us)  
Kendra (us)
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Nicole (au)

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First Time in Forever

  Windswept, isolated and ruggedly beautiful, Puffin Island is a haven for day-trippers and daydreamers alike. But this charming community has a way of bringing people together in the most unexpected ways…

  It’s been a summer of firsts for Emily Donovan. From becoming a stand-in mom to her niece, Lizzy, to arriving on Puffin Island, her life has become virtually unrecognizable. Between desperately safeguarding Lizzy and her overwhelming fear of the ocean—which surrounds her everywhere she goes!—Emily has lost count of the number of “just breathe” pep talks she’s given herself. And that’s before charismatic local yacht club owner Ryan Cooper kisses her…

  Ryan knows all about secrets. And it’s clear that newcomer Emily—with her haunted eyes and the little girl she won’t let out of her sight—is hiding from something besides the crazy chemistry between them. So Ryan decides he’s going to make it his personal mission to help her unwind and enjoy the sparks! But can Puffin Island work its magic on Emily and get her to take the biggest leap of trust of all—putting her heart in someone else’s hands?

  Praise for Sarah Morgan

  “Uplifting, sexy and warm, Sarah Morgan’s O’Neil Brothers series is perfection.”

  —Jill Shalvis, New York Times bestselling author

  “Morgan’s romantic page-turner will thrill readers. The well-paced narrative is humorous [and] poignant…the chemistry between the misunderstood hero and the victimized heroine is combustible [and] her storytelling rocks. Brava!”

  —RT Book Reviews, Top Pick, on Suddenly Last Summer

  “Sleigh Bells in the Snow [is] a great wintery romance with plenty of chemistry and heart…you will be swept away by the winter wonderland and steamy romance… Morgan has really shown her talent and infused so much love, both romantic and familial, into her characters that I am anxiously looking forward to what she writes in the future.”

  —All About Romance

  “This touching Christmas tale will draw tears of sorrow and joy, remaining a reader favorite for years to come.”

  —Publishers Weekly, starred review, on Sleigh Bells in the Snow

  “Morgan’s brilliant talent never ceases to amaze.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “[Morgan] managed to really bring everything I love about holiday romances in general into one beautiful story full of fantastic characters, steamy chemistry, and Christmas spirit. From sleigh rides to puppies, quiet time in a snowy forest to learning to ski and the scent of gingerbread—I loved every page.”

  —Smexy Books on Sleigh Bells in the Snow

  “Each book of hers that I discover is a treat.”

  —Sarah Wendell, Smart Bitches, Trashy Books

  Also available from

  Sarah Morgan

  and HQN Books

  The O’Neil Brothers

  Maybe This Christmas

  Suddenly Last Summer

  Sleigh Bells in the Snow

  You’ll definitely want to visit Puffin Island again.

  Be sure to watch for

  Some Kind of Wonderful,

  coming soon.



  First Time in Forever

  Dear Reader,

  Friendships have always been important to me. Good friends enhance the happy times and cushion the bad ones, which is why when it came to planning my new contemporary romance series I decided to write about three friends.

  Emily, Brittany and Skylar have been best friends for more than ten years and made a vow to help each other if they were ever in trouble. Their sanctuary when life gets tough? Castaway Cottage on beautiful Puffin Island, Maine.

  I first saw puffins in the north of England many years ago and they are the most amazing and beautiful seabirds. One detail that fascinated me was that they usually return to breed on the same island where they hatched. Although they are not an endangered species, they are rare now in Maine and there are projects to reintroduce them to some of the islands.

  The theme of returning home was one that I used as a thread throughout the stories. In this case the home is Castaway Cottage, a beachside retreat left to Brittany by her grandmother.

  When Emily’s circumstances change dramatically and she finds herself guardian to her sister’s child, she turns to the sanctuary of Puffin Island. But life by the sea brings its own challenges for Emily, whose life choices were shaped by an incident in her past. She’s hiding secrets, but it isn’t easy keeping secrets in a close-knit community, especially when sexy yacht club owner Ryan Cooper makes it his personal mission to break down every barrier she’s ever built. Soon she isn’t just protecting her niece, she’s protecting her heart.

  These stories are about love, friendship and community. I hope you fall in love with the characters and also with the windswept beauty of Puffin Island. Head over to my website,, to see some of my photographs of Maine and puffins, and sign up to my newsletter to be informed of future book releases. If you enjoy First Time in Forever, look out for Brittany’s story, Some Kind of Wonderful, coming in the summer.

  Thank you for reading.




  For Laura Reeth, makeup expert,

  style guru and dear friend.





















  “We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds.”

  Aristotle Onassis


  IT WAS THE perfect place for someone who didn’t want to be found. A dream destination for people who loved the sea.

  Emily Donovan hated the sea.

  She stopped the car at the top of the hill and turned off the headlights. Darkness wrapped itself around her, smothering her like a heavy blanket. She was used to the city, with its shimmering skyline and the dazzle of lights that turned night into day. Here, on this craggy island in coastal Maine, there was only the moon and the stars. No crowds, no car horns, no high-rise buildings. Nothing but wave-pounded cliffs, the shriek of gulls and the smell of the ocean.

  She would have drugged herself on the short ferry crossing if it hadn’t been for the child strapped into the seat in the back of the car.

  The little girl’s eyes were still closed, her head tilted to one side and her arms locked in a stranglehold around a battered teddy bear. Emily retrieved her phone and opened the car door quietly.

  Please don’t wake up.

  She walked a few steps away from the car and dialed. The call went to voice mail.

  “Brittany? Hope you’re having a good time in Greece. Just wanted to let you know I’ve arrived. Thanks again for letting me use the cottage. I’m really... I’m—” Grateful. That was the word she was looking for. Grateful. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I’m panicking. What the hell am I doing here? There’s water everywhere and I hate water. This is— Well, it’s hard.” She glanced toward the sleeping child and lowered her voice. “She wanted to get out of the car on the ferry, but I kept her strapped in because there was no way I was doing that. That scary harbor guy with the big eyebrows probably thinks I’m insane, by the way, so you’d better pretend you don’t know me next time you’re home. I’ll stay until tomorrow because there’s no choice, but then I’m taking the first ferry out of here. I’m going somewhere else. Somewhere landlocked or Nebraska.”

  As she ended the call the breeze lifted her hair, and she could smell salt and sea in the air.

  She dialed again, a different number this time, and felt a rush of relief as the call was answered and she heard Skylar’s breathy voice.

  “Skylar Tempest.”

  “Sky? It’s me.”

  “Em? What’s happening? This isn’t your number.”

  “I changed my cell phone.”

  “You’re worried someone might trace the call? Holy crap, this is exciting.”

  “It’s not exciting. It’s a nightmare.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I want to throw up, but I know I won’t because I haven’t eaten for two days. The only thing in my stomach is a knot of nervous tension.”

  “Have the press tracked you down?”

  “I don’t think so. I paid cash for everything and drove from New York.” She glanced back at the road, but there was only darkness. “How do people live like this? I feel like a criminal. I’ve never hidden from anyone in my life before.”

  “Have you been switching cars to confuse them? Did you dye your hair purple and buy a pair of glasses?”

  “No. Have you been drinking?”

  “I watch a lot of movies. You can’t trust anyone. You need a disguise. Something that will help you blend in.”

  “I will never blend in anywhere with a coastline. I’ll be the one wearing a life jacket in the middle of Main Street.”

’re going to be fine.” Skylar’s extrafirm tone suggested she wasn’t at all convinced by what she was saying.

  “I’m leaving first thing tomorrow.”

  “You can’t do that! We agreed the cottage would be the safest place to hide. No one is going to notice you on an island crowded with tourists. It’s a dream place for a vacation.”

  “It’s not a dream place when the sight of water makes you hyperventilate.”

  “You’re not going to do that. You’re going to breathe in the sea air and relax.”

  “I don’t need to be here. This whole thing is an overreaction. No one is looking for me.”

  “You’re the half sister of one of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood, and you’re guardian to her child. If that little fact gets out, the whole press pack will be hunting you. You need somewhere to hide, and Puffin Island is perfect.”

  Emily shivered under a cold drench of panic. “Why would they know about me? Lana spent her entire life pretending I don’t exist.” And that had suited her perfectly. At no point had she aspired to be caught in the beam of Lana’s spotlight. Emily was fiercely private. Lana, on the other hand, had demanded attention from the day she was born.

  It occurred to Emily that her half sister would have enjoyed the fact she was still making headlines even though it had been over a month since the plane crash that had killed her and the man reputed to have been her lover.

  “Journalists can find out anything. This is like a plot for a movie.”

  “No, it isn’t! It’s my life. I don’t want it ripped open and exposed for the world to see and I don’t—” Emily broke off and then said the words aloud for the first time. “I don’t want to be responsible for a child.” Memories from the past drifted from the dark corners of her brain like smoke under a closed door. “I can’t be.”

  It wasn’t fair to the girl.

  And it wasn’t fair to her.

  Why had Lana done this to her? Was it malice? Lack of thought? Some twisted desire to seek revenge for a childhood where they’d shared nothing except living space?

  “I know you think that, and I understand your reasons, but you can do this. You have to. Right now you’re all she has.”

  “I shouldn’t be all anyone has. That’s a raw deal. I shouldn’t be looking after a child for five minutes, let alone the whole summer.”

  No matter that in her old life people deferred to her, recognized her expertise and valued her judgment; in this she was incompetent. She had no qualifications that equipped her for this role. Her childhood had been about surviving. About learning to nurture herself and protect herself while she lived with a mother who was mostly absent—sometimes physically, always emotionally. And after she’d left home, her life had been about studying and working long, punishing hours to silence men determined to prove she was less than they were.

  And now here she was, thrown into a life where what she’d learned counted for nothing. A life that required the one set of skills she knew she didn’t possess. She didn’t know how to be this. She didn’t know how to do this. And she’d never had ambitions to do it. It felt like an injustice to find herself in a situation she’d worked hard to avoid all her life.

  Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, and she heard Skylar’s voice through a mist of anxiety.

  “If having her stops you thinking that, this will turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. You weren’t to blame for what happened when you were a child, Em.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Doesn’t change the fact you weren’t to blame. And you don’t need to talk about it because the way you feel is evident in the way you’ve chosen to live your life.”

  Emily glanced back at the child sleeping in the car. “I can’t take care of her. I can’t be what she needs.”

  “You mean you don’t want to be.”

  “My life is adult-focused. I work sixteen-hour days and have business lunches.”

  “Your life sucks. I’ve been telling you that for a long time.”

  “I liked my life! I want it back.”

  “That was the life where you were working like a machine and living with a man with the emotional compass of a rock?”

  “I liked my job. I knew what I was doing. I was competent. And Neil and I may not have had a grand passion, but we shared a lot of interests.”

  “Name one.”

  “I— We liked eating out.”

  “That’s not an interest. That’s an indication that you were both too tired to cook.”

  “We both enjoyed reading.”

  “Wow, that must have made the bedroom an exciting place.”

  Emily struggled to come up with something else and failed. “Why are we talking about Neil? That’s over. My whole life now revolves around a six-year-old girl. There is a pair of fairy wings in her bag. I don’t know anything about fairy wings.”

  Her childhood had been a barren desert, an exercise in endurance rather than growth, with no room for anything as fragile and destructible as gossamer-thin fairy wings.

  “I have a vivid memory of being six. I wanted to be a ballerina.”

  Emily stared straight ahead, remembering how she’d felt at the age of six. Broken. Even after she’d eventually stuck herself back together, she’d known she wasn’t the same.

  “I’m mad at Lana. I’m mad at her for dying and for putting me in this position. How screwed up is that?”

  “It’s not screwed up. It’s human. What do you expect, Em? You haven’t spoken to Lana in over a decade—” Skylar broke off, and Emily heard voices in the background.

  “Do you have company? Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “Richard and I are off to a fund-raiser at The Plaza, but he can wait.”

  From what she knew of Richard’s ruthless political ambitions and impatient nature, Emily doubted he’d be prepared to wait. She could imagine Skylar, her blond hair secured in an elegant twist on top of her head, her narrow body sheathed in a breathtaking designer creation. She suspected Richard’s attraction to Sky lay in her family’s powerful connections rather than her sunny optimism or her beauty. “I shouldn’t have called you. I tried Brittany, but she’s not answering. She’s still on that archaeological dig in Crete. I guess it’s the middle of the night over there.”

  “She seems to be having a good time. Did you see her Facebook update? She’s up to her elbows in dirt and hot Greek men. She’s working with that lovely ceramics expert, Lily, who gave me all those ideas for my latest collection. And if you hadn’t called me I would have called you. I’ve been so worried. First Neil dumped you, then you had to leave your job, and now this! They say trouble comes in threes.”

  Emily eyed the child, still sleeping in the car. “I wish the third thing had been a broken toaster.”

  “You’re going through a bad time, but you have to remember that everything happens for a reason. For a start, it has stopped you wallowing in bed eating cereal from the box. You needed a focus and now you have one.”

  “I didn’t need a dependent six-year-old who dresses in pink and wears fairy wings.”

  “Wait a minute—” There was a pause and then the sound of a door clicking. “Richard is talking to his campaign manager, and I don’t want them listening. I’m hiding in the bathroom. The things I do in the name of friendship. You still there, Em?”

  “Where would I go? I’m surrounded by water.” She shuddered. “I’m trapped.”

  “Honey, people pay good money to be ‘trapped’ on Puffin Island.”

  “I’m not one of them. What if I can’t keep her safe, Sky?”

  There was a brief silence. “Are we talking about safe from the press or safe from other stuff?”

  Her mouth felt dry. “All of it. I don’t want the responsibility. I don’t want children.”

  “Because you’re afraid to give anything of yourself.”

  There was no point in arguing with the truth.

  “That’s why Neil ended it. He said he was tired of living with a robot.”

  “I guess he used his own antennae to work that out. Bastard. Are you brokenhearted?”

  “No. I’m not as emotional as you and Brittany. I don’t feel deeply.” But she should feel something, shouldn’t she? The truth was that after two years of living with a man, she’d felt no closer to him than she had the day she’d moved in. Love wrecked people, and she didn’t want to be wrecked. And now she had a child. “Why do you think Lana did it?”

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